Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

No, of course they can't make them remove it.

They can refuse to hire them if they won't adhere to a dress code, however.

They have the right to continue wearing their garb elsewhere.
Force them to remove it, what dishonest crap. When did I ever propose they forcibly remove clothing from anyone?

AGAIN I am not doing your research for you. If you have a point then make it.

I am through playing with you, either make a point or STFU and stop hassling me because you failed to make a point.

You made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books and excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.
My knowledge on the bible has NOTHING to do with whether you have a valid argument or not.

Any further attempts to make your failure to make a point about me will only get the above response.

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo to the "willfully" ignorant.

When you make a point and stop contradicting yourself then you can grand stand until then you are just a waste of time and of pixels. LOL

You made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.

You have not demonstrated that you can read the Bible, let alone the quran. You were told were to read, you just don't want to do it. Read the story of Abraham to where Jacob returns to his brother and tell me how you understand that part. Then we can move forward in the discussion (the reason it is important that you read the Bible first is because that is where the quran originated.

See, other people can use big letters, too, and we actually put forth ideas, not whining.

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo.
No I didn't but thanks for showing that you can't even follow the content of this thread even as you make statements about it. LOL

NO I never claimed I wanted to read them myself but thanks for LYING again. I cleary said that you should list them and make a head to head comparison in order to make your point but apparently that is too difficult for you to accomplish.

You post them side by side and make your comparison thus making yourt point and then we can debate your point IF you actually have one.

Because you are too immature to read them and understand them for yourself? You want me to tell you what to think?

Just what I expected from you, more excuses, more stipulations, just "fluff".

again with the lame personal attacks?? thanks for showing that is all that you ahve to offer.

NOW if you are through LYING about what I said, contradicting yourself and are ready to make a point then go ahead and do it.

Otherwise stop trying to waste my time by demanding that I do your work for you.

There is and always has been ONE stipulation and that is that you made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books and excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.

Thus far you have failed to meet that stipulation which is the very stipulation that the same rightwing hacks who are thanking you and rushing to defend you are applying to those of us on the left. Funny how they refuse to hold you to the same standard, isn't it?

Do you fear the Bible? Are you afraid to open the book to Genesis and read about the father of three faiths and see what actually happened?
Are you just lazy? Do you just want to call everyone: liar, liar, pants on fire because racist and bigot have lost their punch? Is this the only way you can stop people from talking about how very, very bad radical islam is and how it is trivialized by those on the left? Instead of "proving" there are no problems with the way leftists view radical islam (you know: saying they are the same as radical Christians when there are not piles of beheaded corpses from Christian "radicals", there are not thousands and thousands killed every year by "radical Christians" and you do not see Christians dancing in the street, celebrating their Lord when others are killed)?

You want to do the whole: liar, liar, pants on fire thing, that is fine. It is making you look like you would rather discuss what is: is, than actually participate in the topic (apparently, that is your purpose). As I have asked you, repeatedly for your "interpretation" for the origins of three religions' story, and you will not participate, demonstrates your lack of sincerity, and rationality. Enjoy your little world, but do not expect respect from any here.

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo
Nanny, nanny, boo, boo to the "willfully" ignorant.

When you make a point and stop contradicting yourself then you can grand stand until then you are just a waste of time and of pixels. LOL

You made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.

You have not demonstrated that you can read the Bible, let alone the quran. You were told were to read, you just don't want to do it. Read the story of Abraham to where Jacob returns to his brother and tell me how you understand that part. Then we can move forward in the discussion (the reason it is important that you read the Bible first is because that is where the quran originated.

See, other people can use big letters, too, and we actually put forth ideas, not whining.

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo.

The Quran is a RIP-OFF of established Religious Doctrine including Christianity...Mohahammed was a disgruntled IDIOT (whom had been rejected)...

And look at what it has grown to?

ISLAM is FALSE...and a poltical movement from the times.

YES you ISLAM belivers...your RELIGION is FAKE...False...based on LIES and Rejection.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

republican are hypocrites as are you , we bomb one of the biggest supporters of terrorist in the middle east and you whine Obamas starting war oh my .
which is it ? fight terrorism or not .

YouTube - Obama says USA Muslim Nation

Which is it?
Hey allie,

How is wanting to outlaw their religion and taking steps to make it harder for them to practice their religion not considered harassment??

Your own words show that you wish to harass muslims by outlawing the burka as well as taking others steps to inhibit the practice of their religion.

The actions that you wish to take to inhibit the practice of their religion, including outlawing the burka, is harassment.

In other words bod was correct when she claimed that you want the "burka outlawed to harass Muslims".

You punish illegal behavior only.

And employers have a right to require their employees to work and to adhere to a dress code. No harassment there. They're free to go to work somewhere else. You could hire them, perhaps.

No...they don't have the right to force employees to remove religious clothing

Wander how many children would want to watch the "ice capades" with all the femine characters dressed in burkas? How about the Disney "princesses" in burkas, how many children would be asking to have breakfast with the "burka"?
On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, ]

Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?


On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, ]

Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?



Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.
On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, ]

Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?



Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.

Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.

Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?



Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.

Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.

No they didn't.......They moved back home.

Gotta problem with it?...........Too fuckin' bad.
On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, ]

Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?


Why don't we just "dissolve" Puerto Rico?........Bunch o' useless bastards anyway.
Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.

Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.

No they didn't.......They moved back home.

Gotta problem with it?...........Too fuckin' bad.

The So-called Palestinians were from Jordan, and other parts of the Mid-East.

Wanna BLAME anyone? Blame the UN...how things squared out after HITLER, and Fascism was defeated in the era...THOSE that won the Second World War...and HOW they parsed out the winners and losers...and thier consolation prizes...
Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?



Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.

Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.


HITLER had a 'Solution'...didn't he?
Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.

No they didn't.......They moved back home.

Gotta problem with it?...........Too fuckin' bad.

The So-called Palestinians were from Jordan, and other parts of the Mid-East.

Wanna BLAME anyone? Blame the UN...how things squared out after HITLER, and Fascism was defeated in the era...THOSE that won the Second World War...and HOW they parsed out the winners and losers...and thier consolation prizes...
Well, there is no such thing as "Palestine".

You punish illegal behavior only.

And employers have a right to require their employees to work and to adhere to a dress code. No harassment there. They're free to go to work somewhere else. You could hire them, perhaps.

No...they don't have the right to force employees to remove religious clothing

Wander how many children would want to watch the "ice capades" with all the femine characters dressed in burkas? How about the Disney "princesses" in burkas, how many children would be asking to have breakfast with the "burka"?

The key concept is you have to provide a reasonable accommodation for them to practice their religion. You cannot make an arbitrary ban on religious attire
No...they don't have the right to force employees to remove religious clothing

Wander how many children would want to watch the "ice capades" with all the femine characters dressed in burkas? How about the Disney "princesses" in burkas, how many children would be asking to have breakfast with the "burka"?

The key concept is you have to provide a reasonable accommodation for them to practice their religion. You cannot make an arbitrary ban on religious attire

Incorrect. The GOVERNMENT has to do so. as a private business owner, I don't have to do shit.
Why don't you fuckers dissolve the Jewish State and get out of Palestine and then see if Islamic Jihad disappear? why don't the dumb asses inside the DC Beltway stop financing the Palestinian Genocide and then watch as Jihadism disappears?



Problem IS with what The Nobel Prize winner ARAFAT said of driving the JEWS and Israel into the SEA...

*DEAL With This*.

Well, in 1925 the zionists came to Palestine determined to drive the PALESTINIANS into the sea.


Islamic invaders conquered Jerusalem in the first millenia AD. Did the "jihad" stop there (I think NOT)?
Wander how many children would want to watch the "ice capades" with all the femine characters dressed in burkas? How about the Disney "princesses" in burkas, how many children would be asking to have breakfast with the "burka"?

The key concept is you have to provide a reasonable accommodation for them to practice their religion. You cannot make an arbitrary ban on religious attire

Incorrect. The GOVERNMENT has to do so. as a private business owner, I don't have to do shit.


Wearing Religious Attire in the Workplace: It's Your Right! - DiversityInc.com

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