Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

Watch out officer, he’s got straws!!!
Trump is right!

It's not just Baltimore though. It's Chicago, San Fran, Los Angeles, and even Detroit. (Just to name a few.)

Of course, the Dems will cry "Racist" anyways. Because it's the only excuse they can "inform" the American people.

It doesn't matter what Trump says or does. It is now considered RACIST.

It's all the Dems and the left got.
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
They run all the big cities,because educated, successful people tend to flock to big cities.

Austin is nice...

Can not think of another big city that I would say is nice...

I like Austin! Yes, it is a nice big city. Grand Rapids, Michigan has changed a lot. It used to be the dumps. It is even making Detroit look like a third world city.
There is much more to do and see in Grand Rapids than there is to Detroit.
The Dems have destroyed that once great city right down to the ground. And beyond.
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
They run all the big cities,because educated, successful people tend to flock to big cities.

Good one! Educated and sophisticated!

I invite you to go to any inner city controlled by Democrats after nightfall.


Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
They run all the big cities,because educated, successful people tend to flock to big cities.


How come the cities fail? Education? Poverty? Crime? Can’t these well educated people solve these problems beside pointing Ginger’s at Republicans? What are they going to do about it??
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
They run all the big cities,because educated, successful people tend to flock to big cities.

Can you explain the uneducated shit holes?

Most of the business that have come to Boston are from Texas or are run and operated by republicans..

Democrats have the aquarium lol
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
They run all the big cities,because educated, successful people tend to flock to big cities.

Ha ha, what a punk you are.
What better way to get as many people completely reliant on big brother government than ensuring neighborhoods remain dilapidated?

The only way they can and do get away with it is making sure that the propaganda props up a scapegoat for the plight of the suffering.

Hence, the identity politics, the drum beat that white capitalists is the reason darker people make poor choices and the reason they are to blame for everything. This happens through the mass media, educational system and entertainment industry.

The gullible sheep don't know and don't care that democrats have run crime ridden Chicago, deteriorated Detroit, filthy Philadelphia, disgusting Miami, and on and on and on.

Want to know why the establishment government apparatus needed to take out Herman Cain with their usual bullshit about women crying rape? Herman Cain, or Doctor.Ben Carson, or Allen West are their worst nightmares and biggest threat to their race card weapon. They need to be either taken out, ridiculed or utterly ignored.
Check it out, another racist thread from Trump's POS racist brigades.

Nazis did the same thing, always associating their enemies with vermin. That's Fascism 101, which the Trump cult will see as a feature.

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