Why do people support Trump?

Trump is no longer in power - It's been Biden's Presidency for 2 long, painful years. The better question is why do people STILL support this old, elitist, self-serving, racist, corrupt, compromised, criminal, Dain-Bramaged, lying, Fascist puppet?

Is it because he graduated at the top of his class ... with honors, graduated with 3 degrees, was raised in a Jewish Puerto Rican community, was 'appointed' to the Naval Academy, was a civil rights activist who was arrested in Africa while marching with Mandela...?


'Oh, NO you di'int!'
Okay. This is back in April.

Lol do you even read these articles you google for?

“Parents who received advance Child Tax Credit payments last year experienced a sharp decline in employment AFTER the credit expired this year, according to a new analysis, just as the Omicron variant spread throughout the country.”

"Parents’ employment did decline substantially ...[their] situations appear more vulnerable to the pandemic than the employment of people without children," Stephen Roll, research assistant professor at Washington University’s Brown School and co-author of the study, told Yahoo Money. "This unemployment spike among parents may be due to different factors, such as the need to care for sick children, school/daycare closures, etc."

"Given this, it is likely that many parents were facing two challenges at the same time: losing employment income due to the Omicron wave, and losing the CTC payments that many of them were using to put food on the table and cover essential expenses," Roll added.”
Please tell us about Trump's "Jobs" history - with "credible" proof. Then, compare that to President Biden's last two years.

It is obvious Trump has a long standing history of understanding and creating jobs.
He is an employer.
Biden has no history understanding or doing anything.

A comparison would be unfair because covid put at least 20% of business into bankruptcy, and that was not Trump's fault.
Another problem is that after unemployment runs out, they stop counting the person as unemployed any more, even though they are still looking for work.
They fall off the chart.
So unemployment now may be over twice as bad as we think.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.

Why the hell are you making a brand new thread about this? Especially since Trump is "officially over" yet you have to bring him again with a brand new thread? Its almost like you have no life and you're trying to squeeze every last bit of schadenfreude to temporarily satiate your hollow existence. I can think of no other reason.
That's why I support Trump, its frankly not because of anything he does or doesn't do, but the behavior of his critics is so irrational that I think any individual should be defended against it.
Its a matter of priniciple
Al Capone was also a fighter. So was John Gotti and all the other mafia bosses.

Interesting example, because Prohibition of alcohol was totally illegal.
There is no legal basis for demanding that others can be told what to consume or not to consume.
Frankly that does make Al Capone a hero comparted to Elliot Ness and those corrupt politicians who caused the spike in murders.
I didn’t say Biden created 10 million jobs you idiot. I said 10 million were created under him. Derp! Since you love to talk about shit happening under that orange retard, obviously you’re kidding yourself if you think Biden is completely removed from contributing to that number.
Wasn't it Nancy pelosi who said unemployment was new employment? Is that the 10 million jobs?
Is Biden vacationing every week at a tropical island like Trump was doing at Mar a Largo?
/----/ The president is the president 24/7/365 for four years, no matter where he is. There is no time the president is not the president. He doesn't have to be sitting in the Oval Office to do his job.... at least that is what the Left said every time Obama took off for his Hawaii retreat.
/----/ The president is the president 24/7/365 for four years, no matter where he is. There is no time the president is not the president. He doesn't have to be sitting in the Oval Office to do his job.... at least that is what the Left said every time Obama took off for his Hawaii retreat.

That's true for other Presidents because they can't be disconnected from the job. In Biden's case, he's disconnected from the job sitting in the White House.
Hey idiot no one is impressed with your lame ass copy and paste troll post that doesn’t actually add to a debate. You just hope 1) someone ignores it so you can claim victory or 2) someone only addresses part of that wall of text and you will say “I see you didn’t address X Y or Z. You just don’t have an argument! derp!!!”
typical lib, ignore the facts even when presented to you in a clear way. liberalism is a mental disease, you just confirmed the diagnosis.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
/-----/ Once again, we only care about his actions as president, not his former playboy lifestyle. Mitt was a choirboy and failed miserably at his run for president.

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