Why do democrats blame everybody else for Covid ?

Why do Republicans want to blame everyone? It is Republican governors who have downplayed vaccinations.
who are republicans blaming ? and how have they downplayed the vaccine ? the only people laying false blame are democrats while at the same time excusing their Chicom allies ! and that is a fact !
I find it concerning that conversations around origin and root cause mean nothing for both sides of the coin. We can sit here on an online forum and argue for days over what Trump or a DEM POTUS would have done. Regardless of who was POTUS at the time, COVID was still coming if not already in the US prior to the first official case.

IMO we need to stop blaming Trump and our politicians (Who I think are not telling us everything) and demand answers on how Covid-19 came to be.
I've been very interested in the senate hearing between Rand Paul and Fauci and the topic of Gain of Function and in general viral gain of function research.

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