Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(
Particularly ignorant is this inane notion that to invoke one's right to not self-incriminate means one is 'guilty.'

When in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The purpose of this provision of the 5th Amendment was to safeguard the doctrine of presumption of innocence and place the burden solely on the state to prove the guilt of the accused.
You forgot to mention that the duly constituted House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner waived her 5th amendments rights by testifying and that such finding is back up by Federal Case Law.

Perhaps your post was just for the Low Information Left Wing Loon.

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When you invoke the 5th you have to shut up. You don't have to speak after that. That puts the burden of proof on the Prosecution and shields you from self incrimination.

But you can't Invoke the 5th, talk a little, invoke the 5th, talk some more then invoke the 5th (which is what she did). It doesn't work that way.

When you start talking, especially before Congress, you've waived your 5th amendment rights.

You can't just turn them on and off as you please.

And so because of that she's being Arrested for Contempt.

You can invoke your 5th Amendment rights 10 times in a row or a hundred. But when you open your mouth the next time and start talking, you've waived your rights. All the previous times now go out the window.
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

It should be easy to remember. It's like the oppossite of the 1st.

Aren't both part of Miranda Rights? And then there is the whole due process thing.

I think they only like the 2nd. Police are good guys with guns. Except when they try to arrest me, then I'm the good guy with the gun.

See how it works? It's like concentric circle and I'm in the center. All good guys are pointing their guns outwards. If they point them inwards, they are bad guys. It'sa hierarchical thing.
When you invoke the 5th you have to shut up. You don't have to speak after that. That puts the burden of proof on the Prosecution and shields you from self incrimination.

But you can't Invoke the 5th, talk a little, invoke the 5th, talk some more then invoke the 5th (which is what she did). It doesn't work that way.

When you start talking, especially before Congress, you've waived your 5th amendment rights.

You can't just turn them on and off as you please.

And so because of that she's being Arrested for Contempt.

You can invoke your 5th Amendment rights 10 times in a row or a hundred. But when you open your mouth the next time and start talking, you've waived your rights. All the previous times now go out the window.

Did they keep asking questions when she invoked the fifth? Doesn't the 1st still apply? The 5th takes precedence or the first?

Why not? Why can't you decide when you'll invoke the fifth and when not? Eventually you gonna want to write a book, can you turn em on then?
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Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

What we despise is the 5th year of the Obabble Tragedies.

I wonder if that stunt has created a precedent where people will launch into a long speech proclaiming their innocence while pleading the fifth.

Pretty ballsy, but she got away with it. And, of course, those who want to protect her think it's just peachy.

When you invoke the 5th you have to shut up. You don't have to speak after that. That puts the burden of proof on the Prosecution and shields you from self incrimination.

But you can't Invoke the 5th, talk a little, invoke the 5th, talk some more then invoke the 5th (which is what she did). It doesn't work that way.

When you start talking, especially before Congress, you've waived your 5th amendment rights.

You can't just turn them on and off as you please.

And so because of that she's being Arrested for Contempt.

You can invoke your 5th Amendment rights 10 times in a row or a hundred. But when you open your mouth the next time and start talking, you've waived your rights. All the previous times now go out the window.

Did they keep asking questions when she invoked the fifth? Doesn't the 1st still apply? The 5th takes precedence or the first?

Why not? Why can't you decide when you'll invoke the fifth and when not? Eventually you gonna want to write a book, can you turn em on then?

How about once they're invoked, they can't be questiond and anything they say isn't admissible?

Fundamentally, the right is to not incriminate yourself. That isn't a requirement to not ever speak, just not incriminate oneself.
Why is it that the far left does not understand the Constitution?

No shit. And the right too.

"nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself."

How hard is that to get. Seems like every one wants to add things they want to it. Or pick and choose.
I'm sorry when you plead the 5th doesn't that mean your refusing to testify or answer questions? If so if you plead the fifth then start making a statement which could be considered testifying haven't you just waived your fifth amendment rights?
Why do Democrats (and liberals/progressives) hate the 1st, 2d, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and especially the 10th Amendments?

Why do Republicans (and conservatives) group the world into two kind of people and call everyone that disagrees with them a Democrat(and liberal/progressive)?

Why do the use progressive and Democrat intechangably?

There are two kinds of people, those that group people into two groups and those that don't.
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?

Yet another thread starting with "Why is it that..." followed by lies about Republicans?

You people are really running out of material, aren't you?
WHy is that liberals are OK with a government official invoking the 5th in response to questioning by the people's representatives?
Particularly ignorant is this inane notion that to invoke one's right to not self-incriminate means one is 'guilty.'

When in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The purpose of this provision of the 5th Amendment was to safeguard the doctrine of presumption of innocence and place the burden solely on the state to prove the guilt of the accused.

The American colonists were hiding weapons and ammo from the legal authorities. They were planning insurrection. Imagine what they would think of people today where personal rights come into play:eusa_whistle:
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You forgot to mention that the duly constituted House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner waived her 5th amendments rights by testifying and that such finding is back up by Federal Case Law.

Perhaps your post was just for the Low Information Left Wing Loon.


The US House has the say over whether an American citizen has their waived their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution? :eek:
I'm sorry when you plead the 5th doesn't that mean your refusing to testify or answer questions? If so if you plead the fifth then start making a statement which could be considered testifying haven't you just waived your fifth amendment rights?

Why? It's your right.

Doesn't it say to not be "compelled". That's a restriction on government. That's what the Constitution is generally taken to be.

If you decide not speak, have you waived you 1st amendment right?

How is the first a restriction on the gov't and the 5th not.

If I decide to not buy a gun and go to Chevy's with it, have I given up my right to do it tomorrow?

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