Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.

Please provide evidence for your statement.

Or just admit that you made it up.

Thank You
Ok, lets make a simple question out of this.

You must make 200 cross country flights a year. And each time, you are given a choice: You'll board a flight each time in one of the 40 biggest airports in America. And EACH flight, you'll have to get on a plane with 100 random Christinans.....OR a plane of 100 random Muslims. No screening. 200 times, 100 random Christians, or 100 Muslims.

How many times to you pick the Muslim plane?

Since I always like variety, I probably would balance it out. I'm also a very curious person, and I think I'd have an interesting conversation with Muslims. Something I've never done before. But I have had tens of thousands of conversations with Christians, some of which have been as off the fucking wall as yours and Uncensored's.
So if Islam is no threat as the Left here have so said why then has Obama hired what amounts to brown Shirts at Airport's and other transportation hub's? hmmmmm?

Oh yeah, like all that started during the Obama Administration. Now I KNOW you're just a child. Do you even shave yet?

It was W who gave us the TSA, but the groping passengers to make them feel safe policy was all Obama.

And that was only following the Christmas Day underwear bomber incident. Duh...
BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.

Please provide evidence for your statement.

Or just admit that you made it up.

Thank You

"Wafa Sultan, courageous author of the indispensible jeremiad "A God Who Hates," strove gamely to educate Bill O'Reilly -- " from article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated)

I watched her and she is quite knowledgeable about the subject.
Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

The better comparison is to compare biblican texts with texts from the Q'uran.

Just about every horrifying disgusting thing that the Q'uran says you can find the same thing or it's immoral equivalent or worse in the Bible.

That's what this thread is doing, comparing religions, so the religious books should be compared.

Show me a comparison:
“Koran 33:50.

O Prophet, We have made lawful for thee thy wives whom thou hast given their wages and what thy right hand owns, spoils of war that God has given thee, and the daughters of thy uncles paternal and aunts paternal, thy uncles maternal and aunts maternal, who have emigrated with thee, and any woman believer, if she give herself to the Prophet and if the Prophet desire to take her in marriage, for thee exclusively, apart from the believers -- We know what We have imposed upon them touching their wives and what their right hands own -- that there may be no fault in thee; God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.”

From a article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated) Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam

How many different quotes do you want on the Bible saying rape is ok or encouraged? 1 is too easy, you give me a number and I'll happily oblige to further educate you on your own religious book.
One of the many "clever" posters at a tea party event, summer of 09.

Ah yes, another of the lies of the left.



You can't even tell the truth about that - it was 2003, shit fer brains.

It was a "mock" pro-war rally. The other signs at the event read;

"Freedom Is The Enemy", "Get A Brain Morans", "Iraq Out Of Iraq", "Draft My Child", "Send Our Infants", "Soccer Moms For Blood", "War Is Peace", "I'm Pro Life And Pro Death", "Stop Reporting The Facts", "Peace Is For Pussies", "Bush Is The Savior", "This Is No Time For Thinking", "Pro Bush Lesbian", and "Ask Me About My Baby Killing Honor Student" among other slogans.

Now Maggie, you're stupid - REAL fucking stupid, but even a cretin like you can grasp this, can't you?

So, you are asked for evidence in Document A, but you provide Document B...and when called on it, you say it's a Strawman? :rofl:

I stated the Islam has declared war on America.

They have, as I demonstrated.

The only group you demonstrated to have declared war on the United States is bin Laden's. But to be fair I'm sure there are several radical groups that have done the same.

That's like saying Christianity has declared war on So. Africa.
Really? This is from a letter that mcveigh wrote to a friend .

so that doesn't seem very atheistic to me.

So in your mind that he used the term "My God" in a phrase shows that he's a Christian? Not even a reference to his religion and his other quotes are that he's atheist or agnostic?

I think when he said he's "come to peace....with my God.." it implies that he knows what he's gonna do is wrong in the eyes of his God, but he's going to do so anyway and has come to peace with that fact.

Thats a big difference in him, and a 19 year old Muslim who thinks Allah will give him 72 virgins in reward for exploding an airplane.

The "72 virgins" is metaphor for some characterization in the Quran that the Islamic fundamentalists take verbatim. If you ever bothered to listen to an Islamic scholar, you would know that the words are included with other devine pleasures to be experienced upon death (Heaven). The Bible uses metaphors too, and loony Bible Thumpers also take those words verbatim.
BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.

Please provide evidence for your statement.

Or just admit that you made it up.

Thank You

"Wafa Sultan, courageous author of the indispensible jeremiad "A God Who Hates," strove gamely to educate Bill O'Reilly -- " from article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated)

I watched her and she is quite knowledgeable about the subject.
No where in the article does it say that a wife who, as you claimed in your post,: "If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death."

Again, provide evidence for your statement; or just admit that you made it up.

Looking forward to your response. :cool:
I would be more worried about what airline.

I agree with you on that. Far, far fewer then that would be a threat worth worrying about. Though had he asked the question of you fly plane after plane, which one will blow it up first you'd have certainly lost.

I did ask that. Original question was you must take 200 flights cross country over a year. Every flight can be 100 Muslims, or 100 Christians. Which do you sign up for? No one will answer, well, no lefties anyway.

I didn't even see the question until 12 hours later, and I responded right away.
The craziest thing about what you say isn't that you say it, it's that you actually think it.

I think that what bothers the left is that people actually think. We should just shut up and obey.

For people so delusional to think radical islam can take over our country and run it it amazes me that they don't commit suicide from living in constant fear.

Ooohhh, how clever. That's bound to work! Demonize your opponent and they will crumble..

HEY, isn't that precisely what you accuse other of doing? Well, hypocrisy IS the constant companion of the left...
The craziest thing about what you say isn't that you say it, it's that you actually think it.

I think that what bothers the left is that people actually think. We should just shut up and obey.

For people so delusional to think radical islam can take over our country and run it it amazes me that they don't commit suicide from living in constant fear.

Ooohhh, how clever. That's bound to work! Demonize your opponent and they will crumble..

HEY, isn't that precisely what you accuse other of doing? Well, hypocrisy IS the constant companion of the left...

I've found in life the more often people use the terms "left", "right", "liberal", "conservative" the less they know what those words actually mean.

I'm not a racist, so you assume I'm a lefty who loves terrorists.

I just pray your god has made you incapable of bearing children or if you do, you give them all up for adoption in hopes they get a chance.
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Ok. Any airline of your choice. Lets say Southwest. A good, safe airline.

Now, you must pick a flight:

Flight A: 100 random Christians.
Flight B: 100 random Muslims.

Plane is boarding now....you have 30 seconds to choose. And your choice is.......?

let's say I pick the Christians, what conclusion are we to draw from this? What is this supposed to ultimately prove?

Well, what you answer on a message board means nothing. Thats not my point.

My point is that when faced with that decision, EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LEFT WINGER ON HERE would silently get in the Christian plane rather than the Muslim plane. Deny that as much as anyone wants. Call me a bigot. Call me a hater. Call me whatever.

But every damn person here would avoid the all-Muslim flights.

I've always wanted to take a trip to Dubai before I die, and chances are my round trip would be filled with a lot of Muslims. But that wouldn't deter me one iota. One would think that a Muslim terrorist who intends to blow it up a plane wouldn't choose one full of other Muslims in the first place. So I actually would be safer choosing that one. :lol:
Agreed, and still islamic laws are a threat to this country.

As is Biblical law....and we STILL have some of those on the books.

Please list for me the murders that have been done in the last 50 years while screaming "Jesus is Lord"!! List for me the countries that are populated predominately with Christians that: own slaves, murder women by stoning on the word of one other, murder homosexuals, rape men and women found alone, promote pedophilia (dancing boys), etc, and the population that welcomes and celebrates that culture by pilgrimaging to a giant rock for a yearly ritual.
Show me the places in the New Testament that openly encourages the "rape" of every woman around you, including aunts and cousins. Quote chapter and verse please, because "your" statement implies that all this is so with Christianity. Show your hand, or fold.

You've forgotten the Catholic priesthood?
Ok. Any airline of your choice. Lets say Southwest. A good, safe airline.

Now, you must pick a flight:

Flight A: 100 random Christians.
Flight B: 100 random Muslims.

Plane is boarding now....you have 30 seconds to choose. And your choice is.......?

let's say I pick the Christians, what conclusion are we to draw from this? What is this supposed to ultimately prove?

Well, what you answer on a message board means nothing. Thats not my point.

My point is that when faced with that decision, EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LEFT WINGER ON HERE would silently get in the Christian plane rather than the Muslim plane. Deny that as much as anyone wants. Call me a bigot. Call me a hater. Call me whatever.

But every damn person here would avoid the all-Muslim flights.

You are welcome to speak for yourself and your own fears, but don't presume that we are all shivering in fear from Muslims per se.
When the liberals defend islam that means they are defending taking rape victims and burying
them up to thier waists and stoning them to death.That islamic justice.Women are treated worse than cattle.Yet the liberals love to defend the barbaric muslim pigs!

You aren't going to talk em to death here on USMB. Get off your pussy ass and git out there and save the world from da Moozlims.

Your a punk and a coward asshole!RAM IT!!
Well, what you answer on a message board means nothing. Thats not my point.

My point is that when faced with that decision, EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LEFT WINGER ON HERE would silently get in the Christian plane rather than the Muslim plane. Deny that as much as anyone wants. Call me a bigot. Call me a hater. Call me whatever.

But every damn person here would avoid the all-Muslim flights.

And what action is warranted by this?

Well, for one the left wingers should stop preaching about being equally tolerant of all religions, and that all religions are equal, and that radical Islam is not a threat to common Americans. No left winger can say the above when I know damn well there isn't one libtard here that would pick the 200 flights with 100 random Muslims over 100 random Christians if made to choose.

All religions have their nuts, that disclaimer has been repeated a million times. But radical Islam has incredible evil brewing in that religion. Denying it is deadly to everyone.

Nobody's saying they're "equal." That's the problem with this thread and Uncensored's absurdities. All any of us have been arguing is that religious tolerance is not only mandated by the Constitution, but it's common sense in a world of 3 billion Muslims, and around 3 million American Muslims. Do they sometimes dress funny and are their lifestyles and religious ceremonies strange to me? Of course. But do I dismiss them because they're different? No, and neither should you.
let's say I pick the Christians, what conclusion are we to draw from this? What is this supposed to ultimately prove?

Well, what you answer on a message board means nothing. Thats not my point.

My point is that when faced with that decision, EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LEFT WINGER ON HERE would silently get in the Christian plane rather than the Muslim plane. Deny that as much as anyone wants. Call me a bigot. Call me a hater. Call me whatever.

But every damn person here would avoid the all-Muslim flights.

You are welcome to speak for yourself and your own fears, but don't presume that we are all shivering in fear from Muslims per se.

No your licking the balls of the islamic pigs!Goto your nearest mosque and smell thier asses muz lover!

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