Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.

Challenge ... accepted ...

Seawytch "Ah, but they don't say exactly that"

Your statement and italicizing "exactly" I read as you saying Republicans do the same thing, but just on other subjects. It is those subjects I've been asking you all to name.

So you go guy, what did it mean?

And then I provided what Republicans do say and do on your hyperbolic statements. So did Candycorn. You're obviously not reading what is provided you.

Candycorn just linked to a post of one poster, it had nothing to do with what "Republicans" say. You defended the Democrats on the positions I mentioned, you didn't answer the question of what issues Republicans say similar things on at all.

And now when you told me I didn't understand your post, I brought it back and told you what I think it said, and you didn't address how what I thought it said was wrong.

I'd say it's not your day, but this is typical for you ...

You made allegations about what someone one said.
I gave you proof as t what some people said.
I’ve won the argument twice.
Thanks for another victory lap. Now, please, either show some proof for your allegations, shut the fuck up or give me a chance to carb up before my next lap.
You made allegations about what someone one said.
I gave you proof as t what some people said.

The problem was your response didn't relate to the point I challenged. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't really, it was lame
You made allegations about what someone one said.
I gave you proof as t what some people said.

The problem was your response didn't relate to the point I challenged. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't really, it was lame

I showed exactly what you alleged….proof that conserve-hate-ives like yourself are as divisive as you allege liberals to be.

Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

Again, offer some proof, shut the fuck up…or let me carb up for another victory lap.
You made allegations about what someone one said.
I gave you proof as t what some people said.

The problem was your response didn't relate to the point I challenged. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't really, it was lame

I showed exactly what you alleged….proof that conserve-hate-ives like yourself are as divisive as you allege liberals to be.

Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

Again, offer some proof, shut the fuck up…or let me carb up for another victory lap.

A quote of one poster doesn't prove anything that the entire Republican party stands for. So just to be clear, you're saying I can pick any post by any leftist on the board and attribute that as the position of the Democrat party? That's your standard? Or does it only work one way?
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.
Welcome to the club.
You made allegations about what someone one said.
I gave you proof as t what some people said.

The problem was your response didn't relate to the point I challenged. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't really, it was lame

I showed exactly what you alleged….proof that conserve-hate-ives like yourself are as divisive as you allege liberals to be.

Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

Again, offer some proof, shut the fuck up…or let me carb up for another victory lap.

A quote of one poster doesn't prove anything that the entire Republican party stands for. So just to be clear, you're saying I can pick any post by any leftist on the board and attribute that as the position of the Democrat party? That's your standard? Or does it only work one way?

Beats zero quotes from anyone—which is what you gave us. You made a bunch of allegations. You’ve yet to back them up.


Offer some proof.
Shut the fuck up
Or let me carb up for another victory lap on my part.

What part of this don’t you understand?
The Democrats would be eating their own as well if the front runner weren't hiLIARy. The only person on earth interested in tasting her is Huma.
I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.

Challenge ... accepted ...

Seawytch "Ah, but they don't say exactly that"

Your statement and italicizing "exactly" I read as you saying Republicans do the same thing, but just on other subjects. It is those subjects I've been asking you all to name.

So you go guy, what did it mean?

And then I provided what Republicans do say and do on your hyperbolic statements. So did Candycorn. You're obviously not reading what is provided you.

Candycorn just linked to a post of one poster, it had nothing to do with what "Republicans" say. You defended the Democrats on the positions I mentioned, you didn't answer the question of what issues Republicans say similar things on at all.

And now when you told me I didn't understand your post, I brought it back and told you what I think it said, and you didn't address how what I thought it said was wrong.

I'd say it's not your day, but this is typical for you ...

You didn't read my response. I gave you what republicans say on those issues, not Democrats.
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

EXACTLY! Yet for the life of them, they can't understand why Trump has won so many delegates. These people can't get out of their own way. Being a Republican would be a lot easier if the party leaders would defend conservatism as zealously as the democrats defend liberalism. But no, they would rather demean conservatives who will choose Trump, and then tell them that they will decide who gets the nomination. Why don't they just kick Donald out of the party, and help him fill out the paperwork to run as a third party. They either don't realize why Trump resonates, or they do and can't bring themselves to get on board.
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

What liberal sites are those? CNN.com, Snopes and Politifact?

There are a handful of liberals who think that telling outright lies in order to sway public opinion is acceptable. But....they don't get any respect from anyone. That they exist does not mean that they have impact.

Both sides don't do it.

Include MSNBC, I see hate filled sways from them constantly on the USMB.
what you see is the actual truth being told On MSNBC ...when you hear the truth, you call it hate speech ...cause you just hate hearing the truth...
I was watching Fox Noise the other day all you heard was their excitement over hillary Having 147 FBI agents looking into her email's ... FOX Noise telling you about all of these classified documents being discovered and all of these documents being top secret discovered ... they were just in a Glow over it... so all the news outlets started looking in to this too ... what they found out was a conservative in congress leaked this allegation to the press to the Washington post and they printed it ... where Fox Noise jumped on it ... heres what we all know as a fact ... the Oklahoma Bombing, there were 120 FBI agents on that case... the world trade center coming down by terrorist, 138 FBI agents were on that case ... now we have Hillary clinton using a unauthorized Email account thats bigger the 911 bigger then Oklahoma bombing ... now we have the crime of the century.. the biggest crime of all time becasue147 FBI agents are on it ... I laughed ...

heres what MSNBC found out and said with their hate filled speech as you call it ... MSMBC went to the FBI and asked the question ... "why so many agents are on Hillary's EMAiLS "... its unheard of, can we find out how many of her emails were considered Classified and how many are tops secret... and why so many agents ... heres what the FBI said thanks to the Hate filled MSNBC reporters asking these questions... the FBI can't say how many agents are on the case ... what they can say is there are less then 12 agents looking at her email account ... the FBI said so far we haven't found any classified documents or top secret documents on her private server ... that's why you on the right don't like too hear MSNBC reporting ... Because when you do hear the truth, you say shit like "include MSNBC, I see hate filled sways from them constantly .... what you hear is the truth and you can't stand it when the truth is being told ... isn't that the real reason????

Gads, you just don't get it.. THE MEDIA HAVE AN AGENDA LEFT, RIGHT and MIDDLE. It's up to you if you wish to apply critical thought or trust wisely, it's usually hopefully....:laugh:
I understand it very well ... the problem you have is the media is so bad on the right and you can't stand the left pointing it out ... then finding out that what the left has pointed out to you was true ... that you have to surrender to this ploy of well the media is bad on both sides of the fence ... because you can't justify the right media failing you ... as far as I'm concerned the left agenda is getting the truth out ... the rights agenda is lets makes something up like 147 FBI agents are looking at hillary's emails, then they get found out for lying they stop airing their lies ... the fact that they get caught all the time lying to you, so when every thing you hate about the left comes out to be true, you start whinnying that THE MEDIA HAVE AN AGENDA LEFT AND RIGHAGENBDA LEFT,RIGHT, And the middle ...
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.

THE REPUBLICANS have lost their minds is all I can say ...
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.


So if your father in law quit the Republicans because the tea party came along saying we spend too much money and our taxes are too high, why was he a "Republican" in the first place?
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.

THE REPUBLICANS have lost their minds is all I can say ...

I know, voting between nominating a felon and a sixties hippie who's an admitted socialist for President? Oh wait, that's you ...
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.

THE REPUBLICANS have lost their minds is all I can say ...

I know, voting between nominating a felon and a sixties hippie who's an admitted socialist for President? Oh wait, that's you ...
still pissed from the last ass kicking I gave you ??? ready for a new ass kicking kaz???
poor kaz doesn't understand what a law says ... then he gets pissed when you show him what the law says, and he starts crying about it ... poor little kaz
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

My Father-In-Law was a republican all of his life, but after the Tea Party Hi-Jacked the Republican party calling themselves the Holier than Thou party, republicans began to crumble and he left the party, didn't want anything to do with those crazies.

If the party starts to get a better grip on their foundation and separate themselves from the Tea Party , you may just get the party that you love back.

I think it is going to take some more losses to motivate a change within the party.

THE REPUBLICANS have lost their minds is all I can say ...

I know, voting between nominating a felon and a sixties hippie who's an admitted socialist for President? Oh wait, that's you ...
still pissed from the last ass kicking I gave you ??? ready for a new ass kicking kaz???

Um, what?
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

The problem stems from the late 80s/early 90s when the party's love affair with the religious right reached it's full maturation period. The party changed its mentality. It went from thinking of itself as the better of two options, to thinking of itself as the only acceptable option. The former is an inclusive mentality, the latter is exclusive.

This kind of mentality is destined to lead to the very kind of dog-eat-dog culture that we are seeing now, and has permeated the orthodoxy American Christianity and its roots. The Catholic church excommunicates people, Salem Puritans had witch-hunt hysteria, and the modern GOP has a Tea Party that labels people as Rinos.
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

The problem stems from the late 80s/early 90s when the party's love affair with the religious right reached it's full maturation period. The party changed its mentality. It went from thinking of itself as the better of two options, to thinking of itself as the only acceptable option. The former is an inclusive mentality, the latter is exclusive.

This kind of mentality is destined to lead to the very kind of dog-eat-dog culture that we are seeing now, and has permeated the orthodoxy American Christianity and its roots. The Catholic church excommunicates people, Salem Puritans had witch-hunt hysteria, and the modern GOP has a Tea Party that labels people as Rinos.

You're just making that up. You know, many of us are old enough to remember the 80s and 90s and can call you on your shit. And look at the candidates then, HW, Dole, yeah, they were religious right.

Democrats do love to rewrite history, don't you?

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