Why do liberals keep pretending our immigration laws need "reform"?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The last time the liberals (in both parties) tried this, they got a roaring "NO!" from the American people. So many called and wrote to their Congressmen that they had to drop their attempt to gin up a "reform" bill that would have eventually granted amnesty to the 15-million-plus illegal aliens who have crossed our borders against our current laws.

Apparently the liberals didn't take the hint. They are trying it again. Harry Reid has announced that he will try to put together yet another "immigration reform" bill... as though there were something wrong with our present laws.

None of these people have ever pinpointed what it is they don't like about our present laws. Our laws allow:

* It's illegal for foreigners to come into the country without a visa.
* It's illegal for them to stay in the country longer than specified on their visa or resident-alien card.
* Foreigners who do any of the above, are to be deported unless unusual circumstances (political asylum, etc.) can be established.
* It's illegal for foreigners in this country to get paying jobs unless their immigration papers permit it.
* Foreigners can come here to work for a specified period if the employer can show that no domestic workers can or will take the job ("Guest Worker Program").
* Foreign spouses and/or immediate family members of American citizens can come into the country.
* Several other categories of immigration exist, to let foreigners immigrate.
* Congress decided many decades ago, that immigration into the U.S. must be limited, so that assimilation can take place and the immigrants can learn American ways, language etc.; and so that communities won't simply be overwhelmed and transformed into foreign colonies of the country the immigrants came from.

What about thse present rules, do the liberals (in both parties) not like? Why do they keep insisting these rules need some kind of "reform"?

The problem has been, of course, not the rules. It's been the enforcement of the rules. The Fed govt has been flatly failing in their Constitutional duty to enforce these rules. One result of this, is that literally millions of foreigners ("aliens") have entered the country illegally, with 15 million (or more) remaining to this day. They take jobs Americans need, work "off the books" without paying taxes, overload schools with their children till the schools can no longer provide decent education, overwhelm hospital emergency rooms until the hospitals can no longer provide good emergency treatment to those who need it, even to the point where the hospitals must close due to finanical insolvency; they bring in diseases that had formerly been eradicated in the U.S., etc. etc.

But why do the liberals keep jumping to the conclusion that it's "the Rules" that need changing, rather than the enforcement of those rules?

There is the additional problem of the huge numbers of illegal aliens within our borders. But if our present laws are enforced (for a change), then deporting the ones who came to the attention of law enforcement, would finally have an effect, as they won't be able to just turn around and walk back into the U.S.

Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done. And the Federal government is Constitutionally REQUIRED to do them.

No "reform" of our present laws is needed.

In fact, the last time it was tried, it quickly became clear that the liberals in both parties) were merely playing games, trying to buy the votes of the voting friends of the illegal aliens by offering them amnesty in various disguises (most often referred to as a "path to citizenship", as though they didn't already have such a path open to them within the necessary restrictions defined by Congress).

Next time you hear about "immigration reform", keep in mind that no reform is needed... in fact, the next set of rules is no more likely to be obeyed by our politicians than the present ones are. It is far more likely that duplicitous politicians are trying once again, to buy more votes at the expense of our already-overrun communities, hospital, and schools.
Although you decry "immigration reform," you do concede the need for change. Effective border enforcement should be a mandatory precondition, but the question of what to do with those already here, many who have resided for decades with US born children, remains. Mass deportation is not feasible, and perpetuation of the status quo is a recipe for social (and political) problems.

My recommendation is, rather than send them home for the current 10 year waiting period, to allow them to prove self support by filing federal tax returns for that same period without eligibility for any public assistance programs. At the end of that time, they would become eligible for permanent residency status.
Immigration laws MIGHT need to be revamped.. but we will not know that until THEY ACTUALLY ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE ON THE BOOKS...

Let's just have a bunch of laws we don't enforce, followed by an amnesty and a bunch of new laws that we won't enforce.. resulting in the need for another amnesty or whatever else.. :rolleyes:.. yeah, that is sane.. NOT
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My recommendation is, rather than send them home for the current 10 year waiting period, to allow them to prove self support by filing federal tax returns for that same period without eligibility for any public assistance programs. At the end of that time, they would become eligible for permanent residency status.

So you favor letting the people who have broken our laws, stay in the country.... while keeping out the people who obeyed those laws, filled out all the proper forms, and have be waiting patiently in their original countries for years?

I suggest it should be the other way around... don't you think?
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My recommendation is, rather than send them home for the current 10 year waiting period, to allow them to prove self support by filing federal tax returns for that same period without eligibility for any public assistance programs. At the end of that time, they would become eligible for permanent residency status.

So you favor letting the people who have broken our laws, stay in the country.... while keeping out the people who obeyed those laws, filled out all the proper forms, and have be waiting patiently in their original countries for years?

I suggest it should be the other way around... don't you think?

Theoretically yes, practically no. What do you suggest for people already here? Mass deportation, status quo or? Preventing them from working will only drive up the crime rate and increase public assistance for their children.

Compared with many European countries, our immigration problem is a piece of cake. Where else are we going to get new contributors to Social Security?
My recommendation is, rather than send them home for the current 10 year waiting period, to allow them to prove self support by filing federal tax returns for that same period without eligibility for any public assistance programs. At the end of that time, they would become eligible for permanent residency status.

So you favor letting the people who have broken our laws, stay in the country.... while keeping out the people who obeyed those laws, filled out all the proper forms, and have be waiting patiently in their original countries for years?

I suggest it should be the other way around... don't you think?

Theoretically yes, practically no. What do you suggest for people already here? Mass deportation, status quo or? Preventing them from working will only drive up the crime rate and increase public assistance for their children.

Compared with many European countries, our immigration problem is a piece of cake. Where else are we going to get new contributors to Social Security?

Start with sealing the borders, like what was supposed to be done.. add to that start enforcing the existing laws and yes, deporting those who break the law... then start by looking at improving the way legal immigration is actually handled and streamlining the process... but, you don't give the law breakers any sort of advantage over those who have been waiting and going about things the right way....

If after all of that you find more issues, then start addressing those issues one at a time on a priority basis...
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So you favor letting the people who have broken our laws, stay in the country.... while keeping out the people who obeyed those laws, filled out all the proper forms, and have be waiting patiently in their original countries for years?

I suggest it should be the other way around... don't you think?

Theoretically yes, practically no. What do you suggest for people already here? Mass deportation, status quo or? Preventing them from working will only drive up the crime rate and increase public assistance for their children.

Compared with many European countries, our immigration problem is a piece of cake. Where else are we going to get new contributors to Social Security?

Start with sealing the borders, like what was supposed to be done.. add to that start enforcing the existing laws and yes, deporting those who break the law... then start by looking at improving the way legal immigration is actually handled and streamlining the process... but, you don't give the law breakers any sort of advantage over those who have been waiting and going about things the right way....

If after all of that you find more issues, then start addressing those issues one at a time on a priority basis...

If you are in favor of deporting 10+ million people, please say it instead of couching it in fine phrases.
Those parents came or stayed here, knowing that they were becoming illegal immigrants who would be deported if caught. And after voluntarily taking on that status, they produced children.

What were the parents' plans for their children if they (the parents) got caught and deported? I suggest that those plans now be carried out.

If/when the parents get caught, what do they intend to do about their own children? This is not the U.S. government's problem, you know.

The children born on U.S. soil, are U.S. citizens according to present law. Now that the parents are boing deported as required by law, do they intend to take their children with them? Or do they intend for the children to stay in the U.S., as is their birthright? What arrangements have the parents made for their upbringing if they stay?

The U.S. government is not splitting up families, you know. The parents created that situation, by having kids here while they knew they were subject to deportation themselves. Now it's time for those parents to decide what happens to their own kids, if they haven't already made plans long ago (as responsible parents would have).

It's up to the parents to decide what happens to their kids, not the U.S. government. The U.S. government is charged only with responding to what the parents themselves have done.
Do you take the same position with respect to children of US citizens? No government responsibility?
Theoretically yes, practically no. What do you suggest for people already here? Mass deportation, status quo or? Preventing them from working will only drive up the crime rate and increase public assistance for their children.

Compared with many European countries, our immigration problem is a piece of cake. Where else are we going to get new contributors to Social Security?

Start with sealing the borders, like what was supposed to be done.. add to that start enforcing the existing laws and yes, deporting those who break the law... then start by looking at improving the way legal immigration is actually handled and streamlining the process... but, you don't give the law breakers any sort of advantage over those who have been waiting and going about things the right way....

If after all of that you find more issues, then start addressing those issues one at a time on a priority basis...

If you are in favor of deporting 10+ million people, please say it instead of couching it in fine phrases.

You catching all 10MIL at once???

Sorry.. you catch an illegal (no matter the originating culture or country) and you go thru the process and law that is on the books.. you need to deport 200 today, you deport 200 today.. you need to deport 400 tomorrow, you deport 400 tomorrow... you need to deport only 150 next Tuesday, you only deport 150 next Tuesday

You fucking finish sealing your borders... You fucking starting enforcing the existing laws.. you see where you stand from there.. then you go about your needed streamlining etc....
Start with sealing the borders, like what was supposed to be done.. add to that start enforcing the existing laws and yes, deporting those who break the law... then start by looking at improving the way legal immigration is actually handled and streamlining the process... but, you don't give the law breakers any sort of advantage over those who have been waiting and going about things the right way....

If after all of that you find more issues, then start addressing those issues one at a time on a priority basis...

If you are in favor of deporting 10+ million people, please say it instead of couching it in fine phrases.

You catching all 10MIL at once???

Sorry.. you catch an illegal (no matter the originating culture or country) and you go thru the process and law that is on the books.. you need to deport 200 today, you deport 200 today.. you need to deport 400 tomorrow, you deport 400 tomorrow... you need to deport only 150 next Tuesday, you only deport 150 next Tuesday

You fucking finish sealing your borders... You fucking starting enforcing the existing laws.. you see where you stand from there.. then you go about your needed streamlining etc....

This whole "Immigration reform" crap is just that - crap. It's nearly identical to this new "gun law" nonsense.

We have MORE than enough laws ALREADY on the books to take care of illegal immigration. We have MORE than enough laws ALREADY on the books to take care of gun crimes.


Instead, our "Represenatives" who have sat on their collective asses for 50 years, sucking off the teats of the American taxpayers have chosen to simply IGNORE our laws to the point of making them moot, and now want to "reform" them.

ENFORCE THE LAW!!!! Folks, it really is that easy.

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