Why do people hate Liberals?

Don't stop there man!!

They favor gay unions even though gay males account for only about 4% of the population but account for well over half the AIDS cases reported in the US.

They favor abortion which has killed over 50 million American lives, our greatest resource.

They favor the NSA police state, even though espousing to oppose the Patriot Act. Meanwhile, the glibly ignore Obama signing the NDAA which gives the government the right to arrest us without due process and never be seen again.

And as you say, their economic theories are destructive, and will destroy the Republic, which they will blame on capitalism and the Tea Party.

I believe that the modern day progressive is one of the four horsemen mentioned in Revelation. "I have become death".

Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

You are a damn idiot. The President of the United States of America, is Barrack Hussein Obama, DEMOCRAT. With the stroke of a pen he could have vetoed the Un-Patriotic Act. What did he do? He made damn sure the extension would be for FOUR YEARS THIS TIME. Linking to 2006 votes because you know the 2011 votes had the demoscum voting even more for the patriot act, is clearly you trying to candy coat your scum bag in chief.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2006 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2011 if only Democrat votes were counted.
Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

You are a damn idiot. The President of the United States of America, is Barrack Hussein Obama, DEMOCRAT. With the stroke of a pen he could have vetoed the Un-Patriotic Act. What did he do? He made damn sure the extension would be for FOUR YEARS THIS TIME. Linking to 2006 votes because you know the 2011 votes had the demoscum voting even more for the patriot act, is clearly you trying to candy coat your scum bag in chief.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2006 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2011 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable fact - you are a lying piece of shit.
Don't let any FACTS disturb your dogma...

The Patriot Act would have died in 2006 and again in 2011 if only the Democrat's votes were counted.

House Vote Roll Call on 2006 Patriot Act Renewal on March 7, 2006





And how did the 'Tea-party 'patriots' vote?

122 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted FOR final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

17 Tea Party Members of Congress who voted AGAINST final passage of H.R. 514, reauthorizing the Patriot Act without reform

You are a damn idiot. The President of the United States of America, is Barrack Hussein Obama, DEMOCRAT. With the stroke of a pen he could have vetoed the Un-Patriotic Act. What did he do? He made damn sure the extension would be for FOUR YEARS THIS TIME. Linking to 2006 votes because you know the 2011 votes had the demoscum voting even more for the patriot act, is clearly you trying to candy coat your scum bag in chief.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2006 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2011 if only Democrat votes were counted.

The fact Is that you are gullible

tapatalk post
You are a damn idiot. The President of the United States of America, is Barrack Hussein Obama, DEMOCRAT. With the stroke of a pen he could have vetoed the Un-Patriotic Act. What did he do? He made damn sure the extension would be for FOUR YEARS THIS TIME. Linking to 2006 votes because you know the 2011 votes had the demoscum voting even more for the patriot act, is clearly you trying to candy coat your scum bag in chief.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2006 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2011 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable fact - you are a lying piece of shit.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid?

2006 Patriot Act Renewal
66 Yes
124 No
Bill would have FAILED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
54 Yes
122 No
Bill would have FAILED.


2006 Patriot Act Renewal
213 Yes
13 No
Bill would have PASSED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
196 Yes
31 No
Bill would have PASSED.
Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2006 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable FACT- the PA would have died in 2011 if only Democrat votes were counted.

Indisputable fact - you are a lying piece of shit.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid?

2006 Patriot Act Renewal
66 Yes
124 No
Bill would have FAILED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
54 Yes
122 No
Bill would have FAILED.


2006 Patriot Act Renewal
213 Yes
13 No
Bill would have PASSED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
196 Yes
31 No
Bill would have PASSED.

Lol look at you. So gullible. Trust me no liberal passes up fascism. They knew it would pass lol if there was any doubt all liberals would have voted for it

tapatalk post
And it is also a fact that when the Democrats had control of the Senate and House in 2007 and 2008, not one introduced a bill to repeal the Patriot Act, nor did Obama's super majority of Democrats in 2009 and 2010.

One reason to dislike liberals is that they so often twist any facts to make the 'other side' look bad while never ever accepting their own responsibility for the way things are.
And it is also a fact that when the Democrats had control of the Senate and House in 2007 and 2008, not one introduced a bill to repeal the Patriot Act, nor did Obama's super majority of Democrats in 2009 and 2010.

One reason to dislike liberals is that they so often twist any facts to make the 'other side' look bad while never ever accepting their own responsibility for the way things are.

The only twisting going on here is that the Patriot Act was renewed twice by Republicans. The Democrats voted it down both times. THOSE are the facts.

And your beloved tea party 'patriots OVERWHELMING vote YES...

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
tea party patriots
117 Yes
17 No
Bill would have PASSED.
You are septic inside. The hatred that is consuming you has been contrived by well paid propagandists like Beck, Horrowitz and Fox News.

It is all conservatives have left to rally around. The 'Reagan revolution' failed. It joins the Bolshevik revolution as the two epic failures of the 20th century.

America is moving on. You will be left behind, and your septic hatred will metastasize then consume.

Lol, I don't even like most of Becks stuff, but you libtard fascists make him look like a hero.

Eat shit, stupid ****.

He who angers you conquers you.
E. Kenny

Hey Einstein, you mentioned how you admire 'liberals' like JFK and Truman...THESE liberals?

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

Lol, you dint anger me, stupid bitch, loll, I talk like this all the time.
Indisputable fact - you are a lying piece of shit.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid?

2006 Patriot Act Renewal
66 Yes
124 No
Bill would have FAILED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
54 Yes
122 No
Bill would have FAILED.


2006 Patriot Act Renewal
213 Yes
13 No
Bill would have PASSED.

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
196 Yes
31 No
Bill would have PASSED.

Lol look at you. So gullible. Trust me no liberal passes up fascism. They knew it would pass lol if there was any doubt all liberals would have voted for it

tapatalk post

Yep, they have made no move to repeal it under Obama either.

But the TPM is largely on the wrong side of this and worker rights issues, so I am not TPM, though I sympathize with them on most issues.
And it is also a fact that when the Democrats had control of the Senate and House in 2007 and 2008, not one introduced a bill to repeal the Patriot Act, nor did Obama's super majority of Democrats in 2009 and 2010.

One reason to dislike liberals is that they so often twist any facts to make the 'other side' look bad while never ever accepting their own responsibility for the way things are.

The only twisting going on here is that the Patriot Act was renewed twice by Republicans. The Democrats voted it down both times. THOSE are the facts.

And your beloved tea party 'patriots OVERWHELMING vote YES...

2011 Patriot Act Renewal
tea party patriots
117 Yes
17 No
Bill would have PASSED.

OUCH!!! :eek: That had to leave a mark :redface:

We can thank the last Repub President, who had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006 mind you, for the creation of the ginormous Security State we live in. :thup: Yep, "something" happened, that they had been warned about no less, on that Repub President's watch that precipitated their Republican-led, civil liberty-destroying agenda. Did I mention that the Security State that the repubs created is also ginormously expensive as well?
Last edited:
good description of the Articles of Confederation Foxy :clap: How well did they work? :eusa_whistle:

She and other reactionary conservatives live in a fantasy world comprised of an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

No, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking Paula Dean and Phil Robertson.

And thank God you shit-for-brains are this stupid.
good description of the Articles of Confederation Foxy :clap: How well did they work? :eusa_whistle:

She and other reactionary conservatives live in a fantasy world comprised of an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

No, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking Paula Dean and Phil Robertson.

And thank God you shit-for-brains are this stupid.

WOW, talk about blind hate and unbelievable ignorance. Deen and Robertson were fired by corporate executives and corporate sponsors. They are victims of a free market economy.

Maybe you folks on the right can pass a law to dictate how corporate sponsors can spend their money.
she and other reactionary conservatives live in a fantasy world comprised of an idealized american past that never actually existed to begin with.

no, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking paula dean and phil robertson.

And thank god you shit-for-brains are this stupid.

wow, talk about blind hate and unbelievable ignorance. Deen and robertson were fired by corporate executives and corporate sponsors. They are victims of a free market economy.

Maybe you folks on the right can pass a law to dictate how corporate sponsors can spend their money.

you are not their sponsor or even a corporate executive, you are nothing but a retard
no, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking paula dean and phil robertson.

And thank god you shit-for-brains are this stupid.

wow, talk about blind hate and unbelievable ignorance. Deen and robertson were fired by corporate executives and corporate sponsors. They are victims of a free market economy.

Maybe you folks on the right can pass a law to dictate how corporate sponsors can spend their money.

you are not their sponsor or even a corporate executive, you are nothing but a retard

Well, to be more detailed, he is a stupid, ignorant ass hat and retard.
She and other reactionary conservatives live in a fantasy world comprised of an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

No, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking Paula Dean and Phil Robertson.

And thank God you shit-for-brains are this stupid.

WOW, talk about blind hate and unbelievable ignorance. Deen and Robertson were fired by corporate executives and corporate sponsors. They are victims of a free market economy.

Maybe you folks on the right can pass a law to dictate how corporate sponsors can spend their money.

Lol, no one here is talking about passing a law to do anything, stupid shit.
No, it is the libtards that live in a fantasy world based on their ideological filters, hence their constant misfires like attacking Paula Dean and Phil Robertson.

And thank God you shit-for-brains are this stupid.

WOW, talk about blind hate and unbelievable ignorance. Deen and Robertson were fired by corporate executives and corporate sponsors. They are victims of a free market economy.

Maybe you folks on the right can pass a law to dictate how corporate sponsors can spend their money.

Lol, no one here is talking about passing a law to do anything, stupid shit.

Just typical right wing but hurt victim-hood...LOL
Far easier to hate than understand another's point of view. Takes humility and bravery to open our mind to others points of view. Problem is, our brains naturally let go of hate over time so stoking that fire continuously takes a lot of effort. And maintaining hate will ultimately be self-defeating as keeping our minds in a dark place will result in physical ailements and sickness.
Far easier to hate than understand another's point of view. Takes humility and bravery to open our mind to others points of view. Problem is, our brains naturally let go of hate over time so stoking that fire continuously takes a lot of effort. And maintaining hate will ultimately be self-defeating as keeping our minds in a dark place will result in physical ailements and sickness.

And sometimes people are full of shit and need to be shown as what they are

tapatalk post
Or maybe it's like expressed in "Peter Pan" (2003) "A fairy's so small they can only keep one thought at a time in their heads."

Conservatives are like fairies, and sometimes exactly like fairies. :)

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