Why do people hate Liberals?

The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

losing not one but two elections to a "different looking" African American w/ a "different" sounding name has a lot of the eXtreme Righties (who seem to be in a majority on their side, mirroring the make-up of the Boehner House) in perma-hate mode. Sad that :(

They claim that their running RINO's & that if they only run a further right candidate, that they'll win :doubt:
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because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution

I was unaware that liberals were hated.

correction: I do not hate liberals. I hate liberalism, because it destroys civilizations
because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution

And the republicans wouldn't dare do what you mentioned above....:blowup:

some might, many republicans are liberals. the problem is not the party, the problem is the ideology
And Trickle-down has worked SO well!

Are you claiming that the trickle-up-poverty of Stupid Fuck Economics that you Obamunists use are somehow better?

Show of hands, who here is better off today than they were in 2005?

No one?

Damn - imagine that...

Yet you still promote trickle-up-poverty. Like the middle class should embrace their slide into oblivion.

My favorite thing about GW Bush is that he proved his daddy right about what he said calling Reagans economic theory "Voodoo Economics".

30 years of growth from supply side. Hey though, the trickle-up-poverty of the Stupid Fuck Economics you promote have given us 5 years of decline with a promise of despair and poverty for the future.

You Obamunists have a vision for America.

because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution

I was unaware that liberals were hated.

correction: I do not hate liberals. I hate liberalism, because it destroys civilizations

As does, conservatism (also known as "fascism").
because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution

And the republicans wouldn't dare do what you mentioned above....:blowup:

some might, many republicans are liberals. the problem is not the party, the problem is the ideology

LOL. Where is the evidence of that?
And the republicans wouldn't dare do what you mentioned above....:blowup:

some might, many republicans are liberals. the problem is not the party, the problem is the ideology

LOL. Where is the evidence of that?

Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, the pre-breakup USSR, Rome, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Axtecs, ancient greece, liberal ideology brought them all down.

Now, look at China, no liberalism there----socialism, but not liberalism, and china has survived for thousands of years.

I am not advocating socialism, just pointing out the failures of liberalism(using today's definition of liberalism)
Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?

I wasn't trying to disprove your point I just thought you had over simplified things.

I wouldn't compromise on my principles. Would you?

What specific legislation would that be?

I wasn't attacking you bro, just saying that you had further proved my point. As you stated, you wouldn't budge on your principles. That is exactly what is wrong with Congress. They simply won't budge. Being a Political Science major with a concentration in Law, I have learned very well, that government is about compromise. Not everyone will get exactly what they want, but that is the definition of compromise:
An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

However, our politicians today are reluctant to heed to concessions, and that is pathetic. I have seen 9 year olds work out their problems better than the grown men in Congress.. kinda makes one wonder....

And to answer your question, yes I would compromise on my principles, if it was to better my country. I would not have the audacity to sit there, and say it's my way or the highway. It is not solely my country, and it is not only Congress's country. There are 300+ million people to consider, and if I have to compromise on some of my principles to better the lives of as many people as possible, you can bet your bottom dollar that I would do it. I however, am not selfish, and think more about other people than your average citizen.

Conservative principles are limited government, individual freedom, strong national defense, free enterprise and traditional American values.

I wouldn't compromise on any of these principles for the simple fact that these principles are better for this country.
There are core beliefs to liberalism and conservatism and those do not change much. The means to carry out those core beliefs do change, however, but again the means are not the ideology. Governments are only a means to carry out core beliefs. For example, Jefferson ranted and raved against governments, the history of governments was that of helping monarchs, and elites. After Jefferson became president, his concept of government slowly changed, governments could be used to care and help all humans achieve happiness. Governments could a means to an end; the end: happiness for all people.
Jefferson died broke.
Their economic theory's are destructive.

And Trickle-down has worked SO well!

My favorite thing about GW Bush is that he proved his daddy right about what he said calling Reagans economic theory "Voodoo Economics".

its derived from the "Horse & Sparrow" Theory ;)

Supply-side economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The economist John Kenneth Galbraith noted that supply side economics was not a new theory. He wrote, "Mr. David Stockman has said that supply-side economics was merely a cover for the trickle-down approach to economic policy—what an older and less elegant generation called the horse-and-sparrow theory: If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows."[69] Galbraith claimed that the horse and sparrow theory was partly to blame for the Panic of 1896.
correction: I do not hate liberals. I hate liberalism, because it destroys civilizations

As does, conservatism (also known as "fascism").

conservatives want small unintrusive government----the exact opposite of fascism.

you really don't know much about this do you?

you better run, don't walk away from the Repub party because they're wedded to the Pentagon contractors :thup: Thats revenue taken DIRECTLY from YOUR tax dollars and sent to favored contractors.

There is just as much conservative bashing by liberals, as there is liberal bashing by conservatives.

That is the problem we are facing in our country: 2 main political parties absolutely hate each other, and the rest of the country suffers for their unwillingness to work together.

If you ask me, the main political parties in this country will lead to its demise if we don't change. When we are blocking good legislation, that would move this country forward, simply because it was introduced by the opposing party.

So basically, we have a bunch of whinny, temper-tantrum throwing babies in Congress, that will fold their arms and pout, rather than work with their counterparts. It is despicable.

It's more about ideology than simply party. And yes, I want conservatives to stand up for their principles no matter what. You can call that pouting, whining, throwing temper tantrums or whatever you like. In case you haven't noticed, this country is going broke! And the liberal solution is to raise taxes and spend more which in effect will make us go broke at a faster rate. Conservatives want to cut spending and lower taxes which in turn will boost our economy.

Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?
How do you come to the conclusion that governing is about compromise?

Do we compromise on the notion that people who murder other people should not be jailed?

Do we compromise on the notion that if we are attacked by another country, the perhaps we shouldn't fight back?

The fact is that for any country to survive, clear choices and hard decisions must be made. To compromise on those decisions is the path to ruin..

Witness the GOP. They have adopted a policy of compromise for the past 20 years. It has weakened us as a nation, it has brought our economy to the very brink of ruin, and our societal rot has increased almost exponentially.

Compromise? No thanks. You can have it.
As does, conservatism (also known as "fascism").

conservatives want small unintrusive government----the exact opposite of fascism.

you really don't know much about this do you?

you better run, don't walk away from the Repub party because they're wedded to the Pentagon contractors :thup: Thats revenue taken DIRECTLY from YOUR tax dollars and sent to favored contractors.

Both parties are equally guilty of that. I spent my entire working life working with and for defense contractors. They do just as well under dems as pubs.

Defense contractors did very well during Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam war.

dems also spend our tax dollars of things like planned parenthood and Acorn, do you support that spending?
some might, many republicans are liberals. the problem is not the party, the problem is the ideology

LOL. Where is the evidence of that?

Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, the pre-breakup USSR, Rome, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Axtecs, ancient greece, liberal ideology brought them all down.

Now, look at China, no liberalism there----socialism, but not liberalism, and china has survived for thousands of years.

I am not advocating socialism, just pointing out the failures of liberalism(using today's definition of liberalism)

LOL. How simplistic. Provide the evidence for your claims, because I don't believe it.
correction: I do not hate liberals. I hate liberalism, because it destroys civilizations

As does, conservatism (also known as "fascism").

conservatives want small unintrusive government----the exact opposite of fascism.

you really don't know much about this do you?

Really? Then please explain the intrusiveness of conservatives (read: Republicans) into the bedrooms of Americans, women's bodies and their contents, and what people choose to do (like smoke pot)?????? Such hypocrisy.

Fascism (pron.: /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in mid-20th century Europe. Fascists seek to unify their nation through a totalitarian state(A "Christian" one??????) that promotes the mass mobilization of the national community,[3][4] relying on a vanguard party to initiate a revolution to organize the nation on fascist principles.[5] Hostile to democracy, liberalism, socialism, and communism, fascist movements share certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism, ethnocentrism, and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation[3][6][7][8] and asserts that "superior" nations and races should attain living space by displacing weak and inferior ones.[9]

Sounds like the Republican Party to me.
LOL. Where is the evidence of that?

Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, the pre-breakup USSR, Rome, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Axtecs, ancient greece, liberal ideology brought them all down.

Now, look at China, no liberalism there----socialism, but not liberalism, and china has survived for thousands of years.

I am not advocating socialism, just pointing out the failures of liberalism(using today's definition of liberalism)

LOL. How simplistic. Provide the evidence for your claims, because I don't believe it.

I don't give a flying shit if you believe it. Go to the library and check out a couple of world history books. If you can read you might actually learn something about how liberalism has failed throughout history.

History is many times simplistic and obvious. But you have to open your eyes and brain to the truth.

I wonder if you are capable of that.

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