Why do Republicans sabotage Obamacare - then say it's failing?

You want to help the America people with healthcare. I can do it with a bill that is less than a page long. It says simply:

"The affordable care act is hereby repealed along with all regulations produced by and for this act."

Don't try to put new wine in old bottles.
No one can honestly deny that Republicans have been trying to sabotage Obamacare from day one.
I honestly deny

Only if you close your eyes, ears, and brain. The proof is well documented.
sure show us. LOL you got shit.

Again, ground zero is the DNC server. has any agency looked at it? Can you be honest?

You obviously have the attention span of a gnat - but yes an agency has looked at it and reported to the FBI. Stop trying to hijack this thread with unrelated diversions. Also, keep in mind that the DNC server is "private" property - which is why the DNC didn't want FBI Republicans snooping through it - which is why the DNC hired a credible third party to analyze the server and report all relevant hacking information to the FBI. Google it...
No one can honestly deny that Republicans have been trying to sabotage Obamacare from day one.
I honestly deny

Only if you close your eyes, ears, and brain. The proof is well documented.
sure show us. LOL you got shit.

Again, ground zero is the DNC server. has any agency looked at it? Can you be honest?

You obviously have the attention span of a gnat - but yes an agency has looked at it and reported to the FBI. Stop trying to hijack this thread with unrelated diversions. Also, keep in mind that the DNC server is "private" property - which is why the DNC didn't want FBI Republicans snooping through it - which is why the DNC hired a credible third party to analyze the server and report all relevant hacking information to the FBI. Google it...
what agency looked at it?
I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People

I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People

Yes, you're very caring about other people when you're spending other people's money.

Would you rather spend more when they go to the Emergency Room?

I'd rather they pay their own bill like I pay mine. You people are the ones who decided the taxpayers would pick up the tab when you backed EMTALA. Now you're complaining about it. There is nothing that says the taxpayer have to cover the cost. You choose to cover it.

It's the law.

Damn right it is. So why are you guys on the Left spewing this bullshit crap about people dying in the streets? We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it. Why do you keep spreading these absolute lies?
We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it.

What do you imagine happens to the cost incurred for the treatment of that person, professor?
Do they think no one is noticing? There is plenty of proof of their sabotage:

Gee ... a who's-who list of forthright reporting agencies. NYT, Salon, Slate .... it don't get no better than that.

I couldn't find anything from Infowars and Breitbart. Maybe you could help me...

Sorry - I don't read either of those.

Maybe it's because your claim is invalid?
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Senate HC bill has a 12% approval rating.
Poll: Only 12% of Americans support the Senate health care plan

Citizens are staging sit ins at the Senate building as we speak, moderate republicans are desperate knowing this bill is DOA and asking dems to help them restructure this bill, hardcore republicans continue to sabatoge OC so they can blame it on dems, President Ding Dong just said we're in for a " big surprise" with the HC bill.

I'll let you put this all together to figure it out yourself.

How is that "resist" thing working out for you guys? I see a lot of spoiled children throwing tantrums and a lot of adults ignoring their antics.
Tantrums? Your typical lie. Yeah why should anyone be concerned they're about to either lose their insurance, have their rates raised and coverage cut?

Your monstrosity of a bill has a12% approval rating.
Citizens are surrounding GOP senators homes to get their point across to NOT vote for the billl.
The Resistence movement is alive and well and is growing by the day.
Angry About GOP Health Care Bill, Protesters Gather At Sen. Gardner's Office

Speaking of monstrosity of bills, your's lost you over 1000 elected seats across the country, both houses of Congress and the White House.......and you think it was the Russians. You aren't smart enough to know what will work and won't. Obamacare is collapsing under its own weight as we type back and forth. You were told it was unsustainable, but you thought it was noble and damn the cost. Go ahead and resist. Grown ups are laughing at the tantrums.
redistribute all wealth to their top 1%.

They can't be far from that goal now. I wonder what Republicans will do once a few oil/weapons/retail corporations control the planet. I guess they can crack open a nice wine bottle and declare victory?

Poor men want to be rich
Rich men want to be king.
A king ain't satisfied til he rules everything.
Yes, you're very caring about other people when you're spending other people's money.

Would you rather spend more when they go to the Emergency Room?

I'd rather they pay their own bill like I pay mine. You people are the ones who decided the taxpayers would pick up the tab when you backed EMTALA. Now you're complaining about it. There is nothing that says the taxpayer have to cover the cost. You choose to cover it.

It's the law.

Damn right it is. So why are you guys on the Left spewing this bullshit crap about people dying in the streets? We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it. Why do you keep spreading these absolute lies?
We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it.

What do you imagine happens to the cost incurred for the treatment of that person, professor?

First of all, the point was in reference to the totally ridiculous idea about people dying in the streets, which is a bullshit lie coming from the Left. People are going tot he ER now under the ACA and they will continue to do so no matter what system we end up with.

Yes, the cost of treatment in an ER is higher, but then you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

And you can stuff the 'professor' crap. Is it really that hard to avoid such nonsense?
Would you rather spend more when they go to the Emergency Room?

I'd rather they pay their own bill like I pay mine. You people are the ones who decided the taxpayers would pick up the tab when you backed EMTALA. Now you're complaining about it. There is nothing that says the taxpayer have to cover the cost. You choose to cover it.

It's the law.

Damn right it is. So why are you guys on the Left spewing this bullshit crap about people dying in the streets? We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it. Why do you keep spreading these absolute lies?
We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it.

What do you imagine happens to the cost incurred for the treatment of that person, professor?

First of all, the point was in reference to the totally ridiculous idea about people dying in the streets, which is a bullshit lie coming from the Left. People are going tot he ER now under the ACA and they will continue to do so no matter what system we end up with.

Yes, the cost of treatment in an ER is higher, but then you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

And you can stuff the 'professor' crap. Is it really that hard to avoid such nonsense?
you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

Nice way to paint me and all "lefties" with a stupid generalization there, professor.

It was the "lefties" who came up with and implemented a plan to slow the growth of costs. It did.
Obunglescare was doomed to fail from it's inception....trying to blame the right is asinine

They've had 7 years, spent $87M and held 60 votes to repeal. What else do they need?
And when the same rural America that voted for Trump lose their health care that they fucking didn't even KNOW was Obamacare, Trump will be history.
I'd rather they pay their own bill like I pay mine. You people are the ones who decided the taxpayers would pick up the tab when you backed EMTALA. Now you're complaining about it. There is nothing that says the taxpayer have to cover the cost. You choose to cover it.

It's the law.

Damn right it is. So why are you guys on the Left spewing this bullshit crap about people dying in the streets? We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it. Why do you keep spreading these absolute lies?
We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it.

What do you imagine happens to the cost incurred for the treatment of that person, professor?

First of all, the point was in reference to the totally ridiculous idea about people dying in the streets, which is a bullshit lie coming from the Left. People are going tot he ER now under the ACA and they will continue to do so no matter what system we end up with.

Yes, the cost of treatment in an ER is higher, but then you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

And you can stuff the 'professor' crap. Is it really that hard to avoid such nonsense?
you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

Nice way to paint me and all "lefties" with a stupid generalization there, professor.

It was the "lefties" who came up with and implemented a plan to slow the growth of costs. It did.

Slow the growth of costs? BULLSHIT, what you did was make it too expensive for most people to use even if they had insurance, or find a doctor who still accepts Medicaid.

You like being an asshole? Too hard to have a decent conversation? I think I'm done here, and you're going on my list as somebody that isn't worth my time any more.
Why don't Republicans care about health care for their constituents - instead of just themselves?
It's the law.

Damn right it is. So why are you guys on the Left spewing this bullshit crap about people dying in the streets? We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it. Why do you keep spreading these absolute lies?
We've got ERs and other venues for people to get treatment even if they can't pay for it.

What do you imagine happens to the cost incurred for the treatment of that person, professor?

First of all, the point was in reference to the totally ridiculous idea about people dying in the streets, which is a bullshit lie coming from the Left. People are going tot he ER now under the ACA and they will continue to do so no matter what system we end up with.

Yes, the cost of treatment in an ER is higher, but then you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

And you can stuff the 'professor' crap. Is it really that hard to avoid such nonsense?
you Lefties have never given a ticker's damn about costs. And you ignored the other options for getting treatment, we do have non-profits that provide HC to those who can't pay for it.

Nice way to paint me and all "lefties" with a stupid generalization there, professor.

It was the "lefties" who came up with and implemented a plan to slow the growth of costs. It did.

Slow the growth of costs? BULLSHIT, what you did was make it too expensive for most people to use even if they had insurance, or find a doctor who still accepts Medicaid.

You like being an asshole? Too hard to have a decent conversation? I think I'm done here, and you're going on my list as somebody that isn't worth my time any more.
You like being an asshole? Too hard to have a decent conversation? I think I'm done here, and you're going on my list as somebody that isn't worth my time any more.

Decent conversation?

Do you normally paint people with whom you converse with an insulting, judgemental generalization and call that decent?

You speak like you know facts and are educating someone. The truth is, you have no comprehensive grasp on the workings of the modern American health care industry there, professor

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