Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Yo Vern, the facts do not support your contention:

1- Isn't it a FACT that the zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 where they have beeen slaughtering and terrorizing the natives with complete US support?

2- Isn't it a fact that the US invaded Iraq in 1990 in order to support the zionists and have remained there ever since?

So , its not a matter of religion . Its a matter of life and the right to defend the same . Muslims have that right, don't they?

Yo Laverne,

1) The Israeli's moved back home....There is no such thing as Palestine, and the only slaughtering and terrorizing going on, is perpetrated by a bunch of crazy zealots.

The goal of "disappearing" the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians' opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect - very real - of their expulsion. "The fear of territorial displacement and dispossession," Morris reasonably concludes, "was to be the chief motor of Arab antagonism to Zionism."

Norman G Filkestein


2) We invaded Iraq in 1990 because they invaded a key allie, in an attempt to take over their country and oil fields.

Iraq was our ally during the Iranian - Iraqi war. Kuwait stole the Ramallah Oil Fields. Bush I - senior authorized him to invade Kuwait to recover the fields.

Secondly, Iraq has never recognized Kuwait's independence.!!!!!!!!!

Loony revisionist history is fuckin' laughable.

:cuckoo: I'm going to have to start a thread on the founding of the modern state of Israel, because idiots like you are mired in their own stupidity
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They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.
They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.

They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.

They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:

Or if they be NICE to those that are hell-bent on KILLING the infidel and Western culture...

Statists will be the FIRST to have their heads sawed off...and they seem to be fine with it...?

They are afraid...very afraid...
They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.

They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.
They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.

They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.

And THUS he was forced to *follow* what Bush had so rightly started...

It musti've griped Obama's very SOUL...*And I hope it did*
They trivialize it because they're AFRAID of it. There's NO other reason for it.

MARK my words.

They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.

Who knows.. he wants NASA to reach out to the muslims.:cuckoo:
They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.

Who knows.. he wants NASA to reach out to the muslims.:cuckoo:

Nutsy indeed that was...
They think if we ignore it it'll go just away, Nothing new with liberals.:cuckoo:
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.

And THUS he was forced to *follow* what Bush had so rightly started...

It musti've griped Obama's very SOUL...*And I hope it did*
It must be sticking in his craw the fact that even the liberal MSM are back to calling it the war on terror.

I haven't heard that stupid "Overseas Contingency Operation" nonsense since Napolitano announced it.

Friggin' idiots.
Well hey, Obama campaigned on that if we're nicer to 'em BS........Do away with the term, "War on terror" and it will help bring those people around. They won't think we're the boogie men, and on and on and on.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when he first started being briefed on what these fuckers are really all about, and the REALITIES of what he would be facing as President........His jaw probably dropped to his chest at the magnitude of it all.

And THUS he was forced to *follow* what Bush had so rightly started...

It musti've griped Obama's very SOUL...*And I hope it did*
It must be sticking in his craw the fact that even the liberal MSM are back to calling it the war on terror.

I haven't heard that stupid "Overseas Contingency Operation" nonsense since Napolitano announced it.

Friggin' idiots.

Typical of Statists...callit something else...and the game changes...How moronic do they think we are anyway?
Did anyone answer the difference between Islam and radical Islam.. did they provide scripture to make the distinction in context with the abrogation including quran quotes?
I bet the cant and didnt.
Did anyone answer the difference between Islam and radical Islam.. did they provide scripture to make the distinction in context with the abrogation including quran quotes?
I bet the cant and didnt.

Sailent POINT.
Democrats trivialize non dems..

I suppose if dems want to be taken seriously they will shut the fuck up and listen er read....
When would that be? I go back and forth to Temecula a lot per week and it's never being used. Never.

That's a lie. I live in Corona.

I drove from Corona to Escondido and back YESTERDAY, and it had Green & Whites chasing a van headed north.

Had dinner at Fellipe's off of Winchester in Temecula. (Excellent food.) You're talking about my back yard, don't try to bullshit me.
1- Isn't it a FACT that the zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 where they have beeen slaughtering and terrorizing the natives with complete US support?

A fact?

Not even close. That is Nazi propaganda - nothing factual about it at all.

2- Isn't it a fact that the US invaded Iraq in 1990 in order to support the zionists and have remained there ever since?

Isn't it a fact that you are off of your meds?
Yo Laverne,

1) The Israeli's moved back home....There is no such thing as Palestine, and the only slaughtering and terrorizing going on, is perpetrated by a bunch of crazy zealots.

Not only that, the Zionist movement began in the 1880's - not 1925. 1925 was the era of Nazi and Wahhabi influence on that scumbag, the "Grand Mufti" of Jerusalem who led the era of hatred that continues to this day. Prior to the Mufti, the Arabs and Jews got along well. The Mufti promoted Arab supremacy and the Wahhabi fundamentalist that the Muslim lands should be cleansed of all infidels.
Israel has always been hear and will always be here. Why is Cair scared of bans on sharia law if they have nothing to hide????? Why is obama Refusing to secure our boarders from Hezbollah who have bases in Mexico?

Jihad Watch has articles from other sources such as News Papers from around the world so the information is not coming from Jihad Watch its self.
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Iam proud to hate islam,islam is a backward 7th century deathcult.muhammad was a murdering
caravan thief and child molesting pervert.The evil quran orders the murder of non muslims.islam
should be banned here in USA.Bloodlusting deathcults are not protected by our constitution.
Yet the liberals love to lick the balls of muslim fascists.


Bravo. I join you in that. I hate Islam. I wish Islam was banned from society. It's a cancer of the mind. Sometimes benign. Sometimes malignant.

I'd just rather not have cancer.

After seeing what the Palestinians did to that Israeli family this month, then had a mass celebration of it? I'll hate Islam forever, in particular Palestinians, but Islam as a whole, worldwide. That will never change.

That religion oppresses and brutalizes women. STONING them to death for adultry for Gods sake! Forcing them to have several male witnesses to their own rape or face death themselves!

If the jihadis had the ability to attempt to invade America to cut the throats of infidels, then I'll be happy to break open the safe, the M-4 and about 5,000 rounds worth of Jesus loving firepower for those ragheads.

And a big "F U" to all you panzy liberals out there who are trying to empower and enable these Islamic retards.

How about a big FUCK YOU to all the pseudo-cons who believe in and spew this particular strawman. It ain't gonna happen. Atheist/Secularist will watch out for and gaurd against all flavors of religionist, never again will the superstitious have control over our lives.

I stand by every word I wrote,And a big FUCK YOU!!Ram islam up your aSS!!

Bravo. I join you in that. I hate Islam. I wish Islam was banned from society. It's a cancer of the mind. Sometimes benign. Sometimes malignant.

I'd just rather not have cancer.

After seeing what the Palestinians did to that Israeli family this month, then had a mass celebration of it? I'll hate Islam forever, in particular Palestinians, but Islam as a whole, worldwide. That will never change.

That religion oppresses and brutalizes women. STONING them to death for adultry for Gods sake! Forcing them to have several male witnesses to their own rape or face death themselves!

If the jihadis had the ability to attempt to invade America to cut the throats of infidels, then I'll be happy to break open the safe, the M-4 and about 5,000 rounds worth of Jesus loving firepower for those ragheads.

And a big "F U" to all you panzy liberals out there who are trying to empower and enable these Islamic retards.

How about a big FUCK YOU to all the pseudo-cons who believe in and spew this particular strawman. It ain't gonna happen. Atheist/Secularist will watch out for and gaurd against all flavors of religionist, never again will the superstitious have control over our lives.

I stand by every word I wrote,And a big FUCK YOU!!Ram islam up your aSS!!

So level-headed.

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