Why do Christians support a Jewish Temple?

And yet the countries with muslims controlling the gov't, are, murdering innocent Jews. The country with Jews controlling the gov't are not murdering innocent muslims. They do not appear to be the same. The muslims that claim the Christ is a prophet for them do not follow His teachings. They go directly against His teachings and many of the prophets from the OT. They appear to have more in common with Satanism.
I don't know of any "innocent" Jews that are being murdered by muslims.

But there are huge numbers of Muslims that are murdered by Jews and Christians daily around the world.

Also, very few Christian actually follow Jesus's teaching or live according to the Bible's instructions.
Muslims follow satans teachings. Muslims DO murder innocent jews and Christians.
Muhammad is the perfect example of what human beings should strive to emulate.

He was God's last Prophet on the earth.

And was given our Creator's final Revelation for mankind to live by.
Christian and Jewish beliefs are closely linked. Jesus was a Jew. The big question is why the jihad nazis want to murder Jews.
Muhammad is the perfect example of what human beings should strive to emulate.

He was God's last Prophet on the earth.

And was given our Creator's final Revelation for mankind to live by.
LIAR!! One thing for sure, you follow your heros example of being a persistent liar. Muhammed was also a baby raper, remember that.
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Daniel Berg, the family that was butchered in their sleep, the people that have morters and rockets fall on them, the people that are falsely accused under islam and imprisoned, tortured or executed. But, hey, why should "you" be bothered with truth, you claimed to have been schooled in it and turned from it.
Who is Daniel Berg? And what's he got to do with anything??

The rest of your list is just false accusations and media hype. :eusa_whistle:

Spoken like an obedient muslim: lie (directly against the teachings of Yeshua) to the non-believers.
At the one true LORD's perfect timing; I shudder to think of the horrible wailing of those who put their trust in the false prophet, Mohammad.
I shudder to think of the horrible wailing of those who reject the last and final true Prophet Muhammad.

If you kill all of the infidels, who will be left to wail?
To the contrary, The Biblical prophets were under total submission to the God who has a son. They prophesied about the Son of God. Your God has no son. They are not the same.
Where in the O.T. did the Prophet's Adam, Abraham, Moses, Job, Noah, Lot, Soloman, or David, ever claim that they worshiped a God that had a son or was going to have a son?

Please provide chapter and verse if answering in the affirmative. :cool:

Waiting for your answer....................

Sorry Sunni, I've had a busy few days. Here are just a few of the references to Jesus in the OT:
Gen.3:15 < the first prophesy in the Bible, comparing the wounds Satan and Christ will inflict on each other. One is a minor wound, a bruise to Christ's heel. The other is fatal. Christ crushes Satan skull.
Micah 5:1-2
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Samuel 7:14
Hosea 6:2
Psalms 2:6 and 110:4 and 22:18 and 72:10-11
Isaiah is filled with prophesy about the Son of God. Here are a couple of verses:

If it is your contention that God and Allah are the same entity, then refer to Gensis 21:12.
....for in Isaac shall thy seed will be called.
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Where in the O.T. did the Prophet's Adam, Abraham, Moses, Job, Noah, Lot, Soloman, or David, ever claim that they worshiped a God that had a son or was going to have a son?

Please provide chapter and verse if answering in the affirmative. :cool:

Waiting for your answer....................

Sorry Sunni, I've had a busy few days. Here are just a few of the references to Jesus in the OT:
Gen.3:15 < the first prophesy in the Bible, comparing the wounds caused by Satan and Christ. One is a minor wound, the other is fatal.
Micah 5:1-2
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Samuel 7:14
Hosea 6:2
Psalms 2:6 and 110:4 and 22:18 and 72:10-11
Isaiah is filled with prophesy about the Son of God. Here are a couple of verses:

If it is your contention that God and Allah are the same entity, then refer to Gensis 21:12.
....for in Isaac shall thy seed will be called.

Saw something yesterday that said the muslims were the "swarm" in the Bible. Here it comes.
Where in the O.T. did the Prophet's Adam, Abraham, Moses, Job, Noah, Lot, Soloman, or David, ever claim that they worshiped a God that had a son or was going to have a son?

Please provide chapter and verse if answering in the affirmative. :cool:

Waiting for your answer....................

Sorry Sunni, I've had a busy few days. Here are just a few of the references to Jesus in the OT:
Gen.3:15 < the first prophesy in the Bible, comparing the wounds caused by Satan and Christ. One is a minor wound, the other is fatal.
Micah 5:1-2
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Samuel 7:14
Hosea 6:2
Psalms 2:6 and 110:4 and 22:18 and 72:10-11
Isaiah is filled with prophesy about the Son of God. Here are a couple of verses:

If it is your contention that God and Allah are the same entity, then refer to Gensis 21:12.
....for in Isaac shall thy seed will be called.
Here again is exactly what I posted and ask for:

"Where in the O.T. did the Prophet's Adam, Abraham, Moses, Job, Noah, Lot, Soloman, or David, ever claim that they worshiped a God that had a son or was going to have a son?"

In your list of so called evidence. You didn't come up with a single verse from any of the Prophets I listed saying the God had a son or was going to have a son in the future.

The short answer is that none of them did.

btw All the verses you posted were from mainly minor prophets. Basic standard Christian ones that are very open to interpretation and prove zip about God having a son.

There is Not a single verse in the O.T. that says flat out that God has a son. :cool:
Waiting for your answer....................

Sorry Sunni, I've had a busy few days. Here are just a few of the references to Jesus in the OT:
Gen.3:15 < the first prophesy in the Bible, comparing the wounds caused by Satan and Christ. One is a minor wound, the other is fatal.
Micah 5:1-2
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Samuel 7:14
Hosea 6:2
Psalms 2:6 and 110:4 and 22:18 and 72:10-11
Isaiah is filled with prophesy about the Son of God. Here are a couple of verses:

If it is your contention that God and Allah are the same entity, then refer to Gensis 21:12.
....for in Isaac shall thy seed will be called.
Here again is exactly what I posted and ask for:

"Where in the O.T. did the Prophet's Adam, Abraham, Moses, Job, Noah, Lot, Soloman, or David, ever claim that they worshiped a God that had a son or was going to have a son?"

In your list of so called evidence. You didn't come up with a single verse from any of the Prophets I listed saying the God had a son or was going to have a son in the future.

The short answer is that none of them did.

btw All the verses you posted were from mainly minor prophets. Basic standard Christian ones that are very open to interpretation and prove zip about God having a son.

There is Not a single verse in the O.T. that says flat out that God has a son. :cool:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be on His shoulder: and His name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor...... the Prince of Peace.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be on His shoulder: and His name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor...... the Prince of Peace.
This is out of the Tanakh section of the O.T.

It still doesn't say that God has a son.

And there is zero evidence this refers to Jesus.

The Jews knew this verse for several thousand years and never said it pointed to Jesus.

Or that God will ever have a son.

In other words, face it, you got nothing. :cool:
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That is one of God's finest Old Testament prophets, prophesying about the son, almost 800 years before the son's arrival. :) He calls this son the everlasting Father. Who else but the Trinity fits that description? Christ is the son and the Father.
We know Isaiah is talking about the God's son by the description of the son's duties that continue into Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, UPON THE THRONE OF DAVID, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment, and with justice from henceforth even forever. He's talking about the son of God alright.

Sunni, If you had a choice of the two religions I'd like for you to tell me why you chose the religion that can only find peace by killing everyone that doesn't share your belief? Jesus wants to remove the hatred from the Jews and Muslims and give ALL of Abraham's children a nice piece of the pie, and unite the half brothers in peace and love for one another forever.
You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but since you had the freedom to choose, I'm curious as to what influenced your decision.
That is one of God's finest Old Testament prophets, prophesying about the son, almost 800 years before the son's arrival. :) He calls this son the everlasting Father. Who else but the Trinity fits that description? Christ is the son and the Father.
We know Isaiah is talking about the God's son by the description of the son's duties that continue into Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, UPON THE THRONE OF DAVID, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment, and with justice from henceforth even forever. He's talking about the son of God alright.

Sunni, If you had a choice of the two religions I'd like for you to tell me why you chose the religion that can only find peace by killing everyone that doesn't share your belief? Jesus wants to remove the hatred from the Jews and Muslims and give ALL of Abraham's children a nice piece of the pie, and unite the half brothers in peace and love for one another forever.
You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but since you had the freedom to choose, I'm curious as to what influenced your decision.

It is amazing that the people that declare themselves to have great intellect would choose a "system" that is based in deception (something that the prophets, especially the Christ declared was directly against the Lord). For some reason, they blindly accept that it is okay to bear false witness against their neighbor, but reject they could have been conned by the founder a proven liar and teacher of deception?
Amen to that.
Satan is the great deceiver, and we are like defenseless sheep in his grasp. Thank God for the Shepherd. I think if more people understood the 23rd Psalm, and what distinguishes a good sheep herder from a bad one, they'd be less apt to leave home with out Him.

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