Why do Republicans Over-Exaggerate The Threat From Radical Islam

How does it change the tone of the thread? Can you explain the difference between radical Islam and moderate Muslims that support suicide bombings of civilian targets?

That's the problem with you people...you really find no distinction between "Radical Islam" and "Muslims"....except when you want to pretend like you do, like some have been in this thread.

I really meant to replace "Radical Islam" with "Muslims" when I first posted the thread, its a clear answer to the other one by that Rabid RW reactionary poster on USMB, and I forgot to change all the words when I cut and paste.

You are correct.

I do not see the difference between people who blow themselves up to kill civilians and the people who think that doing so is justified. Can you explain the difference?

Why aren't you answering my questions about Islam and slavery? Does it bother you that Islam is inherently racist?

This post is a good summary of exactly what the OP is talking about.

Quantum sees no difference between Osama-hating american muslims, and Osama himself.
The moment christians stop taking creationism seriously, i'll stop taking the old testament seriously.

I couldn't care less about debating history, someone could just as easily take the side opposite of yours. You're motivated to excuse the actions of christians and denounce the actions of muslims, hence your positions. If people stopped killing for religious reasons the same amount of killing would continue under a different excuse. It's human nature.

I'm saying based on american history recent and distant, there's zero reason for americans to be concerned with anyone killing them in the name of any religion.

That is really spectacularly ignorant.

Please call the families of these people today and let them in on your insightful message:

"Medical charity: 6 Americans among 10 killed by militants in remote area of N Afghanistan"

SNIPPET: "KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Six Americans and two other foreigners on a medical mission were shot and killed by the Taliban who ambushed their vehicles in a remote part of northern Afghanistan, a charity said Saturday. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity.""
Charity: 6 Americans on medical team among 10 killed by militants in remote Afghanistan

"The Mass began at 5:00. A 5 h15 we were praying, and suddenly the Muslim terrorists broke into the church. There was no resistance. They are easily entered into the church. I do not know their exact number. I was with my sister and my brother Odai martyr martyr and her little boy, Adam, and Martha and her daughter and everyone around us."
“I am Michelle, one of the hostages held by Muslim terrorists in the Baghdad church massacre’ « Bare Naked Islam

Ok my apologies, I should've specified "americans in war-torn afghanistan are at threat to be killed by afghans."

The ones in the church weren't Americans. They are Christians who live in Islamic countries. These people don't give a shit who you are. If you aren't one of them, they think they can kill, rape, beat you at their pleasure.
That is really spectacularly ignorant.

Please call the families of these people today and let them in on your insightful message:

"Medical charity: 6 Americans among 10 killed by militants in remote area of N Afghanistan"

SNIPPET: "KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Six Americans and two other foreigners on a medical mission were shot and killed by the Taliban who ambushed their vehicles in a remote part of northern Afghanistan, a charity said Saturday. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity.""
Charity: 6 Americans on medical team among 10 killed by militants in remote Afghanistan

"The Mass began at 5:00. A 5 h15 we were praying, and suddenly the Muslim terrorists broke into the church. There was no resistance. They are easily entered into the church. I do not know their exact number. I was with my sister and my brother Odai martyr martyr and her little boy, Adam, and Martha and her daughter and everyone around us."
“I am Michelle, one of the hostages held by Muslim terrorists in the Baghdad church massacre’ « Bare Naked Islam

Ok my apologies, I should've specified "americans in war-torn afghanistan are at threat to be killed by afghans."

The ones in the church weren't Americans. They are Christians who live in Islamic countries. These people don't give a shit who you are. If you aren't one of them, they think they can kill, rape, beat you at their pleasure.

Your post says 6 of the 8 killed were americans.


Ok my apologies, I should've specified "americans in war-torn afghanistan are at threat to be killed by afghans."
"In Buffalo, the moderate Muslim beheader and bridge-builder to the West, Muzzammil Hassan, was [FONT=times new roman,times]granted the right[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] Monday to act as his own attorney. That should make for some interesting trial transcripts. Hassan had an attorney, Jeremy Schwartz, but Schwartz told the judge that he met with Hassan on Friday and they had an impasse and "irreconcilable differences and opinions" that go to the heart of the defense.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Muzzammil Hassan was a respected Muslim businessman in Buffalo. He founded the BridgesTV network several years ago to improve the image of Muslims in the United States. But now he is standing trial for the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]decapitation[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] of his estranged wife, Aasiya Zubair Hassan, in February 2009. He beheaded her at his company's office in Orchard Park, New York -- that's right, in the offices of BridgesTV. Police records show that Muzzammil Hassan had abused Aasiya for years. And that means that the Buffalo-area Muslim community writ large ought to be on trial as well; they knew of the brutal violence Aasiya suffered and apparently kept silent. The [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]Muslim community knew[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] of Hassan's abuse."[/FONT]

"...And in Arizona, an Iraqi Muslim named Faleh Almaleki went on trial this week for murdering his daughter for being too "westernized."

American Thinker: Honor Killing in America
[FONT=times new roman,times]The horror of these young girls, terror-stricken victims who live in homemade concentration camps, is given the imprimatur of the West in its complicit silence. Notice how news accounts never mention the religion of the people involved. The West is intent upon putting an urbane face on bloodthirsty savagery. The West looks away, and more girls lead desperate, brutal lives. The "feminists" look away and pretend that Islamic honor killing is outside the realm of women's rights. The leftists are tools of Islamic jihad: these useful idiots are on someone's payroll, or else they fear Islam so much that they are willing to see these girls die. "[/FONT]

"...As Muslim populations grow in the West, the status of women diminishes. The horrific murders of wives, daughters, moms, and sisters are the worst and ultimate punishment of Islamic gender apartheid, and something we see on the rise in the West. "

American Thinker: Honor Killing in America
It looks like AllieBaba is in the "All Muslims are Radical Muslims" camp.
Sorry Allie, giving a handful of instances of a muslim killing one or a few people won't cause me to judge almost 2 billion of them.

I could pick any group on the planet I wanted to be bigotted against if I judged them on what the worst .000001% of them do.
That's the problem with you people...you really find no distinction between "Radical Islam" and "Muslims"....except when you want to pretend like you do, like some have been in this thread.

I really meant to replace "Radical Islam" with "Muslims" when I first posted the thread, its a clear answer to the other one by that Rabid RW reactionary poster on USMB, and I forgot to change all the words when I cut and paste.

You are correct.

I do not see the difference between people who blow themselves up to kill civilians and the people who think that doing so is justified. Can you explain the difference?

Why aren't you answering my questions about Islam and slavery? Does it bother you that Islam is inherently racist?

This post is a good summary of exactly what the OP is talking about.

Quantum sees no difference between Osama-hating american muslims, and Osama himself.


I see no difference between Osama and the 1 in 4 young American Muslims who think that suicide bombers targeting civilian targets is justified. Do you know that more Muslims in Pakistan categorically oppose suicide bombings of civilians than do so here in the United States? Are you also aware that people are actually blowing themselves up over there? Can you explain to me why I, knowing this, should not think that you are deluded?

It looks like AllieBaba is in the "All Muslims are Radical Muslims" camp.

Yeah, and of everyone on this board she's the quickest to pull the "you're a christian hater!" card. Yet every other one of her posts shows her to be exactly what she tries to paint others as, a religious bigot.
Sorry Allie, giving a handful of instances of a muslim killing one or a few people won't cause me to judge almost 2 billion of them.

I could pick any group on the planet I wanted to be bigotted against if I judged them on what the worst .000001% of them do.

Sorry, drock, if I don't give much credence to the person who said there is zero threat from Islam.
You are correct.

I do not see the difference between people who blow themselves up to kill civilians and the people who think that doing so is justified. Can you explain the difference?

Why aren't you answering my questions about Islam and slavery? Does it bother you that Islam is inherently racist?

This post is a good summary of exactly what the OP is talking about.

Quantum sees no difference between Osama-hating american muslims, and Osama himself.


I see no difference between Osama and the 1 in 4 young American Muslims who think that suicide bombers targeting civilian targets is justified. Do you know that more Muslims in Pakistan categorically oppose suicide bombings of civilians than do so here in the United States? Are you also aware that people are actually blowing themselves up over there? Can you explain to me why I, knowing this, should not think that you are deluded?


I could worry about some poll, or I could worry about what american muslims do in the US.

What do you think is more relevant?
You are correct.

I do not see the difference between people who blow themselves up to kill civilians and the people who think that doing so is justified. Can you explain the difference?

Why aren't you answering my questions about Islam and slavery? Does it bother you that Islam is inherently racist?

This post is a good summary of exactly what the OP is talking about.

Quantum sees no difference between Osama-hating american muslims, and Osama himself.


I see no difference between Osama and the 1 in 4 young American Muslims who think that suicide bombers targeting civilian targets is justified. Do you know that more Muslims in Pakistan categorically oppose suicide bombings of civilians than do so here in the United States? Are you also aware that people are actually blowing themselves up over there? Can you explain to me why I, knowing this, should not think that you are deluded?


Clearly bears repeating.
It looks like AllieBaba is in the "All Muslims are Radical Muslims" camp.

Yeah, and of everyone on this board she's the quickest to pull the "you're a christian hater!" card. Yet every other one of her posts shows her to be exactly what she tries to paint others as, a religious bigot.

Yet another supporter of Islam and defender of terrorism who doesn't know what the term "bigot" means.

What a shocker.
A better measurement would be % of deaths.

You can include 9/11, give me the % of american homicides in the last 50 years or so that the killer executed in the name of islam, then give me the % done in the name of christianity/hinduism/atheism/etc.

The US gov't wastes a lot of money on a lot of dumb shit, a bigotry-based witch hunt would be the dumbest of all time.

Gimme a damn break.

Keep your word

What's my word? I asked for a basic representation of why the Us gov't should be "cautious" as you put it towards muslims. I would think a basic study of american homicides caused by this over a wide range of time would be a good indication as to whether or not this is necessary. Wouldn't you?

My apologies, would you like US taxpayers equally spent investigating christianity, islam, hinduism, buddhism, atheism etc?

If yes, then I agree I was wrong.

I agreed.

Now keep your word.
Sorry Allie, giving a handful of instances of a muslim killing one or a few people won't cause me to judge almost 2 billion of them.

I could pick any group on the planet I wanted to be bigotted against if I judged them on what the worst .000001% of them do.

Sorry, drock, if I don't give much credence to the person who said there is zero threat from Islam.

Again my apologies, the US government should be concerned about .00000000001% of muslims killing in the name of islam.

That's a far cry from 0...........................................

The best way of course to combat the tiny number of radical muslims, is stop giving them reasons to become radical (our foreign policy).

But I can assure you if the middle east were full of christians they wouldn't be saying "thank you america, please send over some more bombs and cruise misslies, the last batch was so much fun!" Their religion is 100% inconsequential.
It looks like AllieBaba is in the "All Muslims are Radical Muslims" camp.

Yeah, and of everyone on this board she's the quickest to pull the "you're a christian hater!" card. Yet every other one of her posts shows her to be exactly what she tries to paint others as, a religious bigot.

Yet another supporter of Islam and defender of terrorism who doesn't know what the term "bigot" means.

What a shocker.

Name one pro-islam, or pro-terrorist thing I've ever said in my history of posting on this board.

I've said it once, I'll say it now, and I'll say it many more times later, I view all religions as equally stupid.
...Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. "

"The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson,World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:

How Many People Have Been Killed By Muslims? | UNCOVERAGE.net

So let's see the comparable numbers that can be attributed to Christians killing people in the name of Christ.
Gimme a damn break.

Keep your word

What's my word? I asked for a basic representation of why the Us gov't should be "cautious" as you put it towards muslims. I would think a basic study of american homicides caused by this over a wide range of time would be a good indication as to whether or not this is necessary. Wouldn't you?

My apologies, would you like US taxpayers equally spent investigating christianity, islam, hinduism, buddhism, atheism etc?

If yes, then I agree I was wrong.

I agreed.

Now keep your word.

Fair enough, describe what you meant when you said we should be "cautious" of all muslims.

Did you support the idea of government having a panel to investigate islam?
The moment christians stop taking creationism seriously, i'll stop taking the old testament seriously.

I couldn't care less about debating history, someone could just as easily take the side opposite of yours. You're motivated to excuse the actions of christians and denounce the actions of muslims, hence your positions. If people stopped killing for religious reasons the same amount of killing would continue under a different excuse. It's human nature.

I'm saying based on american history recent and distant, there's zero reason for americans to be concerned with anyone killing them in the name of any religion.

That is really spectacularly ignorant.

Please call the families of these people today and let them in on your insightful message:

"Medical charity: 6 Americans among 10 killed by militants in remote area of N Afghanistan"

SNIPPET: "KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Six Americans and two other foreigners on a medical mission were shot and killed by the Taliban who ambushed their vehicles in a remote part of northern Afghanistan, a charity said Saturday. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity.""
Charity: 6 Americans on medical team among 10 killed by militants in remote Afghanistan

"The Mass began at 5:00. A 5 h15 we were praying, and suddenly the Muslim terrorists broke into the church. There was no resistance. They are easily entered into the church. I do not know their exact number. I was with my sister and my brother Odai martyr martyr and her little boy, Adam, and Martha and her daughter and everyone around us."
“I am Michelle, one of the hostages held by Muslim terrorists in the Baghdad church massacre’ « Bare Naked Islam

Ok my apologies, I should've specified "americans in war-torn afghanistan are at threat to be killed by afghans."

As I said, I'm sick of the limp wristed apologetics who insist that the people being butchered are the problem.

I suppose those people in Darfur have it coming, too?
That is really spectacularly ignorant.

Please call the families of these people today and let them in on your insightful message:

"Medical charity: 6 Americans among 10 killed by militants in remote area of N Afghanistan"

SNIPPET: "KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Six Americans and two other foreigners on a medical mission were shot and killed by the Taliban who ambushed their vehicles in a remote part of northern Afghanistan, a charity said Saturday. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told The Associated Press in Pakistan that they killed the foreigners because they were "spying for the Americans" and "preaching Christianity.""
Charity: 6 Americans on medical team among 10 killed by militants in remote Afghanistan

"The Mass began at 5:00. A 5 h15 we were praying, and suddenly the Muslim terrorists broke into the church. There was no resistance. They are easily entered into the church. I do not know their exact number. I was with my sister and my brother Odai martyr martyr and her little boy, Adam, and Martha and her daughter and everyone around us."
“I am Michelle, one of the hostages held by Muslim terrorists in the Baghdad church massacre’ « Bare Naked Islam

Ok my apologies, I should've specified "americans in war-torn afghanistan are at threat to be killed by afghans."

As I said, I'm sick of the limp wristed apologetics who insist that the people being butchered are the problem.

I suppose those people in Darfur have it coming, too?

Lol you can't make a single post without twisting words, inputting lies and wildly sensationalizing everything in a desperate attempt to grab at emotions.

Where did I say ANYTHING remotely close to it being the americans faults for the afghans killing them?

I said them being in afghanistan at this point in history carries a threat that they could be killed by afhgans.

Just like I would tell you when the avian flu outbreak was happening you would be more at threat to get it, does that mean I'd "blame you" for getting it? Common sense will tell you no.

Allie this board is so much funner with hysterics like you on it, keep it up.

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