Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

The taking out of OBL is such trivializing of Radical Islam, isn't it....?

Irrelevant. Obama authorizing the assassination of bin Laden doesn't at all alter the fact that you deliberately derailed the thread.

It IS pretty horrible how the Obama administration trivialized Radical Islam by killing OBL, isn't it?

I can understand your sadness over that.
When practicing your religion requires you to behave in a manner that intimidates others or affects their way of life, you don't get to practice it. So if you work in a place that has a dress code, you don't get to dress differently. You may work elsewhere. If your religious garb is a safety risk or being used to cover abuse, bye bye religious garb. If your prayers are interfering with traffic or service...guess what? You can quit and pray all day long.

That sort of thing isn't harassment.

Harassment is burning the American Flag and chanting "death to Americans". Harassment is beating up your wife and forcing your 14 year old daughter into a suffocating tent.

If only a few here and there are being *forced* to wear a burka, the women who want to wear it, but can't, should be okay with that if it protects others from abuse.

Often, it's older or dominant women in the family who force other family members into wearing it. Not very pleasant. And altogether illegal.

That nice spin and all but what does that have to do with your own words in which you talk about wanting to outlaw the religion but that you can't, I am guessing that belief is based on the constitution. So instead of outlawing the religion you would take other steps that would make it harder for them to practice their religion which is also a violation of the constitution.

Your argument went further than just the burka and even you admit that it was for more than just the reason that you list above.

I would love to see the burka outlawed, though.
Why?? :confused:

Because it's a symbol of the barbarity of Islam; because it's the primary outward symbol of their oppression of women. Because it can hide a lot of pain and suffering.

But mostly because I think if we outlawed the burka, the shitheels wouldn't be able to send women all over the world...they hide behind those women. Make it more difficult and they're a little more exposed.

And it's psychological. We can't outlaw the religion, but we can sure as shit bring pressure to bear when it comes to the practice of it.

Private empoyers can also put into place policies that tightens screws. No skull caps, no prayer.

Little things like that. It is exactly how the south and Mormons were brought to heel. So I guess the analogy of the South was apt to a degree.

Those are your own words that talk about outlawing the religion and making harder for them to practice it or are you going to lie again and claim that this is not your statement??
Sheesh I can't keep the stupid threads straight:

The fact that you admit this even as you calim to have provided proof of your other claims even thought you haven't is hilarious.

Thanks for the spam but what does that have to do with you outlawing the burka for your stated reason of

Because it's a symbol of the barbarity of Islam; because it's the primary outward symbol of their oppression of women. Because it can hide a lot of pain and suffering.

But mostly because I think if we outlawed the burka, the shitheels wouldn't be able to send women all over the world...they hide behind those women. Make it more difficult and they're a little more exposed.

And it's psychological. We can't outlaw the religion, but we can sure as shit bring pressure to bear when it comes to the practice of it.

Private empoyers can also put into place policies that tightens screws. No skull caps, no prayer.

Little things like that. It is exactly how the south and Mormons were brought to heel. So I guess the analogy of the South was apt to a degree.

Still waiting on you to explain how that isn't harassment as you try to inhibit their practice of their religion.

What are you afraid of??

Burkas should be outlawed for the same reason it is illegal to yell "fire" in a theater or "bomb " in an airport. Public safety > "most" individual rights.

That's nice and all but that really doesn't address the core of his argument about how "We can't outlaw the religion, but we can sure as shit bring pressure to bear when it comes to the practice of it." nopr does it explain how inhibiting their rights to practice their religion is NOT harassment.
I already have, several times, ya' weird lil' dumbass.

NO you did NOT. claiming that bod lied is not explaining how bod is claiming or quoting those statements after the links are allie's exact words.

YOU falsely claimed that bod was quoting allie's EXACT words and then demanded that bod provide proof of a claim that YOU made up.

http://www.usmessageboard.com/3487659-post875.html (want's burka outlawed to harass Muslims)

http://www.usmessageboard.com/3491228-post921.html (seems to think we do not have enough attacks)

How is putting something in parentheses quoting their exact words?? You have NEVER addressed your false claims and yet even now you still claim that bod was twisting allie's words and yet NOT one of you has addressed what has ACTUALLY been said which I have quoted numerous times.

YOU have been shown to be a LIAR and none of your continued dishonesty will change that FACT.
You truly are stupid. Stupid as it gets.

What don't you understand about Bodey's equally stupid ass putting her words in parentheses?......She quoted Allies words, and then put her own twist and lies as to what Allie actually said in parentheses.

If providing an opinion based on what someone said is lying then you are also a liar as is every poster on this board. Is that really the definition that you wish to use for lying

Bodey claimed that Allie said she (wants burka's outlawed to harrass muslims). Allie never said those words. Nor did she anywhere imply that she wants to harrass muslims....Show me the exact words where Allie said that, or simply shut the fuck up

Again you LIE and try to claim that bod was quoting allie's exact words so you can dishonestly try to justify you calling bod a liar. Fact is that IF you took the time to read what allie said she does wish to outlaw the burka and as least part of her reasoning has the end result of harassment in order to prevent them from practicing their religion.

Care to explain how this

We can't outlaw the religion, but we can sure as shit bring pressure to bear when it comes to the practice of it.

Private empoyers can also put into place policies that tightens screws. No skull caps, no prayer.

is NOT harrassment??

Bodey claimed that Allie said she (seems to think we don't have enough attacks). Allie never said those words. Nor did she anywhere imply that she does think that.....Show me the exact words where Allie actually said that. or simply shut the fuck up.

AGAIN you LIE and try to claim that bod was quoting allie's exact words so you can dishonestly try to justify you calling bod a liar. bod simplified the numerous TYPES of attacks that allie listed in her post to the single word "attacks" and you once again show that you lack the ability to grasp the english language.

How about this, how is allie not talking about types of "attacks"

We don't have enough railway/subway/cafe bombings, riots or Jews attacked in the streets!

when she uses a form of the word "attack" in her own words??

If you can't figure it out for yourself, you're an idiot.......Bodey took Allies words, twisted them, and then lied........It's as plain as day, ya' ignorant lil' weirdo.:cuckoo:

In case you missed it moron, you are taking bod's words and applying your own twist to them, therefore according to your own definition you are a LIAR.

Seriously, you are making yourself, and Bodey, look like complete fucking morons.

This coming from a dishonest cowardly troll like you has no value whatsoever. You have been so throughly owned but apparently are too stupid to get it. You even set a standard for lying that claims that anyone who ever offered or offers an interpretation of what another poster said is a liar which includes you and the rest of to cabal of right wing trolls in this thread.

In the end at no time did bod imply or state that she was quoting allie's exact words so for you to claim that she was is a LIE.

Thanks for calling yourself out. LOL
NO you did NOT. claiming that bod lied is not explaining how bod is claiming or quoting those statements after the links are allie's exact words.

YOU falsely claimed that bod was quoting allie's EXACT words and then demanded that bod provide proof of a claim that YOU made up.

How is putting something in parentheses quoting their exact words?? You have NEVER addressed your false claims and yet even now you still claim that bod was twisting allie's words and yet NOT one of you has addressed what has ACTUALLY been said which I have quoted numerous times.

YOU have been shown to be a LIAR and none of your continued dishonesty will change that FACT.

They won't, you know.
I just did, clown...Christ, you are one ignorant lil' fool to be sure.

Next time, don't fuckin' lie, and twist peoples words. You get caught everytime you try.

No you didn't. What you did was avoid allie's actual words as you applied your own spin of what bod said so you could call bod a liar.

However, based on your own definition of what you would call a liar and how you twisted what bod said, you too are a liar.

BTW how did bod's interpretation of allie's words alter their meaning??

Allie makes the claim that

We don't have enough railway/subway/cafe bombings, riots or Jews attacked in the streets!

and bod summarizes it to

(seems to think we do not have enough attacks)

Allie lists many types of attacks and bod summarizes those types by simply calling them attacks.

So how did bod's interpretation alter the meaning of what allie stated??

Then there is the harassment section of allie's desire to outlaw the burka

We can't outlaw the religion, but we can sure as shit bring pressure to bear when it comes to the practice of it.

Private empoyers can also put into place policies that tightens screws. No skull caps, no prayer.
and here is bod's statement

(want's burka outlawed to harass Muslims)

So allie's statements show that she wishes to engage in acts that harass muslims by making it harder for them to practice their religion and all that bod's statement does is call her out for it

So how did bod's interpretation alter the meaning of what allie stated??

You claim that bod "twisted" allie's words and yet it seems that all bod did was offer a spot on interpretation and simplification of what allie said.

I would ask you to answer those simple questions but since you won't I will just point out that you lose, AGAIN.


This is so incredibly stupid.

Imagine that, your usual nonresponsive BS. This is how you claim to have responded when you clearly cite no post and can only troll even as you run away from proof of your LIES. Good job. LOL

You're an idiot. I'm plenty responsive. To things that deserve a response.

LOL It's nice to see that you believe your own words that show you to be dishonest and a hypocrite don't deserve a response.

Thanks for admitting that your own words aren't worthy of a response. LOL
Thank you for trying to make this about me....again. Sure beats actually having to have an intelligent point to make, doesn't it? :eusa_eh:

I would say "Be honest bod, your whole purpose here was to derail the thread and distract from the criticism of Islam and the appeasement policies of the shameful democrats," but you aren't honest. It isn't in your nature to be honest. You are a dishonest person in general, that is very clear.

Actually the false claim was about democrats trvializing the thread of RADICAL islam and thus far you have failed to show that even a plurality of democrats do so.

You have made claims that they do trivialize the threat of RADICAL islam and then supported those claims with opinions along the lines of "because I say so" but in the end YOU failed to prove that democrats as a whole do anything of the sort.

Then you and your fellow lemmings derailed this by demanding proof of your dishonesty all so you could ignore it when it was presented and posters like logical would avoid questions about their own statements by claiming that they were off the main topic even as he demanding that others perform research on his offtopic discussion of the bible and the quran so he could make his point, which he still has yet to do.

So it's hilarious that you, who have actually been shown to be dishoenst as edit posts and omit facts that show you to be dishonest, are actually trying to call others dishonest. LOL

Oh well it's not as if it matters, you will omit more than half of this post and respond with yet more of your baseless personal attacks in lieu of a real argument because you know you lost that one about 150 pages ago.
Thank you for trying to make this about me....again. Sure beats actually having to have an intelligent point to make, doesn't it? :eusa_eh:

I would say "Be honest bod, your whole purpose here was to derail the thread and distract from the criticism of Islam and the appeasement policies of the shameful democrats," but you aren't honest. It isn't in your nature to be honest. You are a dishonest person in general, that is very clear.

She just once again proved her dishonesty. This thread turned into a thread about her lies at least 3 pages before I made a single comment, yet she just tried to claim that I am the one who attempted to make it a thread about her lies.

I wonder if she's ever considered the possibility that if she didn't lie in threads, that threads wouldn't turn into discussions about her lies.

Actually the right wingers were being dishonest and were called out for it as they tried desperately to claim that posters on this board were trivializing the threat of radical islam. After being called out for being dishonest those on the right demanded proof of their lies and that is why those of us on the left began quoting their own words to show their dishonesty.

Then in true right wing fashion those very same right wingers who were shown to be liars began lying again as they misquoted bod and myself in a desperate attempt to attack the messenger for daring to point out the examples of right wing dishonesty.

allie lied and tried to claim I was comparing gun ownership to slavery when if fact I was talking about the ability of criminals to acquire illegal items in spite of their illegality based on a question asked by logical.

jester lied when he tried to claim that bod's comments after the links were quotes of allie's exact words and he has continued to demand proof of those exact words even though they are figments of his own imagination and not once did bod claim that they were exact quotes.

The right wingers changed the subject to themselves when they demanded proof of their lies, then after said proof was offered they pretended it never existed and then they tried to change the subject to those on the left in order to avoid their own dishonesty.

You would have known this had you taken the time to read the thread.
Once again, Drlil'man is thoroughly owned......Once again can't provide proof of any lying, after making claims of lying.....Once again makes himself look like the lil' ankle biting coward with the Napoleon complex that we all know him to be........Once again spends all of his time on one single thread making himself look an abject fool, over and over and over and over again......It's truly fucking comical, on top of being very strange.

And then, the lil' Napoleon can't address L4U's very pointed and direct questions. Can't function on his own without pleading for help and some links.....Stupid is stupid.

LMAO!.......popping up here occassionaly and reading through his abject BS is highly entertaining indeed.

No wonder he can't get above a 14 rep power. Except for Bodey's lying stupid ass, even lil' Napoleons fellow lefty's fully understand he's a weird lil' nutter.
It is truely, truely a shame how the current Democrat Administration trivialized Radical Islam so much when they took out OBL.

They should have taken him as serious as the last Republican Administration did. Now THAT'S taking Radical Islam seriously!
It is truely, truely a shame how the current Democrat Administration trivialized Radical Islam so much when they took out OBL.

They should have taken him as serious as the last Republican Administration did. Now THAT'S taking Radical Islam seriously!

Your cowardly fascist punk obama was not there.He had the Special ops do it for him.
Aww, I show how you dishonestly misquote me as well as how you have no argumnet to stand on and this bs repetition of your spin is the best response that you have to offer?? LOL

How sad for you.


I am through playing with you, either make a point or STFU and stop hassling me because you failed to make a point.

You made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books and excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.
My knowledge on the bible has NOTHING to do with whether you have a valid argument or not.

Any further attempts to make your failure to make a point about me will only get the above response.


If you are talking trigonometry and the person tells you, just tell me, don't you check to see if they know algebra first?

I have told you the book in the Bible. For the quran, it is in the first two chapters. Please come back when you actually have read one, or preferably, both.

Now what is your excuse????

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo

AGAIN I am not doing your research for you. If you have a point then make it.

I am through playing with you, either make a point or STFU and stop hassling me because you failed to make a point.

You made a claim about the OT and the quran so once again YOU need to provide the relevant books and excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison.
My knowledge on the bible has NOTHING to do with whether you have a valid argument or not.

Any further attempts to make your failure to make a point about me will only get the above response.

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo to the "willfully" ignorant.
Well that is what the current argumnet is about isn't it?? These dishonest cowardly rightwing hacks have accused both bod and I of lying so I am posting what was ACTUALLY said as well as what these trolls are saying now which shows them to be dishonest and nothing they say will cahnge that FACT.

However, thanks for trolling in and offering your two cents.
Now if you could provide the relevant books and excerpts from both the bible and the quran and make your point by doing a head to head comparison that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

You do have a point don't you??

Didn't you start the whole "lying" thing? Didn't you take peoples' words out of context and attack them because you want to "trivialize the threat" from radical muslims? I have given you the book out of the Bible and the chapters out of the quran. You claimed that you wanted to read them yourself. Here is your chance. Come on, champ, you can do it!

Nanny, nanny, boo, boo

No I didn't but thanks for showing that you can't even follow the content of this thread even as you make statements about it. LOL

NO I never claimed I wanted to read them myself but thanks for LYING again. I cleary said that you should list them and make a head to head comparison in order to make your point but apparently that is too difficult for you to accomplish.

You post them side by side and make your comparison thus making yourt point and then we can debate your point IF you actually have one.

Because you are too immature to read them and understand them for yourself? You want me to tell you what to think?

Just what I expected from you, more excuses, more stipulations, just "fluff".
Thank you for trying to make this about me....again. Sure beats actually having to have an intelligent point to make, doesn't it? :eusa_eh:

I would say "Be honest bod, your whole purpose here was to derail the thread and distract from the criticism of Islam and the appeasement policies of the shameful democrats," but you aren't honest. It isn't in your nature to be honest. You are a dishonest person in general, that is very clear.

The taking out of OBL is such trivializing of Radical Islam, isn't it....? Pretty much says it all how this Democratic Administration just trivializes the heck out of those Radical Islamic terrorists.

Yes, he did! (It looked good in the polls where he was having his butt handed to him).

It doesn't say it all. It says he is a "weak" man trying to prove he has strength.

How is he doing with the investigation against the CIA guys that helped get the info used to get Osama? How can he slam torturing and say he wants "insurgents treated with the same rights as American citizens and then turn around and order an assassination (come to think of it, he does have that power, now)? How did his trying to make terrorists into common crimminals go: from November 2009 "Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that 5 terrorist plotters from 9/11 would be brought from Gitmo to NYC to be tried in federal court. Some of the rogues are Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Ramzi Binalshibh and others whose names cannot be pronounced." from Moonhowlings » 9/11 Terrorist Plotters to be Tried in NYC. How is that peaceful overthrowing of the Egyptian government going where they "rape" journalists in public? How is that Libya invasion going? Do we know who our tax dollars are supporting, yet?

It sounds like he is using the same methods as Clinton: when he doesn't want you to watch what he is doing, he "uses" the military to distract the public.
It is truely, truely a shame how the current Democrat Administration trivialized Radical Islam so much when they took out OBL.

So your position is "bod lied, Osama died?"

Hmmm.... I'm thinking the two are unrelated. I'm thinking that you're just a liar and bin Laden was assassinated independent of your lies...
It is truely, truely a shame how the current Democrat Administration trivialized Radical Islam so much when they took out OBL.

They should have taken him as serious as the last Republican Administration did. Now THAT'S taking Radical Islam seriously!

Your cowardly fascist punk obama was not there.He had the Special ops do it for him.

Did I say that Obama was there? Or are you so scripted that you fail to read what people really say?

Thank you for the Neg Rep, Allie. Doing your part to stop the trivializing of Radical Islam on teh Interwebz.....aren't you?
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It is truely, truely a shame how the current Democrat Administration trivialized Radical Islam so much when they took out OBL.

They should have taken him as serious as the last Republican Administration did. Now THAT'S taking Radical Islam seriously!

Your cowardly fascist punk obama was not there.He had the Special ops do it for him.

Did I say that Obama was there? Or are you so scripted that you fail to read what people really say?
Ya. mean like you, who reads what people really say, and then twist and lie your ass off like you got caught, YET AGAIN, doing in this thread?
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

"Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam"

Because Democrats hate the United States and its "Christian" conservatism and capitalist economics.

Of course they'll deny that notion up and down - but IMO, thats the reason.

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