Why do people hate Liberals?

There are really two kinds of liberals; 'classic pro-freedom, enlightened, freedom of expression' liberals I just call classic liberals (like JFK and Truman) and then the kind of 'liberals' we have today that are simply neoMarxists in liberal drag. Horrowitz documents this quite well at his site, being a former leftist himself. The Neocons that now form the GOP elite are former classic liberals (and some Trotskyites) in the Democrat Party who migrated to the GOP once the faux liberals (libtards) took control of the Democrats.

Classic liberals still exist in the Democratic party, like Bob Beckel and Allan Colmes, but they are regarded as traitors by the libtards for even bothering to carry on a conversation with conservatives.

The neoMarxist libtards do not believe in reason, or presenting evidence. Why go to the trouble of debate when according to the neoMarxist perspective human behavior is deterministic anyway? So they focus on shout down tactics to silence guest speakers at college campuses, hecklers at political rallies and by being trolling astroturfers on message boards.

If you have a discussion with a classic liberal, you can exchange ideas and learn something from them, and they from you if the facts are on your side. A great number of classic liberals like Paglia are supporting Phil Robertson in this latest act of leftwing Stalinism here in America, for example. But you can learn jack from the neomarxist libtards because they don't care what you think as long as you agree with them, till you agree then you are the enemy.

But Paglia is not a 'real' feminist to the hard core, gender-war feminists that control main stream feminism, who are entirely neoMarxist in their approach to gender differences. And by that neoMarxist point of view, like the main stream Marxist view of economics is all about class warfare, of the rich oppressing the workers and EVERYTHING the rich do is evil, the neoMarxist gender-war feminists see no good in men at all and all male-female relationships are male exploitations of women. Now that economic Marxism has been largely discredited, most of these neoMarxists now are more like Fabian socialists similar to Sorros than they are to pure Marxists any more. Combined with their control of national governments or near to that in most western countries, they are now closer to fascism than Marxism any more, and their fascist tactics confirm this, but I think 'neoMarxist' a more accurate term, of the Frankfurt school. Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These Frankfurt school, neoMarxists are also fond of rewriting history, making Thomas Jefferson into a rapist of black slaves fathering several mixed race children (despite DNA evidence that makes this a known lie), and the Civil War a war to free the slaves and thus the South despicable people fighting solely to keep their slaves down, even if 98% of them owned no slaves at all and traitors to their country (even though very very few of them ever took an oath of loyalty to the USA).

So the neoMarxists who control the Democratic Party and the leadership of the leftist groups across the board are not interested in discussion, but only in harassment, freely lying when it suits them, ridiculing when it suits them, and never engaging in honest discussion whatsoever. Pogo, Clayton Jones and Dot Com are examples of what I am talking about; rarely ever providing links to support their declarations of Truth, and thinking that what they believe is so obvious that only the very stupid or corrupt or the ignorant could disagree with their axiomatic view of everything.

Real classic liberals are not hated by anyone. Bertrand Russell and John Kenneth Galbraith for examples are still very well thought of by conservatives.

But these libtards are a bunch of fascists to the core, plain and simple, and t hat is why 96% of Americans hate them like I do.
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Great article here about the psychology of conservatives and liberals.
Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives: Scientific American

"For example, in a study published in January, a team led by psychologist Michael Dodd and political scientist John Hibbing of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln found that when viewing a collage of photographs, conservatives' eyes unconsciously lingered 15 percent longer on repellent images, such as car wrecks and excrement—suggesting that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats."

Meanwhile examining the contents of 76 college students' bedrooms, as one group did in a 2008 study, revealed that conservatives possessed more cleaning and organizational items, such as ironing boards and calendars, confirmation that they are orderly and self-disciplined. Liberals owned more books and travel-related memorabilia, which conforms with previous research suggesting that they are open and novelty-seeking.

Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living,” says social psychologist Paul Nail of the University of Central Arkansas. “The fact is we don't live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.”

Anxiety is an emotion that waxes and wanes in all of us, and as it swings up or down our political views can shift in its wake. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative."

more at link.

Science confirms what has been observed for centuries...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)
Great article here about the psychology of conservatives and liberals.
Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives: Scientific American

"For example, in a study published in January, a team led by psychologist Michael Dodd and political scientist John Hibbing of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln found that when viewing a collage of photographs, conservatives' eyes unconsciously lingered 15 percent longer on repellent images, such as car wrecks and excrement—suggesting that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats."

Meanwhile examining the contents of 76 college students' bedrooms, as one group did in a 2008 study, revealed that conservatives possessed more cleaning and organizational items, such as ironing boards and calendars, confirmation that they are orderly and self-disciplined. Liberals owned more books and travel-related memorabilia, which conforms with previous research suggesting that they are open and novelty-seeking.

Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living,” says social psychologist Paul Nail of the University of Central Arkansas. “The fact is we don't live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.”

Anxiety is an emotion that waxes and wanes in all of us, and as it swings up or down our political views can shift in its wake. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative."

more at link.

Science confirms what has been observed for centuries...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

Maybe classic liberalism, but this does not apply to todays Frankfurt neoMarxists who pose as liberals and who control all the formerly great liberal institutions that once argued FOR freedom of speech instead of its suppression.

JFK and Truman would have called Obama a dictator, not a great President, but then they were liberals, not neoMarxists.
Great article here about the psychology of conservatives and liberals.
Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives: Scientific American

"For example, in a study published in January, a team led by psychologist Michael Dodd and political scientist John Hibbing of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln found that when viewing a collage of photographs, conservatives' eyes unconsciously lingered 15 percent longer on repellent images, such as car wrecks and excrement—suggesting that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats."

Meanwhile examining the contents of 76 college students' bedrooms, as one group did in a 2008 study, revealed that conservatives possessed more cleaning and organizational items, such as ironing boards and calendars, confirmation that they are orderly and self-disciplined. Liberals owned more books and travel-related memorabilia, which conforms with previous research suggesting that they are open and novelty-seeking.

Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living,” says social psychologist Paul Nail of the University of Central Arkansas. “The fact is we don't live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.”

Anxiety is an emotion that waxes and wanes in all of us, and as it swings up or down our political views can shift in its wake. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative."

more at link.

Science confirms what has been observed for centuries...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

Maybe classic liberalism, but this does not apply to todays Frankfurt neoMarxists who pose as liberals and who control all the formerly great liberal institutions that once argued FOR freedom of speech instead of its suppression.

JFK and Truman would have called Obama a dictator, not a great President, but then they were liberals, not neoMarxists.

You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.
Science confirms what has been observed for centuries...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

Maybe classic liberalism, but this does not apply to todays Frankfurt neoMarxists who pose as liberals and who control all the formerly great liberal institutions that once argued FOR freedom of speech instead of its suppression.

JFK and Truman would have called Obama a dictator, not a great President, but then they were liberals, not neoMarxists.

You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.

And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.
The Phil Robertson Incident demonstrates how thin-skinned, intolerant and petty the Left is

Yes all of these things. But what really gets me is seeing nasty people strike absurd poses of moral superiority - "Look at ME, I'm soooooo good!" cry the lefties.
Maybe classic liberalism, but this does not apply to todays Frankfurt neoMarxists who pose as liberals and who control all the formerly great liberal institutions that once argued FOR freedom of speech instead of its suppression.

JFK and Truman would have called Obama a dictator, not a great President, but then they were liberals, not neoMarxists.

You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.

And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.

You are septic inside. The hatred that is consuming you has been contrived by well paid propagandists like Beck, Horrowitz and Fox News.

It is all conservatives have left to rally around. The 'Reagan revolution' failed. It joins the Bolshevik revolution as the two epic failures of the 20th century.

America is moving on. You will be left behind, and your septic hatred will metastasize then consume.
You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.

And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.

You are septic inside. The hatred that is consuming you has been contrived by well paid propagandists like Beck, Horrowitz and Fox News.

It is all conservatives have left to rally around. The 'Reagan revolution' failed. It joins the Bolshevik revolution as the two epic failures of the 20th century.

America is moving on. You will be left behind, and your septic hatred will metastasize then consume.

Lol, I don't even like most of Becks stuff, but you libtard fascists make him look like a hero.

Eat shit, stupid ****.
Great article here about the psychology of conservatives and liberals.
Unconscious Reactions Separate Liberals and Conservatives: Scientific American

"For example, in a study published in January, a team led by psychologist Michael Dodd and political scientist John Hibbing of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln found that when viewing a collage of photographs, conservatives' eyes unconsciously lingered 15 percent longer on repellent images, such as car wrecks and excrement—suggesting that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats."

Meanwhile examining the contents of 76 college students' bedrooms, as one group did in a 2008 study, revealed that conservatives possessed more cleaning and organizational items, such as ironing boards and calendars, confirmation that they are orderly and self-disciplined. Liberals owned more books and travel-related memorabilia, which conforms with previous research suggesting that they are open and novelty-seeking.

Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living,” says social psychologist Paul Nail of the University of Central Arkansas. “The fact is we don't live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.”

Anxiety is an emotion that waxes and wanes in all of us, and as it swings up or down our political views can shift in its wake. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative."

more at link.

Science confirms what has been observed for centuries...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

yep. All one has to do is look to the last three repub Presiodential campaigns. ALL three based on fear :tomato: & prejudice :mad: whereas Liberal's :cool: are based on strengthening our foundation (infrastructure improvements & updating social safety nets) & aspirations (increasing business & prosperity in the future because the previous steps were taken)
And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.

You are septic inside. The hatred that is consuming you has been contrived by well paid propagandists like Beck, Horrowitz and Fox News.

It is all conservatives have left to rally around. The 'Reagan revolution' failed. It joins the Bolshevik revolution as the two epic failures of the 20th century.

America is moving on. You will be left behind, and your septic hatred will metastasize then consume.

Lol, I don't even like most of Becks stuff, but you libtard fascists make him look like a hero.

Eat shit, stupid ****.

He who angers you conquers you.
E. Kenny

Hey Einstein, you mentioned how you admire 'liberals' like JFK and Truman...THESE liberals?

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948
Their economic theory's are destructive.

Don't stop there man!!

They favor gay unions even though gay males account for only about 4% of the population but account for well over half the AIDS cases reported in the US.

They favor abortion which has killed over 50 million American lives, our greatest resource.

They favor the NSA police state, even though espousing to oppose the Patriot Act. Meanwhile, the glibly ignore Obama signing the NDAA which gives the government the right to arrest us without due process and never be seen again.

And as you say, their economic theories are destructive, and will destroy the Republic, which they will blame on capitalism and the Tea Party.

I believe that the modern day progressive is one of the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation. "I have become death".
Their economic theory's are destructive.

Don't stop there man!!

They favor gay unions even though gay males account for only about 4% of the population but account for well over half the AIDS cases reported in the US.

They favor abortion which has killed over 50 million American lives, our greatest resource.

They favor the NSA police state, even though espousing to oppose the Patriot Act. Meanwhile, the glibly ignore Obama signing the NDAA which gives the government the right to arrest us without due process and never be seen again.

And as you say, their economic theories are destructive, and will destroy the Republic, which they will blame on capitalism and the Tea Party.

I believe that the modern day progressive is one of the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation. "I have become death".

Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform
Their economic theory's are destructive.

Don't stop there man!!

They favor gay unions even though gay males account for only about 4% of the population but account for well over half the AIDS cases reported in the US.

They favor abortion which has killed over 50 million American lives, our greatest resource.

They favor the NSA police state, even though espousing to oppose the Patriot Act. Meanwhile, the glibly ignore Obama signing the NDAA which gives the government the right to arrest us without due process and never be seen again.

And as you say, their economic theories are destructive, and will destroy the Republic, which they will blame on capitalism and the Tea Party.

I believe that the modern day progressive is one of the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation. "I have become death".

Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

That's funny since your Obama Messiah has used it more then bush

tapatalk post
You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.

And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.

You are septic inside. The hatred that is consuming you has been contrived by well paid propagandists like Beck, Horrowitz and Fox News.

It is all conservatives have left to rally around. The 'Reagan revolution' failed. It joins the Bolshevik revolution as the two epic failures of the 20th century.

America is moving on. You will be left behind, and your septic hatred will metastasize then consume.


A common denominator of history is that conservative reactionaries always fail, regardless the era, nation, or kingdom; they are motivated by fear, not facts or evidence, and are consequently blind to the truth of an American society becoming more diverse and inclusive – where the best America is yet to come.

Liberals understand this, attempt to address the problems of the day with facts and evidence, unlike conservatives who for the most part adhere blindly to comforting doctrine and dogma.
People hate liberals because they are bile a****** should be leaving dead babies and enslaved population

tapatalk post
There are really two kinds of liberals; 'classic pro-freedom, enlightened, freedom of expression' liberals I just call classic liberals (like JFK and Truman) and then the kind of 'liberals' we have today that are simply neoMarxists in liberal drag. Horrowitz documents this quite well at his site, being a former leftist himself. The Neocons that now form the GOP elite are former classic liberals (and some Trotskyites) in the Democrat Party who migrated to the GOP once the faux liberals (libtards) took control of the Democrats.

Classic liberals still exist in the Democratic party, like Bob Beckel and Allan Colmes, but they are regarded as traitors by the libtards for even bothering to carry on a conversation with conservatives.

The neoMarxist libtards do not believe in reason, or presenting evidence. Why go to the trouble of debate when according to the neoMarxist perspective human behavior is deterministic anyway? So they focus on shout down tactics to silence guest speakers at college campuses, hecklers at political rallies and by being trolling astroturfers on message boards.

If you have a discussion with a classic liberal, you can exchange ideas and learn something from them, and they from you if the facts are on your side. A great number of classic liberals like Paglia are supporting Phil Robertson in this latest act of leftwing Stalinism here in America, for example. But you can learn jack from the neomarxist libtards because they don't care what you think as long as you agree with them, till you agree then you are the enemy.

But Paglia is not a 'real' feminist to the hard core, gender-war feminists that control main stream feminism, who are entirely neoMarxist in their approach to gender differences. And by that neoMarxist point of view, like the main stream Marxist view of economics is all about class warfare, of the rich oppressing the workers and EVERYTHING the rich do is evil, the neoMarxist gender-war feminists see no good in men at all and all male-female relationships are male exploitations of women. Now that economic Marxism has been largely discredited, most of these neoMarxists now are more like Fabian socialists similar to Sorros than they are to pure Marxists any more. Combined with their control of national governments or near to that in most western countries, they are now closer to fascism than Marxism any more, and their fascist tactics confirm this, but I think 'neoMarxist' a more accurate term, of the Frankfurt school. Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These Frankfurt school, neoMarxists are also fond of rewriting history, making Thomas Jefferson into a rapist of black slaves fathering several mixed race children (despite DNA evidence that makes this a known lie), and the Civil War a war to free the slaves and thus the South despicable people fighting solely to keep their slaves down, even if 98% of them owned no slaves at all and traitors to their country (even though very very few of them ever took an oath of loyalty to the USA).

So the neoMarxists who control the Democratic Party and the leadership of the leftist groups across the board are not interested in discussion, but only in harassment, freely lying when it suits them, ridiculing when it suits them, and never engaging in honest discussion whatsoever. Pogo, Clayton Jones and Dot Com are examples of what I am talking about; rarely ever providing links to support their declarations of Truth, and thinking that what they believe is so obvious that only the very stupid or corrupt or the ignorant could disagree with their axiomatic view of everything.

Real classic liberals are not hated by anyone. Bertrand Russell and John Kenneth Galbraith for examples are still very well thought of by conservatives.

But these libtards are a bunch of fascists to the core, plain and simple, and t hat is why 96% of Americans hate them like I do.

You won't get through to the neoMarxist socialist liberals that define the modern American liberal/progressive/statist/leftist/political class. They love to use the dictionary definitions of liberal to describe themselves, but they seem incapable (or unwilling) to see how they are the polar opposites of those definitions.

You are quite right about the classical liberals and right that Truman and JFK did manifest characteristics of that group. Our Founding Fathers, to a man, were all classical liberals who not only supported but demanded a small, limited federal government and defined liberty as the people governing themselves and forming whatever sorts of societies they wished to have. The federal government was never to be given the corrupting power to dispense any form of charity or benefits to any special person, group, or entity nor ability to dictate what sort of society the people were expected to live. Our modern American liberal friends not only do not embrace such concepts, but attempt to demonize, denigrate, or diminish any who do.

Modern American liberalism is anything but liberal. It may not be the intention of most, but the mindset and groupthink nevertheless moves us ever closer to total totalitarianism that will give the federal government the ability to do anything it wants to do to anybody.
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Their economic theory's are destructive.

Don't stop there man!!

They favor gay unions even though gay males account for only about 4% of the population but account for well over half the AIDS cases reported in the US.

They favor abortion which has killed over 50 million American lives, our greatest resource.

They favor the NSA police state, even though espousing to oppose the Patriot Act. Meanwhile, the glibly ignore Obama signing the NDAA which gives the government the right to arrest us without due process and never be seen again.

And as you say, their economic theories are destructive, and will destroy the Republic, which they will blame on capitalism and the Tea Party.

I believe that the modern day progressive is one of the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation. "I have become death".

Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

You are a damn idiot. The President of the United States of America, is Barrack Hussein Obama, DEMOCRAT. With the stroke of a pen he could have vetoed the Un-Patriotic Act. What did he do? He made damn sure the extension would be for FOUR YEARS THIS TIME. Linking to 2006 votes because you know the 2011 votes had the demoscum voting even more for the patriot act, is clearly you trying to candy coat your scum bag in chief.
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Maybe classic liberalism, but this does not apply to todays Frankfurt neoMarxists who pose as liberals and who control all the formerly great liberal institutions that once argued FOR freedom of speech instead of its suppression.

JFK and Truman would have called Obama a dictator, not a great President, but then they were liberals, not neoMarxists.

You really need to turn off the Glenn Becks' and David Horrowitz's...it is rotting your brain.

And your ignorant response ,citing no fact or reason, is a prime example of what I am talking about, you fucking fascist slimeball.

I rather enjoy the thought of you libtards one day rotting in hell.

You response here kinda flies in the face of another thread in think Politics:

"How to test liberal tolerance...Disagree with them."

Your own intolerance and hurling of vile insults when anyone disagrees with you makes you seem like th every liberals you disagree with.

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