Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Uncensored doesn't know the difference between a dumb adolescent remark and a lie.

Did you make it all the way to Jr. High?

Look up the word "quip," as related to sarcasm.

Pity the moran, don't bother to neg it.

I let this go the last several times, but it's really bugging me. The word is "moron," cretin.

One of the many "clever" posters at a tea party event, summer of 09.
Anybody who compares Christians to Radical islam is delusional, and doing just what most liberals do. I'm sure that if congress were having hearings on some "rightwing" Christian militant group the Dems would be all for it

All radicals of religion = all radicals of religion.

Then you're delusional... Sad really.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

I don't know why dems don't give more concern over terrorist , but if your talking about internment camps for American muslims like we did with the Japaneses during WWII that was a big enough fuck up of paranoia that doesn't need repeating ,

we don't need a return to McCarthyism either .
Why do you people have to have to cloud the issue with all your stupidity? What is the topic of this thread?can't we stick to the issues here with out all the bull?
I'd rather have 100 muslims going in the same direction I'm going


They are going the same direction that you're going.

Of course, since you're going to an Al Qaeda conference, it isn't all that surprising.

The craziest thing about what you say isn't that you say it, it's that you actually think it.

For people so delusional to think radical islam can take over our country and run it it amazes me that they don't commit suicide from living in constant fear. How do you drive a car without thinking a deadly car accident isn't imminent? How do you walk around without fear of a deadly airborne disease infecting you? How do you go outside withuot the fear of a bear/rabid large dog/wolf chasing you down and killing?

To be so utterly scared to death of something that's totally impossible is astounding to me.
Got another wmd.com or frontpage.com link to all of that? Especially the part about all "sects" of Islam seek death.

You're drooling.

Why is it that you slack-jawed lefty types all drool like that?

Islamism (fundamentalism) followers such as al-Qaeda believe in the literal wording in the Quran.

Is that what HuffingGlue post told you?

You an expert on Koranic doctrine? You got a pretty good grasp of Islamic dogma, do you?

They are only ONE "sect."

Is that right? So the beliefs of Wahabbi and Khum are identical, inseparable? What of other Shiite and Sunni sects?

Even THINKING Christians who follow The Bible don't take every word of it literally.

So then, the prevailing attitude in Islam is that the words of Muhammad and Allah are interesting stories, but don't place much faith in them?

This is your scholarly analysis?

Not that you'll actually read it, but this compares The Bible's Ten Commandments to similar verses in the Quran. (You can also find a wealth of information about all religions at this site. Try educating yourself for a change. I mean REALLY educating yourself, not just adopting someone else's opinion.)

Comparing the Ten Commandments with verses from the Qur'an
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

I don't know why dems don't give more concern over terrorist , but if your talking about internment camps for American muslims like we did with the Japaneses during WWII that was a big enough fuck up of paranoia that doesn't need repeating ,

we don't need a return to McCarthyism either .

I totally agree. The worry is that we slowly move in that direction. I see people saying things about Muslims in general today that was only said about terrorists 8-9 years ago. As long at it is only "saying things", no problem....if people take action, then it's time to pay attention.

After all, we have people here stating that they would have no problem lying to take down the current president. What kind of place are we in where people BRAG about that?
Take a step back from the computer, settle down, pop a couple pills, take a few deep breaths and step back to the computer chair.

Then attempt to answer me these questions;

1.) Why do our borders remain wide open if terrorism is a big threat?

2.) Why do our ports remain unchecked if terrorism is a big threat?

As we've seen with both parties willingness to spend trillions on other things, we can certainly "afford" it, so why not take care of those 2 things?

Agreed, and still islamic laws are a threat to this country.

As is Biblical law....and we STILL have some of those on the books.

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.
Agreed, and still islamic laws are a threat to this country.

As is Biblical law....and we STILL have some of those on the books.

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

The better comparison is to compare biblical texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.
Last edited:
Got another wmd.com or frontpage.com link to all of that? Especially the part about all "sects" of Islam seek death.

You're drooling.

Why is it that you slack-jawed lefty types all drool like that?

Is that what HuffingGlue post told you?

You an expert on Koranic doctrine? You got a pretty good grasp of Islamic dogma, do you?

Is that right? So the beliefs of Wahabbi and Khum are identical, inseparable? What of other Shiite and Sunni sects?

Even THINKING Christians who follow The Bible don't take every word of it literally.

So then, the prevailing attitude in Islam is that the words of Muhammad and Allah are interesting stories, but don't place much faith in them?

This is your scholarly analysis?

Not that you'll actually read it, but this compares The Bible's Ten Commandments to similar verses in the Quran. (You can also find a wealth of information about all religions at this site. Try educating yourself for a change. I mean REALLY educating yourself, not just adopting someone else's opinion.)

Comparing the Ten Commandments with verses from the Qur'an

I can compare a well-trained horse to a wild bronc, that does not make them equal or the same.
As is Biblical law....and we STILL have some of those on the books.

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

The better comparison is to compare biblican texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.

Show me a comparison:
“Koran 33:50.

O Prophet, We have made lawful for thee thy wives whom thou hast given their wages and what thy right hand owns, spoils of war that God has given thee, and the daughters of thy uncles paternal and aunts paternal, thy uncles maternal and aunts maternal, who have emigrated with thee, and any woman believer, if she give herself to the Prophet and if the Prophet desire to take her in marriage, for thee exclusively, apart from the believers -- We know what We have imposed upon them touching their wives and what their right hands own -- that there may be no fault in thee; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.”

From a article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated) Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam
Don't read links if they don't justify your own bizarre thinking? Figures...:eusa_whistle: Okay, genius, where ARE they then? Google each:

You drink a great deal during the middle of the day, don't you?

Kalid Sheik Mohammad.
Abdul Rahman Yasin
Terry Nichols (Bummer they didn't get him)

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was one of the first captured following 911; he's been at Gitmo ever since (between other foreign prisons and there, at least).

Terry Nichols was convicted in 1997 and is still behind bars, unless he died.

Yasin is the only one still at large.

As is Biblical law....and we STILL have some of those on the books.

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

The better comparison is to compare biblican texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.

Show me a comparison:

“AMJA issued fatwa #2982:

In the name of Allah, all praise is for Allah, and may peace and blessing be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family. To proceed:

For a wife to abandon the bed of her husband without excuse is haram [forbidden]. It is one of the major sins and the angels curse her until the morning as we have been informed by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). She is considered nashiz (rebellious) under these circumstances. As for the issue of forcing a wife to have sex, if she refuses, this would not be called rape, even though it goes against natural instincts and destroys love and mercy, and there is a great sin upon the wife who refuses; and Allah Almighty is more exalted and more knowledgeable.”

BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.
The SANE people who recognize that not ALL Muslims are evil Islamic terrorists simply try to make that point.

Well, there you go. That settles it!


Say Maggie, do you happen to know the percentage of Nazi party members who were involved in the "final solution?"

Would it surprise you to learn that it was less than 1%?

The other 99% of Nazis were not involved in genocide.

Dayum, using "stupid as a fucking pile of bricks" logic, which you use with terrorists, that would make Nazis the "fascism of peace."

I'd love to see your historical link for that intriguing piece of information.

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