Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

Check it out, another racist thread from Trump's POS racist brigades.

Nazis did the same thing, always associating their enemies with vermin. That's Fascism 101, which the Trump cult will see as a feature.

^^^ Butthurt leftist plays the race card.
Democratic mayors are just like Pelosi, Cummings and the squat. They're are all living large on government money while their constituents suffer. Then they blame the suffering on Rs or White supremacists in order to get more grant money that they can steal. I see that Cummings is hanging out with a bunch of other Democratic crooks, living large in Venice. You would think that a guy in his position would be home trying to help his constituents, especially after it has been exposed as a rat infested ghetto. Cummings is proof that you can never trust a man that looks like a manatee. Viva Trump
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states
Uh. :lmao:
The slum lords need to tent their apt complexes, one by one.... they have to put up tenants in a hotel for two days. Abracadabra, Jonestown massacre of the rats!

Start with Jarrod Kushner' s 7000 rat infested apartments....in Baltimore, that he owns!

Republican politicians don't want to be mayors of rat infested cities, that's why they are not.
Trump is right!

It's not just Baltimore though. It's Chicago, San Fran, Los Angeles, and even Detroit. (Just to name a few.)

Them Democrats living in the cities are stupid. They can't get rid of rats without calling a pest control company. Country folk could teach them some cheap way to kill rats.
The slum lords need to tent their apt complexes, one by one.... they have to put up tenants in a hotel for two days. Abracadabra, Jonestown massacre of the rats!

Start with Jarrod Kushner' s 7000 rat infested apartments....in Baltimore, that he owns!

Republican politicians don't want to be mayors of rat infested cities, that's why they are not.

Focusing on Kushner is a glaring example why Liberals and Democrats are not willing to be accountable and change course to make things better. You are even blaming Republicans for not WANTING to be mayors in major cities as an excuse for Democrat failure.

My premise on this is not a defense of Trump or a pitch to vote Republicans. It is a plea for Democrats to change for the good of our cities. Stop Blame as a Strategy.
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

To be fair, every big city has rats. Matter of fact, where people are, rats will be, and they will be there in proportion to the number of people living in that area. This is especially true in port cities and towns. Just go out after dark and you will see. So rat population don't really mean much. It's when you don't have to do much looking to see them is when there is a problem. When you can smell them it's just nasty.
Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

My answer is white flight. Especially that which took place in the mid-to-late 60's when parents couldn't count on their child attending the local neighborhood school because of integration. The cities had much of their tax base dwindle.
Because democratic are the scum of the earth.
Like I've been saying for years now, and it's never been more fitting...


they're the party of literal trash, and the HUMAN TRASH that causes all the literal trash.
Austin is nice...

Can not think of another big city that I would say is nice...

I like Austin! Yes, it is a nice big city. Grand Rapids, Michigan has changed a lot. It used to be the dumps. It is even making Detroit look like a third world city.
There is much more to do and see in Grand Rapids than there is to Detroit.
The Dems have destroyed that once great city right down to the ground. And beyond.
Shhhh...don’t let the world know what we’ve got in GR.
The slum lords need to tent their apt complexes, one by one.... they have to put up tenants in a hotel for two days. Abracadabra, Jonestown massacre of the rats!

Start with Jarrod Kushner' s 7000 rat infested apartments....in Baltimore, that he owns!

Republican politicians don't want to be mayors of rat infested cities, that's why they are not.

Focusing on Kushner is a glaring example why Liberals and Democrats are not willing to be accountable and change course to make things better. You are even blaming Republicans for not WANTING to be mayors in major cities as an excuse for Democrat failure.

My premise on this is not a defense of Trump or a pitch to vote Republicans. It is a plea for Democrats to change for the good of our cities. Stop Blame as a Strategy.
Was that really FOCUSING on Kushner?

the idea that the slum lords of Baltimore, tented their complexes for rat termination, IS a very good start in ridding the city of rats.... it is something the slumlords should have been doing for their apartment complexes all along and because they are not, the whole city has a problem imo.

And no, it is not just Kushner, all the Baltimore slumlords like Kushner need to do it as well... and owning around 7000 apartments and him starting the trend for other slumlords to see, would be Kushner leading by example.

The slumlords should take care of their buildings, the tax payers should pay for the government buildings and the business owners should take care of their business establishments...

It has to be done city wide, or nothing will work... rodents produce and multiply like no other critter....

If you really care about all the rats infesting Baltimore, and really want to rid the city of the problem, get to the root of the problem imo, instead of wasting time on other things that are band-aids.
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

It should be quite obvious by now. Democrats in power are corrupt and will do anything to keep that power even if it means screwing the people they represent. They get their constituents to ignore the rat-infested, crime ridden sh!t-holes they live in by convincing them the white man in power and his supporters are "racist" and want to keep them down. It's really one of the greatest hoaxes ever portrayed. The people in Baltimore and cities like it need to wake up and realize the people they are electing aren't doing sh!t for them while profiting and living the good life.
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states
Uh. :lmao:
Democrats do not live in reality. Their response to 15th century diseases running rampant? Ban rat poison.

This is an object lesson in politics. The Donald is saying to everyone, Baltimore is what the Democrats running against me for President want to turn all of America into. Do you really want the rats and the crime that come with that? Is it a chance you want to take?

Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?
8 out of 10 states with the lowest poverty levels are blue states. And 8 out of 9 states with the highest level of poverty are red states
Uh. :lmao:

Truth hurts :bigboy:

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