Why do republicans continue to delude themselves by believing they are Christian?

Finally, a fucking link! :lol:

So the first law is this " "That every man, ought to endeavour Peace, as farre as he can hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it, that he may seek, and use, all helps and advantages of Warre." Try for peace but if the other guy doesn't give it to you then kill ruthlessly? They got this law through reason? And philosophy? So it's simply a philosophical discussion from the 18th century (!!) and such a law doesn't actually exist. In fact, it's not even a law, really, because what's the penalty for breaking it? Who metes out the punishment?

This one makes no sense at all "The third law of nature states that it is not enough simply to make contracts, but that we are required to keep the contracts we make. This law of nature is the foundation for the concept of "Justice."" What does keeping contacts have to do with justice?

The rest of them are like the 10 commandments, like, "9) Pride should be avoided; " That's not even a law. And why would it be not good to take pride in your accomplishments, for example? The rest are sort of similar, vague feel good sound bites that don't have the weight or reach of a real law.

One more question, if you believe that the bible is true, like these "laws", did Noah have kangaroos on his boat, and how did they get there?
It's not so much this has all gone over your head as much as it you ducked.
So you can't explain your link. Got it.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
It's not so much this has all gone over your head as much as it you ducked.
So you can't explain your link. Got it.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
So you can't explain your link. Got it.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
You're clueless. it's official.
I've explained that to you before too.

Your job is to become the best version of yourself that you can become. It's a journey; a way.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
You're clueless. it's official.
How so? Are you telling me that you can't figure this out either? Do you need for me to explain it to you? It's really quite obvious. I can't for the life of me figure out why such a highly intelligent person such as your self can't see it.
Sure, ok, but all those inane sayings have no bearing on me. Keeping connections with people is justice? Um... no.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
You're clueless. it's official.
How so? Are you telling me that you can't figure this out either? Do you need for me to explain it to you? It's really quite obvious. I can't for the life of me figure out why such a highly intelligent person such as your self can't see it.
You spit out unrelated nonsense and expect it to be proof of something. Ya, that you're full of shit.
Or you don't know how they have a bearing on you. In fact, you have already made up your mind that they don't have any bearing on you. Which is why you behave the way you do towards those beliefs. Pride is the original sin so to speak. It's what keeps us from discovering objective truth; reality. I've explained this to you dozens of times too. Your pride is keeping you from seeing things as they really are. You have a preference for an outcome.
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
You're clueless. it's official.
How so? Are you telling me that you can't figure this out either? Do you need for me to explain it to you? It's really quite obvious. I can't for the life of me figure out why such a highly intelligent person such as your self can't see it.
You spit out unrelated nonsense and expect it to be proof of something. Ya, that you're full of shit.
What are you talking about, Taz? Can you be a little more specific?
Complete nonsense. As usual.
Not at all. A common sense self evident fact that can be solved through inspection.
You're clueless. it's official.
How so? Are you telling me that you can't figure this out either? Do you need for me to explain it to you? It's really quite obvious. I can't for the life of me figure out why such a highly intelligent person such as your self can't see it.
You spit out unrelated nonsense and expect it to be proof of something. Ya, that you're full of shit.
What are you talking about, Taz? Can you be a little more specific?
You make wild statements that aren't backed up by facts, yet you think they are. Every time.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus

Did it ever occur to you that millions of conservatives DO give to charities, non-profits, or their church, or they volunteer, or they do missions work, etc. Do you have knowledge of the private activities of each and every conservative in the US? No, you don't.

Here's what you guys completely fail to grasp. Not everyone agrees with you on the role of government. But that doesn't mean they don't believe in helping people and giving. It means that we don't always trust the government to spend the money in the right way, so PEOPLE should be the ones to help others, to give, to make this world a better place. Learn what the actual role of government is.

Another thing you guys fail to grasp is that Jesus wants people to give from the heart. True giving is not coercive, it is something people do out of their own volition...and I know for a fact, as a Christian who was involved in missions work, that tons of Christians and conservatives give. Just because they are not a misguided socialist like you does not mean that they do not give or help others.
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Are you really of the mind that Jesus' message was, "Get the government to take care of everyone!"? If so, my question is, once we get the government to take care of everyone, what is our purpose?

Jesus taught us to take care of each other, not to call on the government to do it for everyone so that we do not have to bother. Your philosophy is a kick in the face to every human being who you believe would stand by and do nothing, therefore the government must. Republicans trust in the goodness of people. All we get from your side is what a lousy, deplorable humanity we are. The government can fall tomorrow and Republicans and the faithful would take care of the poor.

Exactly! Finally, a wise and thoughtful post… As opposed to the back-and-forth partisan feuding. That's pretty much what I said, in different words.

Evidently many leftists here simply cannot grasp that. It never occurred to them, evidently, that people can give on their own, without the government being involved.
Sure, they call themselves Christian, but their “I got mine - fuck everyone else” philosophy on politics exposes them as frauds. They just call themselves Christians because it gives them the undeserved warm and fuzzies.

In truth, they idolize the just as fictional Republican Jesus

So, you think that being a Christian means that we should have the government confiscate the labor of people to give to the needy?

Do you even know what Christian means?

To be Christian means you give of yourself. It does not mean you take from some to give to others because I"m too lazy to do it myself.
The bible is filled with judgement for all to read. God showed clearly what he does to false god worshippers. No trinity exists--it is 100% fact.
It seems to me that you believe you are the only person who knows God's will.
Don't you?
Don't be silly. Of course I don't. The best I have is a big picture filled with lots of mysteries.
So you don't know what god wants? How can you follow someone if you don't even know what they want out of you? That's douche. Maximum.

Most religions claiming to be Christian--aren't. They do not listen to Jesus--He taught--man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--His real teachers make sure that is accomplished-- Every follower makes sure they learn every utterance as well and live by them. There will no excuses for mortals.

Dear kjw47
Since everyone qualifies as a Hypocrite, the way I can tell Christian's from Gentiles is whether they respond to rebuke using the Bible, or whether they need to see proof to change their judgment to a different conclusion. Christian's make and follow a commitment to answer to the Laws under Scripture. Gentiles answer to natural laws of science and reason. People are stubborn and emotionally biases by fears and dislikes. But by the time we resolve a conflict this will show which set of laws they listen to and live by

Nobody is perfect. So if we judged by which beliefs principles and standards we claim to respect we'd all fall short, some worse than others but nobody would meet their own standards 100% that's not any way to tell

What reveals a person's denomination is what they respond to when agreeing to change or correction.
It's not so much this has all gone over your head as much as it you ducked.
So you can't explain your link. Got it.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?

Dear Taz
Here is some of the real world wisdom in the Bible that has the greatest impact that multiplies and spreads when people actually embrace and enforce it in our relationship with each other as neighbors in Christ or by Conscience and law:

1. Correct your own faults and biases before helping a neighbor fix theirs - this is a commonly cited verse in Mark Luke and Matthew that is easy to say but hard to practice unless both sides agree to help each other fix faults dividing them

2. The more we forgive the more wisdom blessings and rewards we receive . In the Bible this is stated as we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. It doesn't explain all the benefits that follow from agreeing to forgive. That gets learned from experience. When we don't forgive we suffer worse results. Forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all. Christian's Cal this grace, that exists and is ours fir the asking. Ask and we shall receive.

3. When 2 or 3 agree in Christ or by conscience, then the truth can be established to restore good faith relations peace and justice between people as neighbors. When we do this collectively it unites and heals communities and humanity as the church body. This is what it means for the people to be saved from suffering death and destruction by receiving Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, which rights all wrongs and heals all wounds. So this brings lasting peace and justice or the kingdom of God which is heaven on Earth.
So you can't explain your link. Got it.
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?

Dear Taz
Here is some of the real world wisdom in the Bible that has the greatest impact that multiplies and spreads when people actually embrace and enforce it in our relationship with each other as neighbors in Christ or by Conscience and law:

1. Correct your own faults and biases before helping a neighbor fix theirs - this is a commonly cited verse in Mark Luke and Matthew that is easy to say but hard to practice unless both sides agree to help each other fix faults dividing them

2. The more we forgive the more wisdom blessings and rewards we receive . In the Bible this is stated as we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. It doesn't explain all the benefits that follow from agreeing to forgive. That gets learned from experience. When we don't forgive we suffer worse results. Forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all. Christian's Cal this grace, that exists and is ours fir the asking. Ask and we shall receive.

3. When 2 or 3 agree in Christ or by conscience, then the truth can be established to restore good faith relations peace and justice between people as neighbors. When we do this collectively it unites and heals communities and humanity as the church body. This is what it means for the people to be saved from suffering death and destruction by receiving Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, which rights all wrongs and heals all wounds. So this brings lasting peace and justice or the kingdom of God which is heaven on Earth.
Man, that sure is a lot of fartsmoke this early in the morning. Were you eating beans last night? :biggrin:

So then why do religious people attack others, like with the US military?
Why would I? It would just go over your head while in the ducking position.
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?

Dear Taz
Here is some of the real world wisdom in the Bible that has the greatest impact that multiplies and spreads when people actually embrace and enforce it in our relationship with each other as neighbors in Christ or by Conscience and law:

1. Correct your own faults and biases before helping a neighbor fix theirs - this is a commonly cited verse in Mark Luke and Matthew that is easy to say but hard to practice unless both sides agree to help each other fix faults dividing them

2. The more we forgive the more wisdom blessings and rewards we receive . In the Bible this is stated as we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. It doesn't explain all the benefits that follow from agreeing to forgive. That gets learned from experience. When we don't forgive we suffer worse results. Forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all. Christian's Cal this grace, that exists and is ours fir the asking. Ask and we shall receive.

3. When 2 or 3 agree in Christ or by conscience, then the truth can be established to restore good faith relations peace and justice between people as neighbors. When we do this collectively it unites and heals communities and humanity as the church body. This is what it means for the people to be saved from suffering death and destruction by receiving Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, which rights all wrongs and heals all wounds. So this brings lasting peace and justice or the kingdom of God which is heaven on Earth.
Man, that sure is a lot of fartsmoke this early in the morning. Were you eating beans last night? :biggrin:

So then why do religious people attack others, like with the US military?
Good Lord, is there anything you don't blame religion for?
Not ducking, you are. "Pride should be avoided", this is more of a suggestion, not a law, and which has nothing to do with nature that I can see.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?

Dear Taz
Here is some of the real world wisdom in the Bible that has the greatest impact that multiplies and spreads when people actually embrace and enforce it in our relationship with each other as neighbors in Christ or by Conscience and law:

1. Correct your own faults and biases before helping a neighbor fix theirs - this is a commonly cited verse in Mark Luke and Matthew that is easy to say but hard to practice unless both sides agree to help each other fix faults dividing them

2. The more we forgive the more wisdom blessings and rewards we receive . In the Bible this is stated as we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. It doesn't explain all the benefits that follow from agreeing to forgive. That gets learned from experience. When we don't forgive we suffer worse results. Forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all. Christian's Cal this grace, that exists and is ours fir the asking. Ask and we shall receive.

3. When 2 or 3 agree in Christ or by conscience, then the truth can be established to restore good faith relations peace and justice between people as neighbors. When we do this collectively it unites and heals communities and humanity as the church body. This is what it means for the people to be saved from suffering death and destruction by receiving Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, which rights all wrongs and heals all wounds. So this brings lasting peace and justice or the kingdom of God which is heaven on Earth.
Man, that sure is a lot of fartsmoke this early in the morning. Were you eating beans last night? :biggrin:

So then why do religious people attack others, like with the US military?
Good Lord, is there anything you don't blame religion for?
You're both saying that your religion leads to peace and harmony. All the wars past and current waged by Christians would dispute that. You just can't handle the truth.
If you aren't ducking then you wouldn't need for me to explain the link, Taz.
It's a bunch of stupid sayings, I don't need that part explained to me, What I need explained to me is how any of this matters in the real world?

Dear Taz
Here is some of the real world wisdom in the Bible that has the greatest impact that multiplies and spreads when people actually embrace and enforce it in our relationship with each other as neighbors in Christ or by Conscience and law:

1. Correct your own faults and biases before helping a neighbor fix theirs - this is a commonly cited verse in Mark Luke and Matthew that is easy to say but hard to practice unless both sides agree to help each other fix faults dividing them

2. The more we forgive the more wisdom blessings and rewards we receive . In the Bible this is stated as we must forgive if we are to be forgiven. It doesn't explain all the benefits that follow from agreeing to forgive. That gets learned from experience. When we don't forgive we suffer worse results. Forgiveness is the greatest act of charity of all. Christian's Cal this grace, that exists and is ours fir the asking. Ask and we shall receive.

3. When 2 or 3 agree in Christ or by conscience, then the truth can be established to restore good faith relations peace and justice between people as neighbors. When we do this collectively it unites and heals communities and humanity as the church body. This is what it means for the people to be saved from suffering death and destruction by receiving Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, which rights all wrongs and heals all wounds. So this brings lasting peace and justice or the kingdom of God which is heaven on Earth.
Man, that sure is a lot of fartsmoke this early in the morning. Were you eating beans last night? :biggrin:

So then why do religious people attack others, like with the US military?
Good Lord, is there anything you don't blame religion for?
You're both saying that your religion leads to peace and harmony. All the wars past and current waged by Christians would dispute that. You just can't handle the truth.
Within yourself.

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