Why Republicans Lose All the Time

Since when did the MSM report facts? They tried to convince the American people that Trump colluded with Russia and now they defund Hunter Biden.

Trump did collude with Russia. The evidence is in the Mueller Report. Paul Manafort plead guilty to giving Republican polling data to a Russian Spy. Junior’s Trump Tower Meeting. All of that is collusion, but collusion isn’t a crime

There was insufficient evidence of a conspiracy between the Russians, and the Trump campaign to indict and convict. It’s all in the Mueller Report.

So just dropped the whole “Russian hoax” thing because that’s been totally debunked by the Mueller Charges and convictions.

What do people defend Hunter Biden from exactly? What exactly has he been charged with?

For 30+ years Republicans have been investigating and making claims about the criminal behaviour of Democrats and you haven’t charged anybody with anything. Every time you close the book and say no criminal charges, you start another investigation that finds nothing.

The only people Republicans seem capable of, and investigating and convicting, are other Republicans. All of the Trump staffer arrests and convictions happen under Trump’s DOJ.

You haven’t produced any evidence that Hunter Biden has committed an indictable offense. Nothing. All you have is allegations, accusations, and innuendo.

You haven’t charged him with anything you’re just judicially harassing him on no evidence of any crime.
I'd wager they lose a lot because making a country better and pushing for morals, standards, values and pride is hard. Being responsible for yourself is hard. And so on.

Democrats give easy solutions. For instance, "Gun violence? Ban guns" and most Americans are lazy and not that smart and love easy answer and want magic bullets that just instantly solve all problems. Democrats also blame the boogeyman which is easy to do. Have a problem? Just print more money, problem solved. They tell minorites nothing is their fault, it's always someone else's fault. Basically democrats play to the lowest common denominator.

People don't want to work hard to fix problems, look at themselves, be responsible, have a moral code. They want quick and easy, and democrats take the path of least resistance.
Trump did collude with Russia. The evidence is in the Mueller Report. Paul Manafort plead guilty to giving Republican polling data to a Russian Spy. Junior’s Trump Tower Meeting. All of that is collusion, but collusion isn’t a crime

There was insufficient evidence of a conspiracy between the Russians, and the Trump campaign to indict and convict. It’s all in the Mueller Report.

So just dropped the whole “Russian hoax” thing because that’s been totally debunked by the Mueller Charges and convictions.

What do people defend Hunter Biden from exactly? What exactly has he been charged with?

For 30+ years Republicans have been investigating and making claims about the criminal behaviour of Democrats and you haven’t charged anybody with anything. Every time you close the book and say no criminal charges, you start another investigation that finds nothing.

The only people Republicans seem capable of, and investigating and convicting, are other Republicans. All of the Trump staffer arrests and convictions happen under Trump’s DOJ.

You haven’t produced any evidence that Hunter Biden has committed an indictable offense. Nothing. All you have is allegations, accusations, and innuendo.

You haven’t charged him with anything you’re just judicially harassing him on no evidence of any crime.


Thanks for your wonderful logorrheic post.

Curious. Take any issue and it is the RW using emotion. Let’s go easy this time. Abortion. Despite the fact. Scientific fact. Medical fact. That in 99% of abortions the Fetus is not viable at the time of the procedure

Thanks for helping OP make his point. This is NOT true. You should read the story of Kermit Gosnell, abortionist who was convicted in a court of law for MURDER, at least one woman and many babies. Yes, babies were murdered (legal definition. In God's eyes and the eyes of logical people, ALL the babies were murdered but Gosnell murdered some who were beyond the legal age limit set by [not always Godly] law)

And if you think he is the only one.. Well, hopefully other baby murderers learned from what happened to him? Life imprisonment.

Good riddance.. should have gotten the death penalty...
Great, yet another Trumplican Derangement Syndrome thread.


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