Why do libs fear QANON?

As previously mentioned everyone is against pedophilia.
Just as “everyone” was against gay marriage 40 years ago till the supreme court legislated from the bench and opened the door for all the sexual perversions.

when the time comes the liberal sexual revolution will move forward without or without your approval

and in time even you might cave in the be part of the in-crowd again

then you will be forced into the usual lib claim that you are personally against it but....
During the Obama years we were able to see the racial divide when he invited uniformed "new black panthers" to the White House. President Trump says he has no idea of what the hell qAnon is and nobody has come forward as a spokesperson but that doesn't make any difference to the angry left. A logical assumption is that qAnon is a left wing invention to create concern and fear among their hate filled fearful base.
That’s like saying that you should believe 9/11 was an inside job because you’re against buildings collapsing.
Not really

QANON believes pedophilia is a problem that is being pushed by perverts in high places

and I agree with that
No - q-anon is using pedophilia as a guise to sew hatred for a political party.

They seriously think that Tom Hanks' twitter thing where he posts photos of gloves left on the ground around the city is some deep metaphor for he's a pedophile.

Using kids that are actual real life victims to manipulate your politics is sick & sadistic. I wasn't seeing any adult jump in and explain this to you, so I gave it my best shot.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Ahhh... 1 incident.
So this one incident in the past 4 years is your explanation for the media bringing this “Qanon” issue up frequently in the news and papers, and asking about it in a presidential debate.
Honestly, that makes sense to you?

Now, you don’t have to agree with Qanon. Hey, may be complete bullshit.
The answer as to why so much energy is spent on a “crazy conspiracy theory” could simply be because, even if all the claims are false, it makes the media and liberals look bad.
But that still doesn’t hold up well. There are a lot of things which make the media look bad, most of which are their actual actions which are on video and print. Same with politicians.

So why spend the time or energy on a bunch of crazy, complete nonsense conspiracies?

Seems to me like the logical answers would either be
A. It’s just really burns their asses to have people talking shit about them.
B. Some of the stuff claimed is accurate, or not far off the mark. And they don’t like that despite trying to discredit it the best they can, people still read it.

I guess it’s up to you to decide which it is.
No - q-anon is using pedophilia as a guise to sew hatred for a political party.
There are plenty of reasons to hate the democrat party without having to invent stuff

Pedophilia is the next great sexual perversion for democrats to embrace
So why do you support a pedophile pervert like Trump?
Trump is not a pedophile
That’s what they always say but we know the truth.

I thought you opposed pedophiles in places of power but here you’re supporting one?
You'll notice all they talk about is the pedophile angle, as if everyone isn't against that.

The goal is to put you on the defensive so that you don't bring up all the OTHER crazy shit.

Cannibalism? Bin Laden? The SEALS? They avoid THAT stuff.

This looks more like a cult every freakin' day.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?
It looks more recent than that. Then again, I'm unfamiliar with the rituals of pedophiles.

Strange there are no pictures of Biden with Epstien...I'm sure you guys will photoshop some together right soon if you haven't already.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

They fear QNON like they fear The President, simply because of the following:

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;
for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

If you don't fear them you aren't very smart. Everyone should read crazy cults with fanatical members.
Again, it is really this simple why you live in Fear!

Romans: 13-2-4

Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same;
for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.
You'll notice all they talk about is the pedophile angle, as if everyone isn't against that.
No, thats all libs like you have mentioned to justify your hate for QANON

the fact is you have no reason to attack QANON except that they support trump
So why do you support a pedophile pervert like Trump?
Trump is not a pedophile
That’s what they always say but we know the truth.

I thought you opposed pedophiles in places of power but here you’re supporting one?
You'll notice all they talk about is the pedophile angle, as if everyone isn't against that.

The goal is to put you on the defensive so that you don't bring up all the OTHER crazy shit.

Cannibalism? Bin Laden? The SEALS? They avoid THAT stuff.

This looks more like a cult every freakin' day.
Cult is a good word for it.

I dont think it started with Trump, I think it started with hate radio...plus the newt gingrich types that started doing the "treat them like cockroaches" thing to a heightened, heightened degree

its paid off, to a certain segment of society
You'll notice all they talk about is the pedophile angle, as if everyone isn't against that.
No, thats all libs like you have mentioned to justify your hate for QANON

the fact is you have not reason to attack QANON except that they support trump
you said a few posts ago that its silly to invent stuff

that'd be you agreeing with the attacks on q-anon

are you not feeling well?
To say all or even most right wingers believe or even know what Qanon is, is like saying all democrats support pedophilia.

Are their righties who believe Qanon? Sure
Are there lefties who are pedos? Sure.

But that is a very small minority.

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