Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

My side isn't the one known for LYING. It's why I'm warning you and have been for some time that you believe in lies of EVILution. It all fits with the evidence as it's not just Mt. Everest but every mountain range and peak. I can't change your mind and heart, but only warn. Thus, the only way is for you to realize which side the truth is on is the after life.
And I've been attentive my entire life. Your ilk has yet to provide any compelling, evidence based reason for me to buy into your shit. Nothing personal, mind you. I think it's just what my momma said about shopping that's always stuck and never let me down.
No offense taken. Nothing personal.

Lol, but you just don't get it. It has to start with change in your faith first. The evidence and science is intelligence behind the design, global flood evidence, the creator explains how he created in 6-days, i.e. created light and separated it and the darkness evenly to have day/night and beginning of spacetime.

What's weird is you have no scientific explanation of the universe, Earth and how it works. How can some random process do the above?
You have assigned yourself as a messenger of the gods. Such a weighty burden you bear. Did the gods require that you threaten the heathen as a part of your mission?

Was your assignment a function of voices you heard or direct communications from the gods?
I don't think I'm a messenger for God when I post creation science facts and findings and arguments against macroevolution such as humans from monkeys (already disproved birds from dinosaurs). I think we should call it natural selection instead of microevolution since creationists discovered it first.
And I've been attentive my entire life. Your ilk has yet to provide any compelling, evidence based reason for me to buy into your shit. Nothing personal, mind you. I think it's just what my momma said about shopping that's always stuck and never let me down.
Now, you're getting upset for no reason. I am 100% POSITIVE while you don't even know your odds. Christianity doesn't work the way you think. It is based on faith in God first.

If we were just gambling on evolution happening the way it has happened to the universe, Earth and everything in it due to randomness, then the odds would be very, very, very, very, very... long. It would practically be near infinity. Have you been to Las Vegas? The odds of you becoming a millionaire by gambling $25,000 there is too distant, but not as distant as us being here now. That's something you should be able to understand. What your side needs are better odds like 2-to-1 for where we are today. Then, I can accept what your side believes. Even with those odds, half of us would end up being wrong or losers.
I don't think I'm a messenger for God when I post creation science facts and findings and arguments against macroevolution such as humans from monkeys (already disproved birds from dinosaurs). I think we should call it natural selection instead of microevolution since creationists discovered it first.
I've never seen any creationer science ''phacts''.

What you falsely try to pass off as creationer science ''pwoofs'' are just rants of hyper-religious charlatans.
I've never seen any creationer science ''phacts''.

What you falsely try to pass off as creationer science ''pwoofs'' are just rants of hyper-religious charlatans.
More proof that you cannot read nor reason lmao. I just provided FACTS in post #284. What's equally hilarious is abu afak is in the same boat as he gave his "thanks."

Evolution doesn't have one FACT. How can they show we came from bacteria when they can't create a single cell? Life cannot arise from non-life. The universe just can't pop into existence and create light and spacetime. Thus, the evos are crazy, non-scientific people like you and abu afak.
More proof that you cannot read nor reason lmao. I just provided FACTS in post #284. What's equally hilarious is abu afak is in the same boat as he gave his "thanks."

Evolution doesn't have one FACT. How can they show we came from bacteria when they can't create a single cell? Life cannot arise from non-life. The universe just can't pop into existence and create light and spacetime. Thus, the evos are crazy, non-scientific people like you and abu afak.
I've told you NOT to tag me, yet you do so regularly.
Twice in one post is especially mentally disturbed.

I have threads on every possible phase of this topic you CAN respond to.
I now consider you fair game to tag on any post I make in the section... or related ones outside it.
Certainly I've Answered the gist of this post many times over.
Including my last TWO late last night still at the end of the (now) 4th and 5th threads down.

Get ready to be tagged in my every reply in the section you delusional street person.
Last edited:
I've told you NOT to tag me, yet you do so regularly.
Twice in one post is especially mentally disturbed.

I have threads on every possible phase of this topic you CAN respond to.
I now consider you fair game to tag on any post I make in the section... or related ones outside it.
Certainly I've Answered the gist of this post many times over.
Including my last TWO late last night still at the end of the 3rd and 4th threads down.

Get ready to be tagged in my every reply in the section you delusional street person.
No reason for me to tag your posts as your slimy faith is 100% wrong and without any facts. The chances of evolution being true is 0%. Some of it is too SAF, so they deserve a lol.

I'll consider this as your unconditional surrender as I put my size 9 boot to your face and squeeze the trigger smoothly until "BANG!" You are gone.
Which is better

To only have conversations with people you agree with or to have conversations with people of differing view points?
Now, you're getting upset for no reason.
Says a guy replying to a post a second time that explicitly states, "Nothing personal, mind you."
I am 100% POSITIVE while you don't even know your odds.
Not gambling. There are no such odds. Upon due consideration, I've long accepted that I'll eventually just die and rot like every other living thing, so simply lack belief in such widely shared childish fantasies. And Nature provides endless examples for us to appreciate what "odds" are really all about. It isn't just randomness. That's what natural selection demonstrates best. A built in bias toward species adaptation and survival clearly results quite naturally. Contrasted with your jawbones of asses, incredible floods, and flat earth dogma? No thanks. I'll stick with Mother Nature any day.
More proof that you cannot read nor reason lmao. I just provided FACTS in post #284. What's equally hilarious is abu afak is in the same boat as he gave his "thanks."

Evolution doesn't have one FACT. How can they show we came from bacteria when they can't create a single cell? Life cannot arise from non-life. The universe just can't pop into existence and create light and spacetime. Thus, the evos are crazy, non-scientific people like you and abu afak.
You provided not a single fact. You misunderstand that peddling hyper-religious nonsense is taken seriously outside of your madrassah.
Says a guy replying to a post a second time that explicitly states, "Nothing personal, mind you."

Not gambling. There are no such odds. Upon due consideration, I've long accepted that I'll eventually just die and rot like every other living thing, so simply lack belief in such widely shared childish fantasies. And Nature provides endless examples for us to appreciate what "odds" are really all about. It isn't just randomness. That's what natural selection demonstrates best. A built in bias toward species adaptation and survival clearly results quite naturally. Contrasted with your jawbones of asses, incredible floods, and flat earth dogma? No thanks. I'll stick with Mother Nature any day.
Lol, I'm the one not gambling as 100% is on my side. That's the best science anyone can get.

Anyway, I gave you yours or 0% since you couldn't come up with a percentage. I would've thought evolutionists would have something over 80% certainty. Does that give me more credibility since natural selection could only provide you and the evos only around 20% certainty for the rest?
Which is better

To only have conversations with people you agree with or to have conversations with people of differing view points?
That depends.

When talking evolution, it is better to have conversations with people who understand and accept the basic tenets.

Unless your goal is to try and then fail to teach remedial science education to obstinate, childish, strident adults. Then knock yourself out.
As usual, you have no explanation, flat Earther.

The mountains ranges are made of marine fossils and we have them at the top such as clam fossils on top of Mt. Everest.

I found a Mr. Nicholas Steno, the father of paleontology in my website. He was a creationist. Just can't keep a great scientist down.


Fossils and the Birth of Paleontology: Nicholas Steno​

If one day in history had to be picked as the birth of paleontology, it might be the day in 1666 when two fishermen caught a giant shark off the coast of Livorno in Italy. The local duke ordered that this curiosity be sent to Niels Stensen (better known as Steno), a Danish anatomist working at the time in Florence. As Steno dissected the shark, he was struck by how much the shark teeth resembled “tongue stones,” triangular pieces of rock that had been known since ancient times.

Today, most people would instantly wonder whether the tongue stones were giant petrified shark teeth, but in 1666 such a presumption was a tremendous leap. Few could imagine how living matter could be turned to stone, and beyond that, encased in solid rock—especially if the rock were well above sea level and contained remnants of a marine organism. Fossils were instead thought to have fallen from the sky, or to be “sports of nature”—peculiar geometrical shapes impressed on the rocks themselves."

Niels Stensen … or Steno …. was great!
Which is better

To only have conversations with people you agree with or to have conversations with people of differing view points?

The "either or" choice you offer is misleading.
Many Leftists have viewpoints and attempt to substantiate them by using hate-filled snarls, condescension, and ignorance. They offer NOTHING by way of facts and evidence, only demanding that YOU provide evidence or proof which they summarily dismiss immediately.

Life is too short to waste time and keystrokes on atheists, evolutionists, global warmers, Biden supporters. These four categories are pretty much all on the same tattered page.

I have challenged Hollie and Dagosa in particular to write something original, scientific and informative. All they can do is respond with epithets and nonsense. I have a published book of science which doctors have given five-star reviews to. One dentist said "A few chapters were too advanced for me."
The "either or" choice you offer is misleading.
Many Leftists have viewpoints and attempt to substantiate them by using hate-filled snarls, condescension, and ignorance. They offer NOTHING by way of facts and evidence, only demanding that YOU provide evidence or proof which they summarily dismiss immediately.

Life is too short to waste time and keystrokes on atheists, evolutionists, global warmers, Biden supporters. These four categories are pretty much all on the same tattered page.

I have challenged Hollie and Dagosa in particular to write something original, scientific and informative. All they can do is respond with epithets and nonsense. I have a published book of science which doctors have given five-star reviews to. One dentist said "A few chapters were too advanced for me."

As is customary, you make fraudulent claims about some non-existent “challenge”. Similarly, you waste bandwidth with cheap self-promotion about some book you claim you wrote when your book is nothing but cut and paste “quotes” and material you plagiarize from sources such as Harun Yahya.

The majority of the bandwidth you waste is consumed by cutting and pasting from religious extremist websites and “creationer science” websites,

You took the cowards option and retreated by claiming to put me on ignore when your fraudulent claims were addressed. Your post above is like many wherein you reference me with silly claims about some “challenge”, yet you refuse to make any attempt to refute my posts already exposing your failed attempts at composing a coherent argument.
Niels Stensen … or Steno …. was great!
He was.. but exactly why turns out being more strange and subtle than first imagined:

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