Why do libs fear QANON?

For me, the “trust sessions” shit killed it for me.
You will have to explain that
Qanon used to constantly say “trust sessions” and “trust the plan”, and “trust Huber”.
But they really liked “trust sessions”.

Sessions totally shit the bed and was reckless and dropped The ball completely. He let rosenstein manage a complete sham operation, refusing himself like a fucking coward.

Clearly, they were dead wrong about “trust sessions”
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

That's a mystery to me.

I look at Q as a curiosity like Alex Jones.....He keeps making predictions about huge "bombshell" events ready to drop any day now, yet never delivers.

Yet the moonbats obsess and lose their shit over him like no other goofy soothsayer I've ever seen.
Democrats activity cover for pedophiles just like ABC News does.

Yes, and that's why the commie breeding sow harped on it's attacks on pedophilia up front and foremost when the thing was desperate to play 'Gotcha' and losing badly on the Trump 'Town Hall' thing; she kept implying there was something bad about being opposed to kiddie rape, same as they protect the most active kiddie raper supporters, the LGBT&QURSTV 'rights' scam, most of whose founders and leaders were either NAMBLA fans or actual members of that gang of vermin.
But they really liked “trust sessions”.
And “trust sessions” stands for what?
It's a little known fact that Sessions did round up a lot of pedos and human traffickers.

I took it to mean, looking at the context it was used in, that it was in regards to exposing the Russian collusion scam, the obama corruption, and actually doing something about it.
Sessions did nothing of the sort.

Sessions did round up lots of pedos and sex trafficking rings. That you are correct about.
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
Says Democrats. If you believe that it is you who looks dumb.

I've always thought the whole bin laden killing and the events that followed, including movies, smelled.
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I haven’t followed or read Qanon in forever.
But I thought that claim was due to that supposed CIA guy doing an interview. I didn’t know that had anything to do with Qanon.
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
Says Democrats. If you believe that it is you who looks dumb.

I've always thought the whole bin laden killing and the events that followed, including movies, smelled.
It all absolutely seemed shady as can be.
Dumped him at sea??
That alone would be the dumbest decision ever, unless there was a reason.
@Mac-7 brought it up.
You brought up pedophilia, epstein and trump

I was mistaken...Death Ninny brought up Epstein. But Q-Anon's long ago debunked conspiracy theory about Pizza Gate was the genesis of the entire narrative.
so because you feel “pizzagate” was debunked (ignoring all the pedo stuff going on with Epstein, the powerful people who kept taking trips to his island, the possible blackmail, etc)...
You feel that debunks everything else said?

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
Says Democrats. If you believe that it is you who looks dumb.

I've always thought the whole bin laden killing and the events that followed, including movies, smelled.

I believe the Navy SEALs. you believe some guy on the Internet. We'll see where we land troll boy.

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