Why do libs fear QANON?

Note how many posters in this thread, are now talking knowledgeably and intelligently after CLAIMING they knew absolutely NOTHING about qAnon in my thread about them...


If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

You can't make this stuff up folks.

Trump is not a pedophile
1. He's been accused of being one, that has been paid off to get rid of.
2. He's been palling around w/notorious now-deceased pedo
3. His Administration was in charge during the nefarious offing of said pedo.

Yeah....Trump "isn't" a pedo.

Well, the latest Q-Anon nonsense about the Seals killing a Bin Laden decoy was already debunked too.
I assume it was bin laden

but was obama smart enough to obtain a DNA sample before disposing of the body?
Why even dispose of the body?
Geopolitics. It was important and saved US Soldiers' lives.
So caveman Muslims were sitting around cooking rats over their camel shit fires and said “akmed, I was thinking of firing an RPG at an American hummer, but I heard they dumped Osama in the drink, and that really changed my mind. We’re goood now”.

Makes sense tomyou?
Do you really think the middle east geopolitics is that simplistic? That's a shame that you think the lives lost were just by some dumbasses sitting by a fire cooking rats.

Our soldiers were integrating themselves in outposts outside of villages and going on daily missions into the villages and trying to weed out the taliban from the locals, often resulting in the loss of their own lives but often, turning folks over to the US side which then resulted in intelligence that was able to save more lives, and so-on, but it's not even THAT simple, either.
No I don’t think it’s that simple.
But this “don’t upset the Arabs” bullshit approach is the same thing that knee caps our troops and strategy.
Who mentioned anything about giving osama a grave?
Bring him home, spread pictures of his dead ass far and wide, whatever.
Then dump his body, burn it, whatever.
But pitching it overboard real quick was pisspoor, and clearly did not give a sense of closure.
You're not entitled to closure, you're entitled to safety and security the Military declares an oath to provide.

You said you don't think it's simple, then called it "dont upset the Arabs bullshit." I'm not going to be able to reconcile that for you - seems like pure emotion.
So you believe dumping osama at sea was a good idea?
Considering Obama’s military policing and Middle East policy everywhere was a disaster, you think this was a solid move?

And who said I personally need closure. I personally don’t give a fuck, but I can see effects of things outside of just how they affect me.

If anyone seems to be taking this personally it’s you.
Yes, I think it was a good idea.

For one, it's bold because it was in spite of all of the obvious backlash from the sideline whiners like you're doing here.
Two - they gave reason and also took the DNA, for Intelligence, so that future kooks (entitled internet trolls) could be kept at bay except to whine "deep state!! deep fake!!" with no proof, years later.

I don't take any of this personal, you're the one bickering over the disposal of the dead body of a terrorist. I'm just providing you with the grow the fuck up sentiments in lieu of the folks who had to make these hard decisions without you in their shoes, while critical.

Sideline whiners... lol.
Ok. If it makes you feel better to picture me upset about it, and you being the grown up in the room, you roll with that champ.
I don’t give a shit about any of it personally.
I don’t believe the Osama wasn’t really killed stuff going around.
I merely pointed out that the dumping at sea wasn’t the best, in my opinion.

You go on thinking you are setting us all straight if you want.
Note how many posters in this thread, are now talking knowledgeably and intelligently after CLAIMING they knew absolutely NOTHING about qAnon in my thread about them...


If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!

You can't make this stuff up folks.

And in drills the pseudo intellectual shit-flinger.

It’s been a fairly adult conversation here, so go stir up shit elsewhere.

It’s the 16th, shouldn’t your EBT card have recharged yesterday?
Trump is not a pedophile
1. He's been accused of being one, that has been paid off to get rid of.
2. He's been palling around w/notorious now-deceased pedo
3. His Administration was in charge during the nefarious offing of said pedo.

Yeah....Trump "isn't" a pedo.


Qanon is all about unveiling pedos. And President Trump refuses to disrespect them, like the libs do.

Further, Epstein was 86'ed from Trump's properties once it was known what he was up to, while the Clintons were regular visitors to Pedo Island.
Qanon is all about unveiling pedos. And President Trump refuses to disrespect them, like the libs do.

Further, Epstein was 86'ed from Trump's properties once it was known what he was up to, while the Clintons were regular visitors to Pedo Island.
Epstein was "86'd from Trump's properties" once he, Trump, realized being associated w/his buddy Epstein would have hurt him politically.

This happened in 2019 BTW, almost 4 decades AFTER palling around w/him at private parties, jets and only God knows where else.

This is why Trump arranged to have his buddy Epstein offed in jail. Couldn't have anything come out you see.


Let's not forget, Trump has bragged openly and multiple times about how attractive his own young daughter is, and how he would have dated her, and what's not.

Really creepy, pervy, hardcore pedo stuff.

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And in drills the pseudo intellectual shit-flinger.

It’s been a fairly adult conversation here, so go stir up shit elsewhere.

It’s the 16th, shouldn’t your EBT card have recharged yesterday?
Your mother got her check, right?
No...it's an actual report by the US Senate that details the coordination between Russian Intel and the criminal Trump campaign that had 7 officials charged with felonies.
None involving trump or the campaign but rather activities separate from the campaign

Wrong again asshat. Manifort had plead guilty to providing sensitive campaign information on Republican voters, to a known Russian agent, who worked for Manifort in the Ukraine.

Mueller didn't say there was "no evidence" of a conspiracy between the campaign and the Russians. He said there was "insufficient evidence" to convict. Given that Roger Stone was convicted of lying to Mueller, and Roger himself said he could have flipped on Trump and didn't, and that the President "knows this". One has to wonder if Stone had told the truth to Mueller, whether that would have provided "sufficient evidence" to prove the conspiracy.

You can't "flip" on someone unless you have evidence against them.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

The truth. They hate the truth. The truth, for all of us, is something most certainly to fear. Happy are those who do, and cursed are those who reject it.

The truth??? Lizard people, satanic cults, and baby killers? You people are getting loonier by the day.

This shit is really turning off the average American voter, who finds all of this stuff to be bat shit crazy, so by all means, keep it up.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Oh I don't know, the fact that a lot dumbasses on the right actually believe this crap and they could say..do something like take a loaded gun into a pizza shop and rant about non-existent conspiracy theories.
You know. Simple stuff.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Oh I don't know, the fact that a lot dumbasses on the right actually believe this crap and they could say..do something like take a loaded gun into a pizza shop and rant about non-existent conspiracy theories.
You know. Simple stuff.
Why do the podestas have pics of naked kids in their homes?
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?

That is totally different because Clintons are Democrats and Trump is a Republican. I still don't get why Epstein is still a topic.
I understand your confusion as you are proceeding with little in way of an intellect, I do believe you radical kooks are dishing on kook fringe Q-heads because they are in open opposition to pedophiles, which I might add is a very strange sexual fetish for you wanks to defend as you are obviously doing, by attacking the Q-heads who obviously hate pedophiles, regardless, Epstein is zwchighly relevant to topic as he was a democratic party pedophile who had drop on dozens, if not hundreds, of other democratic party pedophiles, which again makes it all the weirder of you fascists to come in on behalf of pedophiles so you can attack fringe kook movement! :auiqs.jpg:

Idiot, you have me confused with
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?

That is totally different because Clintons are Democrats and Trump is a Republican. I still don't get why Epstein is still a topic.
I understand your confusion as you are proceeding with little in way of an intellect, I do believe you radical kooks are dishing on kook fringe Q-heads because they are in open opposition to pedophiles, which I might add is a very strange sexual fetish for you wanks to defend as you are obviously doing, by attacking the Q-heads who obviously hate pedophiles, regardless, Epstein is highly relevant to topic as he was a democratic party pedophile who had drop on dozens, if not hundreds, of other democratic party pedophiles, which again makes it all the weirder of you fascists to come in on behalf of pedophiles so you can attack fringe kook movement! :auiqs.jpg:

It seems you are the dense one. I am not for pedophilia, I don't care Q-Anon is around or not. I was agreeing with Mac, not disagreeing.
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Oh I don't know, the fact that a lot dumbasses on the right actually believe this crap and they could say..do something like take a loaded gun into a pizza shop and rant about non-existent conspiracy theories.
You know. Simple stuff.
Why do the podestas have pics of naked kids in their homes?

They don't. That's the fucked up nature of this dumbassed conspiracy theory. Loony tunes.
It just makes you guys sound worse than the whackadoodles you really are. :)
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Oh I don't know, the fact that a lot dumbasses on the right actually believe this crap and they could say..do something like take a loaded gun into a pizza shop and rant about non-existent conspiracy theories.
You know. Simple stuff.
Why do the podestas have pics of naked kids in their homes?

They don't. That's the fucked up nature of this dumbassed conspiracy theory. Loony tunes.
It just makes you guys sound worse than the whackadoodles you really are. :)
Yes they do,, no tell me why and I’ll tell you the connection to the pizza place
As previously mentioned everyone is against pedophilia.
Just as “everyone” was against gay marriage 40 years ago till the supreme court legislated from the bench and opened the door for all the sexual perversions.

when the time comes the liberal sexual revolution will move forward without or without your approval

and in time even you might cave in the be part of the in-crowd again

then you will be forced into the usual lib claim that you are personally against it but....
Don't be stupider than you have to be. Same sex marriage has nothing to do with pedophilia.
No...it's an actual report by the US Senate that details the coordination between Russian Intel and the criminal Trump campaign that had 7 officials charged with felonies.
Thats a damn lie

maybe the russians were no smarter than democrats and the lib news media and were fooled by the lying lib polls

if so its logical that they would want to stain the first female president

but their efforts were pretty feeble and they actually broke no laws by buying anti hillary ads on facebook
No. The US Senate confirmed that the criminal blob campaign coordinated with Russian intel.

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