Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

CCJ: "And here is yet another example of the right’s politics of division and the propensity of most conservatives to lie. Indeed, the quoted poster above has a long and shameful posting history of hate and bigotry directed toward Muslims, attacks devoid of merit or facts."

Funny to listen to the blind followers of the party whose Presidents have been exposed for some of the largest lies in our political history - even AWARD-WINNING, pointing fingers at anyone else or any other party, piss-poorly attempting to seize the 'moral high ground' in a political environment that currently consists of 'quicksand', not 'high ground'.
A little early to be drinking, dontcha think?
Nonsense. I've been drinking for the last two hours while smoking some pork chops on my new grill. Season opener for the Royals in 1 hour! Must be prepared
I loved that first unearned run. Cespedes should have to shag 50 balls tomorrow, catching all of them with 2 hands on the mitt. He's such a dumbass.
Was a good time lol
That fucker is making $27.5 million this year and he drops his first chance of the season? That nigga betta wash his ass!

He isn't going to get the warm fuzzy welcome that he would like when they get to Citi Field.
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Strawman. What are your examples?

From this board alone….

25 Quotes That Prove Liberals Don't Love America

Do Liberals Want a Nation of Mindless, Obedient Wimps?

Ann Coulter (an actual Conservative of Standing) has said much worse.

I'm talking about the Democrat party, you're just talking about one poster.

So you read my list and thought wow, Republicans do the same, but you still can't think of anything ...

Lie. What are you quotes of the “Democrat Party” saying things (usually people have to say things).
Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Strawman. What are your examples?

From this board alone….

25 Quotes That Prove Liberals Don't Love America

Do Liberals Want a Nation of Mindless, Obedient Wimps?

Ann Coulter (an actual Conservative of Standing) has said much worse.

I'm talking about the Democrat party, you're just talking about one poster.

So you read my list and thought wow, Republicans do the same, but you still can't think of anything ...

Lie. What are you quotes of the “Democrat Party” saying things (usually people have to say things).

You came back to the discussion to let me know you still can't think of any examples, huh. Thanks for letting me know
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

It's simple...because conservative Republican voters value principles over compromise.

"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.
Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick
First, how about you provide links to people saying this...and I don't mean stupid people on this board, I mean someone of prominence.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Hmmmm...who is doing all this dividing I wonder.

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...

Your response was agreeing with whoever it was that Republicans do the same thing. I asked for examples. More liberals chimed in, all agreed, none could provide any examples.

Now you're deflecting asking for quotes. I already asked you to back up what you claimed first. You bypassed that and went to your question. Don't deflect, answer the question I asked you first

I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.
How many anti Trump threads have you started?

Heal thyself Physician.
I didn't claim anything, you did. You claimed that "liberals" were making your hyperbolic statements. You of course can't prove it, you never do.

What I showed you is the truthiness in your hyperbolic statements.

What question did you ask exactly?

Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.
Yes, you claimed the Republicans do the same thing. I asked you for examples. So far you're all cackle and no egg. You don't get to say never mind my question, let's move on to yours.

Do you retract your statement and say Republicans don't do that? You're the guy, man up to what you claimed and stop evading like some kind of chick

Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.

Challenge ... accepted ...

Seawytch "Ah, but they don't say exactly that"

Your statement and italicizing "exactly" I read as you saying Republicans do the same thing, but just on other subjects. It is those subjects I've been asking you all to name.

So you go guy, what did it mean?
Republicans do the same what? Link to this post you're referring to. Where did I make a claim about Republicans doing whatever it is you think I said they were doing? All I said is that Republicans don't say exactly the hyperbolic statements you made and then I gave you examples of what exactly Republicans have said or want to do in regards to your hyperbolic statements. I showed that there is actually truth in all your bullet points.

Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.

Challenge ... accepted ...

Seawytch "Ah, but they don't say exactly that"

Your statement and italicizing "exactly" I read as you saying Republicans do the same thing, but just on other subjects. It is those subjects I've been asking you all to name.

So you go guy, what did it mean?

And then I provided what Republicans do say and do on your hyperbolic statements. So did Candycorn. You're obviously not reading what is provided you.
Post #80. You're determined to ask questions, not answer them, aren't you? So you ready to man up now and say what Republicans do say? Stop acting like you're a chick

I did already...with links.

Social Security: Republicans do in fact want to privatize SS (It's in their party platform) which might not end it, but it sure as hell would weaken it. Social Security has kept the poverty level among seniors at 9%. Imagine if we'd privatized it when Bush wanted to?

Republicans and bathrooms: White only? No...but they certainly are passing ridiculous laws that require you to go into the bathroom that's associated with the gender on your birth certificate...Which of course means that this person is required by law to use the women's room:


One of the states, Kentucky I think, wanted to give people a $2500 reward for catching trans people in the "wrong" bathroom. Republicans, giving you a government small enough to fit in your vagina and your bathroom stall.

Women's Pay Inequality: Republicans certainly are fighting pay equality. Less than 10 Republicans voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act from the House and Senate combined.

Corporations and Pay: They aren't doing it voluntarily...


Your reading skills are awful, that isn't the question I asked. You said Republicans scare people just like Democrats do, just on different subjects. I asked you what subjects. Post after post, no answer to the question. Don't you want your kids to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that this is your level of reading?

I'm not following you down another rat hole to help you evade the question. Answer it, then you can ask me questions

Apparently it's your reading skills that are "awful" since I never said what you think I said. Either you're having conversations in your head without me or you're confusing me for someone else.

Challenge ... accepted ...

Seawytch "Ah, but they don't say exactly that"

Your statement and italicizing "exactly" I read as you saying Republicans do the same thing, but just on other subjects. It is those subjects I've been asking you all to name.

So you go guy, what did it mean?

And then I provided what Republicans do say and do on your hyperbolic statements. So did Candycorn. You're obviously not reading what is provided you.

Candycorn just linked to a post of one poster, it had nothing to do with what "Republicans" say. You defended the Democrats on the positions I mentioned, you didn't answer the question of what issues Republicans say similar things on at all.

And now when you told me I didn't understand your post, I brought it back and told you what I think it said, and you didn't address how what I thought it said was wrong.

I'd say it's not your day, but this is typical for you ...

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