Why do people hate Liberals?

Liberals with the power of guns .
What the hell does that mean? Care to explain that one in more detail? What liberals, what powers and with what guns?

are forcing us all to follow their views and values.
Give me 3 examples of liberals forcing their views on you.


Delusional, I say!
Why is a "question" delusional?

Or are you saying it's delusional to ask someone to give 3 examples of what they're talking about? Because if you're going to broadstroke all liberals in such a way, then you should have no trouble in citing 3 examples that led you to that conclusion.

And if you can't, then you're full of shit, like you are now!
Now Mathew, you really think that the economic theories that resulted in the First Great Republican Depression were not destructive? And that the deconstruction of the regulations that were put into place because of that Depression, leading up to October, 2008, and a very near brush with the Second Great Republican Depression, were not destuctive?

The Federal Reserve caused the panic of 1929, and then Roosevelt's economic policies extended a sharp but short recession into a depression. Pretty much the same thing happened in 2008. Only morons blame low taxes and deregulation for the depression.

It's obvious from your post here you dropped out of school, or didn't pay any attention to history.

What is the Fed Reserve? Is it a privately owned entity or a gov entity?

The fed sucked 1/3 of the money supply out of the economy causing a bad recession. FDR turned it into a depression worse than the 7 Biblical lean years
The people who are so over the top in their hatred are partisan trolls.

Basically they're just getting off on hating.

These are the sorts of people who will always find somebody to hate.

That's just their thing.

I totally agree, and I think that is a good point.
The people who are so over the top in their hatred are partisan trolls.

Basically they're just getting off on hating.

These are the sorts of people who will always find somebody to hate.

That's just their thing.

I totally agree, and I think that is a good point.
And a lot of that, is because it's familiar to them. Things that are different, scare the shit out of them.
Unless you want to read through several years of postings..... you dont have legs to stand on.

Ill give you a hint.... just stick with liesmatters and it should give you a nice taste.

Ha! I think Bripart, Mr Nick and Zonly1 have proven my point admirably.

And again, I am not saying that left wing posters can't be as bad - I'm just saying there aren't as many of them relying on the really Dial0800-CLICHE style posting.

And you are being called out on that because it is utter nonsense. For every name that you come up with of a radical rightwing moron, I can give you one on the left. They are just as prevalent. TDM, RDean, BlackLabel, ED…. The list goes on. The right has just as many but making some random claim that there is a 10:1 ration is blind to what goes on in this board.

FWIW, if you want less of that crap, join us over at the CDZ, there are actually some good debates there. LadyLiberal is giving me a really hard time on quite a few threads :)
Liberals have helped regress this society since the late 60's with they're anything goes society we've become. They stand for all things unAmerican anti individuality is the deal breaker. I'm a loyal unlike them I don't want the government in charge of doctor/health or choice of care. I don't want to be told what to eat what to drive or what to think.
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Liberals have help regress this society since the late 60's with they're anything goes society we've become. They stand for all things unAmerican anti individuality is the deal breaker. I'm a loyal unlike them I don't want the government in charge of doctor/health or choice of care. I don't want to be told what to eat what to drive or what to think.
You call supporting legislation that allows the government to pluck you off the street and indefinately detain you for the rest of your life without charges ever being filed, patriotic?
Liberals have help regress this society since the late 60's with they're anything goes society we've become. They stand for all things unAmerican anti individuality is the deal breaker. I'm a loyal unlike them I don't want the government in charge of doctor/health or choice of care. I don't want to be told what to eat what to drive or what to think.

So you think that around half of all Americans are unloyal and anti-American?

Dude - this is just silly.

Liberals are ever bit as loyal and American as a great many conservatives...why not try being a bit more respectful of different ideas?
What I like least about liberalism:

political correctness, which includes the "you are racist I'm not" philosophy. that includes xenophobia and homophobia.
hard core atheists
gotcha politics
social re-engineering
lack of fiscal reasponsibility

What I like least about conservatives:

if you disagree you are not patriotic
hard core evangelicals
not wanting to cut back on the military spending

Thanks for posting some details!

I'm puzzled you blame liberals for homophobia, and I'm not sure about fiscal responsiblity either.

It seems to me neither US party hs shown any fiscal responsibility since the 1950s.

Aithiesm and social re-engineering are valid points, sure.
Fuck that idea that the liberals are the same as the rethug. Want proof? Find a post from some right wing whack job on here and read the insane comment. Then look at the number of other whack jobs who say; Thanks for that idiot comment.

Then find a Liberal doing the same thing and see how many "thanks" are posted up.

You do the math. Rethugs win in a landslide. They truly support crazy and idiotic. Why "liberals" actually try and communicate with these whack jobs is a mystery to me.
Says the person who claimed less than 5 percent of Americans are black.


Your best is fail.

The only reason I am giving you a hard time about your gaffe, Sniper, is because you behaved like such a spanked child when I called you on it.

Everyone makes mistakes - not everyone pretends it was someone elses fault.

Your English isn't bad, really. But keep working on it!

I despise liberals. But then anyone who wants to control my life, tell me what to eat, when to buckle my seat belt, who to personally like, and steal from me is going to be despised.

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