Why do people hate Liberals?

The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

It would make a LOT more sense to just ask "Why do people hate."
Leeches are annoying and of limited usefulness.

I'm rubber and you're glue - whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! :tongue:

Too bad we don't check ID's and limit this bar to grown up Monkeys...

:dunno: On the other hand, you kids can be entertaining with your recess bullying. It's just so damned tedious.
being opposed to the murder of unborn children is neither conservative or liberal, it is a moral question not a political one.
Yet you cannot prove that a human fetus is truly any more "human" than a fish fetus. In fact, the scientific evidence supports the opposite view.

You merely ASSERT that your view is true, it has never been proven.

Yet you demand that your personal opinion must be believed, and that anyone who doesn't do what you want them to do should be thrown in prison and suffer other penalties.

You are not liberal, since you reject scientific analysis and support religious dogma. You are not conservative, since you do not think that the state should butt out of people's private affairs as much as possible.

What you are is a totalitarian, who demands that other people follow your will, no matter how irrational you may be.

Is this a serious question????????

what scientific analysis?

See a human embryo is human, while a fish embryo is a fish.....it's really not that hard Einstein...

Ok dumbass prove to me infinity exists....show me an example!

More leftist bullshit.

This board as a microcosm illustrates a group of conservative/libertarians who are substantially better educated than the leftists.
Nearly every conservative here is a college graduate. Most of us have graduate degrees.

Now you of the left do have Truthmatters and Jakestarkey as your brain trust, but I'd still rate the education of the right quite a bit higher than that of the left.

:eusa_eh: Most?!?

I'm so glad you told me... I would have NEVER guessed!

More leftist bullshit.

This board as a microcosm illustrates a group of conservative/libertarians who are substantially better educated than the leftists.
Nearly every conservative here is a college graduate. Most of us have graduate degrees.

Now you of the left do have Truthmatters and Jakestarkey as your brain trust, but I'd still rate the education of the right quite a bit higher than that of the left.

:eusa_eh: Most?!?

I'm so glad you told me... I would have NEVER guessed!

Interesting read.....but they arent direct to today.....Conservatives today, would be classical liberals.....the right wing were the monarchal supporters and the left wing were the liberals that turned into commies....like robespiere and other followers of Rousseau.

Liberals typically came from the middle class –the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, the professionals, and the intellectuals''

Those are the groups that didnt support the left during the revolution and have to this day been suspicious of socialism and the left.....and the left HATES them...and uses the term bourgeoisie as an epithet (usually rolling their eyes in the process)
Why do people hate leftists?

Why do people hate mosquitoes?

Why do people hate cockroaches?

Why do people hate leeches?

Why do people hate bed bugs?

Why do people hate lice?

Why ask why?
Here are some of my frustrations with some left-leaning folks:

1.) Many on the left accuse the right of "being in bed with the corporations, ect", yet seem to have no problem with President Obama - for example - appointing a former Monsanto exec to a top FDA spot. Dems/Repubs are funded by the very same corporations.

2.) Lack of regard for this question: if special interests control our Congresspeople (certainly a left position, ie Occupy, ect), and our Gov't is corrupt, then why the hell would you want to give them more tax dollars?

3.) Quickness to give up rights and "put the Federal Gov't in charge". I hear many left leaners claim the notion of a tyrannical gov't in the US is "ridiculous" and "conspiracy" and (somewhat) ignorantly ignore the fact that there's been literally hundreds of well known, documented examples of tyrannical gov'ts taking hold of countries in both the last century and prior. Heck, the leading gov't in Europe right now (Germany) just killed 6 million Jews like only 60 years ago. Japan? Italy?

4.) The notion that regulation is always a good thing. Often times regulation is drafted by corporate lobbyists who rig the game in the favor of big business. Sometimes deregulation actually helps the little guy.

5.) The notion that wanting to shrink the Federal gov't is a bad thing, and again makes you a "poor hater", "1%er", ect. What's the problem with having more faith in a larger local gov't?

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The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American conservatives, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your conservatism.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American conservatives, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your conservatism.

So liberals don't do the same thing on the flip side? I get made out to be "a monster" by my lib friends for defending the second amendment - for example.

Really? Are you sure about that? Because I am about to provide evidence on how the GOP is trying to make abortions illegal. Not that they are trying to stop federal funding for them.. no no no, that is not what they are trying to do. They are trying to make it illegal (not possible) for a woman to have one. Here are some facts/links for your enlightenment:

You do realize that what is printed on the hate sites has no resemblance to fact, doncha?

You posting shit from MoveOn about Abortion opponents is about like posting shit from the KKK about blacks.

You have zero credibility.

Ohhh hate sites you say. For that statement, you have lost any credibility.

What an idiot. And what do you have to say about the other sites I cited? What about the rest of my post. YOU MUST be a republican, by taking a fragment of my argument and trying to make a mockery of it. Good job buddy!! Get on your soap box and tell the world how women should bow to men, and be our slaves!!
Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American conservatives, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your conservatism.


Progressive/liberals hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American progressive/liberals, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your liberalism.

That was EZ...:disbelief:
Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American conservatives, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your conservatism.

So liberals don't do the same thing on the flip side? I get made out to be "a monster" by my lib friends for defending the second amendment - for example.


Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American conservatives, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your conservatism.


Progressive/liberals hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group. And to be perceived as truly being a member of their self-styled brand of modern day American progressive/liberals, you've got to be unapologetically strident and extremely vocal about your liberalism.

That was EZ...:disbelief:

All sides are composed of mere Monkeys.

Monkeys are Monkeys. Passions, Appetites and Attitude. WYGD? :dunno:

1. Neither side has a lock on extremism.

2. Neither side has a lock on reasonable.

3. Neither side has a lock on intelligence.

4. Neither side has a lock on stupid.

See number 1 and/or 4 above when dealing with Monkeys using phrases like "all liberals..." and "all conservatives..."
Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group.

Either you are a fucking liar or you are just stupid.

Libtards want diversity in ethnicity, race, gender, etc, as long as everyone agrees on ideology; their ideology. Noone can get the Democrat nomination for PResident unless they are a cock sucking neoMArxist who hates white people.

Conservatives cant even nominate a real conservative to lead the GOP since Reagan left office in 1988. They keep letting these RINO neocons control everything. So not only do conservatives NOT hate every other group, they dont even love their own group to stand up for it... untill 2010 that is, but still too many RINOS. Romney despite having a liberal record as Massachusettes govenor, he ran the message of his 2012 campaign more consrvatively than McCain.

Conservatives tolerate a diversity of opinion and ideas, but liberals want only diversity in everything EXCEPT opinion and ideas.

So Roger Nicholson says :

1) he grew up around guns in upper state New York; he owned them his family owned them he loves guns.

2) he says that only the dumbest people own guns, hmmm

Well, he shouldnt judge all gun owners based on his own personal experience growing up in his own family, the rest of us arent the stupid fucks he and the people he seems to have emerged from are.
Conservatives hate pretty much everyone and anyone who's not a member of their self-identified group.

Either you are a fucking liar or you are just stupid.

Libtards want diversity in ethnicity, race, gender, etc, as long as everyone agrees on ideology; their ideology. Noone can get the Democrat nomination for PResident unless they are a cock sucking neoMArxist who hates white people.

Conservatives cant even nominate a real conservative to lead the GOP since Reagan left office in 1988. They keep letting these RINO neocons control everything. So not only do conservatives NOT hate every other group, they dont even love their own group to stand up for it... untill 2010 that is, but still too many RINOS. Romney despite having a liberal record as Massachusettes govenor, he ran the message of his 2012 campaign more consrvatively than McCain.

Conservatives tolerate a diversity of opinion and ideas, but liberals want only diversity in everything EXCEPT opinion and ideas.
BS. Explain that shit.

So Roger Nicholson says :

1) he grew up around guns in upper state New York; he owned them his family owned them he loves guns.

2) he says that only the dumbest people own guns, hmmm

Well, he shouldnt judge all gun owners based on his own personal experience growing up in his own family, the rest of us arent the stupid fucks he and the people he seems to have emerged from are.
Well, it was New York, so go figure.

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