Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Identify Islamic retaliatory attacks prior to 1925.


If you are serious: from Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Byzantine–Arab Wars: 634–750
1.2 Conquest of Persia and Iraq: 633–651
1.3 Conquest of Transoxiana: 662–709
1.4 Conquest of Sindh: 664–712
1.5 Conquest of Hispania (711–718) and Septimania (719–720)
1.6 Conquest of the Caucasus: 711–750
1.7 End of the Umayyad conquests: 718–750
1.8 Conquest of Nubia: 700–1606
1.9 Incursions into southern Italy: 831–902
1.10 Conquest of Anatolia: 1060–1360
1.11 Byzantine-Ottoman Wars: 1299–1453
[edit] Further conquests: 1200–1800Further information: Ottoman wars in Europe and Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent

Ottoman expansion until 1683In Sub-Saharan Africa, the Sahelian kingdom expanded Muslim territories far from the coast. Muslim traders spread Islam to kingdoms across Zanj along the east African coast, and to Southeast Asia and the sultanates of Southeast Asia such as those of Mataram and Sulu.

After the Mongol Empire destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate, following the Battle of Baghdad (1258), they were stopped by Turkish Mamluks, Muslim army from Egypt in Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260, and soon they converted to Islam, beginning an era of Turkic and Mongol expansions of Muslim rule into Eastern Europe under the Golden Horde; across Central Asia under Timur, founder of the Timurid dynasty; and later into the Indian subcontinent under his descendant Babur, founder of the Mughal Empire. Meanwhile in the 17th century, Barbary corsairs were conducting raids into Western and Northern Europe, as far as the islands of Britain and Iceland.[9][10] Eastern Europe suffered a series of Tatar invasions, the goal of which was to loot, pillage and capture slaves into jasyr.[11]

The modern era saw the rise of three powerful Muslim empires: the Ottoman Empire of the Middle East and Europe, the Safavid Empire of Persia and Central Asia, and the Mughal Empire of India; along with their contest and fall to the rise of the colonial powers of Europe.

[edit] Decline and collapse: 1800–1924The Mughal empire reached its golden age under the rule of Jalaluddin Akbar, who married a Hindu Rajput princess and abolished the Jizya tax on non-Muslims. Akbar's grandson Shah Jehan built the famous Taj Mahal. Shah Jehan's son Aurangzeb was a religious man who led to greater expansion of Mughal Empire. During his reign Mughal Empire reached its top level.The Mughal Empire declined in 1707 after the death of Aurangzeb and was officially abolished by the British after the Indian Rebellion of 1857.

The Safavid Empire ended with the death of its last ruler Ismail III who ruled from 1750 until his death in 1760. The last surviving Muslim empire, the Ottoman Empire, collapsed in 1918 in the aftermath of World War I. On March 3, 1924, the institution of the Caliphate was constitutionally abolished by President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as part of his reforms.

Not that I would expect you to look at facts or anything ....


There were no events identified in the 20th century. And if you are going to include conquests then mention the Spanish American War, etc.


You said: "Identify Islamic retaliatory attacks prior to 1925."

I thought that was a fairly good answer.
Identify Islamic retaliatory attacks prior to 1925.


Ask the Armenians that question.

Islam is a violent religion based on conquest and pillage. Conversion by force and subjugation of non-Muslims are central tenets of the religion. The Warlord Muhammad designed Islam around war and conquest. Violence is the main pillar of Islam.
Odds of being killed by a terrorist are astronomically higher then being hit by lightning. Why so scared?

Odds of being killed by either one are far greater than the odds of being killed by a tiger. So why are you afraid to go into a tigers cage?

Isn't random stupidity ---- stupid?
because the media doesn't show people getting struck by lightning over and over and over.

The statement by Huggy is along the lines of "more people die from heart attacks than heroin overdose - so heroin is perfectly safe!"

Leftism on display - retardation at it's finest!
News: American Thinker Blog: Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language' May 15, 2011
Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language'
notice this is a republican: "Once again, the adult wisdom of U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Plantation) rose above both the defendants' taqiyya, and misplaced media sympathies. While applauding the efforts of the U.S. attorney's office, West urged continued vigilance, reminding Floridians and Americans in general that the arrests were:

[...] further proof that there are individuals among us aiding and abetting terrorists who want to destroy our way of life. The United States clearly continues to be a prime target.These men were living among South Floridians, worshiping at mosques in our own back yard, and using United States banks to wire money back to terrorist groups. We must recognize that a very real, dangerous faction of Islamic extremism exists in our communities. These terrorists are recruiting American citizens, infiltrating our schools and our military, and using our own resources against us."

And then from India: BBC News - India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings "According to one recent study, hundreds of people are killed each year in India for falling in love or marrying against their families' wishes. "

India is not considered a muslim nation and yet, hundreds are killed because the parents disagree with their adult children's decisions.

Please give all the feedback telling us how Christian parents do this too!
because the media doesn't show people getting struck by lightning over and over and over.

The statement by Huggy is along the lines of "more people die from heart attacks than heroin overdose - so heroin is perfectly safe!"

Leftism on display - retardation at it's finest!

No it isn't...or else he would also have said that being struck by lightning is perfectly harmless. Not seeing it.
Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I remember Bush creating the Dept of Homeland Security shortly after 911 to deal with border security.
Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I remember Bush creating the Dept of Homeland Security shortly after 911 to deal with border security.

You would think after Obama's clear vision of all the improvements that needed to be made (after all he was a senator that voted in many of the problems that he claimed not to realize how bad they were) would have fixed it by now, .... but wait, .... oh yeah, we can blame it on Bush! Just when does that get old for you guys, and will you be saying that when Obama loses: blame it on Obama, he was president.
Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I remember Bush creating the Dept of Homeland Security shortly after 911 to deal with border security.

You would think after Obama's clear vision of all the improvements that needed to be made (after all he was a senator that voted in many of the problems that he claimed not to realize how bad they were) would have fixed it by now, .... but wait, .... oh yeah, we can blame it on Bush! Just when does that get old for you guys, and will you be saying that when Obama loses: blame it on Obama, he was president.

Do you know why our border checkpoints in San Diego Co. are never open? Ask Congressman D. Issa.
Remember when Bush and the republican Congress left our borders wide open and ports almost completely unchecked from 2001-2007?

I remember Bush creating the Dept of Homeland Security shortly after 911 to deal with border security.

You would think after Obama's clear vision of all the improvements that needed to be made (after all he was a senator that voted in many of the problems that he claimed not to realize how bad they were) would have fixed it by now, .... but wait, .... oh yeah, we can blame it on Bush! Just when does that get old for you guys, and will you be saying that when Obama loses: blame it on Obama, he was president.
Obama's not going to fix it out of fear of losing a certain voting bloc.

He's losing the independents, and he also has to deal with the fact that he's now about to watch his THIRD class of high school and college students graduate with little hope of decent jobs. By this time next year he will watch his FOURTH class of high school and college students graduate with little hope of decent jobs......All totaled, that is a huge voting bloc that he will have failed, and they damn sure will hold him accountable.
Liberals don't trivialize the threat of radical Islam, they prioritize it. Liberalism is a collectivist religion. Collectivism means sameness. That means you have the same money and the same power. The greatest skewing of power in the world is the one Superpower. So the United States is currently a greater threat to a worldwide collectivism then radical Islam is. Think about it, who do they attack for money? Those who have the most. Who do they attack for power? The one with the most.

What a bizarre post.

The greatest threat to America is the Republican Party.

They created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

This effectively transferred $13 trillion dollars from the middle class taxpayer to the rich.

Go to ReaganBushDebt.org
Do you know why our border checkpoints in San Diego Co. are never open? Ask Congressman D. Issa.

Are you off your rocker? The checkpoint on the 15 near Escondido is always open and hopping.
She's just pissed that Issa is going after Obama on the guns to mexico issue. And will yet again resort to lying in an attempt to score cheap partisan points.

Same ol' same ol'.
What a bizarre post.

The greatest threat to America is the Republican Party.

They created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Spending had nothing to do with it, huh?

This effectively transferred $13 trillion dollars from the middle class taxpayer to the rich.

Good god but you are retarded.
News: American Thinker Blog: Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language' May 15, 2011
Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language'
notice this is a republican: "Once again, the adult wisdom of U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Plantation) rose above both the defendants' taqiyya, and misplaced media sympathies. While applauding the efforts of the U.S. attorney's office, West urged continued vigilance, reminding Floridians and Americans in general that the arrests were:

[...] further proof that there are individuals among us aiding and abetting terrorists who want to destroy our way of life. The United States clearly continues to be a prime target.These men were living among South Floridians, worshiping at mosques in our own back yard, and using United States banks to wire money back to terrorist groups. We must recognize that a very real, dangerous faction of Islamic extremism exists in our communities. These terrorists are recruiting American citizens, infiltrating our schools and our military, and using our own resources against us."

And then from India: BBC News - India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings "According to one recent study, hundreds of people are killed each year in India for falling in love or marrying against their families' wishes. "

India is not considered a muslim nation and yet, hundreds are killed because the parents disagree with their adult children's decisions.

Please give all the feedback telling us how Christian parents do this too!

No lefties stepping up to defend this behavior? None coming forward pointing out all the honor killing Christians?
News: American Thinker Blog: Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language' May 15, 2011
Miami Taliban Imam's Son Damning Wiretaps 'A Misinterpretation of Language'
notice this is a republican: "Once again, the adult wisdom of U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Plantation) rose above both the defendants' taqiyya, and misplaced media sympathies. While applauding the efforts of the U.S. attorney's office, West urged continued vigilance, reminding Floridians and Americans in general that the arrests were:

[...] further proof that there are individuals among us aiding and abetting terrorists who want to destroy our way of life. The United States clearly continues to be a prime target.These men were living among South Floridians, worshiping at mosques in our own back yard, and using United States banks to wire money back to terrorist groups. We must recognize that a very real, dangerous faction of Islamic extremism exists in our communities. These terrorists are recruiting American citizens, infiltrating our schools and our military, and using our own resources against us."

And then from India: BBC News - India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings India mothers charged with daughters' honour killings "According to one recent study, hundreds of people are killed each year in India for falling in love or marrying against their families' wishes. "

India is not considered a muslim nation and yet, hundreds are killed because the parents disagree with their adult children's decisions.

Please give all the feedback telling us how Christian parents do this too!

No lefties stepping up to defend this behavior? None coming forward pointing out all the honor killing Christians?

Umm, the poor son want to believe his father is not a Jihadist? (best I can do), or did you want someone to defend his fathers actions?

Honour killing is wrong no matter if you're a Muslim, Christian, or stuck in a Class system like most of India.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

Maybe....because bigotry is just plain wrong.

Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Peter Wehner 03.28.2011 - 4:11 PM

Here is an excerpt from Herman Cain, who was asked if he would be comfortable appointing a Muslim either in his cabinet or as a federal judge. His answer:

No, I would not. And here’s why. There is this creeping attempt, there is this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our government. This is what happened in Europe. And little by little, to try and be politically correct, they made this little change, they made this little change. And now they’ve got a social problem that they don’t know what to do with hardly.

This is an ugly and undiluted form of bigotry. It assumes, against the overwhelming evidence, that every Muslim believes in the most radical interpretation of Sharia law, when in fact millions of American Muslims are fully reconciled with democracy and the protection of minority rights. I’ve dilated on this issue before, so there’s no need to do so again.

This isn’t to say that assimilation isn’t important; it is (see here). Nor is it to deny that there are many people in the world, of the Islamic faith, who embrace a 7th-century, Taliban-like interpretation of Sharia law. No one is asking anyone to bury his head in the ground. But this is quite different from declaring anyone of the Muslim faith to be unqualified for a judgeship or a cabinet post simply because of that person’s religious faith. That is the antithesis of American law and corrosive to the spirit that animated the American founding.

On August 17, 1790, the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, wrote to President Washington expressing its gratitude that the government of the United States gave “to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.” To which Washington replied, “The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy; a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights.”

Washington went on to say:

May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.

Religious liberty is one of the rare and remarkable achievements by the United States. It was difficult to achieve – and it’s easier to lose than we might think. For public figures to stoke the embers of Muslim bigotry – to believe, in Michael Gerson’s phrase, that every serious Muslim is a recruit for sedition – is a moral offense. And be forewarned: it won’t stay confined. Bigotry rarely does.

Fighting bigotry is not "political correctness". Accusations of "political correctness" has become a means of silencing opposition in much the same way as their proponants claim to be silenced by the application of "political correctness".

Bigotry is NOT an American value.

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