Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

it's been a slow, dragged out process until Obama became president...then quite rapid...

imo it began with completely demonizing and for the most part, lying about Democrats, liberals, progressive and making them ''the enemy'' and blaming liberals for every little thing and their own woes...then hating hating hating spewed by every one of the hundreds if not thousands of right wing sites....hating on every race, gender, sexual preference, religion other than Christian because they could be Democrats, hating teachers, hating unions, hating hating hating hating hating....

ALL OF THIS has made it easy, to transition in to...

Hating their own...

I'd have respect for Democrats if they applied critical thought to their own Party, they seem far more concerned with winning than facing the realities of liberal failures.
You know the saying, "Two heads are better than one."

Congress and our Nation, was much better off when the two different heads (ways) of thinking, (two different parties) worked WITH each other...always making the "other opinion" the enemy, the antichrist is simply, "Divided we Fall" imo.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

What liberal sites are those? CNN.com, Snopes and Politifact?

There are a handful of liberals who think that telling outright lies in order to sway public opinion is acceptable. But....they don't get any respect from anyone. That they exist does not mean that they have impact.

Both sides don't do it.
all i can say is you have to wade through the mess
Ol' Mac can turn 'em into drama queens with one little post.

the only drama queen here is ol' Mac ...your the won who felt the need to posted the no matter who wins post, because you know with trump and cruz at the helm the republicans will lose for a long time and you know it ... so that brings the drama queenness ( if there's such a word) out in you
Ol' Mac can turn 'em into drama queens with one little post.

the only drama queen here is ol' Mac ...your the won who felt the need to posted the no matter who wins post, because you know with trump and cruz at the helm the republicans will lose for a long time and you know it ... so that brings the drama queenness ( if there's such a word) out in you
I find it interesting that we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines but we absolutely devour our own if a strict line isn't followed.
The GOP would never win another election if it weren't for the votes of so called "Rinos" but daily we condemn them. To make matters worse yet someone who has never voted for a Democrat can be labeled a Rino simply for disagreeing with any given position. Or worse yet be labeled the infamous establishment or libtard.

Why craft such a narrow view when you must spread a wide net to win ANY national election.

3 decades ago Reagan opened the door to Religious Conservatives - Christian.

Christianity is a fear-based belief system - get saved by JC or go to hell. Yikes! Scary.

But basically these people know only fear as a motivator and Trump is all about fear.
You know the saying, "Two heads are better than one."

Congress and our Nation, was much better off when the two different heads (ways) of thinking, (two different parties) worked WITH each other...always making the "other opinion" the enemy, the antichrist is simply, "Divided we Fall" imo.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

What liberal sites are those? CNN.com, Snopes and Politifact?

There are a handful of liberals who think that telling outright lies in order to sway public opinion is acceptable. But....they don't get any respect from anyone. That they exist does not mean that they have impact.

Both sides don't do it.

Include MSNBC, I see hate filled sways from them constantly on the USMB.
what you see is the actual truth being told On MSNBC ...when you hear the truth, you call it hate speech ...cause you just hate hearing the truth...
I was watching Fox Noise the other day all you heard was their excitement over hillary Having 147 FBI agents looking into her email's ... FOX Noise telling you about all of these classified documents being discovered and all of these documents being top secret discovered ... they were just in a Glow over it... so all the news outlets started looking in to this too ... what they found out was a conservative in congress leaked this allegation to the press to the Washington post and they printed it ... where Fox Noise jumped on it ... heres what we all know as a fact ... the Oklahoma Bombing, there were 120 FBI agents on that case... the world trade center coming down by terrorist, 138 FBI agents were on that case ... now we have Hillary clinton using a unauthorized Email account thats bigger the 911 bigger then Oklahoma bombing ... now we have the crime of the century.. the biggest crime of all time becasue147 FBI agents are on it ... I laughed ...

heres what MSNBC found out and said with their hate filled speech as you call it ... MSMBC went to the FBI and asked the question ... "why so many agents are on Hillary's EMAiLS "... its unheard of, can we find out how many of her emails were considered Classified and how many are tops secret... and why so many agents ... heres what the FBI said thanks to the Hate filled MSNBC reporters asking these questions... the FBI can't say how many agents are on the case ... what they can say is there are less then 12 agents looking at her email account ... the FBI said so far we haven't found any classified documents or top secret documents on her private server ... that's why you on the right don't like too hear MSNBC reporting ... Because when you do hear the truth, you say shit like "include MSNBC, I see hate filled sways from them constantly .... what you hear is the truth and you can't stand it when the truth is being told ... isn't that the real reason????

Gads, you just don't get it.. THE MEDIA HAVE AN AGENDA LEFT, RIGHT and MIDDLE. It's up to you if you wish to apply critical thought or trust wisely, it's usually hopefully....:laugh:
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it's been a slow, dragged out process until Obama became president...then quite rapid...

imo it began with completely demonizing and for the most part, lying about Democrats, liberals, progressive and making them ''the enemy'' and blaming liberals for every little thing and their own woes...then hating hating hating spewed by every one of the hundreds if not thousands of right wing sites....hating on every race, gender, sexual preference, religion other than Christian because they could be Democrats, hating teachers, hating unions, hating hating hating hating hating....

ALL OF THIS has made it easy, to transition in to...

Hating their own...

I'd have respect for Democrats if they applied critical thought to their own Party, they seem far more concerned with winning than facing the realities of liberal failures.
You know the saying, "Two heads are better than one."

Congress and our Nation, was much better off when the two different heads (ways) of thinking, (two different parties) worked WITH each other...always making the "other opinion" the enemy, the antichrist is simply, "Divided we Fall" imo.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

Agree 100%. We used to drink from the same trough so to speak. We might disagree on how to solve the problems we faced, but we all agreed on what those problems were because we were getting our information from the same, trusted, source. But now our medias exist in bubbles. If you only want to get "information" that supports and props up your personal ideology and beliefs, you can find that and exist there.
it's been a slow, dragged out process until Obama became president...then quite rapid...

imo it began with completely demonizing and for the most part, lying about Democrats, liberals, progressive and making them ''the enemy'' and blaming liberals for every little thing and their own woes...then hating hating hating spewed by every one of the hundreds if not thousands of right wing sites....hating on every race, gender, sexual preference, religion other than Christian because they could be Democrats, hating teachers, hating unions, hating hating hating hating hating....

ALL OF THIS has made it easy, to transition in to...

Hating their own...

I'd have respect for Democrats if they applied critical thought to their own Party, they seem far more concerned with winning than facing the realities of liberal failures.
You know the saying, "Two heads are better than one."

Congress and our Nation, was much better off when the two different heads (ways) of thinking, (two different parties) worked WITH each other...always making the "other opinion" the enemy, the antichrist is simply, "Divided we Fall" imo.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

Agree 100%. We used to drink from the same trough so to speak. We might disagree on how to solve the problems we faced, but we all agreed on what those problems were because we were getting our information from the same, trusted, source. But now our medias exist in bubbles. If you only want to get "information" that supports and props up your personal ideology and beliefs, you can find that and exist there.

Well.....the truth exists. It is supported by facts. If you are a thinking person, you can discern fact from fiction and recognize media spin when you see it. Now...there are plenty of people who can do that.....but since being disingenuous lines their pockets or gets them elected....they intentionally ignore the facts at hand. I don't think it's disputable that their is a larger audience for that type of shit on the right.
I'd have respect for Democrats if they applied critical thought to their own Party, they seem far more concerned with winning than facing the realities of liberal failures.
You know the saying, "Two heads are better than one."

Congress and our Nation, was much better off when the two different heads (ways) of thinking, (two different parties) worked WITH each other...always making the "other opinion" the enemy, the antichrist is simply, "Divided we Fall" imo.

Both Parties should be held responsible by honest and informed voters, that seemed to stop in the mid Clinton years.
How can we be informed, when there are so so so so many sites on the net that produce lies and propaganda that get a life of their own?

If all the lies out there put out by the right wing media on Liberals were even remotely true, I would not be a Liberal, I would hate them too.....but I know better because I have the time to research them all, now that I don't work outside of the home any more...

and surely there are liberal sites doing the same thing on conservatives....

It's actually HARDER NOW, with the internet, to be 'well informed' imo....

Agree 100%. We used to drink from the same trough so to speak. We might disagree on how to solve the problems we faced, but we all agreed on what those problems were because we were getting our information from the same, trusted, source. But now our medias exist in bubbles. If you only want to get "information" that supports and props up your personal ideology and beliefs, you can find that and exist there.

Well.....the truth exists. It is supported by facts. If you are a thinking person, you can discern fact from fiction and recognize media spin when you see it. Now...there are plenty of people who can do that.....but since being disingenuous lines their pockets or gets them elected....they intentionally ignore the facts at hand. I don't think it's disputable that their is a larger audience for that type of shit on the right.

I agree, the truth exists, but you can't make people watch it, read it, listen to it or believe it. If they never turn off Fox, what are you going to do?

How Fox News Made My Dad Crazy

They think NPR is "liberal propaganda". Seriously!

And I agree that just because a half dozen people live solely on Democratic Underground, both sides don't do it. I don't know a single liberal that stays within the bubble the way folks on the Right do. They turn off Rush in their cars and turn on Fox in their homes.
The fight between the conservative and liberal (or moderate or establishment or Rino) has been going on for as long as it's been since the radical left hijacked the democrat party. Who would have thought that the party of JFK "ask not what your Country can do for you" would have a socialist Marxist in the running for the nomination? You don't notice identity politics in the democrat party because the commie liberal media does everything in it's power to make sure you don't notice the democrat party's drift off the freaking charts. Get used to the fight between conservatives and the establishment and if the shoe fits, quit whining about being called a Rino.
You still think "ask not what your country can do for you" is a condemnation of welfare?

Kennedy was looking for people to join the Peace Corps
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?
Many Americans are craving real choices. Right now, most Republicans aren't seeing much difference between the two Parties. The leadership says one thing, but then does another.

Obama got his entire agenda through on Boehner and McConnells's watch. And now you get Paul Ryan, another feckless RINO. There is no opposition. Most Republicans feel betrayed. They're disillusioned. Unless things change, the Democrats will be in control for many years to come.
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Ah, but they don't say exactly that.

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