Why do libs fear QANON?

If you don't fear them you aren't very smart. Everyone should read crazy cults with fanatical members.
If being opposed to pedophilia is a crazy cult then sign me up

Right, I mean who can be against an organization vowing to fight child sex trafficking #savethechildren?

Except that they're using this so-called "war on pedophillia" to spread conspiracy theories, lies and to slander Democrats. When you do a deep dive on their opposition to pedophiles, they claim that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are leading a satanic cult which rapes and murders children and drink their blood so they can stay young forever.

Their so-called opposition to pedophilia is actually hindering REAL child trafficking investigations. Q-anon conspiracists and true believers are flooding child trafficking tip lines and help lines, and investigators are spending a lot of time chasing down these crazy stories, instead of investigating and ending real child trafficking.

More children are being trafficked and abused BECAUSE of Q-Anon and their craziness, and that's what is making them so dangerous to the cause they claim to support.

No...it's an actual report by the US Senate that details the coordination between Russian Intel and the criminal Trump campaign that had 7 officials charged with felonies.
None involving trump or the campaign but rather activities separate from the campaign
they've verifiably made a ton of shit up
Such as?
QAnon is constantly predicting there will be mass arrests of powerful people on specific dates. Those dates come and go. Then the prediction get a new date. That too comes and goes.
Pretty much. Why is it dangerous?

I consider this dangerous:

"QAnon followers believe that Trump is a messianic figure battling devil-worshipping, child-molesting Democrats in a conspiracy theory spread on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube. In recent weeks, Facebook and Twitter have cracked down on QAnon. Google’s YouTube banned it on Thursday.""""

because these idiots have guns and are itching to use them for a "good cause" like saving children.
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.
If you don't fear them you aren't very smart. Everyone should read crazy cults with fanatical members.
If being opposed to pedophilia is a crazy cult then sign me up

Right, I mean who can be against an organization vowing to fight child sex trafficking #savethechildren?

Except that they're using this so-called "war on pedophillia" to spread conspiracy theories, lies and to slander Democrats. When you do a deep dive on their opposition to pedophiles, they claim that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are leading a satanic cult which rapes and murders children and drink their blood so they can stay young forever.

Their so-called opposition to pedophilia is actually hindering REAL child trafficking investigations. Q-anon conspiracists and true believers are flooding child trafficking tip lines and help lines, and investigators are spending a lot of time chasing down these crazy stories, instead of investigating and ending real child trafficking.

More children are being trafficked and abused BECAUSE of Q-Anon and their craziness, and that's what is making them so dangerous to the cause they claim to support.

Is QANON active in canada?

if so then go pester Ottawa and leave us alone
they've verifiably made a ton of shit up
Such as?
QAnon is constantly predicting there will be mass arrests of powerful people on specific dates. Those dates come and go. Then the prediction get a new date. That too comes and goes.
Pretty much. Why is it dangerous?

I consider this dangerous:

"QAnon followers believe that Trump is a messianic figure battling devil-worshipping, child-molesting Democrats in a conspiracy theory spread on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube. In recent weeks, Facebook and Twitter have cracked down on QAnon. Google’s YouTube banned it on Thursday.""""

because these idiots have guns and are itching to use them for a "good cause" like saving children.
This is dumb. I can tell you there are way scary groups of people with guns then the Q crowd, who have hurt nobody.

Its like a dude rights political fiction on the internet and Democrats want his story scrubbed.
That's just dumb.

I could say that to justify anything.

This post perfectly illustrates how simplistic collectivist thought is.

No, you can’t. QAnon is disconnected from reality. It creates a cult conspiracy mentality which makes people manipulable by someone and resistant to outside information.

Democracy works when we don’t have to argue about reality, but issues. QAnon believers are not founded in reality.
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the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?

That is totally different because Clintons are Democrats and Trump is a Republican. I still don't get why Epstein is still a topic.
I understand your confusion as you are proceeding with little in way of an intellect, I do believe you radical kooks are dishing on kook fringe Q-heads because they are in open opposition to pedophiles, which I might add is a very strange sexual fetish for you wanks to defend as you are obviously doing, by attacking the Q-heads who obviously hate pedophiles, regardless, Epstein is highly relevant to topic as he was a democratic party pedophile who had drop on dozens, if not hundreds, of other democratic party pedophiles, which again makes it all the weirder of you fascists to come in on behalf of pedophiles so you can attack fringe kook movement! :auiqs.jpg:
And somehow there are no authentic pictures--I'm sure you guys are working on photoshopping them--with Epstein and Biden together.

He was a member of Trump's club, and was photographed with him.
No...it's an actual report by the US Senate that details the coordination between Russian Intel and the criminal Trump campaign that had 7 officials charged with felonies.
None involving trump or the campaign but rather activities separate from the campaign


" (U) Prior to joining the Trump Campaign in March 2016 and continuing throughout his time 6n the Campaign, Manafort directly and indirectly communicated with Kilimnik, Deripaska, and the pro-Russian oligarchs in Ukraine. On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik. The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik or with whom Kilimnik further shared that information. The Committee had limited insight into Kilimnik's communications with Manafort and into Kilimnik's communications with other individuals connected to Russian influence operations, all of whom used communications security practices. The Committee obtained some information suggesting Kilimnik may have been connected to the GRU's hack and leak operation targeting the 2016 U.S. election.


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the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.

The average Trumptoid has an attention span and recall of a gerbil.
Pizzagate immediately came to my mind, too.
There was no shooting.

And just so we understand... 1 guy who goes off his rocker thinking kids are held in a basement of a pizza place requires multiple discussion on a presidential level, and is worthy of a presidential debate question...
Antifa causing mayhem in multiple American cities every night, burning down business and looting, attacking people, etc for the better part of a year... Biden calls them “an idea” and others here claim they really don’t exist, and that’s all good?

"Antifa causing mayhem in multiple American cities every night, burning down business and looting, attacking people..."
Want to post some links or just spread fake news?
Post links?

Are you serious?
Have you been living under a rock?
Have you missed the hundreds nightly news broadcasts, the YouTube clips, the discussions, people posting in the web, twitter videos, etc?

Oh wait... you’re one of those “Antifa is an idea” people.

Hey look everybody!! We got one!
This guy right here, Blaine sweeter. He is one of the “antifa is not real” guys.

Funny, I’ve met them. Seen them beginning their antics. I’ve spoken to friends of mine who are police who had bricks thrown at them by these people, who’ve seen them destroy things, who’ve arrested them. I guess these were all figments of our imagination.

You do realize that a position like yours is absolutely hysterical.
“Hey Blaine sweeter, the sun rises in the East”
“You got a link for that? You have any proof? How can the sun be real if our eyes aren’t real, right wing crazy person”
No...it's an actual report by the US Senate that details the coordination between Russian Intel and the criminal Trump campaign that had 7 officials charged with felonies.
Thats a damn lie

maybe the russians were no smarter than democrats and the lib news media and were fooled by the lying lib polls

if so its logical that they would want to stain the first female president

but their efforts were pretty feeble and they actually broke no laws by buying anti hillary ads on facebook
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
So you believe dumping osama at sea was a good idea?
Considering Obama’s military policing and Middle East policy everywhere was a disaster, you think this was a solid move?

And who said I personally need closure. I personally don’t give a fuck, but I can see effects of things outside of just how they affect me.

If anyone seems to be taking this personally it’s you.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.
Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
So you believe dumping osama at sea was a good idea?
Considering Obama’s military policing and Middle East policy everywhere was a disaster, you think this was a solid move?

And who said I personally need closure. I personally don’t give a fuck, but I can see effects of things outside of just how they affect me.

If anyone seems to be taking this personally it’s you.
Yes, I think it was a good idea.

For one, it's bold because it was in spite of all of the obvious backlash from the sideline whiners like you're doing here.
Two - they gave reason and also took the DNA, for Intelligence, so that future kooks (entitled internet trolls) could be kept at bay except to whine "deep state!! deep fake!!" with no proof, years later.

I don't take any of this personal, you're the one bickering over the disposal of the dead body of a terrorist. I'm just providing you with the grow the fuck up sentiments in lieu of the folks who had to make these hard decisions without you in their shoes, while critical.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.
So you think everyone who ever knew Epstien is a pedophile?
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Given Weiner had child porn, given that hunter apparently had/has child porn, given that Podesta is the very picture of what a typical pedo looks and sounds like, and then you have all the dems on the Epstein plane and island....I don't think that the kiddy porn is completely off. I don't understand how pizza parlor was brought into it but I will research one day.

Because he isn't a child molestor---------and he kicked the beloved friend of the dems and their pedophile pimp out of his properties years ago for get this -----------going after a young girl/woman. Why is Trump the only person ever to have kicked Epstein to the curb when he was sexually going after people? Hmmmm.....

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