Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?

[MENTION=11944]Mad Scientist[/MENTION]
When you invoke the 5th you have to shut up. You don't have to speak after that. That puts the burden of proof on the Prosecution and shields you from self incrimination.

But you can't Invoke the 5th, talk a little, invoke the 5th, talk some more then invoke the 5th (which is what she did). It doesn't work that way.

When you start talking, especially before Congress, you've waived your 5th amendment rights.

You can't just turn them on and off as you please.

And so because of that she's being Arrested for Contempt.

You can invoke your 5th Amendment rights 10 times in a row or a hundred. But when you open your mouth the next time and start talking, you've waived your rights. All the previous times now go out the window.

Really? methinks there is far more to this rightwing story than meets the ayes :lol:

the ayes: [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=39553]depotoo[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=31362]gallantwarrior[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=20545]Mr. H.[/MENTION] (Today)
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Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

Why do you sound like an RDean sok ?

I clearly don't understand the 5th in it's entirety and so I don't know what is right.

So I don't say anything about Lois Lerner's taking the 5th.
You forgot to mention that the duly constituted House of Representatives found that Lois Lerner waived her 5th amendments rights by testifying and that such finding is back up by Federal Case Law.

Perhaps your post was just for the Low Information Left Wing Loon.


The US House has the say over whether an American citizen has their waived their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution? :eek:

Isn't that the judicial branch?
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

Interesting point of view.

But if an individual refuses to sign a 1040 based on Fifth Amendment grounds federal judges can ignore their objections because the federal government needs to feed, insure and quench Dante's thirst.

[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION]
WHy is that liberals are OK with a government official invoking the 5th in response to questioning by the people's representatives?

probably something to do with the US Constitution? :eek:

The US constitution supports the idea of a federal government unresponsive to the people? Who knew??
And here we thought you were one of those who ranted and raved about Congress telling the people what to do and what taxes to pay and what laws to obey...:eusa_whistle:

Now all of a sudden a wingnut Representative is 'the people'? :lol:
Why is it that the far left does not understand the Constitution?

Far left? :lol:

Hey wingnut, Dante voted for McCain in 2008


Yes many far left posters have said such things to try and deflect from the fact that they do not understand the Constitution..[/QUOTE]

Oh, anonymous posters on an anonymous web message board wrote a few things you attribute to the 'far left'?

And your criteria on what and who is in the far left is?
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Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

Interesting point of view.

But if an individual refuses to sign a 1040 based on Fifth Amendment grounds federal judges can ignore their objections because the federal government needs to feed, insure and quench Dante's thirst.


Where in the whacky world of wingnut wizardry do you get statements like the one above?

Refusing to pay taxes based on what amendment? And the 5th Amendment creates a number of rights relevant to both criminal and civil legal proceedings. :eusa_shhh:
[MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION]
WHy is that liberals are OK with a government official invoking the 5th in response to questioning by the people's representatives?

probably something to do with the US Constitution? :eek:

The US constitution supports the idea of a federal government unresponsive to the people? Who knew??

The Congress isn't part of the federal gov't and you renounce citizenship when you go work for it? Who knew??

And, yeah, last I looked, the Constitution restricts (not responsive) the federal government regardless . That's the whole point, right?

Or have you heard differently?
I'm sure when the next Republican administration allegedly uses the I.R.S. to go after it's political opponents and a key figure in that takes the fifth and then makes a statement proclaiming they did nothing wrong the left will be just as supportive of that as they are now.
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

Interesting point of view.

But if an individual refuses to sign a 1040 based on Fifth Amendment grounds federal judges can ignore their objections because the federal government needs to feed, insure and quench Dante's thirst.


Now you're not making any sense.

When has the IRS ever required your signature?

What does Dante have to do with anything?
I'm sure when the next Republican administration allegedly uses the I.R.S. to go after it's political opponents and a key figure in that takes the fifth and then makes a statement proclaiming they did nothing wrong the left will be just as supportive of that as they are now.

Really, what have you heard. I didn't catch that news story. What paper broke that story? Did they uncover some document? No shit This is big. You have to post it
Why Do Republicans Despise The 5th Amendment?]

Crazy Wingnut Steve Stockman Wants To Send The Cops To Arrest Lois Lerner

To Steve Stockman, invoking Fifth Amendment protection is now a crime.

"Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer."


It is amazing people who go around screaming about the US Constitution and rights and amendments have such a despicable level of disrespect for ALL of the USC. :(

they despise EVERY amendment except the 2nd.
"What Does She Have To Hide?"

I've been seeing a lot of comments to the effect of "why should Lois Lerner take the Fifth if she has nothing to hide?" Ironically these comments often come from people who profess to oppose expansive government power, and from people who accept the proposition that Lerner was part of wrongdoing in the first place — in other words, that there was a government conspiracy to target people with the machinery of the IRS for holding unpopular political views. Such people do not seem to grasp how their predicate assumptions answer their own question.

You take the Fifth because the government can't be trusted. You take the Fifth because what the truth is, and what the government thinks the truth is, are two very different things. You take the Fifth because even if you didn't do anything wrong your statements can be used as building blocks in dishonest, or malicious, or politically motivated prosecutions against you. You take the Fifth because if you answer questions truthfully the government may still decide you are lying and prosecute you for lying.

Pardon me: if you accept the proposition that the government targets organizations for IRS scrutiny because of their political views, and you still say things like "why take the Fifth if you have nothing to hide", then you're either an idiot or a dishonest partisan hack.

MORE: A Few Notes On Lois Lerner And The Fifth Amendment | Popehat

I like this little summation on how invoking the Fifth Amendment can be perfectly logical - even if one has nothing to hide. However, based on my personal opinion and the opinions of others whose legal opinions I value - Lois Lerner should have simply pled the Fifth and shut up. Period. She muddied the legal waters by saying more. Her counsel failed her.
I'm sure when the next Republican administration allegedly uses the I.R.S. to go after it's political opponents and a key figure in that takes the fifth and then makes a statement proclaiming they did nothing wrong the left will be just as supportive of that as they are now.

Really, what have you heard. I didn't catch that news story. What paper broke that story? Did they uncover some document? No shit This is big. You have to post it

You really think when no one gets held accountable for this I.R.S. scandal which unless something changes they won't the next Republican administration won't try and exact some revenge? Political pay back is as old as politics it's self right up there with hypocrisy.

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