Zone1 Why do Protestants always believe their pastors rather than the 2000 year old CHURCH Christ established?

Nice rant, but you forgot to address the point that Scripture disagrees with you.
no, it doesn't. But I learned a long time ago, protestants don't listen to Catholics. They already know everything vis a vis Jesus....
Catholics who take the Bible literally, are a danger to society, since clearly the Bible is a fake collection of deliberately manipulated manuscripts.
If Catholicism was real, then we would not have had Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, witch burnings, torture, or even any wars at all.

The truth is that it is unlikely that a single Jesus even existed at all.
faulty logic.

Just because Catholics sin doesn't mean Catholicism itself is wrong. Maybe you need a class called Logic 101?
The word Catholic means "Universal". In that regard, the Church is Universal. All of us who have faith in Jesus for salvation.
Christ's Church is universal. Anyone can call himself a Christian and never set foot in Christ's Church... But why would Jesus found a Church on Earth and then say "Hey.. totally OK if you don't like My Church.... Don't want to enter it? No problem!"

Catholics who take the Bible literally, are a danger to society, since clearly the Bible is a fake collection of deliberately manipulated manuscripts.
If Catholicism was real, then we would not have had Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, witch burnings, torture, or even any wars at all.

The truth is that it is unlikely that a single Jesus even existed at all.
Which is totally irrelevant to the thread.
Christ's Church is universal. Anyone can call himself a Christian and never set foot in Christ's Church... But why would Jesus found a Church on Earth and then say "Hey.. totally OK if you don't like My Church.... Don't want to enter it? No problem!"

Exactly. His Church extends far beyond the name "Catholic" on the door. We are commanded to gather together with fellow believers, and they are found far beyond man's artificial denominational boundaries. But we all know that, just not apparently you.
I don't know that Joseph had kids by a previous marriage. ? That is not mentioned in the Bible that I recall. But you are correct that Mary never lost her virginity..

That is silly.
There is no scientific, religious, or any basis at all to believe in immaculate conception, since human desire sex.
And even if it did happen, it can happen naturally, just as all organisms reproduced asexually in the past.

Asexual reproduction is found in nearly half of the animal phyla.[37] Parthenogenesis occurs in the hammerhead shark[38] and the blacktip shark.[39] In both cases, the sharks had reached sexual maturity in captivity in the absence of males, and in both cases the offspring were shown to be genetically identical to the mothers. The New Mexico whiptail is another example.

Some reptiles use the ZW sex-determination system, which produces either males (with ZZ sex chromosomes) or females (with ZW or WW sex chromosomes). Until 2010, it was thought that the ZW chromosome system used by reptiles was incapable of producing viable WW offspring, but a (ZW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have produced viable female offspring with WW chromosomes.[40] The female boa could have chosen any number of male partners (and had successfully in the past) but on this occasion she reproduced asexually, creating 22 female babies with WW sex-chromosomes.

Polyembryony is a widespread form of asexual reproduction in animals, whereby the fertilized egg or a later stage of embryonic development splits to form genetically identical clones. Within animals, this phenomenon has been best studied in the parasitic Hymenoptera. In the nine-banded armadillos, this process is obligatory and usually gives rise to genetically identical quadruplets. In other mammals, monozygotic twinning has no apparent genetic basis, though its occurrence is common. There are at least 10 million identical human twins and triplets in the world today.

Anyone claiming a human would remain a virgin is trying to act against human nature and is pushing an abnormal behavior.
That is silly.
There is no scientific, religious, or any basis at all to believe in immaculate conception, since human desire sex.
And even if it did happen, it can happen naturally, just as all organisms reproduced asexually in the past.

Asexual reproduction is found in nearly half of the animal phyla.[37] Parthenogenesis occurs in the hammerhead shark[38] and the blacktip shark.[39] In both cases, the sharks had reached sexual maturity in captivity in the absence of males, and in both cases the offspring were shown to be genetically identical to the mothers. The New Mexico whiptail is another example.

Some reptiles use the ZW sex-determination system, which produces either males (with ZZ sex chromosomes) or females (with ZW or WW sex chromosomes). Until 2010, it was thought that the ZW chromosome system used by reptiles was incapable of producing viable WW offspring, but a (ZW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have produced viable female offspring with WW chromosomes.[40] The female boa could have chosen any number of male partners (and had successfully in the past) but on this occasion she reproduced asexually, creating 22 female babies with WW sex-chromosomes.

Polyembryony is a widespread form of asexual reproduction in animals, whereby the fertilized egg or a later stage of embryonic development splits to form genetically identical clones. Within animals, this phenomenon has been best studied in the parasitic Hymenoptera. In the nine-banded armadillos, this process is obligatory and usually gives rise to genetically identical quadruplets. In other mammals, monozygotic twinning has no apparent genetic basis, though its occurrence is common. There are at least 10 million identical human twins and triplets in the world today.

Anyone claiming a human would remain a virgin is trying to act against human nature and is pushing an abnormal behavior.
I read a few sentences here.. then figured.. Protestants don't listen to Catholics, so why waste my time...?

That's not a rhetorical question either
Christ's Church is universal. Anyone can call himself a Christian and never set foot in Christ's Church... But why would Jesus found a Church on Earth and then say "Hey.. totally OK if you don't like My Church.... Don't want to enter it? No problem!"

I am the Church. You are the Church. The Church isn't an organization or denomination.
I am the Church. You are the Church. The Church isn't an organization or denomination.
That's only true as far as it goes. Apparently it doesn't go too far with Jesus who said that He would "build [His] Church..."
Now you sound just like a Jehovah's Witness or a Morman. They say the exact same thing.
another person who needs a class in Logic 101

Just because heretics believe something similar --or seemingly similr-- to what a true Christian believes does not mean the true Christian is also a heretic
another person who needs a class in Logic 101

Just because heretics believe something similar --or seemingly similr-- to what a true Christian believes does not mean the true Christian is also a heretic
Who is the Cornerstone of the Church?

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