Why do people support Trump?

Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
You likely don’t get it because you are reading the liberal mainstream media which is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

Now I am not saying the conservative news outlets are super great but I did get a lot more accurate info from Fox News then the liberal media.

If he did it would be because he was attacked by the handicapped person first. Trump seldom draws first blood. That's why I asked her to post a link, to (as Paul Harvey used to say) find out the rest of the story.

It's been proven that Trump uses the same hand motions when ridiculing other idiots he doesnt like.
Dems know this yet they keep trying to pin their false narrative on Trump.
Idol worship. It's that simple. Conservatives are desperate to worship someone, be it a billionaire or politician, or someone like Alex Jones, it doesn't matter. They just need someone to tell them how to think. This is why they're so cultish in so many ways.
Idol worship. It's that simple. Conservatives are desperate to worship someone, be it a billionaire or politician, or someone like Alex Jones, it doesn't matter. They just need someone to tell them how to think. This is why they're so cultish in so many ways.
Says the hive mind
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
The endless lies trump spews coupled with his hate-filled rhetoric speak directly to the Christian conservatives' own racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, misogynistic proclivities, hatred for the poor and working poor, education and the educated, non-Christians, and every other scapegoated group their politicians and clergy offer to them.

The trump Nazis have been searching for a leader like trump since the GOP introduced them to the Republican Southern Strategy. A leader willing to follow in the steps of Adolf Hitler, giving the trump Nazis expectations that all the "inferior" members of society would be imprisoned, driven from the United States, or exterminated.

Progressives are political targets for the trump Nazis' hatred as are moderates unwilling to embrace trump's fascism.

Idol worship. It's that simple. Conservatives are desperate to worship someone, be it a billionaire or politician, or someone like Alex Jones, it doesn't matter. They just need someone to tell them how to think. This is why they're so cultish in so many ways.
Conservatives will “worship” anyone willing to spend their days verbally bitch-slapping the living fuck out of the filthy left and working for good real core Americans.
Idol worship. It's that simple. Conservatives are desperate to worship someone, be it a billionaire or politician, or someone like Alex Jones, it doesn't matter. They just need someone to tell them how to think. This is why they're so cultish in so many ways.

Their response to Elon has followed the same vein. Elon's tenure at Twitter has been an objective disaster. He's attacked his customers, alienated advertisers responsible for $750 million dollars in ads revenue, gutted his staff to the point that even basic maintenance is in question, and is now preparing the company that he poured his life savings into.....for bankruptcy.

Yet they will polish any turd that man drops, ignore math, ignore all objective evidence. And that's the culty part. When you can't bring yourself to criticize glorious leader no matter what they do.......you're in a cult.

Its also what made the 'Let's Go Brandon' schtick so hilarious. Democrats were like "Why the code? Just say 'Fuck Joe Biden'. We do sometimes."
Idol worship. It's that simple. Conservatives are desperate to worship someone, be it a billionaire or politician, or someone like Alex Jones, it doesn't matter. They just need someone to tell them how to think. This is why they're so cultish in so many ways.

Talk about cultish and telling people what to think, name me one thing the MSM and Biden accepted responsibility for instead of blaming all our problems on everybody but him. That's not bad enough. The stupidity is you puppets just believe it.

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