Why do people hate Liberals?

You can't go anywhere without having to listen to Spanish-speaking idiots, endure their poor driving, try to get them to help you at a store etc. It's just bad.
You might try learning a little Spanish.

You use a message board hate post from "Nirvana-Guy" as a reference? I still don't see any laws forcing employers to hire people who can't speak English. I even see employers who make speaking Spanish a requirement for employment.

For the most part speaking English is a requirement for citizenship

I realize that you're just a hack who posts bullshit to promote your shameful party, but did you REALLY just make such a claim?

Will the 22 million illegal aliens that Obama and Open Borders McCain want to give amnesty speak English? Hardly.

Do 3rd or 4th generation Mexican descended children in the Southwest speak English? Yo no lo creo, sparky.
You use a message board hate post from "Nirvana-Guy" as a reference? I still don't see any laws forcing employers to hire people who can't speak English. I even see employers who make speaking Spanish a requirement for employment.

For the most part speaking English is a requirement for citizenship

I realize that you're just a hack who posts bullshit to promote your shameful party, but did you REALLY just make such a claim?

Will the 22 million illegal aliens that Obama and Open Borders McCain want to give amnesty speak English? Hardly.

Do 3rd or 4th generation Mexican descended children in the Southwest speak English? Yo no lo creo, sparky.

So much Bull Shit in your post....so little time

We now have 22 million illegals?
Where has anyone said the English language provision for citizenship would be waived?
Like most immigrants, almost all second generation Mexicans speak English
So much Bull Shit in your post....so little time

We now have 22 million illegals?

It's a low estimate, to be sure.

Where has anyone said the English language provision for citizenship would be waived?
Like most immigrants, almost all second generation Mexicans speak English


Someone has never left Chicago...

venir a California para una educacion, puta.
The program is funded by paying customers of the cell phone companies. The moochers get their cell phones for nothing, and we get to pay a higher cost for our phone service to account for their cell phones. Government mandated redistribution at it's best.
I wonder how ready you would be to pay the full cost of driving your car and maintaining the highway system, Hypocrite.


I gladly pay sales tax in my state for public roads, and I gladly pay tolls for private toll roads. Everybody does. How is that hypocritical? And what does it have to do with paying for people's cell phone plans? Heh. Are you actually trying to make the argument that cell phone plans are public use of public networks? heh... If you are talking about voice over IP using the public funded fios system... maybe you have something there. Internet should be free to access for ALL I suppose since we as a nation already paid for it. But that's the internet not the cell networks. I do see some wiggle for your argument regarding emergency phone use... but again that has nothing to do with a cell phone minutes plan.
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I equate airwaves as the public road.. and cell phones/minute plans as the cars we drive on roads and the gas.
I equate airwaves as the public road.. and cell phones/minute plans as the cars we drive on roads and the gas.

The airwaves however are free though not unlimited in capacity, and therefore it is reasonable for government to regulate their use to be sure everybody has access and no single monopoly will have ability to control them. But the use of them is quite capably handled by the private sector and no involvement via government is necessary other than in the necessary interest of national security.

The roads are a little different because they do require heavy construction to create them and serious maintenance to keep them usable and safe. And since it is hghly impractical, even impossible, for everybody to create their own private roads to go where they need to go, or for a private company to have control over who travels the roads, people turn to the social contract to pool their resources to have public roads accessible to everybody without regard to political affiliations or socioeconomic status.

The government does not "give" us roads. A free people empowers the government to create them for the benefit of all the people. The 'liberals' among us see this as benevolence of government and we therefore are all beholden to government (i.e. another reason to despise liberalism.). The 'conservatives' among us see this as social contract to accomplish a common goal to benefit us all.

Even those who don't drive benefit from the roads because the servicepeople they depend on, the goods and services they must have, and the security they need all utilize those same roads.
I equate airwaves as the public road.. and cell phones/minute plans as the cars we drive on roads and the gas.

The airwaves however are free though not unlimited in capacity, and therefore it is reasonable for government to regulate their use to be sure everybody has access and no single monopoly will have ability to control them. But the use of them is quite capably handled by the private sector and no involvement via government is necessary other than in the necessary interest of national security.

The roads are a little different because they do require heavy construction to create them and serious maintenance to keep them usable and safe. And since it is hghly impractical, even impossible, for everybody to create their own private roads to go where they need to go, or for a private company to have control over who travels the roads, people turn to the social contract to pool their resources to have public roads accessible to everybody without regard to political affiliations or socioeconomic status.

The government does not "give" us roads. A free people empowers the government to create them for the benefit of all the people. The 'liberals' among us see this as benevolence of government and we therefore are all beholden to government (i.e. another reason to despise liberalism.). The 'conservatives' among us see this as social contract to accomplish a common goal to benefit us all.

Even those who don't drive benefit from the roads because the service people they depend on, the goods and services they must have, and the security they need all utilize those same roads.

Correct. Additionally, even cell networks borrow access public utilities such as public roads along which the public and private telecommunication wires traverse. Just pointing out that Numan and Obama are not entirely incorrect. You are right that they appear to be disingenuous, but then both sides of this argument like to leave out the details. But yeah he was wrong when he said hypocrite.
It's a glaring fallacy to suggest that "Democrats" and "Republicans" are the same difference as "liberal" versus "conservative" or "right" versus "left". Know what I call 'em? "Demoplicans" or "Republicrats". Two sides of the same coin. To pretend that these two puppets are opposites just because one's dressed in red and the other in blue is to ignore a lot.

To paraphrase Gore Vidal, we can't have a third party in this country, because in order to have a third party you must first have two other parties.

Yeah.. but you have to admit there is a significant difference between Rand Paul and Charles Rangel.

That depends on if what Rand is telling you is truly what he believes.
That what government is suppose to provide you fucking idiot! Thats what you are calling authoritarian.

I live in the Peoples Republic of California. Out here, you pay very high taxes for everything. But if you call the police or fire department, you are billed for the service. When my father in law had a heart attack, the fire department sent us a $600 bill for responding.

What is it that the taxes are supposed to pay for? Apparently paying taxes gets the taxpayer nothing and services must be purchased separately.

Government is a form of organized crime, it "provides" nothing. Government exists to enrich those in the government.
That is something I feel should be changed in ALL states....It is time we take control of out local governments and reign them in. Those issues are ones we the citizens CAN change with the right people in office.
So lemme get this straight....
Speaking Spanish makes you a bad driver?? :eek:

Ya learn so much around this joint about logic.

Be glad they're not speaking Italian.

What makes illegals bad drivers is that so many of them buy their drivers license on the black market and don't actually know how to drive.

Most of them a drunk as a skunk.....I sell more beer to Latin Immigrants...(It is against the law to ask if one is legal) then I do any other people.

And yes I became a assistant manager and learned it is against FEDERAL law to ask a applicant in a interview what their immigration status is.
That is something I feel should be changed in ALL states....It is time we take control of out local governments and reign them in. Those issues are ones we the citizens CAN change with the right people in office.

Maybe, but at least here, government from the local to the state level exists only to serve the public employees and their corrupt unions.

The taxes paid to the county go to ensure a 6 figure salary and retirement after 20 years for firemen. If you expect actual service, that's extra.
The program is funded by paying customers of the cell phone companies. The moochers get their cell phones for nothing, and we get to pay a higher cost for our phone service to account for their cell phones. Government mandated redistribution at it's best.
I wonder how ready you would be to pay the full cost of driving your car and maintaining the highway system, Hypocrite.

What the fuck do you think the gas taxes are suppose to do?
That depends on if what Rand is telling you is truly what he believes.

Well, not everyone can be as consistent as John McCain, but I think Rand is pretty much on the level.

BTW, is old Open Borders John a democrat or a Republican this week? It's hard to keep up with him...

McCain is a old man that obviously has dementia. I have no evidence that Rand is a dishonest hack. I am weary cause his father is. Yes I know to many drink at the Paul koolaid alter but I did my research on him in the 2008 election.....I found him lacking to say the least.
That is something I feel should be changed in ALL states....It is time we take control of out local governments and reign them in. Those issues are ones we the citizens CAN change with the right people in office.

Maybe, but at least here, government from the local to the state level exists only to serve the public employees and their corrupt unions.

The taxes paid to the county go to ensure a 6 figure salary and retirement after 20 years for firemen. If you expect actual service, that's extra.

California is lost.... Leave the area. Let is die and be somewhere better when it happens....When that state really starts to fall they are going to get far more Fascist then they are now trying to save it.
That depends on if what Rand is telling you is truly what he believes.

Well, not everyone can be as consistent as John McCain, but I think Rand is pretty much on the level.

BTW, is old Open Borders John a democrat or a Republican this week? It's hard to keep up with him...

McCain is a old man that obviously has dementia. I have no evidence that Rand is a dishonest hack. I am weary cause his father is. Yes I know to many drink at the Paul koolaid alter but I did my research on him in the 2008 election.....I found him lacking to say the least.

Oh bullshit. Your hard on for Paul had nothing to do with his strengths or weaknesses. You were just pissed because his supporters refused to fall in line behind Romney. You were more honest about that back in the day.
Well, not everyone can be as consistent as John McCain, but I think Rand is pretty much on the level.

BTW, is old Open Borders John a democrat or a Republican this week? It's hard to keep up with him...

McCain is a old man that obviously has dementia. I have no evidence that Rand is a dishonest hack. I am weary cause his father is. Yes I know to many drink at the Paul koolaid alter but I did my research on him in the 2008 election.....I found him lacking to say the least.

Oh bullshit. Your hard on for Paul had nothing to do with his strengths or weaknesses. You were just pissed because his supporters refused to fall in line behind Romney. You were more honest about that back in the day.
Yes I did not want Obama elected again....But I disliked Paul long before Romney's pathetic campaign. By trhe way I do think Obama and Ron Paul are almost the same candidate....Both are frauds.
But dragging the train back on the tracks, the modern American 'liberal' thinks the Spanish speaking person must be accommodated with full functionality at other people's expense and requirement to speak English only should be illegal.

The modern American 'conservative' aka classical liberal think people have every right to speak whatever language they wish to speak. . .BUT. . employers should not have to hire someone who can't converse with their customers, nobody who can't read English should be licensed to do something that could make it dangerous not to be able to read signs or hear warnings in English, and a working understanding of English should be required for a green card or citizenship.

I don't know about any of that ^^ - was just noting the logic of Surfer's post. "Spanish = bad driver". He's obviously never been to New Jersey. Or Montréal. Etc etc etc.

The illogic is your interpretaton of Surfer's post. In the referenced sentence, he listed three things that we experience with an influx of non-English speaking illegals, of which bad driving was one of them. He wasn't equating Spanish with bad driving--you made that illogical leap, not him.

Umm, no Foxy, I'm afraid he was. Let's see it again:
You can't go anywhere without having to listen to Spanish-speaking idiots, endure their poor driving, try to get them to help you at a store etc.

The subject of the sentence as it is introduced is "Spanish-speaking idiots". What followed describes this group. If you're a Spanish-speaking idiot, you "drive poorly". The word their in "their poor driving" refers directly back to this subject: "Spanish-speaking idiots".

That doesn't mean that English-speaking idiots can't be poor drivers, but it does mean that if you're a Spanish-speaking idiot, you are by this definition a poor driver. Regardless of your nationality or national status.

Don't get into a car with Julio Iglesias.
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I don't know about any of that ^^ - was just noting the logic of Surfer's post. "Spanish = bad driver". He's obviously never been to New Jersey. Or Montréal. Etc etc etc.

The illogic is your interpretaton of Surfer's post. In the referenced sentence, he listed three things that we experience with an influx of non-English speaking illegals, of which bad driving was one of them. He wasn't equating Spanish with bad driving--you made that illogical leap, not him.

Umm, no Foxy, I'm afraid he was. Let's see it again:
You can't go anywhere without having to listen to Spanish-speaking idiots, endure their poor driving, try to get them to help you at a store etc.

The subject of the sentence as it is introduced is "Spanish-speaking idiots". What followed describes this group. If you're a Spanish-speaking idiot, you "drive poorly". The word their in "their poor driving" refers directly back to this subject: "Spanish-speaking idiots".

That doesn't mean that English-speaking idiots can't be poor drivers, but it does mean that if you're a Spanish-speaking idiot, you are by this definition a poor driver. Regardless of your nationality or national status.

Don't get into a car with Julio Iglesias.

That is nonsense Pogo. English IS my first language, and I'm pretty sure I'm on solid ground here.

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