Why do Democrats talk like AR-15’s are autonomous unless a Caucasian is the shooter? Do they really believe that provokes productive discussion?

Trump was slow-rolling arms sales to the Ukraine
He was undermining NATO.
He was trying to get Russia back into the G-7.
He gave them a free hand in taking over Syria.

The Ukraine has been ruled by criminals ever since the coup in 2014.
But even before then, the world court had ruled the Ukraine was illegally stealing Russian oil in 2012.
NATO has always been just colonial imperialists, like attacking Saddam, Qaddafi, Assad, etc. NATO has never once done anything defensive or legal.
Russia should always have been in the G-7.
Syria has always been in favor of Assad, and the US is backing ISIS and al Qaeda instead of Assad, the democratically elected leader.
It is the US that is trying to "take over" Syria.
It is illegal for US troops to be in Syria.
You realize that invasions have to be planned for years, right?

That is silly because Russia had been warning the Ukraine about stealing oil, murdering ethnic Russians, and trying to join NATO for decades.
Russia won in the world court over Ukraine oil thefts in 2012.
The invasion was more than justified.
Surely you know not everyone experiencing mental health issues has been committed, right? What's the problem with a, let's say one month waiting period, to get a gun to lower the chance of a mentally ill person getting one?

Anyone intent on murder is not going to be deterred by a minor gun control law penalty.
If the person is intent on a suicidal school shooting, they are not going to worry about having to pay more for an illegal gun.
Uh, Biden just followed Trump's plan. And Putin really didn't get much of a windfall from oil, as he is still under a lot of sanctions.

Putin can sell all the oil he wants through another country, like Turkey, China, etc.
But haven't you ever realized that economic sanctions are totally illegal?
The oil companies in Russia are private, not owned by Putin.
And the 1906 Geneva Conventions prohibit economic sanctions.
You can only blockade munitions legally.
Your lack of concern for kids is noted. ^^^ what Dems really think of kids, or babies in the womb for that matter.

I can only have so much compassion after I've told someone something is dangerous and made it illegal.

"Hey, Timmy, don't climb over that guard rail and fall to your death.... whoops, he did it."

It is leftists who should be supporting Putin, as the Kyiv is full of capitalist criminals.

That's fucking retarded, even for you. Kyiv has a government elected by it's people. By that logic, Putin could invade the US, probably plenty of corrupt capitalists in DC.

Banning guns only reduces honest people from legally obtaining guns.
Since drug dealers will still need guns to protect their cash sales, they will always be available to criminals who are willing to pay more.

And then we'll send the police to arrest them. When the police are constantly having to clean up domestic murders, suicides and mass shooting, though, their dance cards are kind of full.
Putin can sell all the oil he wants through another country, like Turkey, China, etc.
But haven't you ever realized that economic sanctions are totally illegal?
The oil companies in Russia are private, not owned by Putin.
And the 1906 Geneva Conventions prohibit economic sanctions.
You can only blockade munitions legally.

Nope. Sanctions are totally legal and the world has been using them for years... Starting with WWI.
Oh, maybe check the news. The Russians are losing badly in Ukraine...

God you are dumb. Russia is slow playing this war to drain us and we are just dumb enough to fall for it. They could continue this charade for years and we could continue dumping money into it.

Nope, they are the ones shooting up schools, theater, hospitals, shopping malls, etc.

Oh, I guess once they shoot something up, they are not law-abiding anymore.

Um, no, the VAST majority of gun violence in this country would be from those with previous criminal history and we ALL know those are predominately Democrats. You know, it is those folks your party wants NOT to arrest or send to jail and to let out of prison. You are once again lost in a desert of indoctrinated confusion.
God you are dumb. Russia is slow playing this war to drain us and we are just dumb enough to fall for it. They could continue this charade for years and we could continue dumping money into it.

Um, so Russia has lost 15% of it's GDP (About 222 billion) to get us to spend 40 billion to aid Ukraine (which actually helps our defense industry.) which is about 0.17 of our GDP.

Um... this sounds like some serious Republican Math to me, man. You know, the kind where you think you can shrink the deficit by cutting taxes and increasing spending.

Um, no, the VAST majority of gun violence in this country would be from those with previous criminal history and we ALL know those are predominately Democrats. You know, it is those folks your party wants NOT to arrest or send to jail and to let out of prison. You are once again lost in a desert of indoctrinated confusion.

Hey, stupid... we lock up 2 million people in this country. We lock up more people than Communist fucking China, which has four times our population and, oh, yeah, they're communists. If arresting people and sending them to jail was an answer, we'd be there by now.

We have 100 million Americans with a police record, of which 7 million are on probation or parole and 2 million are in prison. "Locking them all up" isn't much of a solution, because we can't "lock them all up". We can't find enough prison guards to guard the people we DO lock up.
Um, so Russia has lost 15% of it's GDP (About 222 billion) to get us to spend 40 billion to aid Ukraine (which actually helps our defense industry.) which is about 0.17 of our GDP.

Um... this sounds like some serious Republican Math to me, man. You know, the kind where you think you can shrink the deficit by cutting taxes and increasing spending.

Russia is taking in 20% more from gas and gas in 2022 than he did in 2021. They can fuel this war for a very long time. The EU won't stop buying oil because they know it will ruin their economies. The US would be smart to drill more here to lessen dependence on any foreign oil, but we have an idiot in chief who was bought and paid for by the green lobby and our enemies determined to undermine our economy. I don't expect you to understand.

Democrats math is to take money from those that make it and give it to those that don't, not realizing that, in the long run, all this does in increase the number of people not producing. Imagine a teacher curving test grades by actually taking points from the few that studied and did well and distributing them to those that didn't. How long do you think it would take for those that studied to stop doing so since they see little gain? Again, I don't expect you to understand. Virtually every question directed toward you is rhetorical because I already know the answer. All I have to do is google a myriad of leftist sites run by blue-haired teenagers to get your answer.

Hey, stupid... we lock up 2 million people in this country. We lock up more people than Communist fucking China, which has four times our population and, oh, yeah, they're communists. If arresting people and sending them to jail was an answer, we'd be there by now.

We have 100 million Americans with a police record, of which 7 million are on probation or parole and 2 million are in prison. "Locking them all up" isn't much of a solution, because we can't "lock them all up". We can't find enough prison guards to guard the people we DO lock up.

Has it every occurred to you that less people commit crimes in China because their penalties are much harsher?

Nobody said we should lock them all up, but allowing them to walk into a store and take what that want unabated is certainly not the answer. Allowing them to burn buildings in the name of whatever cause they support at the time is not the answer.
Russia is taking in 20% more from gas and gas in 2022 than he did in 2021. They can fuel this war for a very long time. The EU won't stop buying oil because they know it will ruin their economies. The US would be smart to drill more here to lessen dependence on any foreign oil, but we have an idiot in chief who was bought and paid for by the green lobby and our enemies determined to undermine our economy. I don't expect you to understand.

well, no, they really can't, because they are already running into all sorts of logistical problems. They can't get repair parts for their equipment.

And despoiling the land to enrich big oil isn't the answer. I'm in my 60's now, and I think this is the tenth oil crisis I've lived through... but we never seem to want to solve the problem by getting away from oil.

Democrats math is to take money from those that make it and give it to those that don't, not realizing that, in the long run, all this does in increase the number of people not producing. Imagine a teacher curving test grades by actually taking points from the few that studied and did well and distributing them to those that didn't. How long do you think it would take for those that studied to stop doing so since they see little gain? Again, I don't expect you to understand. Virtually every question directed toward you is rhetorical because I already know the answer. All I have to do is google a myriad of leftist sites run by blue-haired teenagers to get your answer.

Again, works on the assumption the rich are making that money and not exploiting the people who do the actual work...

You really think the one percent CREATED 43% of the wealth?

Has it every occurred to you that less people commit crimes in China because their penalties are much harsher?

Nope. Because, again- they lock up less people than we do.

Nobody said we should lock them all up, but allowing them to walk into a store and take what that want unabated is certainly not the answer. Allowing them to burn buildings in the name of whatever cause they support at the time is not the answer.

You're right.. .We should address their valid concerns BEFORE they burn down a store.

Every last one of you white people who got out there and whined about the riots were the same ones who wanted to lynch Colin Kapernaeck when he peacefully took a knee.
You're right.. .We should address their valid concerns BEFORE they burn down a store.

Every last one of you white people who got out there and whined about the riots were the same ones who wanted to lynch Colin Kapernaeck when he peacefully took a knee.

LOL, this is so childish and yet typical of leftists. I am quite sure there are some legitimate concerns my children may have about certain things I may have done or not done, but I can assure you that throwing a tantrum and tearing up their room would not be tolerated as recourse. There would be consequences.
LOL, this is so childish and yet typical of leftists. I am quite sure there are some legitimate concerns my children may have about certain things I may have done or not done, but I can assure you that throwing a tantrum and tearing up their room would not be tolerated as recourse. There would be consequences.

So you are comparing black people upset about police murdering them to children throwing a tantrum?

You guys looted the Capitol because you didn't like how an election turned out, but black people have no business being upset when the cops murder them?

This is what you are going with?
So you are comparing black people upset about police murdering them to children throwing a tantrum?

You guys looted the Capitol because you didn't like how an election turned out, but black people have no business being upset when the cops murder them?

This is what you are going with?
Defiant blacks commit suicide by cop…Cops don’t “murder” them.
Do you apply that same standard to the crazy lady who got herself killed during the January 6 riot?
Was she armed? Was she a threat?
We get it woke white quilter….you believe booger cops can arbitrarily kill harmless 5’4” unarmed white female veterans for trespassing but no cop can kill an ignorant, defiant, gangster looking armed darkie like Jacob Blake…..Ain’t that right Unkotare ?
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Was she armed? Was she a threat?
We get it woke white quilter….you believe booger cops can arbitrarily kill harmless 5’4” unarmed white female veterans for trespassing but no cop can kill and ignorant, defiant, gangster looking armed darkie like Jacob Blake…..Ain’t that right Unkotare ?
Don’t ask me, coward. Direct your discussion to the idiot you were talking to.
Was she armed? Was she a threat?
We get it woke white quilter….you believe booger cops can arbitrarily kill harmless 5’4” unarmed white female veterans for trespassing but no cop can kill an ignorant, defiant, gangster looking armed darkie like Jacob Blake…..Ain’t that right

Uh, Jacob Blake was shot in the back... and he wasn't armed.

Ashlee wasn't shot for tresspassing, she was part of an angry mob threatening Congress.
Uh, Jacob Blake was shot in the back... and he wasn't armed.
He wasn’t defiant, didn’t walk away from cops and pull a knife?
Ashlee wasn't shot for tresspassing, she was part of an angry mob threatening Congress.
So suddenly you’re good with cops killing people for being part of an angry mob?
How many jungle people were killed by cops during the 2020 summer of love?
He wasn’t defiant, didn’t walk away from cops and pull a knife?

He didn't pull a knife (no matter what the lying KPD says), and contempt of cop shouldn't be a capital offense.

So suddenly you’re good with cops killing people for being part of an angry mob?
How many jungle people were killed by cops during the 2020 summer of love?

When that angry mob is trying to overthrow the government, yeah. They should have shot a bunch of these clowns.

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