Why Do Republicans Pretend the War On Poverty was supposed to END POVERTY?

Well you haven't seen her on the tellie? wow. you don't need to shake her hand to know she exists. wow.

Are you seriously arguing that there aren't people on welfare who vote Republican? Come on man.
yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?
Oh I thought you asked if I KNEW any republicans on welfare. Thats why I stated I dont know the Queen. And the ironic part is you just proved yourself wrong because obviously I dont need to know the Queen or Welfare republicans to know they exist

can you prove there are republicans on welfare? No you cannot. Can i prove there is a queen? yepppers.

I will be you for a post: Prove to me there is a queen of England
I never asked you to prove a queen of England.

So you cant prove it then? Does that mean she disappeared?
prove what?
Are you seriously arguing that there aren't people on welfare who vote Republican? Come on man.
yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
Are you seriously arguing that there aren't people on welfare who vote Republican? Come on man.
yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?


That's a good one, mind if I steal it for use against a few liberals here who ask a million questions but never answer any?
yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
so why would he think they'd vote democrat then? hmmmmmm
In another thread on poverty republicans or conservatives kept saying that the war on poverty "hasnt worked".

When asked what they thought the goal of the war on poverty was many stated the usual "Liberals said..." followed by impossible things never said by anyone.

Of course if you believe the war on poverty was supposed to make everyone rich, I have bad news for you.

If you believed the war on poverty was supposed to end poor people existing, no wonder you think it "failed"

If you thought that the war on poverty meant everyone would live like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, I understand your frustration.

except that poverty has risen in the last 40 years OP, mostly under lib watch- carter, clinton, obama.

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?


That's a good one, mind if I steal it for use against a few liberals here who ask a million questions but never answer any?
I owe no man any answer when he can't answer mine. it's all they do is avoid an answer. It is the liberal tool.
Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
so why would he think they'd vote democrat then? hmmmmmm

Son, I've actually came to the conclusion that you literally are retarded and thus any further conversation with you is a waste of time. Good day
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
so why would he think they'd vote democrat then? hmmmmmm

Son, I've actually came to the conclusion that you literally are retarded and thus any further conversation with you is a waste of time. Good day
ah, I'm so so upset. good I really don't care. When you can't answer my question, then you are in the same category as a libturd.
So back to the OP ClosedCaption are you prepared to admit that when LBJ claimed that "the war on poverty" would defeat poverty he meant beat poverty?

Obviously you must answer yes or risk looking like a jc456.
So back to the OP ClosedCaption are you prepared to admit that when LBJ claimed that "the war on poverty" would defeat poverty he meant beat poverty?

Obviously you must answer yes or risk looking like a jc456.

Nope, he clearly said to cure and prevent it. No one with a brain will ever think someone wants to end something that cannot be ended. I understand why people think its a failure when they expect the impossible.

But whats worse is that this bunch doesnt believe that at all. Its no way. So they are playing this game where they just go "Well but He SAID IT" like that means anything in any other facet in their life.
Where is it said in the constitution that it's the federal government's job to have anything to do with education PERIOD?

Read this article

The History Of Federal Government In Public Education: Where Have We Been And How Did We Get Here?

Pretty interesting and tells the history of the national government being involved in education LONG before the DoE became an entity.
There is no constitutional right to education in this country. The Department Of Education is unconstitutional. It should be abolished for that reason alone. You want a constitutional right to education for all? Then try to ammend the constitution.

Well, you are right and you are wrong.

You are right in that the government isn't required to provide an education. You are wrong in that they are also not PROHIBITED from doing so. You see, the 10th Amendment cuts both ways.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

You see, the states have GIVEN the federal government the power to nationalize education. if you don't like that you are welcome to fight to change the over riding opinion of the 50 states.

Now since we've determine that the government DOES have the authority to regulate education, THAT then brings the 14th Amendment into play which means all states MUST provide an equal education to everyone.

By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to read the link I provided, it really shows that you are interested in a conversation

/ sarcasm
The federal government has no authority, the states have the authority in all of this. The states MUST do nothing the feds say on education if they do not wish to. Go ahead and google it if you'd like.

Correct, the states do not HAVE to do anything. They can choose to NOT follow federal guidelines and NOT receive federal funding. Who's argued different?
The federal income tax is also unconstitutional. Try again.
yes I am. why?

Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
I never said that, he wasn't counting on their vote. hence the 47% remark. That was a total welfare percentage.
Read this article

The History Of Federal Government In Public Education: Where Have We Been And How Did We Get Here?

Pretty interesting and tells the history of the national government being involved in education LONG before the DoE became an entity.
There is no constitutional right to education in this country. The Department Of Education is unconstitutional. It should be abolished for that reason alone. You want a constitutional right to education for all? Then try to ammend the constitution.

Well, you are right and you are wrong.

You are right in that the government isn't required to provide an education. You are wrong in that they are also not PROHIBITED from doing so. You see, the 10th Amendment cuts both ways.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

You see, the states have GIVEN the federal government the power to nationalize education. if you don't like that you are welcome to fight to change the over riding opinion of the 50 states.

Now since we've determine that the government DOES have the authority to regulate education, THAT then brings the 14th Amendment into play which means all states MUST provide an equal education to everyone.

By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to read the link I provided, it really shows that you are interested in a conversation

/ sarcasm
The federal government has no authority, the states have the authority in all of this. The states MUST do nothing the feds say on education if they do not wish to. Go ahead and google it if you'd like.

Correct, the states do not HAVE to do anything. They can choose to NOT follow federal guidelines and NOT receive federal funding. Who's argued different?
The federal income tax is also unconstitutional. Try again.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS bro?

Seriously, 16th Amendment

The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Now of course, that doesn't mandate an income tax, but it also doesn't preclude one, it simply gives Congress the authority to lay taxes.
Because that is fucking retarded. I just wanted to be clear about how retarded you are before proceeding.
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
I never said that, he wasn't counting on their vote. hence the 47% remark. That was a total welfare percentage.

You seriously believe that 47% of Americans are on welfare, or are you just quoting Romney?
There is no constitutional right to education in this country. The Department Of Education is unconstitutional. It should be abolished for that reason alone. You want a constitutional right to education for all? Then try to ammend the constitution.

Well, you are right and you are wrong.

You are right in that the government isn't required to provide an education. You are wrong in that they are also not PROHIBITED from doing so. You see, the 10th Amendment cuts both ways.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

You see, the states have GIVEN the federal government the power to nationalize education. if you don't like that you are welcome to fight to change the over riding opinion of the 50 states.

Now since we've determine that the government DOES have the authority to regulate education, THAT then brings the 14th Amendment into play which means all states MUST provide an equal education to everyone.

By the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to read the link I provided, it really shows that you are interested in a conversation

/ sarcasm
The federal government has no authority, the states have the authority in all of this. The states MUST do nothing the feds say on education if they do not wish to. Go ahead and google it if you'd like.

Correct, the states do not HAVE to do anything. They can choose to NOT follow federal guidelines and NOT receive federal funding. Who's argued different?
The federal income tax is also unconstitutional. Try again.

Have you ever actually READ the COTUS bro?

Seriously, 16th Amendment

The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Now of course, that doesn't mandate an income tax, but it also doesn't preclude one, it simply gives Congress the authority to lay taxes.
Yes...and there is nothing in there justifying a FEDERAL INCOME TAX...
Hope you're not confusing social security with welfare.

BTW, Mitt Romney even publicly stated it during his campaign run. 47%

Dude, if you really don't believe there are some people in this country who reliably vote Republican and collect SNAP or whatever, you are touched in the head.
well I agree with Romney, so you think he is as well eh?

Romney didn't claim that no Republicans were on welfare you fucking moron.
I never said that, he wasn't counting on their vote. hence the 47% remark. That was a total welfare percentage.

You seriously believe that 47% of Americans are on welfare, or are you just quoting Romney?
his number not mine. I didn't do the research, he did.
F&B acts like the constitution was written to give government supremacy over everything. He needs to read both the antifederalist and Federalist papers again if he even has.
Back on topic if we may:

"Continual dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic a subtle destroyer of the American spirit"
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1935.
Apparently once upon a time someone had a clue, no quid pro quo no eat!

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