Why do people hate Liberals?

Well for starters, they call republicans racist if they disagree with obama. That alone makes them hatable. Theres many reasons to hate liberals though.

I am a liberal and I don't call someone a racist for simply disagreeing with the President.

Good. Out of curiosity, do you object when other liberals do it or are you silent?
A liberal is willing to recognize that there are many areas in life where there is neither right nor wrong, just a range of choices, choices which will not solve the whole of the problems, and are not good or bad, but more effective or less effective. This does not set well with conservatives, who prefer definate right and wrong.

Also, liberals accept reality far better than conservatives. They do not try to bend the real world into "the way things ought to be". That is why 'Conservatives' deny the science of AGW, in spite of all the evidence of a warming world around them, and the solid science behind the reason why. And when a major poltical party embraces this lack of recognition of reality, as the GOP has, there is no way that I can vote for them.

Surely you jest.

Liberals are just as black and white, right and wrong on issues as cons are. Dont kid yourself into thinking that liberals are any more or less flexible.

But but but..............

Also, liberals accept reality far beter than conservatives. They do not try to bend the real world into "the way things ought to be"

That's the basic foundation of a liberal,the way things ought to be.You have got to be kidding.
I am a liberal and I don't call someone a racist for simply disagreeing with the President.

You're not a "liberal," shortbus - you're a leftist. There is a BIG difference. Your views have no similarity to Payne or Jefferson, but are nearly identical to Pol Pot.

Agreed! The true liberals are classic liberals! Today's Democrats are lovers of government. There's nothing liberal about that.

Bill Ayers Fan Stages Fake Republican Rape Threat Against Herself to Protest Rape Culture

May 1, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Meg Lanker-Simons and husband.
(looks like liberal trailer trash)

Meg Lanker-Simons once fought to bring Bill Ayers to speak on campus, but I suspect the WU bigwig would be underwhelmed by the scope of her criminal ambition which consisted of faking a rape threat against herself from a Republican and then staging rallies to protest “Rape Culture”.

This was the scene on April 28 as hundreds gathered to denounce rape culture on the University of Wyoming campus. But the only rape culture that the rape culture gang could find was the one they manufactured.


Bill Ayers Fan Stages Fake Republican Rape Threat Against Herself to Protest Rape Culture | FrontPage Magazine
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Saigon, its because they're hypocritical, will follow anyone that hates the US, christianity and capitalism.

It's not those guys, but the crazy professor types that say the meanest vile things (think Ward Churchill) and the rank and file liberals always back these people.....liberals can be caught in bribery scandals, affairs, and other nefarious conduct and be praised.......two people

OJ Simpson and Tiger Woods...both were seen by liberals (especially black liberals) as oreos, uncletoms, house *******, acting white, ect ect and were republicans....the worst sin ever

Once one got off a murder charge and the other cheated on his wife, they became icons to the liberal establishment.....and while they werent given a phone call.....the got their street cred and increased in popularity(yeah INCREASED) by the left(especially in the black community)

Also liberals are very dismissive of arguements, even when they themselves cant argue for shit and very snobby, elitist and hateful
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.
I stopped reading at the part highlighted in red.

If you cannot even be honest with yourself, I have no desire to interact with you.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.
I stopped reading at the part highlighted in red.

If you cannot even be honest with yourself, I have no desire to interact with you.


There is just as much conservative bashing by liberals, as there is liberal bashing by conservatives.

That is the problem we are facing in our country: 2 main political parties absolutely hate each other, and the rest of the country suffers for their unwillingness to work together.

If you ask me, the main political parties in this country will lead to its demise if we don't change. When we are blocking good legislation, that would move this country forward, simply because it was introduced by the opposing party.

So basically, we have a bunch of whinny, temper-tantrum throwing babies in Congress, that will fold their arms and pout, rather than work with their counterparts. It is despicable.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.
I stopped reading at the part highlighted in red.

If you cannot even be honest with yourself, I have no desire to interact with you.


There is just as much conservative bashing by liberals, as there is liberal bashing by conservatives.

That is the problem we are facing in our country: 2 main political parties absolutely hate each other, and the rest of the country suffers for their unwillingness to work together.

If you ask me, the main political parties in this country will lead to its demise if we don't change. When we are blocking good legislation, that would move this country forward, simply because it was introduced by the opposing party.

So basically, we have a bunch of whinny, temper-tantrum throwing babies in Congress, that will fold their arms and pout, rather than work with their counterparts. It is despicable.

It's more about ideology than simply party. And yes, I want conservatives to stand up for their principles no matter what. You can call that pouting, whining, throwing temper tantrums or whatever you like. In case you haven't noticed, this country is going broke! And the liberal solution is to raise taxes and spend more which in effect will make us go broke at a faster rate. Conservatives want to cut spending and lower taxes which in turn will boost our economy.
I stopped reading at the part highlighted in red.

If you cannot even be honest with yourself, I have no desire to interact with you.


There is just as much conservative bashing by liberals, as there is liberal bashing by conservatives.

That is the problem we are facing in our country: 2 main political parties absolutely hate each other, and the rest of the country suffers for their unwillingness to work together.

If you ask me, the main political parties in this country will lead to its demise if we don't change. When we are blocking good legislation, that would move this country forward, simply because it was introduced by the opposing party.

So basically, we have a bunch of whinny, temper-tantrum throwing babies in Congress, that will fold their arms and pout, rather than work with their counterparts. It is despicable.

It's more about ideology than simply party. And yes, I want conservatives to stand up for their principles no matter what. You can call that pouting, whining, throwing temper tantrums or whatever you like. In case you haven't noticed, this country is going broke! And the liberal solution is to raise taxes and spend more which in effect will make us go broke at a faster rate. Conservatives want to cut spending and lower taxes which in turn will boost our economy.

Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?

There is just as much conservative bashing by liberals, as there is liberal bashing by conservatives.

That is the problem we are facing in our country: 2 main political parties absolutely hate each other, and the rest of the country suffers for their unwillingness to work together.

If you ask me, the main political parties in this country will lead to its demise if we don't change. When we are blocking good legislation, that would move this country forward, simply because it was introduced by the opposing party.

So basically, we have a bunch of whinny, temper-tantrum throwing babies in Congress, that will fold their arms and pout, rather than work with their counterparts. It is despicable.

It's more about ideology than simply party. And yes, I want conservatives to stand up for their principles no matter what. You can call that pouting, whining, throwing temper tantrums or whatever you like. In case you haven't noticed, this country is going broke! And the liberal solution is to raise taxes and spend more which in effect will make us go broke at a faster rate. Conservatives want to cut spending and lower taxes which in turn will boost our economy.

Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?

I wasn't trying to disprove your point I just thought you had over simplified things.

I wouldn't compromise on my principles. Would you?

What specific legislation would that be?
The liberals today have nothing to do with the liberals of years ago. Liberals today are intent on only one thing, to destroy the country to the ground, past the foundations, destroy it into dust.
I am a liberal and I don't call someone a racist for simply disagreeing with the President.

You're not a "liberal," shortbus - you're a leftist. There is a BIG difference. Your views have no similarity to Payne or Jefferson, but are nearly identical to Pol Pot.

Agreed! The true liberals are classic liberals! Today's Democrats are lovers of government. There's nothing liberal about that.


Then why does the right call us liberals and constantly bash liberals? Must be stupidity.
It's more about ideology than simply party. And yes, I want conservatives to stand up for their principles no matter what. You can call that pouting, whining, throwing temper tantrums or whatever you like. In case you haven't noticed, this country is going broke! And the liberal solution is to raise taxes and spend more which in effect will make us go broke at a faster rate. Conservatives want to cut spending and lower taxes which in turn will boost our economy.

Thank you for proving my point. One groups wants one thing, and won't budge on the issue, and the opposite group does the same. Get a clue, government is about compromise. Government is about bettering your society, for the whole, not a few elitists. But we have seemed to lose that notion. However, as long as we have the babies in Congress, that are so blinded by party hatred, we will continue to go down the toilet.

One example:
Obama and the dems tried to get legislation passed that would offer huge tax incentives for large corporations to bring their factories back home to America, to boost OUR economy, and the repubs shot it down.... hhhmmmm and the repubs want us to believe they have "us" in their best interest?

I wasn't trying to disprove your point I just thought you had over simplified things.

I wouldn't compromise on my principles. Would you?

What specific legislation would that be?

I wasn't attacking you bro, just saying that you had further proved my point. As you stated, you wouldn't budge on your principles. That is exactly what is wrong with Congress. They simply won't budge. Being a Political Science major with a concentration in Law, I have learned very well, that government is about compromise. Not everyone will get exactly what they want, but that is the definition of compromise:
An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

However, our politicians today are reluctant to heed to concessions, and that is pathetic. I have seen 9 year olds work out their problems better than the grown men in Congress.. kinda makes one wonder....

And to answer your question, yes I would compromise on my principles, if it was to better my country. I would not have the audacity to sit there, and say it's my way or the highway. It is not solely my country, and it is not only Congress's country. There are 300+ million people to consider, and if I have to compromise on some of my principles to better the lives of as many people as possible, you can bet your bottom dollar that I would do it. I however, am not selfish, and think more about other people than your average citizen.
because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution
because their ideology trumps their common sense.

because they are genetically defective

because they lie

because they hate freedom

because they want to be slaves to the government

because they ignore the constitution

I was unaware that liberals were hated.

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