Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...

Many Americans are craving real choices. Right now, most Republicans aren't seeing much difference between the two Parties. The leadership says one thing, but then does another.

Obama got his entire agenda through on Boehner and McConnells's watch. And now you get Paul Ryan, another feckless RINO. There is no opposition. Most Republicans feel betrayed. They're disillusioned. Unless things change, the Democrats will be in control for many years to come.

I see a lot of difference between Trump and the Democratic, over-regulating, freedom stealing socialist candidates. On the left it's more of the same or worse, no hope what-so-ever.
Many Americans are craving real choices. Right now, most Republicans aren't seeing much difference between the two Parties. The leadership says one thing, but then does another.

Obama got his entire agenda through on Boehner and McConnells's watch. And now you get Paul Ryan, another feckless RINO. There is no opposition. Most Republicans feel betrayed. They're disillusioned. Unless things change, the Democrats will be in control for many years to come.

I see a lot of difference between Trump and the Democratic, over-regulating, freedom stealing socialist candidates.

I hear ya, but the powers-that-be don't want him. They've already made it clear they'll do everything possible to make sure he isn't the Nominee. That's the Republican 'Leadership' for ya. Makes perfect sense. They've been fuckin their membership over for years.
Many Americans are craving real choices. Right now, most Republicans aren't seeing much difference between the two Parties. The leadership says one thing, but then does another.

Obama got his entire agenda through on Boehner and McConnells's watch. And now you get Paul Ryan, another feckless RINO. There is no opposition. Most Republicans feel betrayed. They're disillusioned. Unless things change, the Democrats will be in control for many years to come.

I see a lot of difference between Trump and the Democratic, over-regulating, freedom stealing socialist candidates.

I hear ya, but the powers-that-be don't want him. They've already made it clear they'll do everything possible to make sure he isn't the Nominee. That's the Republican 'Leadership' for ya. Makes perfect sense. They've been fuckin their membership over for years.

No doubt Washington has been screwing over the middle-class and poor for years, if Democrats don't come to their senses, hold their Party to their fair share of responsibility, they may very well end up winning but ..

moving foward.jpg
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Strawman. What are your examples?
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Ah, but they don't say exactly that.

Still no examples
Many Americans are craving real choices. Right now, most Republicans aren't seeing much difference between the two Parties. The leadership says one thing, but then does another.

Obama got his entire agenda through on Boehner and McConnells's watch. And now you get Paul Ryan, another feckless RINO. There is no opposition. Most Republicans feel betrayed. They're disillusioned. Unless things change, the Democrats will be in control for many years to come.

I see a lot of difference between Trump and the Democratic, over-regulating, freedom stealing socialist candidates.

I hear ya, but the powers-that-be don't want him. They've already made it clear they'll do everything possible to make sure he isn't the Nominee. That's the Republican 'Leadership' for ya. Makes perfect sense. They've been fuckin their membership over for years.

No doubt Washington has been screwing over the middle-class and poor for years, if Democrats don't come to their senses, hold their Party to their fair share of responsibility, they may very well end up winning but ..

View attachment 70141

Winning is all that matters to those folks. It's all a big 'Win-Win' for them. They're the pampered wealthy Ruling Class Elite. They're on the same team at the end of the day. I mean, how else can you explain Hussein getting his entire agenda passed? There is no opposition. That's just an illusion for the Sheeple.
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Strawman. What are your examples?

From this board alone….


Do Liberals Want a Nation of Mindless, Obedient Wimps?

Ann Coulter (an actual Conservative of Standing) has said much worse.
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Ah, but they don't say exactly that.

Still no examples
answers??? it speaks for itself
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Strawman. What are your examples?

From this board alone….

25 Quotes That Prove Liberals Don't Love America

Do Liberals Want a Nation of Mindless, Obedient Wimps?

Ann Coulter (an actual Conservative of Standing) has said much worse.

I'm talking about the Democrat party, you're just talking about one poster.

So you read my list and thought wow, Republicans do the same, but you still can't think of anything ...
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?

And Conservatives never say anything like that? Really?

Ah, but they don't say exactly that.

Still no examples
answers??? it speaks for itself

Yes, that you have no examples. This should be easy, yet three of you now and zero examples ...
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?
[Rhetorical] What class of Americans do liberals seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Indeed, for decades liberals have sought to defend various classes of persons from government attack, attacks initiated for the most part by conservatives – from segregation in the 50s to voting rights in the 60s to discrimination against gay, transgender, and Muslim Americans today, liberals have fought to defend their protected liberties from conservatives hostile to their civil rights.

In the last few months alone we’ve seen conservatives in Texas attack the privacy rights of women, in Georgia and North Carolina conservatives have sought yet again to disadvantage the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and now Muslim Americans have come under attack by conservatives advocating that Muslims be ‘registered’ with the government, all the consequence of the right’s fear of diversity and dissent, and conservatives’ politics of dividing the American people for some perceived partisan gain.
why do liberals abort their own by the millions?
you ask me a question I can't answer but I'm sure there are many reasons one would do that bet if men were able to give birth the numbers of abortions would skyrocket
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?
[Rhetorical] What class of Americans do liberals seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Indeed, for decades liberals have sought to defend various classes of persons from government attack, attacks initiated for the most part by conservatives – from segregation in the 50s to voting rights in the 60s to discrimination against gay, transgender, and Muslim Americans today, liberals have fought to defend their protected liberties from conservatives hostile to their civil rights.

In the last few months alone we’ve seen conservatives in Texas attack the privacy rights of women, in Georgia and North Carolina conservatives have sought yet again to disadvantage the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and now Muslim Americans have come under attack by conservatives advocating that Muslims be ‘registered’ with the government, all the consequence of the right’s fear of diversity and dissent, and conservatives’ politics of dividing the American people for some perceived partisan gain.
and even today they're still trying to diminish voting rights in largely dem areas
"we bitch to no end about how the left divides the nation along identity lines"

Your bitching is without merit and is in fact a lie, as ‘the left’ does no such thing.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who, for the most part, seek to divide Americans: the right’s hostility toward gay Americans, Muslim Americans, and transgender Americans are but a few examples.

Republicans are going to take away your social security checks!

Republicans want to go back to white only bathrooms!

Republicans want to pay you less because you're a woman!

Corporations won't pay you a living wage unless we make them!

Liberals don't divide? Come again?
[Rhetorical] What class of Americans do liberals seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Indeed, for decades liberals have sought to defend various classes of persons from government attack, attacks initiated for the most part by conservatives – from segregation in the 50s to voting rights in the 60s to discrimination against gay, transgender, and Muslim Americans today, liberals have fought to defend their protected liberties from conservatives hostile to their civil rights.

In the last few months alone we’ve seen conservatives in Texas attack the privacy rights of women, in Georgia and North Carolina conservatives have sought yet again to disadvantage the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and now Muslim Americans have come under attack by conservatives advocating that Muslims be ‘registered’ with the government, all the consequence of the right’s fear of diversity and dissent, and conservatives’ politics of dividing the American people for some perceived partisan gain.
and even today they're still trying to diminish voting rights in largely dem areas

You're full of it, that's just a DNC talking point you mindless drones parrot endlessly
why do liberals abort their own by the millions?
And here is yet another example of the right’s politics of division and the propensity of most conservatives to lie.

Indeed, the quoted poster above has a long and shameful posting history of hate and bigotry directed toward Muslims, attacks devoid of merit or facts.

you cant answer my question can you- or you could just be honest and admit liberals only give a shit about themselves.
why do liberals abort their own by the millions?
And here is yet another example of the right’s politics of division and the propensity of most conservatives to lie.

Indeed, the quoted poster above has a long and shameful posting history of hate and bigotry directed toward Muslims, attacks devoid of merit or facts.

You're going to have to explain how that's a lie. 53 million abortions have been performed in the US, over a million a year. How is the statement a "lie?"

It's the stupid way liberals argue. I'm pro-choice. Reminding you since liberals have no long term memory, but the statement is clearly true
'Why do Republicans eat their own? Identity politics...'

1. Lack of Leadership & Unity
Reagan unified the party, and one of Reagan's Rules was for Republicans to never attack / talk bad about other Republicans, at least in the public eye - something the Democrats have mastered...for the most part. (Bernie has been violating that a little lately, resulting in Hillary 'snapping' at a Bernie supporter the other day.)

2. Ego / GREED / Lust For Power / Desire to MAINTAIN Power
Let's be honest: Millionaire, elitist self-appointed Oligarchist 'Rulers' - also known as our 'beloved' career politicians' who have thrown aside their duties of 'elected servants of the people' for their new self-given titles AS 'Rulers' - have expended a great many years and much effort to acquire their wealth, positions, and power. They have given themselves the power to be exempt from the law, have given themselves raises whenever they feel like it - despite their failures or inability to do anything OR how much the country suffers. They will do anything - ANYTHING - to keep / maintain all of that money, power, positions, and prestige. That includes attacking citizens from the floor of the House or Senate, using the IRS to attack political enemies, and even bashing their fellow Republicans who threaten all of this (as Trump does) - to include fellow members of Congress.

3. FEAR:
This goes hand-in-hand with pt #2. Trump scares the hell out of politicians on both sides, to be honest. When Trump says he does not owe anyone, that when he gets in office and sees a problem he will call upon the BEST, MOST QUALIFIED person/group to quickly resolve the problem what he is really doing is THREATENING the 'good ol' boy', 'political', special interest, Union, 'you-scratch-my-back-and-I-will-scratch-yours-and-we-will-all-get-rich' system that plagues our government but which has made elected officials who go to Washington filthy stinking rich...and corrupt. No one up there wants that to change, and Trump quite frankly frightens them.

When the (original) TEA Party rose up, at the height of it's power, it helped swing elections, helped the GOP take back the House. The GOP was ecstatic how this movement seemingly went after Democrats....until the TEA Party started turning its attention toward the GOP as well, beginning to hold the GOP leadership as equally accountable. Boehner and McConnell didn't like THAT, so they began a war with the TEA Party. In the last election McConnell even walked out on-stage at the convention holding a rifle, began talking about Conservative Principles, talked about the GOP 'Big Tent', then declared there was NO ROOM under that 'tent' for TEA Party Conservatives. The truth is he recognized them as a threat to POLITICIANS, not just Democrats.

Obama recognized them as a threat to him and fellow Democrats, which is why the 'rogue members' of the IRS began quietly targeting 'Patriots', 'TEA Party', and other such groups. There was nothing quiet about Boehner's and McConnell's approach - they declared war on this new upstart group that threatened their grasp on Washington and the power that came with it.

Trump is a manifestation of the people's frustration and anger, a 'Frankenstein' created by Boehner, McConnell, and all the other WE-GOP who stopped representing and speaking for the people and went 'all-in' for themselves. So they are, again, openly trying to destroy him - publicly - and in doing so 'squashing this 'radical' notion that Republicans have come to believe, that THEY control the party and have a say in how the government is run. We can't have that now, can we! The people must be put back into their place.'

Just my humble opinion...

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