Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

A mutual hatred for Christianity and traditional Christian America.

Yes, it is really that simple.

On the outside it would appear liberals and Muslims don't have a single thing in common. Liberals favor homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Muslims hang or stone them. Liberals favor female empowerment. Muslims abuse and degrade women. Liberals favor "world peace". Muslims favor "world jihad". Liberals favor secularization of government. Muslims view religion and government as one entity. And so on and so on...

Some notable examples of this strange phenomenon could be seen immediately after the dust from the September 11th attacks had settled. Once Osama bin Laden and his Islamic terrorist network called 'Al Qaida' were identified in the mainstream media and became commonly known names, the liberals, like clockwork, asked, "Why do the Muslims hate us?" The question implies that the barbaric Islamic terrorists were the reactionary force, and that the United States was the instigator. The liberals strove to justify and make sense of the attack and still do.

In the post 9/11 era, the mutual love affair between liberals and Muslims is a predicable and common trend.

More at: Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

I don't "side" with Muslims any more than I side with accused criminals, gay bashers, Republicans, dry wall guys or camp counselors. What I (and most liberals, I suspect) "side with" is principle. If someone is getting an unfair and a bad shake, I generally side with them, regardless of who they are or what they represent.

I am opposed to bigotry. That's why I am not a Republican.
I personally have never seen a liberal on this forum defend Christians or Jews.
There is a difference between siding with Muslims, and siding with terrorists.

Is there? :eusa_eh:
The White House would apparently have us believe that there's not, as we see in the administration's insistence that this latest violence is about a YouTube video instead of about Islamic terrorists.

Disagreeing with you on how to handle terrorism, does not equal siding with terrorists.

Obama is saying there was no terrorism when his administration is saying that this was about a movie. IOW, those were garden-variety Muslims reacting to a perceived insult. And if those Muslims aren't "terrorists", what that tells us is that Islam and free expression are incompatible and there's no such thing as a "moderate Muslim".

See... one of two things happened here. Either we experienced a terrorist attack on 9/11 or... there are NO moderate Muslims. Obama has put himself in a bit of a pickle here. Either he ADMITS his administration dropped the ball on security, that he FAILED to adequately protect our overseas assets, or he puts the lie to the idea that only "radical" Muslims commit violence in the name of their religion.
Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

Answer: A mutual hatred for Christianity and traditional Christian America.

Yes, it is really that simple.

On the outside it would appear liberals and Muslims don't have a single thing in common. Liberals favor homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Muslims hang or stone them. Liberals favor female empowerment. Muslims abuse and degrade women. Liberals favor "world peace". Muslims favor "world jihad". Liberals favor secularization of government. Muslims view religion and government as one entity. And so on and so on...

Some notable examples of this strange phenomenon could be seen immediately after the dust from the September 11th attacks had settled. Once Osama bin Laden and his Islamic terrorist network called 'Al Qaida' were identified in the mainstream media and became commonly known names, the liberals, like clockwork, asked, "Why do the Muslims hate us?" The question implies that the barbaric Islamic terrorists were the reactionary force, and that the United States was the instigator. The liberals strove to justify and make sense of the attack and still do.

In the post 9/11 era, the mutual love affair between liberals and Muslims is a predicable and common trend.

More at: Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

Yup. Militant Islamofascists and progressives want the exact same thing...the destruction of America as we know it, the elimination of Christianity by fair means or foul, destruction of the Constitution, removal of all our freedoms, and the establishment of a tyrannical government.

That is exactly why they're always on the same side. For the same reason progressives come down on the same side as any tyranny that commits egregious human rights violations...they want that power themselves, so they must ultimately advocate it.
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Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

A mutual hatred for Christianity and traditional Christian America.

Yes, it is really that simple.

On the outside it would appear liberals and Muslims don't have a single thing in common. Liberals favor homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Muslims hang or stone them. Liberals favor female empowerment. Muslims abuse and degrade women. Liberals favor "world peace". Muslims favor "world jihad". Liberals favor secularization of government. Muslims view religion and government as one entity. And so on and so on...

Some notable examples of this strange phenomenon could be seen immediately after the dust from the September 11th attacks had settled. Once Osama bin Laden and his Islamic terrorist network called 'Al Qaida' were identified in the mainstream media and became commonly known names, the liberals, like clockwork, asked, "Why do the Muslims hate us?" The question implies that the barbaric Islamic terrorists were the reactionary force, and that the United States was the instigator. The liberals strove to justify and make sense of the attack and still do.

In the post 9/11 era, the mutual love affair between liberals and Muslims is a predicable and common trend.

More at: Why Do Liberals Always Side With Muslims?

I don't "side" with Muslims any more than I side with accused criminals, gay bashers, Republicans, dry wall guys or camp counselors. What I (and most liberals, I suspect) "side with" is principle. If someone is getting an unfair and a bad shake, I generally side with them, regardless of who they are or what they represent.

I am opposed to bigotry. That's why I am not a Republican.

funny, you seem very bigoted against Republicans, and I've never seen you stand up for Palin when she was treated unfairly and got a bad rap. Nope never. That makes you a misfounate misfit.
Gallup Daily tracking from June 1-July 26 finds Jewish registered voters favoring Obama over Romney by 68% to 25%.

If we take away the undecided voters in the Gallup survey, Jewish voters break 73/27 for Obama.

A recent report by the non-partisan Solomon Project found retroactively that Obama received 74% of the Jewish vote in 2008.

There is a difference between siding with Muslims, and siding with terrorists.
Doesn't seem to be as far as liberals go.

I'm sure if I googled, I could find a crazy liberal siding with terrorists. However I'm just as certain I could find a crazy conservative doing the same.

The majority of liberals may side with Muslims, but they do not side with terrorists.

They way you libs around here post it's hard to tell the difference. :D
Why are Republicans against.EVERY.minority?
Is that why one of the best Republican congressmen is Allen West?

Racist fucking idiot.

What about Terrell the janitor who needs food stamps to feed his kids because his full time job doesn't cover the bills? What about Juan, the 16 year old kid who was born in this country? What about Abdul, the American citizen Muslim who drives a cab to make a living?

Allen West isn't a Republican....he's a Tea Party loon...Go start your own party.and stop hijacking my old one....It's people like you that are a big part why I switched sides.
Terrell and Juan and Abdul?

Pfffft....what the HELL are you raving about, you anti-american piece of shit?
Why are Republicans against.EVERY.minority?
Is that why one of the best Republican congressmen is Allen West?

Racist fucking idiot.

What about Terrell the janitor who needs food stamps to feed his kids because his full time job doesn't cover the bills? What about Juan, the 16 year old kid who was born in this country? What about Abdul, the American citizen Muslim who drives a cab to make a living?

Allen West isn't a Republican....he's a Tea Party loon...Go start your own party.and stop hijacking my old one....It's people like you that are a big part why I switched sides.

Allen West is a REgistered Republican and if it's your "old" party then don't lay claim to it, you're just another Crist.
I think Liberals side with anyone who shares the same views of America as Libs...

I will leave it at that...
Gallup Daily tracking from June 1-July 26 finds Jewish registered voters favoring Obama over Romney by 68% to 25%.

If we take away the undecided voters in the Gallup survey, Jewish voters break 73/27 for Obama.

A recent report by the non-partisan Solomon Project found retroactively that Obama received 74% of the Jewish vote in 2008.

They can't answer my question either.

Liberals favor homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Muslims hang or stone them. Liberals favor female empowerment. Muslims abuse and degrade women. Liberals favor "world peace". Muslims favor "world jihad". Liberals favor secularization of government. Muslims view religion and government as one entity. And so on and so on...

A most interesting quote from the OP. Let's take a look at it in detail, making the quite reasonable assumption that, on the issues discussed, the Liberal view and the Conservative view are at opposite ends of the pole:

The author seems to feel that Liberals favor homosexuality and homosexual marriage. I don't know about "favoring" either of these two institutions, but I know that many Liberals are in favor of giving others a fair break in matters that really don't concern anyone else except those others. Of course, many Conservatives are clearly both opposed to homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Why? My guess is bigotry.

Liberals favor "female empowerment." We sure do. I guess you Conservatives don't feel that way - kind of in favor of putting women down? That is pretty much what I have seen coming from the Right. Why change now?

Liberals favor "world peace." That's right, we sure do. What are you Conservatives for, world WAR? Sure seems like it to me, based on what I have seen during the last several Republican administrations.
Is that why one of the best Republican congressmen is Allen West?

Racist fucking idiot.

What about Terrell the janitor who needs food stamps to feed his kids because his full time job doesn't cover the bills? What about Juan, the 16 year old kid who was born in this country? What about Abdul, the American citizen Muslim who drives a cab to make a living?

Allen West isn't a Republican....he's a Tea Party loon...Go start your own party.and stop hijacking my old one....It's people like you that are a big part why I switched sides.

Allen West is a REgistered Republican and if it's your "old" party then don't lay claim to it, you're just another Crist.

Bang.....Zoooooooom! I was about to say the same thing.

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