Why do democrats blame everybody else for Covid ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire on China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .
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for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .
They've used this virus to their maximum power to rid them of Trump. They hurt their own loved ones. We could have saved so many more early because we knew the cheap drugs that worked up to damned Prilosec. But FB and the dems would not have it.

Then they had to pull off the heist to do it.

These are crimes against humanity even Dolph would scorn.
They do this for a number of reasons, one the stupid ;people who vote for them believe this imbecility, two it helps cover democrats tracks in launching of bio-attack upon their own nation, and the whole world. Make no mistake, democratic party zealots deep within the Orwellian named "national security" state did this, likely in tandem with the CCP!

Fauci & Dadzyk are both communist Chinese agents, and the DIA has a high ranking communist spymaster defector who has almost certainly made this known to them. The problem with that, is the CCP also has by all appearances compromised the FBI/DOJ, and CIA, perhaps most of all the rest also, but they didn't get the DIA, and the DIA is, or at least they were refusing to share that defectors intelligence debrief with either FBI or CIA.....
for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire on China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .

for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire on China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .



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for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire on China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .
The blob was responsible for the criminal mis-management of the response.
once again the dems dont blame China ...nearly 200 thousand have died since Biden took office ...but i blame your Chicom allies not Biden .

The world got Covid...including China.

China lied about it's severity and if they had it under control.
Your blob lied about it's severity and that we had it under control.
  • Remember when he promised a miracle? Never happened.
  • Remember when he said we'd have the case number down to zero? Never happened.
  • Remember when his DHS routed everyone (untested) back through 13 airports making them stand shoulder to shoulder for hours while his CDC was telling us to socially distance? That happened.
  • Remember when the SNS had outdated/spoiled goods in it? That happened.
  • Remember the hundreds (if not thousands) of public apprearances Mara-Lard-Ass made wearing no mask--not leading by example? That happened.
The world got covid. The United States suffered more than most. Why? Because we had a damn fool as President.

Let me guess; you don't remember any of that and you won't address it intelligently.
for months weve heard dems blame Trump for the spread of covid 19 [a virus that is ravaging the entire planet !] and now that Trumpn isnt in the WH the dems are blaming republicans who they claim arent getting vaccinated [even though most of the elderly have been vaccinated and its a known fact that the elderly especially whites vote republican !
most of the spread is happening with unvaccinated younger people who dont tend to vote republican ! so dems are blaming their fellow Americans for covid spreading but i havent heard one dem leader or any dem voter for that matter blame China !
and now were starting to find out that even the vaccinated are getting the delta variant ! but we dont hear anything from the left about China being at fault for this virus that evidence is starting to mount suggesting it escaped from a lab !
covid doesnt behave like any virus the world has ever seen and its obvious that it came from a gain of function enhancement from a lab ! but will the dems say China is at fault ? will they place even the tiniest bit of blame on the Chicom gov that enforces slave labor and puts people in concentration camps ? ohhh no ! it seems that dems arent even able to contemplate that a country that practices such evil would unleash a virus onto the world ! nope its their fellow Americans ! why wont the dems focus as much of their blame and ire on China as they do republicans ?
does political gain and power mean that much to them ? its a sad sad state this country is in when an entire political party would rather place blame on their fellow Americans than the country that unleashed a virus that has killed millions across the world .
You know something is funky if the Military has made vaccinations voluntary and actual mean it.
The world got Covid...including China.

China lied about it's severity and if they had it under control.
Your blob lied about it's severity and that we had it under control.
  • Remember when he promised a miracle? Never happened.
  • Remember when he said we'd have the case number down to zero? Never happened.
  • Remember when his DHS routed everyone (untested) back through 13 airports making them stand shoulder to shoulder for hours while his CDC was telling us to socially distance? That happened.
  • Remember when the SNS had outdated/spoiled goods in it? That happened.
  • Remember the hundreds (if not thousands) of public apprearances Mara-Lard-Ass made wearing no mask--not leading by example? That happened.
The world got covid. The United States suffered more than most. Why? Because we had a damn fool as President.

Let me guess; you don't remember any of that and you won't address it intelligently.
once again the dem paints China as not being the most responsible ... no ... they are the perps in the crime against humanity known as covid ! nearly 200 thousand have died under Biden and thats with the vaccine ! is that Bidens fault ? is it Trumps fault ? is it republicans fault ? or is it Chinas fault ?
The world got Covid...including China.

China lied about it's severity and if they had it under control.
Your blob lied about it's severity and that we had it under control.
  • Remember when he promised a miracle? Never happened.
  • Remember when he said we'd have the case number down to zero? Never happened.
  • Remember when his DHS routed everyone (untested) back through 13 airports making them stand shoulder to shoulder for hours while his CDC was telling us to socially distance? That happened.
  • Remember when the SNS had outdated/spoiled goods in it? That happened.
  • Remember the hundreds (if not thousands) of public apprearances Mara-Lard-Ass made wearing no mask--not leading by example? That happened.
The world got covid. The United States suffered more than most. Why? Because we had a damn fool as President.

Let me guess; you don't remember any of that and you won't address it intelligently.
Is your God still doing business in China?
I've asked for evidence of Trump doing business in China from a legitimate news source for 5 years now on this board...and have still not seen one....you believe it because you heard it....
once again the dem paints China as not being the most responsible ... no ... they are the perps in the crime against humanity known as covid ! nearly 200 thousand have died under Biden and thats with the vaccine ! is that Bidens fault ? is it Trumps fault ? is it republicans fault ? or is it Chinas fault ?
Once again, you seem to think that the deaths in China matter to me. Not so much. The 600,000 deaths here due to the blob's mis-management of the response. They do matter to me.

China is responsible for misleading the world as to the severity of it.

They are not responsible for our SNS being outdated and spoiled; are they?
They are not responsible for the blob not wearing a mask and not leading by example; are they?
They are not responsible for his mis-management and his agencies giving conflicting advice; are they?
They are not responsible for the blob's crazy statements about covid; are they?

If you live in China, I really doubt you care much about how the US reacted.
I've asked for evidence of Trump doing business in China from a legitimate news source for 5 years now on this board...and have still not seen one....you believe it because you heard it....
You haven't seen the "made in china" labels on his goods? Perhaps opening your eyes would be a good start.

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