Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?

I'll call you on that. Meet you any time in the bullring to defend that statement. And trust me. I'll make you wished you died as a child.

I am so sick of this shit.

Truly I am. I have not a problem with debating or discussing true history. But lying about history...............

I get pissed off. Don't do it PJ.

What are you, an idiot? Surely you know the conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's when the blacks joined and they swelled the ranks of the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. That's fairly recent history. Who doesn't know that? You would either have to be a pre-teen, a tard, a liar, or in denial to not know that.

Is there really a Republican alive today who doesn't know this?

Only idiots and fools don't know this to be a lie.

And one more time, bigots and racists really seem to hate Obama supporters who are white.

Keep at it.

Blacks are but a drop in the bucket on who wins for Obama. Oh and watch them throw you over for the caucasian latino vote.

What are you, an idiot? Surely you know the conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's when the blacks joined and they swelled the ranks of the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. That's fairly recent history. Who doesn't know that? You would either have to be a pre-teen, a tard, a liar, or in denial to not know that.

Is there really a Republican alive today who doesn't know this?

Only idiots and fools don't know this to be a lie.

And one more time, bigots and racists really seem to hate Obama supporters who are white.

Keep at it.

Blacks are but a drop in the bucket on who wins for Obama. Oh and watch them throw you over for the caucasian latino vote.


You don't make one cent of sense. You must be a liberal.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.


The South has always been conservative, it’s party affiliation that changed.

Just a quickie here. Why do gays feels so safe in the south? I'm thinking Elton and others I know.

If it is so freaking horrible, how can you have Savannah? Surely you know and understand that city?
Is there really a Republican alive today who doesn't know this?

Only idiots and fools don't know this to be a lie.

And one more time, bigots and racists really seem to hate Obama supporters who are white.

Keep at it.

Blacks are but a drop in the bucket on who wins for Obama. Oh and watch them throw you over for the caucasian latino vote.


You don't make one cent of sense. You must be a liberal.

Well yes I'm a classic liberal aka conservative these days.

But to the point on the vote. It's over. They won't come out for Hillary.
Classical Liberals (like Thomas Jefferson) were anti capitalist, and big business, hated banks, hated commerce, and didn't make any sense... There is a huge difference between modern conservatism and classical liberalism. Seriously, just look at Andrew Jackson's tenure...
Is there really a Republican alive today who doesn't know this?

Only idiots and fools don't know this to be a lie.

And one more time, bigots and racists really seem to hate Obama supporters who are white.

Keep at it.

Blacks are but a drop in the bucket on who wins for Obama. Oh and watch them throw you over for the caucasian latino vote.


You don't make one cent of sense. You must be a liberal.

Do I get marks for this guys? Come on. I'm helping you out here.

You weren't supposed to say one cent of sense

You were supposed to say..............

one lick of sense

When dealing with American colloquialisms one must integrate geographical locations.


Sorries. Fail.
You haven't refuted a single point by anyone... I really don't care whether you are a libtard or not anymore... you are just stupid.
I described a clear link between the ideology of the Democrat Party in the past, and that of today. Instead of replying to what I said, you make an idiotic one sentence statement.

In the past, not today.

That’s why Southerners left the party in droves during the Civil Rights Era and after, and joined the republican party with promises of preserving ‘white Christian culture’ and ‘traditional values’; the GOP entered into a Faustian bargain with social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and the extreme fiscal right, all of whom fearful of, and hostile to, individual liberty, diversity, and dissent.

And it worked.

Until a few years ago, that is - when young, minority, and women voters began to reject the GOP’s message of hostility toward same-sex couples, gays, women, Hispanics, and African-Americans, they rejected the GOP’s message of division and hate.

Now the GOP finds itself in a civil war with the TPM and other factions of the radical right, the establishment is actually funding campaigns of moderates in the hope of staving off the TPM onslaught of unelectable extremist candidates.
OP- No one's more RW than slave holders, dingbat. Luckily, True information is the RW's worst enemy...
The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.
Well, your argument falls apart in the first paragraph, Jackson was a unionist. He opposed South Carolina during the Nullification crisis.
Nullification Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southern Democrats, those who seceded to found the Confederacy, believed in a original federalist system of the founders, and supported States' Rights. They opposed a strong federal government and believed in decentralization. One of the other primary reasons they seceded was over high tariffs that benefited northern industrialists to the detriment of southern plantation owners and merchants.
Issues of the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need to read a history book and stop listening to Glenn Beck. Old Democrats and Confederates were nothing like Modern Progressive *****.
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The confederates ARE the Republicans.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

GOP Governor Robert F. McDonnell declares Confederate History Month

Georgia celebrates Confederate History Month

Confederate History Month is not a new event. Several states traditionally observe Confederate History Month, including Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.


USMB Right Wingers can stop pretending. We know the Republican Party is the Confederate Party.

I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Just look at William Jennings Bryan.

William Jennings was a politician long after the Civil War, are you high or just retarded?
Because they were...they wanted the status quo...that is Conservativism.
Would you like Me to show you how conservative you are?

People try to assign motives and beliefs to groups of people hundreds of years ago and try to make some kind of equivalency between then and now. It always ends up a fools game.

Now, how about we do away with Abortion, Social Security, Medicare, and the EPA, HHS, and Department of Education? Or do yo prefer the status quo?
I started out thinking thanatoast created a sock. Same "logic" and invalid deductions, but the literacy level is a bit higher, complete sentences and all.
Just sayin'
Because they were...they wanted the status quo...that is Conservativism.

You mean, the status quo of a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Yeah that is what Lincoln and the Republican party wanted to preserve. It is shameful the democrat party's role in slavery and the fact that they have yet to apologize. Or they have yet to apologize for what they have done to the black community since LBJ.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.

I'll call you on that. Meet you any time in the bullring to defend that statement. And trust me. I'll make you wished you died as a child.

I am so sick of this shit.

Truly I am. I have not a problem with debating or discussing true history. But lying about history...............

I get pissed off. Don't do it PJ.

The Democrats in the South who opposed the Civil Rights Act, who opposed desegregation,

in alliance with likeminded Republicans,

called themselves the Conservative Coalition.

Now you explain to us, preferably in a civil tongue, why they themselves would choose that description,

if as you claim, they weren't in fact conservatives?

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