Why do leftists dress like terrorists when they march or protest?

Head to toe in black. Why?

I think your eyesight's going, old man.

Look at all the idiots who responded to this stupid question as though the premise that all "leftist" protesters wear black is remotely accurate.

That's how the echo chamber works. Dummies feeding dummies.
"Donald Trump talked at length about what he called “the alt left.” White supremacists, he claimed, weren’t the only people in Charlottesville last weekend that deserved condemnation. “You had a group on the other side that was also very violent,” he declared. “Nobody wants to say that.”

I can say with great confidence that Trump’s final sentence is untrue. I can do so because the September issue of The Atlantic contains an essay of mine entitled “The Rise of the Violent Left,” which discusses the very phenomenon that Trump claims “nobody wants” to discuss. Trump is right that, in Charlottesville and beyond, the violence of some leftist activists constitutes a real problem. Where he’s wrong is in suggesting that it’s a problem in any way comparable to white supremacism.

What Trump calls “the alt left” (I’ll explain why that’s a bad term later) is actually antifa, which is short for anti-fascist. The movement traces its roots to the militant leftists who in the 1920s and 1930s brawled with fascists on the streets of Germany, Italy, and Spain. It revived in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, when anti-racist punks in Britain and Germany mobilized to defeat neo-Nazi skinheads who were infiltrating the music scene. Via punk, groups calling themselves anti-racist action—and later, anti-fascist action or antifa—sprung up in the United States. They have seen explosive growth in the Trump era for an obvious reason: There’s more open white supremacism to mobilize against.

As members of a largely anarchist movement, antifa activists generally combat white supremacism not by trying to change government policy but through direct action. They try to publicly identify white supremacists and get them fired from their jobs and evicted from their apartments. And they disrupt white-supremacist rallies, including by force.

As I argued in my essay, some of their tactics are genuinely troubling. They’re troubling tactically because conservatives use antifa’s violence to justify—or at least distract from—the violence of white supremacists, as Trump did in his press conference. They’re troubling strategically because they allow white supremacists to depict themselves as victims being denied the right to freely assemble. And they’re troubling morally because antifa activists really do infringe upon that right. By using violence, they reject the moral legacy of the civil-rights movement’s fight against white supremacy. And by seeking to deny racists the ability to assemble, they reject the moral legacy of the ACLU, which in 1977 went to the Supreme Court to defend the right of neo-Nazis to march through Skokie, Illinois.

Antifa activists are sincere. They genuinely believe that their actions protect vulnerable people from harm. Cornel West claims they did so in Charlottesville. But for all of antifa’s supposed anti-authoritarianism, there’s something fundamentally authoritarian about its claim that its activists—who no one elected—can decide whose views are too odious to be publicly expressed. That kind of undemocratic, illegitimate power corrupts."

There's No Equivalence Between Antifa and White Supremacists
The president of the United States is now a neo-Nazi sympathiser

The SPLC breaks down the groups by category, noting that there were 99 neo-Nazi groups, 130 outposts of the Ku Klux Klan, 43 neo-Confederate groups, 78 racist skinhead groups and 100 white nationalist groups. Various other groups – those classified as anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, Christian identity or general hate groups – could also share some ideology with white supremacist or white nationalist groups.

The overall number of U.S. hate groups jumped about 17 percent in 2016 from 784 in 2014, according to SPLC research.

Beirich noted that there has been “massive growth” in recent years, and pointed to the expansion of groups that are associated with neo-Nazi news website the Daily Stormer.

“The Daily Stormer went from one chapter in 2015 to about 30 in 2016,” she said, noting that many of the new groups were having in-person meetings and not just communicating online.

Trump has been slow to call out white nationalists before, critics say

By the numbers: 7 charts that explain hate groups in the United States

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Pelosi on violent Antifa members: Lock them up

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.”

Pelosi Statement Condemning Antifa Violence in Berkeley - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

This is who is taking over the Democrat party. The progressives are too cowardly to stop them and the blueblood democrats were to cowardly to stop the progressives when they hijacked it.
Why do rightists dress like terrorists when they march - jack boots and assault rifles and camo?

When I assert that libturds are weapons grade stupid, and dangerous when left unsupervised I am not joking in the slightest way, and Coyote parroting leftist drivel is all the evidence I could ask for.

When was the last time "rightists" carrying rifles and wearing camo burned cop cars, destroyed businesses arbitrarily, shut down opposition rallies or shot at democrooks at a baseball game?

Thanks bed wetters, you make yourselves look stupid. All we have to do is point and laugh.


anarchists do not represent "the left"... violent tactics do not represent "the left".

the legitimacy of "the left" political agenda specifically to oppose ALT RT white supremacist fascists is not negated by these marginal extremist tactics . :thup:

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