Why do Democrats talk like AR-15’s are autonomous unless a Caucasian is the shooter? Do they really believe that provokes productive discussion?

Do you see how someone with a mental illness who is not armed with an AR-15 is less of a threat to human life?
sure…hence why it’s illegal for someone who’s been committed to a hospital for mental health issue to own a firearm

do you see how the crackhead who needs crack for their addiction is a danger to society because he has to depend on violent armed drug dealers that murder and shoot up cities?
sure…hence why it’s illegal for someone who’s been committed to a hospital for mental health issue to own a firearm
Surely you know not everyone experiencing mental health issues has been committed, right? What's the problem with a, let's say one month waiting period, to get a gun to lower the chance of a mentally ill person getting one?
Yeah, okay, if you think being Putin's cockholster was a good thing, that's on you.

Putin moved now because Trump spent four years undermining NATO and pissing off our allies. Putin calculated now was the best time to move before NATO got it's act together.

He was wrong, which is why he's getting his ass handed to him now.

On the topic of guns... um, sorry, buddy, thanks to the National Rampage Association, blue areas can't ban guns if they wanted to.. that's why the murder rate is shooting through the roof right now.
He moved now because the withdrawal from Afghanistan showed that Biden was a coward and an idiot, plus the price of oil under Biden gave Putin the money he needed to do it.
Surely you know not everyone experiencing mental health issues has been committed, right? What's the problem with a, let's say one month waiting period, to get a gun to lower the chance of a mentally ill person getting one?
So the guy hell bent on murder will just wait a month to shoot people.

an the guy wanting a gun to protect his family will have to be defenseless for another month
Surely you know not everyone experiencing mental health issues has been committed, right? What's the problem with a, let's say one month waiting period, to get a gun to lower the chance of a mentally ill person getting one?
how does that lower the chances? it seems like if they were buying it legally it might…but as we know about the ban on drugs, people that want them can still get them.

i certainly agree not everyone with a mental issue has been committed. Why don’t we try to encourage people to seek help if they have mental health issue ?
So the guy hell bent on murder will just wait a month to shoot people.

an the guy wanting a gun to protect his family will have to be defenseless for another month
You've unwittingly made an argument for banning all firearms sales.

The guy waiting to get a firearm to protect his family will be safer for that month since we know a firearm in the home makes it more likely to be a victim of gun violence.
how does that lower the chances? it seems like if they were buying it legally it might…but as we know about the ban on drugs, people that want them can still get them.
It is exponentially more difficult to buy a gun illegally than it is to drive to a local gun store to buy one. Besides, the waiting period and background check makes it possible to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.

I should note that you folks put gun control advocates in the position of defending a system that will never be able to prevent gun violence as long as guns are available. The goal is lowering gun violence since stopping it completely is impossible as long as the 2nd A stands.
You've unwittingly made an argument for banning all firearms sales.

The guy waiting to get a firearm to protect his family will be safer for that month since we know a firearm in the home makes it more likely to be a victim of gun violence.
you don’t think the guy that wants to protect his family might have the right to make that choice for himself? why do you think you have the right to push your judgement of what “safe” on him and his family?
It is exponentially more difficult to buy a gun illegally than it is to drive to a local gun store to buy one. Besides, the waiting period and background check makes it possible to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.

I should note that you folks put gun control advocates in the position of defending a system that will never be able to prevent gun violence as long as guns are available. The goal is lowering gun violence since stopping it completely is impossible as long as the 2nd A stands.
we have waiting periods and back ground checks for legal gun purchases

legal gun owners aren’t the ones committing the majority of rhe crime s
You've unwittingly made an argument for banning all firearms sales.

The guy waiting to get a firearm to protect his family will be safer for that month since we know a firearm in the home makes it more likely to be a victim of gun violence.
No I didn't.

Because criminals will still have guns.

We also know that people who own cars are more likely to get into car accidents than people who don't own cars
We also know that people who own pools are more likely to drown than people who do not own pools

It's a person's own choice to weigh the risks and benefits of owning a gun.

Or a car or a pool.
haha ok, so now it’s not about banning it’s about a “real background check” - what’s a “real background check?l

It’s already illegal in my state for someone who’s been commited to a hospital to have a firearm .

Here's a real background check.

Actually talking to people you know. You know, checking stuff.

Like when I got my last job, they talked to my past employers, checked with my university to make sure I had the degree I said I had, talked to a couple of my former coworkers and checked my financials.

Whenever one of these nutters shoots something up, we find out everyone in their lives knew they were nuts... it would have been nice to have asked them BEFORE they got a gun.
Sure it will. If you make it impossible for a crazy person to buy a gun because you do a Real background check, they will not be able to shoot things up.
Not possible...
You're assuming omniscience.
No one has it...
Here's a real background check.

Actually talking to people you know. You know, checking stuff.

Like when I got my last job, they talked to my past employers, checked with my university to make sure I had the degree I said I had, talked to a couple of my former coworkers and checked my financials.

Whenever one of these nutters shoots something up, we find out everyone in their lives knew they were nuts... it would have been nice to have asked them BEFORE they got a gun.
That's usually true about most of these bad actors....I agree.
Uh, Biden just followed Trump's plan. And Putin really didn't get much of a windfall from oil, as he is still under a lot of sanctions.
It's truly hilarious how you imbeciles manage to find a way to blame Trump for Biden's disasters, even though it's indisputable that he was in total control of events.

Putin launched his invasion after Biden had been in power for over a year, and he all that time to earn the revenue he needed from Biden's price increases. After the invasion was a fait accompli, it didn't matter what happened to the price of oil. You can't undo an invasion.
t's truly hilarious how you imbeciles manage to find a way to blame Trump for Biden's disasters, even though it's indisputable that he was in total control of events.

Putin launched his invasion after Biden had been in power for over a year, and he all that time to earn the revenue he needed from Biden's price increases. After the invasion was a fait accompli, it didn't matter what happened to the price of oil. You can't undo an invasion.

You realize that invasions have to be planned for years, right?
Except I never claimed that banning guns would stop ALL murders. Reduce them significantly, sure.

Now, here's the deal... people were taking drugs long before Biden got there, and they'll be taking them long after he is gone.

Banning guns only reduces honest people from legally obtaining guns.
Since drug dealers will still need guns to protect their cash sales, they will always be available to criminals who are willing to pay more.

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