Why do Conservatives hate American's??

Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:
I have seen no shortage of illegals during GOP lead govt's..
Border Militia Chief Says Illegals “Self-Deporting”—National Guard on Standby for Wall Construction! | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
Not only has illegal immigration into the United States dropped since the election of Donald Trump but there’s a marked increase in southbound “self-deportation” from illegals scared about immigration enforcement and ICE raids. Additionally, the National Guard is on standby to help protect construction workers during the building of Trump’s border wall. This is joyous news for Robert Crooks, founder of the Mountain Minutemen, a militia that has dedicated 14 years to guarding the border against illegal immigrants trafficking narcotics into the United States across the southern border.
Not only are you liberals killing off your future Democrat voters by abortion, now those illegal voters are taking their illegal asses and anchor babies back to the south, where they belong. Once the wall if finished, so is the Democrat party.
They we also self deporting after the 2008 crash, but they are still here and have been since Reagan gave them amnesty..
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Your above pixie dust concerns are a joke

1 in 3 California residents are on welfare

Nobody put a gun to the heads of those who SIGNED the dotted line for a mortgage they couldn't afford. Why would anyone depend on a someone else to tell them what they can afford? Fools have no personal accountability

I know many Conservatives who took out mortgages and defaulted.
Sarbanes/Oxley places the fault on the lender.
Conservatives don't hate anybody, they simply love themselves.
But shouldn't Liberals love themselves also?
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Your above pixie dust concerns are a joke

1 in 3 California residents are on welfare

Nobody put a gun to the heads of those who SIGNED the dotted line for a mortgage they couldn't afford. Why would anyone depend on a someone else to tell them what they can afford? Fools have no personal accountability

I know many Conservatives who took out mortgages and defaulted.
Sarbanes/Oxley places the fault on the lender.
Now it is happening with subprime loans on autos..
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:


You aren't helping the liberal argument for public education.
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:


You aren't helping the liberal argument for public education.
Everyone can use an extra apostrophe in their lives.
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Your above pixie dust concerns are a joke

1 in 3 California residents are on welfare

Nobody put a gun to the heads of those who SIGNED the dotted line for a mortgage they couldn't afford. Why would anyone depend on a someone else to tell them what they can afford? Fools have no personal accountability

I know many Conservatives who took out mortgages and defaulted.
Sarbanes/Oxley places the fault on the lender.

Good thing I'm not a Republican, because they are dumb fucks too

Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Your above pixie dust concerns are a joke

1 in 3 California residents are on welfare

Nobody put a gun to the heads of those who SIGNED the dotted line for a mortgage they couldn't afford. Why would anyone depend on a someone else to tell them what they can afford? Fools have no personal accountability

I know many Conservatives who took out mortgages and defaulted.
Sarbanes/Oxley places the fault on the lender.

Good thing I'm not a Republican, because they are dumb fucks too

Good thing I'm not a Republican, because they are dumb fucks too
I am glad you arent in the Republican Party too. It is dumbfucks like you who vote for dumbfucks like those in the videos.

Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:
Why do conservatives hate American's question marks?

Why do liberals hate spelling and grammar?
'Why do Conservatives hate American's??'

Barak Obama spent 8 years:

- Violating both Constitution and Rule of Law
- Was found in Contempt of Court for violating a court order
- Financing, supplying, arming, training aiding, abetting, protecting, defending Terrorists
- Allowing Terrorists to Kill Americans (Boston Marathon, Ca, Tn, Benghazi)
- Using his personal drone assassination program to kill Americans abroad
- Dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Unauthorized Wars
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Protecting violent illegals, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and Sanctuary Cities
- Lying to Americans and ramming socialist agenda legislation down Americans throats
- Illegally spied on reporters, the media, the American people, the Senate & the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS as a weapon (Only the 2nd President to do so, both Democrats) against the American people to ensure his re-election
- Illegally shared classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Felony Espionage by leaking classified information, all for political benefit
- Began a bogus investigation of the GOP nominee / President based on a false Russia-generated propaganda story

In 2016 / 2017 The Democrats:

- Picked the most career-long corrupt, sexual-deviant enabling, lying, scheming, self-serving, Influence-peddling, American-sacrificing, national security-endangering, Influence-peddling, criminal is US history to pick as their Presidential Nominee

- Rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, and protected from indictment and criminal prosecution their hand-picked Nominee so she would take the nomination

- Obstructed Justice

- Hired terrorist-connected, criminal record-possessing, blackmailing / extorting, kidnapping, murdering Pakistani spies, repeatedly gave them illegal access to national security endangering classified info, access to DNC e-mails, and the usernames and passwords to those e-mails

- Was exposed by their own leaked e-mails as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites

- Openly committed 100% to partisanly obstructing anything and everything the current government tries to accomplish for the good of the American people for the sole benefit of the democratic Party and their attempt to regain power, which is their #1 priority.

- Rioted
- Looted
- Burned
- Destroyed property
- Engaged in terrorism
- Physically assaulted opposition supporters
The DNC's own candidate for President hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters - Americans she claimed to want to represent
- Violently silenced freedom of speech
- Attempted to reverse the already-decided election by threatening the lives of Electoral College Voters
- Called For Impeachment immediately after the election
- Called for Military Coups
- Called for Assassinations
- Attempted to carry out assassinations
- Illegally leaked information
- Created a 'Get Trump' 'Dream Team' Special Counsel that has 1 purpose and 1 purpose only - undermine / overthrow the newly elected President, ending the his agenda the American people elected him to accomplish

... all because they are still butt-hurt about losing the Presidential election.

And the OP has the ignorance to ask why CONSERVATIVES 'hate' America. 'Hate' and butt-hurt from losing an election, and regaining power at all cost are all Democrats have to offer, have been pushing, and stand for, as demonstrated by their own actions for almost a year now.
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Hate "American's"??

But, to address your points:

Welfare/food stamps: We complain about the welfare leeches, those that have no intention of working or ones that completely abuse the system. If was to help those who actually work for minimum wage then I don't have an issue with it. "Welfare-to-work" should be something everyone wants to see. But of course libs are up in arms about it because they'd rather see "on welfare forever".

Minimum Wage: Raising minimum wage just increases inflation and costs of products/services those workers make/produce. It also just causes companies to fire much of their staff.

Environment: We don't have any issues with actual common sense environment laws. We do have an issue with embracing foreign treaties that penalize the US and give 3rd world countries a free pass. We don't need to sign a contract with foreigners in order to police ourselves, we have our own laws.

Finance Regulations: Federal interference in banking is what caused the crash of 2007. Feds telling banks they must make shitty loans to poor people that could not afford it. I don't have an issue with some regulations, but when the Feds try injecting "social justice" crap into it, it messes things up even more.

Big government: I am for a large and well funded military and justice system. Police, Fire, roads, schools should be locally funded. Most other agencies are a waste.

Perhaps you should stop hating your fellow Americans just because they don't embrace your globalist, anti-American Agenda.
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:
I have seen no shortage of illegals during GOP lead govt's..
California is a perfect example of why.
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:
I have seen no shortage of illegals during GOP lead govt's..
California is a perfect example of why.
Yeah, but they live all over the USA and get jobs easier than many citizens because they be illegals.....Anymore questions? Oh, and they still be working to this day, even with scary hair Trump in office...
'Why do Conservatives hate American's??'

Barak Obama spent 8 years:

- Violating both Constitution and Rule of Law
- Was found in Contempt of Court for violating a court order
- Financing, supplying, arming, training aiding, abetting, protecting, defending Terrorists
- Allowing Terrorists to Kill Americans (Boston Marathon, Ca, Tn, Benghazi)
- Using his personal drone assassination program to kill Americans abroad
- Dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Unauthorized Wars
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Protecting violent illegals, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and Sanctuary Cities
- Lying to Americans and ramming socialist agenda legislation down Americans throats
- Illegally spied on reporters, the media, the American people, the Senate & the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS as a weapon (Only the 2nd President to do so, both Democrats) against the American people to ensure his re-election
- Illegally shared classified information, illegally unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Felony Espionage by leaking classified information, all for political benefit
- Began a bogus investigation of the GOP nominee / President based on a false Russia-generated propaganda story

In 2016 / 2017 The Democrats:

- Picked the most career-long corrupt, sexual-deviant enabling, lying, scheming, self-serving, Influence-peddling, American-sacrificing, national security-endangering, Influence-peddling, criminal is US history to pick as their Presidential Nominee

- Rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, and protected from indictment and criminal prosecution their hand-picked Nominee so she would take the nomination

- Obstructed Justice

- Hired terrorist-connected, criminal record-possessing, blackmailing / extorting, kidnapping, murdering Pakistani spies, repeatedly gave them illegal access to national security endangering classified info, access to DNC e-mails, and the usernames and passwords to those e-mails

- Was exposed by their own leaked e-mails as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites

- Openly committed 100% to partisanly obstructing anything and everything the current government tries to accomplish for the good of the American people for the sole benefit of the democratic Party and their attempt to regain power, which is their #1 priority.

- Rioted
- Looted
- Burned
- Destroyed property
- Engaged in terrorism
- Physically assaulted opposition supporters
The DNC's own candidate for President hired thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters - Americans she claimed to want to represent
- Violently silenced freedom of speech
- Attempted to reverse the already-decided election by threatening the lives of Electoral College Voters
- Called For Impeachment immediately after the election
- Called for Military Coups
- Called for Assassinations
- Attempted to carry out assassinations
- Illegally leaked information
- Created a 'Get Trump' 'Dream Team' Special Counsel that has 1 purpose and 1 purpose only - undermine / overthrow the newly elected President, ending the his agenda the American people elected him to accomplish

... all because they are still butt-hurt about losing the Presidential election.

And the OP has the ignorance to ask why CONSERVATIVES 'hate' America. 'Hate' and butt-hurt from losing an election, and regaining power at all cost are all Democrats have to offer, have been pushing, and stand for, as demonstrated by their own actions for almost a year now.
Obviously Democrats hate America
Conservatives, for all their pandering to the goody two shoes Evangelicals, are very hateful and mean spirited to their fellow Americans:

*They complain about people on welfare, ignoring the fact that most welfare recipients work because the minimum wage has not kept pace with the cost of living.

*They complain about people on food stamps, ignoring the fact that for every 1 dollar spent on public assistance, 2 dollars is spent on subsidies, bailouts, taxpayer supported company retreats, and other Corporate Welfare goodies for the Fortune 500

* They fight against every tiny minimum wage hike, ignoring the fact that pay for CEO's CFO's and other exec's has gone up over 700% in the last 3 decades.

* They fight against every environmental regulation, ignoring the fact that clean air, water, and earth for our crops keeps American's healthier and drives down health care costs.

* They fight against financial regulations, ignoring the fact that it's these same regulations that keeps banks from defrauding American's, and it was deregulation that allowed financial institutions to sell toxic mortgage packages all over the planet, leading to the great recession.

* They fight against "big government" ignoring the fact that it is that very same government that provides an army to protect them from foreign enemy's, disaster relief, police, fire fighters, roads, schools, deposit insurance for their bank deposits, courts of law, and countless other protections and services every American takes for granted.

Conservatives...stop hating your fellow American's! You might need their help one day. :bye1:

Conservatives do see a lot of problems in America, because they have a brain and a pulse.

However, it is only the left that talks about transforming America and revolution.

Why do you reckon that is?

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