Why do libs fear QANON?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
So you believe dumping osama at sea was a good idea?
Considering Obama’s military policing and Middle East policy everywhere was a disaster, you think this was a solid move?

And who said I personally need closure. I personally don’t give a fuck, but I can see effects of things outside of just how they affect me.

If anyone seems to be taking this personally it’s you.
Yes, I think it was a good idea.

For one, it's bold because it was in spite of all of the obvious backlash from the sideline whiners like you're doing here.
Two - they gave reason and also took the DNA, for Intelligence, so that future kooks (entitled internet trolls) could be kept at bay except to whine "deep state!! deep fake!!" with no proof, years later.

I don't take any of this personal, you're the one bickering over the disposal of the dead body of a terrorist. I'm just providing you with the grow the fuck up sentiments in lieu of the folks who had to make these hard decisions without you in their shoes, while critical.

As someone said here at the time...I just hope they wrapped him in bacon first.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

And then killed him in custody.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

If you don't fear them you aren't very smart. Everyone should read crazy cults with fanatical members.
Again, it is really this simple why you live in Fear!

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;
for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.
Yeah yeah yeah, I've read the Bible. Interesting working fiction, it is.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

And then killed him in custody.
Only the Clintons have a wet work team that good.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

And then killed him in custody.
Only the Clintons have a wet work team that good.

He died in Trump's custody....
Seems Trump had him killed.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

And then killed him in custody.
Only the Clintons have a wet work team that good.

He died in Trump's custody....
Seems Trump had him killed.
You say that like Trump was the prison guard.
Trump had no reason to have him killed. Quite honestly as long as Epstein is dead who cares who did the deed. If the witnesses are to be believed, Bill Clinton was desperate to hide his affair with Ghislaine Maxwell, who is the woman he truly loves.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

And then killed him in custody.
Only the Clintons have a wet work team that good.

He died in Trump's custody....
Seems Trump had him killed.
You say that like Trump was the prison guard.
Trump had no reason to have him killed. Quite honestly as long as Epstein is dead who cares who did the deed. If the witnesses are to be believed, Bill Clinton was desperate to hide his affair with Ghislaine Maxwell, who is the woman he truly loves.


Sure...Trump killed his buddy Epstein to prevent Clinton embarrassment.
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
So you believe dumping osama at sea was a good idea?
Considering Obama’s military policing and Middle East policy everywhere was a disaster, you think this was a solid move?

And who said I personally need closure. I personally don’t give a fuck, but I can see effects of things outside of just how they affect me.

If anyone seems to be taking this personally it’s you.
Yes, I think it was a good idea.

For one, it's bold because it was in spite of all of the obvious backlash from the sideline whiners like you're doing here.
Two - they gave reason and also took the DNA, for Intelligence, so that future kooks (entitled internet trolls) could be kept at bay except to whine "deep state!! deep fake!!" with no proof, years later.

I don't take any of this personal, you're the one bickering over the disposal of the dead body of a terrorist. I'm just providing you with the grow the fuck up sentiments in lieu of the folks who had to make these hard decisions without you in their shoes, while critical.

As someone said here at the time...I just hope they wrapped him in bacon first.

Thank God.
Finally something we can agree on.
It’s a start.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Weiner did not have child porn. He was sending dickpicks to teenage girls, which is both disgusting and illegal, and he went jail for it.

Allan Dershowitz admits to getting a massage from one of Epsteins girls. Trump has been sued for rape by a girl who was 13 when she says he beat and raped her. They were best buds, and Trump said they shared an interest in beautiful young women. Epstein was handled with kid gloves by the Republican prosecutors, and protected by Republican politicians. Donald Trump gave a cabinet position to the prosecutor who gave Epstein that sweet plea deal. None of Epsteins victims have mentioned Bill Clinton. Not everyone who went to the island even knew the girls were there.

Donald Trump has been accused by 22 different women, but their stories all back up his bragging on the Access Hollywood tapes. Three women have credibly accused him of rape.

Podesta is guilty of "looking creepy"? Is that your contention? Have you seen Stephen Miller? His photos make my skin crawl. If anyone is a child eating alien reptile, my money's on Miller.

So basically you're prepared to buy into this bullshit because you want to believe it.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. Same sex marriage has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Both are milestones in the sexual revolution

neither had popular support and could not be legalized through the democratic process

so the hedonists turned to activist liberal judges to legeslate from the bench

one is a done deal, which the other is waiting in the wings
Don't be stupider than you have to be. Same sex marriage has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Both are milestones in the sexual revolution

neither had popular support and could not be legalized through the democratic process

so the hedonists turned to activist liberal judges to legeslate from the bench

one is a done deal, which the other is waiting in the wings
A. Yes, same sex marriage was legalised by a Democratic process.

B. If you think same sex relationships have anything to do with pedophilia you are a sick fuck.

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