Why do people support Trump?

Only THE EVIL think The Righteous are WRONG. I am not righteous of my own. I am only righteous because of The Righteouness of
"The Lord Our Righteous Savior!"

Jesus who was God, The Son of God, not only laid down all of his heavenly power but voluntarily came to Earth to lay down his life as a living sacrifice. He came as a man, lived, died and was resurrected gaining victory over Sin, Death and Hell making the gift of salvation and reunion with God a free gift to all, but who also as promised resurrected The State of Israel, as sign of his soon return to establish Justice and Peace upon The Earth.

God is not mocked, and neither should you mock those who believe in Him.

Jeremiah 23

The Righteous Branch​

23 “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. 2 Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: “Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,” declares the Lord. 3 “I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. 4 I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.

5 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
“when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
and do what is just and right in the land.
6 In his days Judah will be saved
and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:
The Lord Our Righteous Savior.
7 “So then, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when people will no longer say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ 8 but they will say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ Then they will live in their own land.”


You're not righteous, Stumpy. :icon_rolleyes:
I posted that mocking you, Stumpy, not G-d.

You're brain-dead, Stumpy. That's not even the reason I mocked you.

In the End, God will Mock you when He shows you how foolish you have been in Life, and how many times He reached out to you and offered you a way home like The Prodigal Son. But you would rather eat Pig Slop and Suffer in a Burning Hell, than Reign in Joy Forever with a God that Loves You.

Smart Guy you are.

Thinking yourself wise, you have become a fool.
But you’re talking about it being worse under Biden. You haven’t provided ANY numbers for illegals taking jobs in comparison to prior administrations and republicans in office haven’t either. You’re just pretending this is the case because you lack the most basic critical thinking skills.

I love how you cherry pick these stories and expect it to really matter all that much in the grand scheme of the economy. Go ahead and show me the GDP numbers. Compare the GDP level under Trump in his final quarter and the growth in 2021 before GDP started dipping. Just do it. Quit being a pussy and do it.
The growth in GDP in Trump's next to last quarter was the highest in US history (35.2%). That was when Trump reopened the economy, after Democrats shut it down, & Pelosi kept it down, by refusing to send out the stimulus $$. His last quarter was good too.

2021 was a reasonably good year as Biden had the benefit of good Trump economics lagging over into 2021. By the time that year was over, Biden was on his own, and 2022 was the pitiful below-zero GDP %s of Biden's recession, inflation, product shortages, and general economic dissaray.

The growth in GDP in Trump's next to last quarter was the highest in US history (35.2%). That was when Trump reopened the economy, after Democrats shut it down, & Pelosi kept it down, by refusing to send out the stimulus $$. His last quarter was good too.

2021 was a reasonably good year as Biden had the benefit of good Trump economics lagging over into 2021. By the time that year was over, Biden was on his own, and 2022 was the pitiful below-zero GDP %s of Biden's recession, inflation, product shortages, and general economic dissaray.

Oh gee what convenient logic you literally made up right on the spot. Did you really think I would assume you’re giving me some some nuanced, informed explanation?

Let me start with this, if that opening year was all about Trump, why wasn’t Trump’s final quarter better than the last?

Hey moron Trump called for the economy to be shut down in 2020. Just how ignorant are you? Also how, exactly, did Pelosi stall the at stimulus money? Do you even have an explanation?

What’s hilarious about your chart is that it clearly shows GDP rebounded after July 2022. In fact, that growth was higher than Trump’s last quarter. Now why is that exactly? I bet you were hoping you could cut that part of the graph off lol. Of course you should also be aware that job growth never stopped under Biden despite the GDP dip. In total, 10 million private jobs have been created under Biden. All the jobs lost from the pandemic that began in 2020 have been regained and then some. The unemployment rate is at a 50 year low. Trump really failed to keep that pandemic under control huh?

Also what specific Biden policies were responsible for the product shortages? Do you even have an idea? You definitely don’t lol. You do know that gas prices were high all over the world right?
/----/ The president is the president 24/7/365 for four years, no matter where he is. There is no time the president is not the president. He doesn't have to be sitting in the Oval Office to do his job.... at least that is what the Left said every time Obama took off for his Hawaii retreat.

When you're playing golf every weekend, you're not doing your job.
Oh gee what convenient logic you literally made up right on the spot. Did you really think I would assume you’re giving me some some nuanced, informed explanation?

Let me start with this, if that opening year was all about Trump, why wasn’t Trump’s final quarter better than the last?

Hey moron Trump called for the economy to be shut down in 2020. Just how ignorant are you? Also how, exactly, did Pelosi stall the at stimulus money? Do you even have an explanation?

What’s hilarious about your chart is that it clearly shows GDP rebounded after July 2022. In fact, that growth was higher than Trump’s last quarter. Now why is that exactly? I bet you were hoping you could cut that part of the graph off lol. Of course you should also be aware that job growth never stopped under Biden despite the GDP dip. In total, 10 million private jobs have been created under Biden. All the jobs lost from the pandemic that began in 2020 have been regained and then some. The unemployment rate is at a 50 year low. Trump really failed to keep that pandemic under control huh?

Also what specific Biden policies were responsible for the product shortages? Do you even have an idea? You definitely don’t lol. You do know that gas prices were high all over the world right?
What a stupid question. Trump's 4th quarter wasn't better than his 3rd quarter, because the 3rd quarter was highly extra-ordinary, going from essentially NO ECONOMY (pandemic shutdown) to a functioning one. The 4th quarter was just an ordinary one. Duh!

Trump calling for the economy the be shut down was a very short-lived call that came from Fauci bad "advice", and Republicans promptly reopened the economy in Julu 2020 which created the 35.2% GDP. I should be getting paid for tutoring you, little student.

Pelsoi, as Speaker of the House, kept bills from going through that would have made the Stimulus happen. They came from legislation. Back to the 9th grade for you.
In conference, Mnuchin said > "Why don't we pass what we both agree on (the Stimulu$), and tackle the other stuff later ?") Pelosi refused to do that. Of course, because she did NOT WANT the economy to be stimulated. The whole Democrat plan was to sabotage the economy, keep it down, and thereby take away Trump's top
bargaining chip in the 2020 campaign (the economy). You better get this right, there could be a quiz later.

The "rebound" as you call it, in July 2022, is quite obviously a croc, as Biden (who has control of the GDP reports) could not tolerate another quarter of below zero GDP. I explained all that already. All the related indications indicate terrible GDP, not a rebound. Anybody who would believe that laughable July 2022 "3.2_ :)right:), needs to buy my Brooklyn Bridge. LOL.

I've also already shot down your laughable "10 million jobs created under Biden". I notice you post a lot of refuted trash.

Trump's control of the pandemic was extremely GOOD. During that year, I watched the weekly CDC reports of Covid deaths, and posted them. They went from 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.

Biden's oil production reduction policies which gave us the huge gas/deisel price increases, were responsible for the product shortages, as companies needing to transport their goods to stores, found it no longer economical to do so, due to the higher costs of fuel. Duh!

Any more tutoring for you will be $80/hour.
What a stupid question. Trump's 4th quarter wasn't better than his 3rd quarter, because the 3rd quarter was highly extra-ordinary, going from essentially NO ECONOMY (pandemic shutdown) to a functioning one. The 4th quarter was just an ordinary one. Duh!

Trump calling for the economy the be shut down was a very short-lived call that came from Fauci bad "advice", and Republicans promptly reopened the economy in Julu 2020 which created the 35.2% GDP. I should be getting paid for tutoring you, little student.

Pelsoi, as Speaker of the House, kept bills from going through that would have made the Stimulus happen. They came from legislation. Back to the 9th grade for you.
In conference, Mnuchin said > "Why don't we pass what we both agree on (the Stimulu$), and tackle the other stuff later ?") Pelosi refused to do that. Of course, because she did NOT WANT the economy to be stimulated. The whole Democrat plan was to sabotage the economy, keep it down, and thereby take away Trump's top
bargaining chip in the 2020 campaign (the economy). You better get this right, there could be a quiz later.

The "rebound" as you call it, in July 2022, is quite obviously a croc, as Biden (who has control of the GDP reports) could not tolerate another quarter of below zero GDP. I explained all that already. All the related indications indicate terrible GDP, not a rebound. Anybody who would believe that laughable July 2022 "3.2_ :)right:), needs to buy my Brooklyn Bridge. LOL.

I've also already shot down your laughable "10 million jobs created under Biden". I notice you post a lot of refuted trash.

Trump's control of the pandemic was extremely GOOD. During that year, I watched the weekly CDC reports of Covid deaths, and posted them. They went from 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.

Biden's oil production reduction policies which gave us the huge gas/deisel price increases, were responsible for the product shortages, as companies needing to transport their goods to stores, found it no longer economical to do so, due to the higher costs of fuel. Duh!

Any more tutoring for you will be $80/hour.
Lol oh so that third quarter was NOT because of Trump. Got it.

Lol I love how you just absolve Trump of any personal responsibility and put it all on Fauci. Are you suggesting that Trump was Fauci’z bitch?! Could Trump not make his own decisions?!

If Pelosi didn’t want the economy stimulated, why did she ultimately pass the legislation? Do you listen to yourself? You can’t even describe what procedural stalling even took place besides some lame ass quote.

Lol you are hilarious. Biden fudged the numbers huh? Oh gee what a convenient explanation! How he did that you obviously can’t actually prove. I have no idea what you’re even talking about pretending this 10 million number isn’t happening but you come across like a 5th grade girl.

Hey idiot Trump cut CDC and public health funding in 2018. When the pandemic hit, he said the pandemic would disappear on its own and the death rate would stop. He initially did nothing about it once it was confirmed it had reached the US. He wasted valuable time. He’s a fucking moron.

Lol what policies? What the fuck are you talking about? Where is the evidence there is a link to his policies? Keystone specifically would not have been functional now even if it was approved. You just believe anything republicans tell you.
The growth in GDP in Trump's next to last quarter was the highest in US history (35.2%). That was when Trump reopened the economy, after Democrats shut it down, & Pelosi kept it down, by refusing to send out the stimulus $$. His last quarter was good too.

2021 was a reasonably good year as Biden had the benefit of good Trump economics lagging over into 2021. By the time that year was over, Biden was on his own, and 2022 was the pitiful below-zero GDP %s of Biden's recession, inflation, product shortages, and general economic dissaray.


And the quarter before that one is the worst recorded in this country. All GDP did in the quarter you're talking about was go back to less than it was before the crash.
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