Why do Republicans forgive private business, but not government?

Because private business is we, the people, the government is not

Exxon Mobile would be glad to hear you say that.

"Corporations are people my friend".

And the government, which we "vote" into office, has no connection with the people who "vote" them into office.

you're so ignorant that you don't even understand the legal definition that considers corporations as "persons".

that was done so that the employees would not be personally liable for the actions of the corporation.

Exxon Mobil provides good paying employment for thousands of americans, it gives them good benefits and chances for advancement. Their products provide jobs for millions of other americans and keep our economy and our country moving.

But I know, oil is evil and we should all be living in the woods and eating leaves instead of killing mother earth with evil oil.

BTW, you are an idiot. :lol:
sums it up rather nicely

The difference is that we're not forced to give to corporations.....unless we elect to not have health insurance then we're forced to pay the govt.

No one is forcing you to stay in this country. Being born here gives you the right to live here "free". Why do you think you have the right to live here FOR "free"?

Of course no one is forcing you or I to stay in this country. Any citizen of the US has the right to demand that their govt spend efficiently. No one said anything about free. Taxation is a necessity for a govt to operate. Excessive taxation and frivolous spending which is occurring at record levels is a recipe for disaster....and we are headed there.
Rdean is what happens when you take politics way too seriously. Friends don't let friends Rdean
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The purpose of a corporation is to maximize shareholder value. That's it. A corporation isn't going to pretend it really cares about you, it's not going to pick life's winners and losers, it isn't able to force anything on you, and while it would love to have you use their products and services forever, it cannot make you do so.

The typical politician can look you right in the face and tell you how much they "care", and how "fair" they're going to make everything. Yet in reality, their top priorities are fundraising and re-election. What an insult. And worse, they're doing it all with your tax money.

There are, obviously, crooks and liars everywhere. The difference between those in corporations and those in government is that those in the corporation aren't taking your money with taxes, they have competition, and they're honest about their goals.

That won't stop the affection for and devotion to government felt by so many. They're willing to forgive all the lies and mistreatment, like an abused wife.

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It's a shame that nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.

Try using actual references, specific company names, and quotes. Shock us all by posting something of substance.

Why don't you try that yourself?

Here's some info for you. Occupy Wall Street is right. The money really is all at the top. The middle class is gone, Congress is being paid to do exactly what they are told because the top 1% doesn't care about the other 99%.

Here's the top 14 of the 400 wealthiest Americans in 1985:

1. Sam Moore Walton, 67, Bentonville, Ark., Wal-Mart discount stores, $2.8 billion.
2. Henry Ross Perot, 55, Dallas, Electronic Data Systems, $1.8 billion.
3. David Packard, 73, Los Altos Hills, Calif., Hewlett-Packard, $1.5 billion.
4. Margaret Hunt Hill, 70, Dallas, inheritance, oil, $1.4 billion.
5. Caroline Rose Hunt Schoelikopf, 62, Dallas, inheritance, oil and real estate, $1.3 billion.
6. Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., 57, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
7. Donald Edward Newhouse, 56, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
8. David Rockefeller, 70, New York and Tarrytown, N.Y., inheritance, banking and real estate, $1 billion.
9. Henry Lea Hillman, 66, Pittsburgh, industrialist, $1 billion.
10. John Werner Kluge, 71, Charlottesville, Va., and New York, Metromedia, $1 billion. 11. Helmsley, Harry Brakmann, 76, New York, real estate, $1 billion.
etc. down to
14. Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 79, New York, inheritance (publishing), $180 million.

Roughly $16 billion, correct?

Now compare it to the top 14 wealthiest Americans in 2013 and note the difference in actual dollars:

Bill Gates
$72 B 57 Medina, Washington Microsoft
Warren Buffett
$58.5 B 83 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison
$41 B 69 Woodside, California Oracle
Charles Koch
$36 B 77 Wichita, Kansas diversified
David Koch
$36 B 73 New York, New York diversified
Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B 58 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
Jim Walton
$33.8 B 65 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Alice Walton
$33.5 B 64 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B 69 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Michael Bloomberg
$31 B 71 New York, New York Bloomberg LP
Sheldon Adelson
$28.5 B 80 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
Jeff Bezos
$27.2 B 49 Seattle, Washington Amazon.com
Larry Page
$24.9 B 40 Palo Alto, California Google
Sergey Brin
$24.4 B 40 Los Altos, California

The richest 14 Americans less than 30 years ago had about the same income as No. 26 on the current Forbes 400 list: Paul Allen of Microsoft who has $15.8B.

Even translated into 2013 dollars from 1985, that's still a gross discrepancy. And these people have paid for what is happening to us ALL now.

You can fire Congress, burn every one of them at the stake, but the billionaires will just buy themselves a bunch of new whores and continue with their party.
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sums it up rather nicely

The difference is that we're not forced to give to corporations.....unless we elect to not have health insurance then we're forced to pay the govt.

No one is forcing you to stay in this country. Being born here gives you the right to live here "free". Why do you think you have the right to live here FOR "free"?

I think you are confusing the terms "free of charge" with "liberty" here, asshat.

Another indication that stupidity is the new gold standard of the left.
Seriously, rtard...what IS your mother tongue? Because I don't think it is English.

If it is, I would love to know where you went to school, because whoever is responsible for your deplorable communication skills needs to be held accountable.
I have seen kids from households where the native tongue of their PARENTS is not English exhibit the same huge gaps in their understanding....but not in INTELLIGENT or FUNCTIONAL families. They actually have grants that addresses the unique communication issues those children have..they have these immense gaps in their comprehension and their ability to communicate. I have actually been instrumental in seating children in those programs based on the fact that they have been raised by people who were intoxicated 3/4 of the time as well.

I think the grant came after your school years, and for that I am truly sorry.
Rdean is what happens when you take politics way too seriously. Friends don't let friends Rdean

no kidding
seems some people eat, sleep and breath nothing but politics...it consumes their lives so much they come up with threads like this.... it has to be a miserable existence...
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It's a shame that nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.

Try using actual references, specific company names, and quotes. Shock us all by posting something of substance.

Why don't you try that yourself?

Here's some info for you. Occupy Wall Street is right. The money really is all at the top. The middle class is gone, Congress is being paid to do exactly what they are told because the top 1% doesn't care about the other 99%.

Here's the top 14 of the 400 wealthiest Americans in 1985:

1. Sam Moore Walton, 67, Bentonville, Ark., Wal-Mart discount stores, $2.8 billion.
2. Henry Ross Perot, 55, Dallas, Electronic Data Systems, $1.8 billion.
3. David Packard, 73, Los Altos Hills, Calif., Hewlett-Packard, $1.5 billion.
4. Margaret Hunt Hill, 70, Dallas, inheritance, oil, $1.4 billion.
5. Caroline Rose Hunt Schoelikopf, 62, Dallas, inheritance, oil and real estate, $1.3 billion.
6. Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., 57, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
7. Donald Edward Newhouse, 56, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
8. David Rockefeller, 70, New York and Tarrytown, N.Y., inheritance, banking and real estate, $1 billion.
9. Henry Lea Hillman, 66, Pittsburgh, industrialist, $1 billion.
10. John Werner Kluge, 71, Charlottesville, Va., and New York, Metromedia, $1 billion. 11. Helmsley, Harry Brakmann, 76, New York, real estate, $1 billion.
etc. down to
14. Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 79, New York, inheritance (publishing), $180 million.

Roughly $16 billion, correct?

Now compare it to the top 14 wealthiest Americans in 2013 and note the difference in actual dollars:

Bill Gates
$72 B 57 Medina, Washington Microsoft
Warren Buffett
$58.5 B 83 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison
$41 B 69 Woodside, California Oracle
Charles Koch
$36 B 77 Wichita, Kansas diversified
David Koch
$36 B 73 New York, New York diversified
Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B 58 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
Jim Walton
$33.8 B 65 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Alice Walton
$33.5 B 64 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B 69 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Michael Bloomberg
$31 B 71 New York, New York Bloomberg LP
Sheldon Adelson
$28.5 B 80 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
Jeff Bezos
$27.2 B 49 Seattle, Washington Amazon.com
Larry Page
$24.9 B 40 Palo Alto, California Google
Sergey Brin
$24.4 B 40 Los Altos, California

The richest 14 Americans less than 30 years ago had about the same income as No. 26 on the current Forbes 400 list: Paul Allen of Microsoft who has $15.8B.

Even translated into 2013 dollars from 1985, that's still a gross discrepancy. And these people have paid for what is happening to us ALL now.

You can fire Congress, burn every one of them at the stake, but the billionaires will just buy themselves a bunch of new whores and continue with their party.

two things: the Fed has been driving down the value of the dollar, note the difference between the 2 lists

If Capitalism worked as the CommProgs suggest the list would be static
If a government installation blew up the way that company did in Texas, Republicans would go on endlessly about "bad government and incompetency".

After BP, Republicans apologized to BP and blocked BP being investigated. What if a government accident dumped millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf? Would Republicans be so "generous" and forgiving?

Every time Apple comes out with a new phone with all it's "glitches" or Microsoft comes out with a new buggy "Windows", Republicans don't seem particularly concerned. But when the government opens a new website catering to millions and millions of people and it crashes at the beginning, it's "proof" the government can't get anything right.

Republicans say only private industry can handle healthcare. Yet medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy and many Republicans feel the VA is the best healthcare in the world.

Why the double standard? Do you want even more examples?

" government of the people, by the people, for the people,"
The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

I am NOT forced to buy their products so I make a decision to purchase their goods/services that is my right!
ACA is FORCING people to BUY a service that is
A) NOT NEEDED by 18 million people who make over $50,000 are under 34 and pay their health care expenses out of pocket.. YET ACA is forcing them WHY?
B) ACA used 46 million as "uninsured' as rationale for ACA! Subtract 18 million that don't want i.e. the above you have 28 million left!
C) 14 million of the 28 million DON"T KNOW they are already eligible for MEDICAID yet idiots using 46 million don't seem to get it! They are already eligible!
D) That leave 14 million of which 10 million are NOT CITIZENS!!!!
Less the 4 million that truly want and need health insurance could be provided a $5,000 premium which covers their health care .. Cost NOTHING as it
would be taxed like ACA is taxing tanning salons... TAXING lawyers $270 billion a year at 10% generates $27 billion enough to cover the truly 4 million that need it!
CommProgs :p Sounds funny coming from a Teapublican :D ;)

you know rdean is right Frank :eusa_naughty:
It's a shame that nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.

Try using actual references, specific company names, and quotes. Shock us all by posting something of substance.

Why don't you try that yourself?

Here's some info for you. Occupy Wall Street is right. The money really is all at the top. The middle class is gone, Congress is being paid to do exactly what they are told because the top 1% doesn't care about the other 99%.

Here's the top 14 of the 400 wealthiest Americans in 1985:

1. Sam Moore Walton, 67, Bentonville, Ark., Wal-Mart discount stores, $2.8 billion.
2. Henry Ross Perot, 55, Dallas, Electronic Data Systems, $1.8 billion.
3. David Packard, 73, Los Altos Hills, Calif., Hewlett-Packard, $1.5 billion.
4. Margaret Hunt Hill, 70, Dallas, inheritance, oil, $1.4 billion.
5. Caroline Rose Hunt Schoelikopf, 62, Dallas, inheritance, oil and real estate, $1.3 billion.
6. Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., 57, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
7. Donald Edward Newhouse, 56, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
8. David Rockefeller, 70, New York and Tarrytown, N.Y., inheritance, banking and real estate, $1 billion.
9. Henry Lea Hillman, 66, Pittsburgh, industrialist, $1 billion.
10. John Werner Kluge, 71, Charlottesville, Va., and New York, Metromedia, $1 billion. 11. Helmsley, Harry Brakmann, 76, New York, real estate, $1 billion.
etc. down to
14. Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 79, New York, inheritance (publishing), $180 million.

Roughly $16 billion, correct?

Now compare it to the top 14 wealthiest Americans in 2013 and note the difference in actual dollars:

Bill Gates
$72 B 57 Medina, Washington Microsoft
Warren Buffett
$58.5 B 83 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison
$41 B 69 Woodside, California Oracle
Charles Koch
$36 B 77 Wichita, Kansas diversified
David Koch
$36 B 73 New York, New York diversified
Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B 58 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
Jim Walton
$33.8 B 65 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Alice Walton
$33.5 B 64 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B 69 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Michael Bloomberg
$31 B 71 New York, New York Bloomberg LP
Sheldon Adelson
$28.5 B 80 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
Jeff Bezos
$27.2 B 49 Seattle, Washington Amazon.com
Larry Page
$24.9 B 40 Palo Alto, California Google
Sergey Brin
$24.4 B 40 Los Altos, California

The richest 14 Americans less than 30 years ago had about the same income as No. 26 on the current Forbes 400 list: Paul Allen of Microsoft who has $15.8B.

Even translated into 2013 dollars from 1985, that's still a gross discrepancy. And these people have paid for what is happening to us ALL now.

You can fire Congress, burn every one of them at the stake, but the billionaires will just buy themselves a bunch of new whores and continue with their party.

Do I smell the odor of the taint of the Socialist Beast raising it's head breathing down on all of us?

I have no problem with these people making the money they do.

I have happily contributed to the pockets of some of them because I really like the products they put out. Others have not seen much, if any of my money because I dislike their product or their company. Luckily for them, other do like their product and company.

I do not look forward to my "voluntary" donation to the Federal Government when so much of it is wasted on and in Government give-aways used to keep Socialists in power.
It's a shame that nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.

Try using actual references, specific company names, and quotes. Shock us all by posting something of substance.

Why don't you try that yourself?

Here's some info for you. Occupy Wall Street is right. The money really is all at the top. The middle class is gone, Congress is being paid to do exactly what they are told because the top 1% doesn't care about the other 99%.

Here's the top 14 of the 400 wealthiest Americans in 1985:

1. Sam Moore Walton, 67, Bentonville, Ark., Wal-Mart discount stores, $2.8 billion.
2. Henry Ross Perot, 55, Dallas, Electronic Data Systems, $1.8 billion.
3. David Packard, 73, Los Altos Hills, Calif., Hewlett-Packard, $1.5 billion.
4. Margaret Hunt Hill, 70, Dallas, inheritance, oil, $1.4 billion.
5. Caroline Rose Hunt Schoelikopf, 62, Dallas, inheritance, oil and real estate, $1.3 billion.
6. Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., 57, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
7. Donald Edward Newhouse, 56, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
8. David Rockefeller, 70, New York and Tarrytown, N.Y., inheritance, banking and real estate, $1 billion.
9. Henry Lea Hillman, 66, Pittsburgh, industrialist, $1 billion.
10. John Werner Kluge, 71, Charlottesville, Va., and New York, Metromedia, $1 billion. 11. Helmsley, Harry Brakmann, 76, New York, real estate, $1 billion.
etc. down to
14. Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 79, New York, inheritance (publishing), $180 million.

Roughly $16 billion, correct?

Now compare it to the top 14 wealthiest Americans in 2013 and note the difference in actual dollars:

Bill Gates
$72 B 57 Medina, Washington Microsoft
Warren Buffett
$58.5 B 83 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison
$41 B 69 Woodside, California Oracle
Charles Koch
$36 B 77 Wichita, Kansas diversified
David Koch
$36 B 73 New York, New York diversified
Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B 58 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
Jim Walton
$33.8 B 65 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Alice Walton
$33.5 B 64 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B 69 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Michael Bloomberg
$31 B 71 New York, New York Bloomberg LP
Sheldon Adelson
$28.5 B 80 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
Jeff Bezos
$27.2 B 49 Seattle, Washington Amazon.com
Larry Page
$24.9 B 40 Palo Alto, California Google
Sergey Brin
$24.4 B 40 Los Altos, California

The richest 14 Americans less than 30 years ago had about the same income as No. 26 on the current Forbes 400 list: Paul Allen of Microsoft who has $15.8B.

Even translated into 2013 dollars from 1985, that's still a gross discrepancy. And these people have paid for what is happening to us ALL now.

You can fire Congress, burn every one of them at the stake, but the billionaires will just buy themselves a bunch of new whores and continue with their party.

two things: the Fed has been driving down the value of the dollar, note the difference between the 2 lists

If Capitalism worked as the CommProgs suggest the list would be static

So in 2012 total value of the list of richest 14 $478 billion!!
Remember this is Assets minus debts right???
So in 2008 households and nonprofits held $40,814,000,000 (That's trillions)) which is 1%!!!!

OH HUMMM... YAWN!!! BIG f...king deal! so 14 billionaires are moaning about and THAT's less the 1% of all households $40 trillion!


Total Assets of the U.S. Economy $188 Trillion, 13.4xGDP : rutledgecapital.com
It's a shame that nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.

Try using actual references, specific company names, and quotes. Shock us all by posting something of substance.

Why don't you try that yourself?

Here's some info for you. Occupy Wall Street is right. The money really is all at the top. The middle class is gone, Congress is being paid to do exactly what they are told because the top 1% doesn't care about the other 99%.

Here's the top 14 of the 400 wealthiest Americans in 1985:

1. Sam Moore Walton, 67, Bentonville, Ark., Wal-Mart discount stores, $2.8 billion.
2. Henry Ross Perot, 55, Dallas, Electronic Data Systems, $1.8 billion.
3. David Packard, 73, Los Altos Hills, Calif., Hewlett-Packard, $1.5 billion.
4. Margaret Hunt Hill, 70, Dallas, inheritance, oil, $1.4 billion.
5. Caroline Rose Hunt Schoelikopf, 62, Dallas, inheritance, oil and real estate, $1.3 billion.
6. Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., 57, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
7. Donald Edward Newhouse, 56, New York, publishing, $1.1 billion.
8. David Rockefeller, 70, New York and Tarrytown, N.Y., inheritance, banking and real estate, $1 billion.
9. Henry Lea Hillman, 66, Pittsburgh, industrialist, $1 billion.
10. John Werner Kluge, 71, Charlottesville, Va., and New York, Metromedia, $1 billion. 11. Helmsley, Harry Brakmann, 76, New York, real estate, $1 billion.
etc. down to
14. Haupt, Enid Annenberg, 79, New York, inheritance (publishing), $180 million.

Roughly $16 billion, correct?

Now compare it to the top 14 wealthiest Americans in 2013 and note the difference in actual dollars:

Bill Gates
$72 B 57 Medina, Washington Microsoft
Warren Buffett
$58.5 B 83 Omaha, Nebraska Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Ellison
$41 B 69 Woodside, California Oracle
Charles Koch
$36 B 77 Wichita, Kansas diversified
David Koch
$36 B 73 New York, New York diversified
Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B 58 Jackson, Wyoming Wal-Mart
Jim Walton
$33.8 B 65 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Alice Walton
$33.5 B 64 Fort Worth, Texas Wal-Mart
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B 69 Bentonville, Arkansas Wal-Mart
Michael Bloomberg
$31 B 71 New York, New York Bloomberg LP
Sheldon Adelson
$28.5 B 80 Las Vegas, Nevada casinos
Jeff Bezos
$27.2 B 49 Seattle, Washington Amazon.com
Larry Page
$24.9 B 40 Palo Alto, California Google
Sergey Brin
$24.4 B 40 Los Altos, California

The richest 14 Americans less than 30 years ago had about the same income as No. 26 on the current Forbes 400 list: Paul Allen of Microsoft who has $15.8B.

Even translated into 2013 dollars from 1985, that's still a gross discrepancy. And these people have paid for what is happening to us ALL now.

You can fire Congress, burn every one of them at the stake, but the billionaires will just buy themselves a bunch of new whores and continue with their party.

two things: the Fed has been driving down the value of the dollar, note the difference between the 2 lists

If Capitalism worked as the CommProgs suggest the list would be static

You think $16B is roughly $513B in today's dollars?


Forum List
