Why do civilized first world nations have laws and policy that may infringe on personal liberties?

Higher standard of living is achieved because you free load?
Sometimes yes, as not just people using government assistance achieve higher standards of living in a healthier and more financially secure society. Basically, the not-so-clever OP is trying to intimate that taxes are theft. So we can cut the crap and just have that stupid discussion that had a winner and loser centuries ago. Of course that would be a waste of time. So, better to try to understand why we have safety nets and why we have the ones we have.

Basically, the not-so-clever OP is trying to intimate that taxes are theft.”
While I agree 100%....taxes are in fact theft that wasn’t really the intended ‘gist’ of the post.
Of course it was. I saw it coming a mile away.

Think once....why shouldn’t there be laws and policy to prevent our taxpayer dependent bottom feeders from falling deeper into the abyss? Laws should be framed to help or force those people out of their own self perpetuated plight. How is that possible when we’re legalizing marijuana and supportive of legalizing prostitution?
And, by "force" them out, you mean kill or jail them.

Maybe both....no one should have the right to stay home, smoke weed and make babies on my dime.
AND we certainly shouldn’t be enacting laws with the potential to manifest and or foster said filth.
Basically, the not-so-clever OP is trying to intimate that taxes are theft.”
While I agree 100%....taxes are in fact theft that wasn’t really the intended ‘gist’ of the post.
I still haven't discerned the gist. That 45% of the US pays taxes other than Federal Income Tax means personal cheque accounts should be protected by the government? No, haven't been able to work that one out.
Logic is idiotic?
It wasn't "logic", it was a statement. So you are not using words correctly.

Again, I am not going to have that moron's debate with you. I am sure you can find someone here willing to waste their time on it.

I am using logic exactly correctly. Don't assert nonsense that you aren't even willing to defend.

It's clear what you mean to everyone in any case. Taxation is amazing because you get to freeload. That's why you are a moron. Don't confuse that with the fact that taxation is theft.
I still haven't discerned the gist. That 45% of the US pays taxes other than Federal Income Tax means personal cheque accounts should be protected by the government? No, haven't been able to work that one out.

The gist is quite simple, the role of the government is to protect the rich so people who aren't rich enough to pay Federal Income Tax are losers who deserve to miserable while the really productive oligarchy deserves another tax cut

Higher standard of living is achieved because you free load?
Sometimes yes, as not just people using government assistance achieve higher standards of living in a healthier and more financially secure society. Basically, the not-so-clever OP is trying to intimate that taxes are theft. So we can cut the crap and just have that stupid discussion that had a winner and loser centuries ago. Of course that would be a waste of time. So, better to try to understand why we have safety nets and why we have the ones we have.

We have so many safety nets because there are too many morons like you. A thing we are trying to fix. This is certainly not good for the standard of living.

So, if 100% of our society were educated, and had college degrees, there somehow wouldn't be low tier jobs which pay poverty wages, such as cleaning toilets, flipping burgers, mowing lawns, greeting at Wal-Mart etc.?
Higher standard of living is achieved because you free load?
Sometimes yes, as not just people using government assistance achieve higher standards of living in a healthier and more financially secure society. Basically, the not-so-clever OP is trying to intimate that taxes are theft.

Federal tax revenue applied to matters outside of the constitutional mandate are theft. Charity is not the venue of the federal government.

State laws vary.
In a nation where more than 45% do not contribute and where trillions of taxpayer dollars is spent on “general welfare” shouldn’t it be the goal of lawmakers to protect the checking accounts of good American taxpayers through law and order even it means infringement of personal liberties?
you don't understand.

the government wants 99% of us so far down the chain that only the uber rich contribute.
Sometimes yes, as not just people using government assistance achieve higher standards of living in a healthier and more financially secure society.

You do realize, don't you, that “government assistance” doesn't just grow on trees? Those who use it to achieve a higher standard of living do so at the expense of those who worked to earn that money that is being taken from them to provide this assistance, causing them to experience a lower standard of living. At best, it's a zero-sum game, with those parasites who benefit unjustly doing so at the expense of those who worked to earn their living honestly.

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