Why do libs fear QANON?

the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?

That is totally different because Clintons are Democrats and Trump is a Republican. I still don't get why Epstein is still a topic.
Mac-7 brought it up.
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?

Please explain how Trump is a pedophile.
Please site examples if possible.
I saw him eating pizza once. It’s code.
Fair enough.

And if you care to look into it, the whole “pizzagate” issue came up because of several, really odd references to pizza in emails that were stolen/leaked/etc.
I’ve read some of them, and I have to say the use of “so and so is bringing the pizza” in reference to going to a retreat or at a meet up seems really odd and out of place.
Who knows, maybe “pizza“ was a code word for “weed”, that would make sense.
But if you read some of those emails, I think you’d have to agree it doesn’t really make sense they were actually talkin about pizzas
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?

Please explain how Trump is a pedophile.
Please site examples if possible.
He's an accused pedophile - whether he is guilty or not is not established but there is a victim that's accused he & epstein of a tag-team and I believe she was 13.

There's also many mention of Trump in Court docs from Epstein's other victims...nothing outright damning for Trump but it puts him squarely in the circles and the girls had at least met him on several occasions.

There's also Trump on tape when a little blonde girl is going up an escalator talking about she's hott and he'll be dating her in ten years.

There's also his quotes about Epstein where he said Epstein is similar to him in that he likes his girls young. That's in a published magazine interview, i think a couple of decades ago

ohhh i must edit to add: trumps right hand man william barr is the one who "investigated and verified" that epstein killed himself

everyone in the world doesnt believe epstein killed himself

trumps guy says he killed himself. seems nefarious, in the least....in terms of covering for someone.
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?

Please explain how Trump is a pedophile.
Please site examples if possible.
I saw him eating pizza once. It’s code.
Fair enough.

And if you care to look into it, the whole “pizzagate” issue came up because of several, really odd references to pizza in emails that were stolen/leaked/etc.
I’ve read some of them, and I have to say the use of “so and so is bringing the pizza” in reference to going to a retreat or at a meet up seems really odd and out of place.
Who knows, maybe “pizza“ was a code word for “weed”, that would make sense.
But if you read some of those emails, I think you’d have to agree it doesn’t really make sense they were actually talkin about pizzas
If you start from that frame of mind, you’ll see a lot that isn’t there. It’s called confirmation bias.
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?

Please explain how Trump is a pedophile.
Please site examples if possible.
I saw him eating pizza once. It’s code.
Fair enough.

And if you care to look into it, the whole “pizzagate” issue came up because of several, really odd references to pizza in emails that were stolen/leaked/etc.
I’ve read some of them, and I have to say the use of “so and so is bringing the pizza” in reference to going to a retreat or at a meet up seems really odd and out of place.
Who knows, maybe “pizza“ was a code word for “weed”, that would make sense.
But if you read some of those emails, I think you’d have to agree it doesn’t really make sense they were actually talkin about pizzas
The emails were written in jest to something somebody was already saying about a grand conspiracy, is what I believe I remember and the actual pizza shop was supposed to have a basement...and didnt...and the shop owners were just innocent pizza shop owners who were then attacked.

q-anon is sadistic and preys on the conspiracy minded internet fan people
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?

Please explain how Trump is a pedophile.
Please site examples if possible.
I saw him eating pizza once. It’s code.
Fair enough.

And if you care to look into it, the whole “pizzagate” issue came up because of several, really odd references to pizza in emails that were stolen/leaked/etc.
I’ve read some of them, and I have to say the use of “so and so is bringing the pizza” in reference to going to a retreat or at a meet up seems really odd and out of place.
Who knows, maybe “pizza“ was a code word for “weed”, that would make sense.
But if you read some of those emails, I think you’d have to agree it doesn’t really make sense they were actually talkin about pizzas
If you start from that frame of mind, you’ll see a lot that isn’t there. It’s called confirmation bias.
That’s just it, I didn’t start from that frame of mind.
I am a sceptic by nature. I rarely believe anything unless it can be demonstrated or I see it with my own eyes.
I remember reading some of that Qanon stuff with the mind set of “this is absolutely blush it made up by douchebag virgins with Cheetos stained fingers, in between games of Minecraft”.
Going through it, I changed my kind slightly.
I believe there is truth to what they claim, but nowhere near everything.
I think there is enough truth to give the other bullshitncredibility. Like any good lie, it’s best built on the back of truth.
I personally believe it’s a psyop of some sort, formed to cause discord between American citizens.
Many repubs believe it because they believe libs are wrong, and support things which they believe to be evil. And they are supported in this belief by things in Q discolosures that seems very true.
Dems don’t believe any of it, because it is seen as attacking their side for one, and because they see it as an attack they don’t believe claims in their which could and do appear plausible.

Excellent divide and conquer.
So why do you support a pedophile pervert like Trump?
Trump is not a pedophile
That’s what they always say but we know the truth.

I thought you opposed pedophiles in places of power but here you’re supporting one?
You'll notice all they talk about is the pedophile angle, as if everyone isn't against that.

The goal is to put you on the defensive so that you don't bring up all the OTHER crazy shit.

Cannibalism? Bin Laden? The SEALS? They avoid THAT stuff.

This looks more like a cult every freakin' day.
Cult is a good word for it.

I dont think it started with Trump, I think it started with hate radio...plus the newt gingrich types that started doing the "treat them like cockroaches" thing to a heightened, heightened degree

its paid off, to a certain segment of society
You think hate for washington establishment started from the top

but it didnt hate for the career pukes started sith the common people
It’s not silly to be opposed to pedophilia.

But is silly for libs to oppose groups like QANON that oppose pedophilia
Does QAnon oppose a pedophile like Trump?
Trump is not a pedophile

Yeah, well neither are 99.9% (or more) of the people that QAnon accuses yet when anyone points this out they scream that you’re supporting pedophilia which is exactly what you’re doing here.

This isn’t an “anti-pedophilia” movement. It’s a right wing political attack wrapped in accusations of pedophilia to insulate it from criticism.
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The attacks are based on the fact that they're making shit up.
Who are you referring to as “they?”
oh gosh..

uh, q-anon.

are you on drugs?
Ok, you think QANON is making stuff up

but thats what obama/hillary/biden supporters gave been doing for four years with the phony trump-putin collusion lie

I dont like it but unlike you I have learned to live with it

and if the sum total of complaints against QANON involves pedophilia then libs have no idea what they are talking about

in fact I notice that most lib haters of QANON have blank looks on their faces and are just clinging to the pizza story for dear life
The attacks are based on the fact that they're making shit up.
Who are you referring to as “they?”
oh gosh..

uh, q-anon.

are you on drugs?
Ok, you think QANON is making stuff up

but thats what obama/hillary/biden supporters gave been doing for four years with the phony trump-putin collusion lie

I dont like it but unlike you I have learned to live with it

and if the sum total of complaints against QANON involves pedophilia then libs have no idea what they are talking about

in fact I notice that most lib haters of QANON have blank looks on their faces and are just clinging to the pizza story for dear life
no, i dont think q-anon is making stuff up.

they've verifiably made a ton of shit up - - and it's not up to a fuckin screen name on the internet to educate your ass to unfuck yourself with gullibility...take some personal responsibility and google it yourself. pretty easy.

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