Why Do Right-Wing White Supremacists Keep Showing Up At CPAC??

Because the Republican Party is the home of white nationals and white supremacists.
There was a commentator on, that had said that BLM/ANTIFA is doing such things that the KKK(Southern White Democrats) could only dream of. Those far left radicals go in and burn down black businesses, punch old ladies, and even murder their own. A white supremacist of today just doesnt compare to the far left. Shame prog slaves are too stupid to realize this....

I am going to ask this question again just to see how long the conservatives here will avoid answering it...

What is it about the Republican/Conservative party that makes white supremacists feel they would have a better chance of siphoning off rank and file conservative voters??

For example.....there was a record number of white nationalists, neo-confederates and neo-nazis running for office as republicans....

If the Democratic party is the party of white supremacy, wouldn't it make more sense for them to run as Democrats??
Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white.
That's what you sound like to whites. We no longer give a shit about your incessant whining...
Get a damn job. Marry baby momma and only have as many children as you can afford. Then raise them.
You circumstances will improve substantially.
That doesn't explain why white supremacists keep showing up at CPAC

Is your comment what they call a "deflection"?
No, it's just the truth. You'd do the same if I droned on ad nauseam about the black panthers. Whites be showing up everywhere because this is a white country. It doesn't mean we are supremists or nationalists just because a minority says so.
Farrakhan is more of a Trump supporter...

Omar is not....

However, neither one is at CPAC.....

Any more pictures?
Anyone can go to CPAC

View attachment 510721
CPAC 2021: America UnCanceled
But can anyone expect to "siphon" conservatives by going??

What is it with white supremacists that they feel they have a better chance of siphoning from Republicans instead of Democrats??
Just like black racists, criminals, Commies and Socialists go to Democrat gatherings, it’s where they can be seen and not get their asses kicked too badly. As your OP states: they expect to get an ass whooping by showing up.
Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white.
That's what you sound like to whites. We no longer give a shit about your incessant whining...
Get a damn job. Marry baby momma and only have as many children as you can afford. Then raise them.
You circumstances will improve substantially.
That doesn't explain why white supremacists keep showing up at CPAC

Is your comment what they call a "deflection"?
No, it's just the truth. You'd do the same if I droned on ad nauseam about the black panthers. Whites be showing up everywhere because this is a white country. It doesn't mean we are supremists or nationalists just because a minority says so.
You can drone about black panthers all you want.....

Please make sure to drone on about this guy.....I would love to educate you on him and others...

I only asked a simple question and you still keep dodging it
Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white.
That's what you sound like to whites. We no longer give a shit about your incessant whining...
Get a damn job. Marry baby momma and only have as many children as you can afford. Then raise them.
You circumstances will improve substantially.
That doesn't explain why white supremacists keep showing up at CPAC

Is your comment what they call a "deflection"?
No, it's just the truth. You'd do the same if I droned on ad nauseam about the black panthers. Whites be showing up everywhere because this is a white country. It doesn't mean we are supremists or nationalists just because a minority says so.
You can drone about black panthers all you want.....

I only asked a simple question and you still keep dodging it
Why are you avoiding groups like black panthers?
Or ARMED black panthers and voting places?
Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white.
That's what you sound like to whites. We no longer give a shit about your incessant whining...
Get a damn job. Marry baby momma and only have as many children as you can afford. Then raise them.
You circumstances will improve substantially.
That doesn't explain why white supremacists keep showing up at CPAC

Is your comment what they call a "deflection"?
No, it's just the truth. You'd do the same if I droned on ad nauseam about the black panthers. Whites be showing up everywhere because this is a white country. It doesn't mean we are supremists or nationalists just because a minority says so.
You can drone about black panthers all you want.....

I only asked a simple question and you still keep dodging it
Why are you avoiding groups like black panthers?
Or ARMED black panthers and voting places?

I didn't avoid groups like the black panthers....

But can you show me cases of "armed black panthers" in voting places....

I'd love to discuss it.....even tho what you are talking about is 12 yrs ago...we can still talk about it...


By the way........the scary black men were sued by the DOJ....and this is what the "Bush appointed" DOJ prosecutor said....

"She points out that, to date, no voters have complained that the two men had intimidated them, and Abigail Thernstrom, vice-chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which is still dominated by people appointed by President Bush, has called the case against the two men "small potatoes."

Understand this is still deflection and you are still avoiding my question
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Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white. Blah blah blah white.
That's what you sound like to whites. We no longer give a shit about your incessant whining...
Get a damn job. Marry baby momma and only have as many children as you can afford. Then raise them.
You circumstances will improve substantially.
That doesn't explain why white supremacists keep showing up at CPAC

Is your comment what they call a "deflection"?
No, it's just the truth. You'd do the same if I droned on ad nauseam about the black panthers. Whites be showing up everywhere because this is a white country. It doesn't mean we are supremists or nationalists just because a minority says so.
You can drone about black panthers all you want.....

I only asked a simple question and you still keep dodging it
Why are you avoiding groups like black panthers?
Or ARMED black panthers and voting places?

I didn't avoid groups like the black panthers....

But can you show me cases of "armed black panthers" in voting places....

I'd love to discuss it.....even tho what you are talking about is 12 yrs ago...we can still talk about it...

View attachment 510733

Understand this is still deflection and you are still avoiding my question
Ah, so 12 years ago Democrats using violent threats for votes is old news and unworthy of being linked to today’s violence.

"White nationalist and Unite the Right attendee Nicholas Fuentes, de facto leader of the ultra-far-right "groyper" movement, has announced that he plans to attending a Conservative Political Action Conference gathering this weekend in Dallas, although he has not been welcomed at previous CPAC events. Since 2019, Fuentes has made a point of showing up at CPAC gatherings, likely to create friction and push the bounds of acceptable rhetoric at the American Conservative Union's events.

This year will apparently be no different. At CPAC gatherings both last year and this year, Fuentes has staged his own competing event, dubbed the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), designed to make the more "mainstream" conservatives of CPAC appear to be RINOs or "cucks." Jared Holt, a former reporter for Right Wing Watch, discussed the fraught relationship between Fuentes and CPAC -- he added that Fuentes and the "groypers" see CPAC as a way to "boost their own visibility" and attempt to "siphon off" attendees from more mainstream conservative groups."

Just because these white nationalists once got winks and nods of approval in 2016 and 2017; they think they can just show up at any Conservative political event they want to. What makes them actually think they can "siphon off" conservatives from establishment mainstream groups?? Shouldn't they be at Liberal Democrat events to recruit new members?? After all, the Dems created the KKK and white supremacy; so shouldn't they be more successful attracting them instead of conservatives??

Because their democrat masters keep sending them like torpedoes to sink the conservative movement.
Man, those Dems sure are powerful.......

But wouldn't be easier for the white supremacists to just get Dems to pass the policies they want??

Yeah, they built the most efficient vote fraud system the country, and the world, has ever seen. Your hero xiden told us so.
Ok.. I am going to ask again...

Why don't white supremacists just get Democrats to pass the policies they want?

For example......White supremacists would like to end the United States as a multi-racial nation and instead make it a white ethno-state...

How come Democrats haven't done anything to make this happen yet??

I mean, at least Republicans pay lip service to it by dog whistling

Because the dems already have those policies in place you fucking retard. The conservatives have been trying to get the blacks off the plantation since the very beginning. I know history is hard for you morons, but you really should try reading some REAL history. Not the revisionist shit you swallow like a little birdy.

"White nationalist and Unite the Right attendee Nicholas Fuentes, de facto leader of the ultra-far-right "groyper" movement, has announced that he plans to attending a Conservative Political Action Conference gathering this weekend in Dallas, although he has not been welcomed at previous CPAC events. Since 2019, Fuentes has made a point of showing up at CPAC gatherings, likely to create friction and push the bounds of acceptable rhetoric at the American Conservative Union's events.

This year will apparently be no different. At CPAC gatherings both last year and this year, Fuentes has staged his own competing event, dubbed the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), designed to make the more "mainstream" conservatives of CPAC appear to be RINOs or "cucks." Jared Holt, a former reporter for Right Wing Watch, discussed the fraught relationship between Fuentes and CPAC -- he added that Fuentes and the "groypers" see CPAC as a way to "boost their own visibility" and attempt to "siphon off" attendees from more mainstream conservative groups."

Just because these white nationalists once got winks and nods of approval in 2016 and 2017; they think they can just show up at any Conservative political event they want to. What makes them actually think they can "siphon off" conservatives from establishment mainstream groups?? Shouldn't they be at Liberal Democrat events to recruit new members?? After all, the Dems created the KKK and white supremacy; so shouldn't they be more successful attracting them instead of conservatives??

Because their democrat masters keep sending them like torpedoes to sink the conservative movement.
Man, those Dems sure are powerful.......

But wouldn't be easier for the white supremacists to just get Dems to pass the policies they want??

Yeah, they built the most efficient vote fraud system the country, and the world, has ever seen. Your hero xiden told us so.
Ok.. I am going to ask again...

Why don't white supremacists just get Democrats to pass the policies they want?

For example......White supremacists would like to end the United States as a multi-racial nation and instead make it a white ethno-state...

How come Democrats haven't done anything to make this happen yet??

I mean, at least Republicans pay lip service to it by dog whistling

Because the dems already have those policies in place you fucking retard. The conservatives have been trying to get the blacks off the plantation since the very beginning. I know history is hard for you morons, but you really should try reading some REAL history. Not the revisionist shit you swallow like a little birdy.
Can you show me what white ethno-state policies that are in place??

Or is this just some shit you pulled out of your ass to deflect from the fact you can't answer a simple question?
OP is a dud. His own link states by showing up he is not welcomed and there will be probable violence with security.
I am going to ask this question again just to see how long the conservatives here will avoid answering it...

What is it about the Republican/Conservative party that makes white supremacists feel they would have a better chance of siphoning off rank and file conservative voters??

For example.....there was a record number of white nationalists, neo-confederates and neo-nazis running for office as republicans....

If the Democratic party is the party of white supremacy, wouldn't it make more sense for them to run as Democrats??
The entire plan is to divide and conquer.
It doesn't matter what color joins what side. That's the mirage. The smokescreen.
There are white supremists on both sides.
Their intentions are to infiltrate the government (OUR GOVERNMENT) and destroy it from within.
This isn't about you and me, it's about Us and Them.
And until people realize this, they will have us keep tearing each other apart.
Be Smarter.
OP is a dud. His own link states by showing up he is not welcomed and there will be probable violence with security.
He is not welcomed, this is true.....

Who would publicly welcome blatant white supremacists? You cucks prefer the covert racism so you can engage in plausible deniability....like you are doing now...

Now....why do white supremacists feel they will have a better chance of siphoning from Republicans than Democrats??

Why is this question so hard for you cucks to answer??
OP is a dud. His own link states by showing up he is not welcomed and there will be probable violence with security.
He is not welcomed, this is true.....

Who would publicly welcome blatant white supremacists? You cucks prefer the covert racism so you can engage in plausible deniability....like you are doing now...

Now....why do white supremacists feel they will have a better chance of siphoning from Republicans than Democrats??

Why is this question so hard for you cucks to answer??
Attending CPAC is like attending the county fairgrounds. You’re not there to do anything but observe unless you’re asked to speak.
Why do elected racists get invited to Democrat functions?
I am going to ask this question again just to see how long the conservatives here will avoid answering it...

What is it about the Republican/Conservative party that makes white supremacists feel they would have a better chance of siphoning off rank and file conservative voters??

For example.....there was a record number of white nationalists, neo-confederates and neo-nazis running for office as republicans....

If the Democratic party is the party of white supremacy, wouldn't it make more sense for them to run as Democrats??
The entire plan is to divide and conquer.
It doesn't matter what color joins what side. That's the mirage. The smokescreen.
There are white supremists on both sides.
Their intentions are to infiltrate the government (OUR GOVERNMENT) and destroy it from within.
This isn't about you and me, it's about Us and Them.
And until people realize this, they will have us keep tearing each other apart.
Be Smarter.
I am sure there are white supremacists on both sides...

that still doesn't answer my question......why do white supremacist groups like these keep pandering to Republicans??

Why do they think they would have an easier time siphoning from Republicans??

Do they feel their white supremacist policies are more attractive to Republicans than Democrats?
OP is a dud. His own link states by showing up he is not welcomed and there will be probable violence with security.
He is not welcomed, this is true.....

Who would publicly welcome blatant white supremacists? You cucks prefer the covert racism so you can engage in plausible deniability....like you are doing now...

Now....why do white supremacists feel they will have a better chance of siphoning from Republicans than Democrats??

Why is this question so hard for you cucks to answer??
Attending CPAC is like attending the county fairgrounds. You’re not there to do anything but observe unless you’re asked to speak.
Why do elected racists get invited to Democrat functions?
Is this where you claim Biden is racist

then I make a fool of you??
I agree with Nick Fuentes - Stephen Miller, Kristi Noem, Matt Schlapp, Matthew Whitaker, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Don Junior, Lauren Boebert, Mo Brooks, Jason Chaffetz, Dana Loesch, Glenn Beck, and Donnie himself are all RINOS!!

Well you know, put it this way. None of them are actual conservatives. They sold that bullshit out when they joined The Cult. ;)

Ah, so 12 years ago Democrats using violent threats for votes is old news and unworthy of being linked to today’s violence.

Violent threats? Nah - Dems just gave all those darkies free crack, ciggies and malt liquor for votes. :laugh2:
OP is a dud. His own link states by showing up he is not welcomed and there will be probable violence with security.
He is not welcomed, this is true.....

Who would publicly welcome blatant white supremacists? You cucks prefer the covert racism so you can engage in plausible deniability....like you are doing now...

Now....why do white supremacists feel they will have a better chance of siphoning from Republicans than Democrats??

Why is this question so hard for you cucks to answer??
Attending CPAC is like attending the county fairgrounds. You’re not there to do anything but observe unless you’re asked to speak.
Why do elected racists get invited to Democrat functions?
Is this where you claim Biden is racist

then I make a fool of you??
I don’t need to bring up Joe, who never saw a clean articulate black until 2007 or goes to 7-11 to hear accents.


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